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Core Book:

Bears a Halo of Fire: Controls flames, uses it to attack and enhance weapons.
Carries a Quiver: Expert archer
Commands Mental Powers: Telepathy and mind control powers.
Controls Beasts: Beast companion, controls and speaks with animals.
Controls Gravity: Flight, negate ranged weapons, slow enemies
Crafts Illusions: Disguise self and areas with holograms.
Crafts Unique Objects: Master craftsman, can enhance items.
Employs Magnetism: Magneto
Entertains: Party buffer
Exists Partially Out of Phase: Phase through objects, negate attacks.
Explores Dark Places: Infiltrator. Best in darkness.
Fights with Panache: Swashbuckler
Focuses Mind over Matter: Telekinetic abilities
Fuses Flesh and Steel: Combines man and machine, built in weapons.
Howls at the Moon: Werewolf
Hunts with Great Skill: Expert hunter and tracker
Leads: Commander. Gains followers.
Lives in the Wilderness: Savage more at home in the wild than in a city
Masters Defense: Focuses on armor and shields.
Masters Weaponry: Focuses on a single weapon.
Murders: Assassin
Rages: Barbarian. More dangerous while raging.
Rides the Lightning: Controls electricity. Can travel through a bolt of lightning.
Talks to Machines: Communicates and controls machines.
Wears a Sheen of Ice: Controls cold, uses ice for offense and defense.
Wields Power with Precision: Focuses on esoteries (magic)
Wields Two Weapons at Once: Uses two weapons for offense and defense.
Works Miracles: Healer.
Works the Back Alleys: Thief.

Injecting the Weird:

Masters Insects: Controls insect swarms, uses them to attack and defend.
Sees Beyond: Can see things no others can, x-ray vision, see through time and space.

Echoes of the Prior World:

Catalogues the Past: Explorer and historian.
Maps the World: Map maker and expert navigator. Never gets lost.
Scales the Impossible: Expert mountain climber.

Fun with Physics:

Defies Gravity: Lowers personal gravity to allow powerful leaps. Can throw enemies.
Masters Inertia: Controls movement, either moving people or objects further, or stopping them.
Takes Flight: Controls personal gravity to the point where you can fly, focuses on attacking in the sky.

Playing with Fire:

Breathes Smoke and Ash: Uses ash and smoke to attack or hinder enemies.
Becomes Flash Fire: Turns into a being of living fire.
Calls Magma: Splits the earth and uses magma to attack. Can shape magma, and create constructs.

Ninth World Assassins:

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