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The Lord is my shepherd, I

lack nothing.
He takes me to lush
pastures, he leads me to
refreshing water.
He restores my strength. He
leads me down the right
paths for the sake of his

David (/devd/; Hebrew: ,, ,

, ,, Modern David, Tiberian Dw
; ISO 2593 Dawid; Arabic: Dwd; Syria
c: Dawid; Greek: ; Stron
g's: Daveed) was, according to
the Bible, the second king of
the United Kingdom of Israel and
Judah, and according to the New
Testament Gospels of
Matthew and Luke, an ancestor
of Jesus. His life is conventionally
dated to c. 1040970 BC, his
reign over Judah c. 10101002

Even when I must walk

through the darkest valley, I
fear no danger, for you are
with me; your rod and your
staff reassure me.
You prepare a feast before
me in plain sight of my
enemies. You refresh my
head with oil; my cup is
completely full.

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