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Part B

1. It was a chaos of feelings and emotions during the pledge. I was feeling nervous,
important and unsure all at once as I was mentally unprepared for such meaningful
ceremony. All the time, I was questioning myself over and over again: Will I be able
to accomplish what I had already promised? Will I be one who is successful in career,
in life? Well it seemed somewhat like gazillion years to me although it was only a few
minutes pledge, but in the end, I realised that fate lies upon my own hand and I shall
be the one to shape my destiny, my future. I now know what I am to be and I am
determine to strive and thrive hard no matter what to be a successful pharmacist since
this was the path I chose from the beginning and I will battle till the very end of this
journey. At the same time, I would very much like to thank my mother who supported
me all along from all aspects and had willingly enrolled me in this prestigious
university for a better future.

2. After spending a moment or two rereading the pledge, I think I am incapable of

upholding every single phrase of it for now since my mind set and responsibilities are
not that pronounced yet. However, I can promise to be one who will take my pledge
very seriously some day later to be a truly successful health care practitioner from
either professional or ethical wise. Every value stated is of uttermost importance but
there are only a few points I would like to highlight. Foster professional competency
through life-long learning. This is one of the major lines adapted from the pledge
which entices me to explore the importance of practicing life-long learning thus
provoking my efforts to strive for high ideals, teamwork and unity within the
profession. Furthermore, I am also inspired to dedicate myself to excellence in life
and practice by perpetual reassessment of personal and professional values since I had
not realise my mistakes in the past and would now like to rectify it. Upon
acknowledging my weaknesses now, I am here to be a better person and I believe I
shall be one by upholding my pledge that serve solely as a guidance to make great
pharmacists of the future!

3. Professionalism is fundamental to the practice of pharmacy and serves as a core

competency. Hence, student pharmacists are expected to demonstrate the personal
attributes and actions central to pharmacy practice upon graduation and uphold it.
Although pharmacists nowadays practice versatility-their job area is diverse, the
importance of upholding the standards of professional is still ever highly prioritised
due to infinite reasons, regardless of the job area they chose to work at. Be it
community, hospital or even industrial pharmacist requires dealing with patients or
clients from all walks of life and it is crucial to uphold the standards as a pharmacist
so that he will prioritise his patients or customers need, ensuring they lead a healthier
and more quality life besides acknowledging his responsibilities well towards the
community, pharmacy profession, business practices and other health professionals.
Ultimately, it is of uttermost importance that all pharmacists uphold their standards as
professional health care practitioners and work collaboratively to gain customers
trust and faith by providing the optimal health care service as experts in the safe and
effective use of medicines to establish a high reputation among the profession.

4. It should be a fact by now that everyone perceives honesty and punctuality as two of
the most essential criteria in life, regardless of who you are, where you come from.
These two values should indeed be inculcated and portrayed in people from every
profession, and in my case, a health care professional-pharmacist. So, why are these
qualities greatly emphasised? Well, try putting yourself in other peoples shoes.
Imagine yourself as a patient in desperate need of proper medication and you chose to
approach a pharmacist that you thought trustworthy but eventually turned out
dishonest with you. How would you feel? Then, just consider from the perspective of
punctuality, as the saying goes every minute counts and time is gold thus, with
each passing second, you might be the change in someones life. If you as a
pharmacist cannot be on time, you will definitely earn a bad reputation for keeping
your customers waiting and for being irresponsible, causing you to lose potential
customers. Ultimately, your attitude determines your altitude, hence, being a
pharmacist requires more than mere knowledge as your personality governs most of
your success in life.

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