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Will Pierce, Ahmed Khan, Josh Alcorn, Draft Biden PAC

From: Meghan Gaffney Buck, Veda Data Solutions
Re: The Colbert Bump and Draft Biden Online Targeting
Date: September 17, 2015

Will, Ahmed and Josh:

I wanted to quickly update you on the status of our ongoing targeting efforts. I am very pleased to report that
over the past six days we have seen unprecedented levels of support for the Vice President and a huge outpouring of interest in Draft Biden. The power of the Vice Presidents appearance on the Late Show with Stephen
Colbert cannot be understated: The Colbert Bump is real.
For the past few months we have been building a predictive pipeline for voter outreach and fundraising. All our
efforts online and offline - from digital ads to volunteer phone calls - inform our modeling and have allowed
Draft Biden to be efficient and effective at identifying potential Biden supporters. To those ends, we have seen
incredible growth over the past week. I am pleased to report that we have seen a huge increase in online supporter and acquisition. There has been an over 800% increase in daily signups since the Vice Presidents appearance on Colbert.
Right now, we are seeing the highest conversion rates in our campaign. Voters are signing up at SIX TIMES the
rate traditionally seen by political campaigns. There are thousands of likely supporters signing up waiting to find
out how they can support the Vice President.
The National Supporter Model that we have developed and continue to develop is allowing us to deliver our
message directly to primary voters who will most likely support the Vice President. We are targeting nationally,
but have devoted additional resources to New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada as these first four
contests will require an extra jumpstart should the Vice President decide to jump into the race. Engagement in
these early states is consistent with our national engagement--- SIX TIMES the typical rate of signupand we
expect that to continue.
All of this data points to one real conclusion: The American people saw the Vice Presidents emotional honesty
on display last week and are excited about the opportunity of having an honest, authentic voice in this race.
These numbers signify what weve been hearing for the past few months, that the Vice President would make a
potent force in the Democratic Primary and Americans are very interested to hear what his vision would be for
Americas future.
We will continue to update you within the next few days as we continue to collect data and continue to sign new
supporters up.

The contents of this memo are for INTERNAL USE ONLY | 1250 I St. NW, Washington, DC 20005

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