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Quiz on Augustine

Name: ___________________

1. Augustine was educated in ___________________, the most important town in Roman

2. Augustines mother _____________________ (name) was a Christian.
3. Because of a serious illness in his youth, Augustine was almost _________________, but
his parents abandoned the idea after he recovered.
4. Augustines son was named ________________________, which means
_______________ ______________________________.
5. Augustine wrote a spiritual autobiography entitled _________________________.
6. As a response to the sack of Rome, Augustine wrote ___________________________
(title) to prove that Christianity was not the cause of the sack of Rome by the Visigoths in
410 AD.
7. Manichaeism adapted its view of the eternal struggle between good and evil from the
earlier Persian religion of _________________________.
8. Augustine relates his youthful sin of stealing ________________ from a neighboring
9. Augustine was moved to pick up the Bible and read the first passage he saw because he
heard children outside his house singing,
10. Augustines best friend, who also became a Christian with him, was named ___________.
11. Augustine was not impressed by the slick rhetoric of the Manichee bishop ____________,
because his doctrinal answers lacked substance.
12. Ambrose was influenced by the preaching of ________________, the Christian bishop
whom he met in northern Italy.
13. Augustine was appointed bishop of ___________________ in North Africa.
14. What did the king of Persia do to Mani after his death?

15. How did followers of Manichaeism think that Light could be purified by the elect?

16. What is Augustines main reason why Christians should never commit suicide?

17. How does Augustine prove that infants are sinful?

18. What is Augustines worry about music in church?

19. In the City of God, Augustine ridicules the Romans polytheism by listing all the gods who
were thought to be responsible for the various aspects and stages of the production of a
single ___________________________.
20. The doctrine that men are born without sin, and acquire the habit of sinning from the
imitation of their parents, and can earn eternal life by doing good works, is the heresy of
21. Christian bishops and priests who had handed over sacred books to their Roman
persecutors during the time of Diocletian were known as ________________________.
22. _________________________ claimed to be the rightful bishop of Carthage because the
bishop Caecilian was rumored to have handed over books to the persecutors.
23. Extra credit: Name a famous Augustinian monk.

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