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package threeInARowGame;
import java.util.Scanner;

* @author Benjamin Chinwe Detta ett spelprogram fr tv spelare. Den frsta att
* f sin tagg i tre platser i rad vinner spelet.

public final class ThreeInARowGame {

private String[][] table; // spelbord matris
String playerLebel;

// klass konstruktr

public ThreeInARowGame() {

table = new String[3][3]; // reservera minnesutrymme fr spelbord

Scanner inputLetter = new Scanner(; // read from standard in

int moves = 0;

System.out.println("Detta ett spelprogram fr tv spelare.\n"

+ "Den frsta att f sin tagg i tre platser i rad vinner spelet.");


System.out.println("Lt oss spela tre-i-rad (ThreeInARowGame). ");

System.out.print("Vi har tv spelare X och O. Vlj som spelar frsta X eller O !: "

playerLebel = inputLetter.nextLine().toUpperCase(); //Acceptera spelare tag och kon

createBoard(); // kalla metod fr att visa spelplanen.

// while statement - att iterera att acceptera koordinaterna och kontrollera vinnar
while (moves <= 9) {

if (moves > 8) { // if-statement att kontrollera om spela slut att rita


System.out.println("A Draw!");

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t Properties.

Den frsta att

vinner spelet.");

lar frsta X eller O !: ");

ptera spelare tag och konvertera till vre brev

na och kontrollera vinnare eller rita

ela slut att rita

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if (playerLebel.equals("X")) { //if-statement att kontrollera om spelare tag r

makeMove(inputLetter, playerLebel); // metod fr att ta emot spelare X spel

if (moves > 4) {

createBoard(); // kalla metod fr att visa spelplanen.

if (checkWinner(playerLebel)) { // if-statement att kontrollera om spel

System.out.println(playerLebel + " You Win!!!");


} else {

makeMove(inputLetter, playerLebel); //metod fr att ta emot spelare O spel

if (moves > 4) {

if (checkWinner(playerLebel)) { //if-statement att kontrollera om spela

createBoard(); // kalla metod fr att visa spelplanen.
System.out.println(playerLebel + " You Win!!!");


createBoard(); // kalla metod fr att visa spelplanen.

moves++; // rknare fr att hlla rkningen p antalet drag under spelets gng
if (playerLebel.equals("X")) {
playerLebel = "O";

} else {

playerLebel = "X";


* @param args the command line arguments

* main metoden fr att starta programmet.


public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO code application logic here

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ThreeInARowGame threeInARowGame = new ThreeInARowGame();

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rollera om spelare tag r X eller O

tt ta emot spelare X spel koordinater

t att kontrollera om spelare X r vinner

t ta emot spelare O spel koordinater

att kontrollera om spelare O r vinner

drag under spelets gng

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// metod fr att visa spelplanen.
public void createBoard() {

for (String[] table1 : table) {

for (int j = 0; j < table1.length; j++) {

if (table1[j] == null) {


} else {


if (j < 2) {


} else {


public void makeMove(Scanner enteredLetter, String playerAlphabet) {

int r;
int c;

Boolean goodInput = false;

while (!goodInput) {
r = -1;
c = -1;

System.out.println("Player " + playerAlphabet + " enter coordinates to play ");

System.out.println(playerAlphabet + ": 0 - 2) : ");

if (enteredLetter.hasNextInt()) { // must be integers


r = enteredLetter.nextInt();

System.out.println(playerAlphabet + ": 0 - 2) : ");

if (enteredLetter.hasNextInt()) {
c = enteredLetter.nextInt();

} else {

enteredLetter.nextLine(); // consume a line without an integer

System.out.println("Both inputs must be integers between 0 and 2.");



// must be in the right coordinate range

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r coordinates to play ");

etween 0 and 2.");

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if ((r < 0) || (r > 2) || (c < 0) || (c > 2)) {

System.out.println("Both inputs must be integers between 0 and 2.");

} // make sure the space is not occupied

else if (table[r][c] != null) {

System.out.println("That location is occupied");

} else {

table[r][c] = playerAlphabet;


public boolean checkWinner(String playerAlphabet) {

int playInRow = 0;

int playDiagonal1 = 0;
int playDiagonal2 = 0;

int[] playInColumn = new int[table[0].length]; // assumes square table

for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
playInRow = 0;

for (int j = 0; j < table[i].length; j++) {

if (table[i][j] == null) {


if (table[i][j].equals(playerAlphabet)) {

if (i == j) {


} else if (i + j == 2) {


if (playInRow == 3) {

return true;

if (playDiagonal1 == 3 || playDiagonal2 == 3) {
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return true;

for (int i = 0; i < playInColumn.length; i++) {

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etween 0 and 2.");

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if (playInColumn[i] == 3) {

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return true;

return false;

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