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Film #1

A film by Jo, Lach and Jacob (with occasional, vague input from
EXT - Quiet motor way Night
A car lays over turned in a ditch, police cars and ambulances
Red and blue emergency-vehicle lights strobe, passing vehicle
headlights illuminate the crash scene periodically before plunging
it back into darkness
Police man #1
(Into a radio)
There are two casualties trapped inside the vehicle. We need fire
services immediately.
People in police/ambulance uniforms scurry around manically. A
powerful light suddenly illuminates the site. Everybody averts their
eyes, blinded.
Officials in perfect white suits walk robotically in, swarming the
scene. None of their faces are seen.
INT Classroom - daytime
The class are filing out slowly.
Tim remains in his seat, staring out of the window. He realises the
others are leaving, gets up to leave himself. He walks sullenly,
depressed and without purpose.

INT Apartment poorly lit

Tim steps through the door, dropping his bags unceremoniously.
Time lapse shows him preparing his own dinner, eating alone and
going to bed.
EXT Path - Mourning
Tim walking to school.
INT Classroom
Tim is daydreaming out of the window.
INT School science lab

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