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The Watcher 14

Male: Please tell me who is Dominick Rabrun?

Female: He is my ex-boyfriend for 2 years now?
Male: Can you describe him?
Female: Yes. He is 5'4, 227 pounds, short hair, black. In his late 20's I
Male: What does he do?
Female: He is a short film animator from DC. He curently works at a
Starbucks every morning.
Male: How did you guys meet
Female: We met in Starbucks. He approched my good friend Mothica,
who he liked at the time. Let me tell you, his G-game was awful. But he
was a handsome dookie looking man. I walked up to him & said "Are
you Dom from Dom's Sketch Cast?" he told me "Why yes, baby girl."
We talked for 2 hours and then, we fell in love.
Male: Wow amazing, How does he treat you?
Female: He used to treat me good, until he signed to Vice. He hasn't
talked to me in 4 months now.
Male: I'm very sorry to hear that. I heard he is in London. Is this true?

Female: Yes, this is true. I miss him so much.

Male: Is he a passionate lover?
Female: No, he is wack as fuck in the bedroom. He just moans & falls
asleep. He day dreams about doing a Dom Digs.
Male: Ah I see. Now, what can I get you?
Female: May I have 10 Underwater Eddie stickers, 200 pictures of D.
Respect crying & a DVD box set of Dom Digs please? How much?
Male: That would be $3,420 and 69 cents. Debit or Credit.
Female: Debit.
Male: Okay. Here's is your reciet. Thank you for shopping. Take Care.
Female: Goodbye.

(The girl walks away& she never came back.)

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