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The capital of France is Paris.

qualities. Its important remember than this

gastronomy is famous all around the world
because the dishes are very delicate and refined.
Some dishes are:
Desserts: Crme Brule and Macaroons.


The dollar is the official circulating currency

A wonderful place to explore!

Food: Quiche Lorraine and Cassoulet.

The typical dance of this

country is the Ballet while in
the other regions the typical
dance is polca, mazurca, Las
Marcas, Escocia, Rondeau y
el Bourree.

The gastronomy has a great variety of products,

already be with different flavors and different

The typical clothing is very varied because it

depend of the historic period in which they lived.
Some examples typical clothing in past:

Cathedral Notre Dame.

Location in Paris.

Arch of Triumph.
Location in VIII Distrito de Pars.

in the

present period fashion, France is very important

because has famous designers as Louis Vuitton,
Dior, Chanel. They are recognized for its
elegance and glamour.
Historic monuments, cultural interests and

Torre Eiffel. Location

in Paris.

Shield of the Fifth Republic:

Palace of Versailles. Location in le-deFrance.


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