Principia of Polyzodiacal PDF

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Principia of Polyzodiacal Astrology

by Ptolomei Svarogich
( )

( Ph.D Thesis in Astrology. English editing by Ed Falis. The public defence of the thesis
took place at the United Russian Astrological Congress 22 June 1996 11h48m UTC in
Moscow. The related materials and software can be found at )

Astrologia, omni superstitioneeliminata,

Tommaso Campanella

1. Introduction. History of astrology and medieval primary sources.
Astrology as a knowledge system............................................................................................. 3
1.1. The age of modern astrological tradition............................................................................ 5
1.2. Development of the conceptual framework and
calculating algorithms of medieval astrology..................................................................... 8
1.3. Astrology in 20th century. ................................................................................................... 9
1.4. The conceptual framework of astrology and natural science principles of thinking.. ...... 12
2. The Zodiac of a massive heavenly body ................................................................................ 17
2.1. Introduction. ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.2. Theoretical model of a zodiac for a born, situated in the vicinity of a heavenly body. .... 18
2.3. Choice of the reference point on the local equator (zodiacal circle). ............................... 25
2.4. Examples of zodiacs.. ....................................................................................................... 27
2.4.1. Terrestrial zodiac. ................................................................................................. 27
2.4.2. The Lunar zodiac.. ................................................................................................ 32 The Lunar nodes. .................................................................................... 33
2.4.3. Solar and planetary zodiacs................................................................................... 33
3. The mutual projection of two zodiacs. .................................................................................. 34
4. Symbolic times......................................................................................................................... 36
4.1. Symbolic mappings. The world line of a born ................................................................. 36
4.2. Traditional systems of symbolic time............................................................................... 38
4.2.1. Solar-terrestrial progressions. ............................................................................... 38
4.2.2. Solar-terrestrial directions..................................................................................... 39
4.2.3. Profections. ........................................................................................................... 40
5. Aspects, orbs and the technology of interpreting pinpoint accuracy.................................. 41
5.1. Aspects.. ........................................................................................................................... 41
5.2. Orbs.. ................................................................................................................................ 41
5.3. Experimental orb of "exact" aspects and the accuracy of astronomical and astrological
calculations....................................................................................................................... 43
5.4. Event-trigger points of the horoscope.. ............................................................................ 43
6. Astronomers notes. ................................................................................................................ 45
6.1. Coordinates of planets for the location of a born. The correction for parallax. ................ 45
6.2. Direct and retrograde planets. Stationary points............................................................... 46
6.3. Zodiacal conjunctions....................................................................................................... 47
6.4. The Natal horoscope as a multi-dimensional chart........................................................... 48
7. Precision rectification of the creation (birth) time and symbolic times.............................. 51
8. Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 54
9. Thanks...................................................................................................................................... 56
10. Definitions................................................................................................................................ 57
11. References................................................................................................................................ 60

1. Introduction. History of astrology and

medieval primary sources.
Astrology as a knowledge system.
Man has long been interested in the order of the universe and in the place of human
beings within that order. A longing for a knowledge, exact knowledge is perhaps
the most distinctive characteristic of the human species. Namely cosmogonist
hypotheses were among the first significant human descriptions of the surrounding
world. Many such systems eventually froze in their development and became
systems of doctrine, eventually transforming into religious systems. Such
ideologies no doubt met certain human needs for a stable context in which to
conduct societal activities. In spite of this tendency, certain communities of people,
fulfilling a role similar to that of the modern scientific community, continued to
study and develop conceptual frameworks for understanding the world.
In any sufficiently rich and formalized conceptual system it is always possible to
find statement that is impossible to prove or disprove within its set of assumptions1.
This characteristic of formal systems guarantees that no definitive and exhaustive
description of the universal order can be attained. The Universe, Nature, God is
always a developing and self-enriching essence. Not only does our knowledge of
the Universe evolve, develop and become more profound, but the Universe itself
does as well. We do well to consider the Universe as the development and
realization of the divine idea. In the Gospel of John, God is identified with Logos
(Greek ), a term which is clearly a conceptual framework for the Universe as
it is used in the original of that text in ancient Greek.
Among the oldest known doctrines are the Gnostic writings, which are fairly
criticized by both modern Christian historians and the ancient representatives of
official theology [1]. The ancient Gnostic schemes known today can hardly cause
other sensations than of dying or of impending doom. However alongside the dead
Gnostic schemes, another form of living and developing knowledge of the
Universal order (or God) existed from extreme antiquity known to us under the
name of astrology. The most prominent quality of astrology is its dialecticalness, as
its main object of study is time and the qualitative changes of divine creations with
time. The structure and essence of the time, the fundamental difference of one
moment of time from another, is the main object of astrological study.
The core of astrology is not its calculations or techniques, but its symbolism, the
laws and structure of which permeate the world and form the backbone of the
Universe. This symbolism allows us to see intrinsic relationships among
phenomena based upon their symbolic unity.
Astrology also highlights how the future crystallizes within the past. Our ability to
forecast the short-term future that is the scope of a human life, its dynamics, its
fullness of events of universal importance or of personal character illustrates of the
existence of the future as a seed within the times at which the planets were just
being formed. Astrological calculations based on the motions of the planets are in
fact counting sticks by which we learn the divine idea of which our Universe is

In mathematics this statement is known as Gdels Theorem.

woven. In assimilating the rhythms of this weaving, we form inside ourselves the
spark of the divine consciousness, becoming like God.
The particular value and distinctiveness of astrology among systems of human
knowledge is that the astrological "counting sticks" allow us to most profoundly
understand this divine idea of our Universe. Perhaps this is the real reason astrology
is the most ancient system of the human knowledge. As the author of this work
supposes that we are all doomed (or blessed) to eternal life in this inconceivably old
and young, beautiful and horrible world, rather than in some paradise or Hades, the
best thing we can do is to penetrate as deeply as possible into Gods idea. We can
become active parties in the creative work that is continually taking place in our
sight. So, although forecasting and analysing events is not the primary task of
astrology, it is one of the best ways on the human plane of evolution to recognize
and to integrate the divine idea.
The 20th century is the age of the revival of astrology as a system of exact
knowledge. Astrology has been reborn with a substantially changed appearance. It
has gained a more humanistic, even humanitarian, nature. To a considerable extent
it was revitalized as a conceptual basis of psychology. Some of the outstanding
psychologists of 20th century (e.g. Carl Gustav Jung) have found that its notional
system for describing human consciousness is very close to the structure of
astrological symbolism. The majority of prominent astrologers of the 20th century
(e.g. Dane Rudhyar) have been representatives of its psychological branch.
New names have even been invented for astrology such as astrosophy,
astropsychology, cosmobiology and so on. Certainly, these names reflect the
interests of people using the astrological notional structure and its methods of
calculation in their activities. But the use of such euphemistic names in place of
astrology shows not only the widespread intolerance of astrology, but also the
sheer affront that the existence of such a system of knowledge offers to certain
powerful communities in the modern world. The Christian fundamentalist
communities are a prominent example.
This situation reflects the significant degree of dogmatism in religious doctrines
and the drift of religious world-views as forms of knowledge toward becoming the
empty shards of their formerly vital engagement with the universal order. The
largest astrological organization in the USA carries the faint-hearted and
ambiguous name The National Council for Geocosmic Research2.
It is quite possible, that the growing influence and authority of the Catholic Church
in the 16th and 17th centuries was a contributor to the decline of medieval astrology.
Nicholas Campion3 considers that the "denouncement" of astrology by Saint
Augustine, one of the most authoritative church fathers, had a significant negative
impact on the development of astrology and brought serious problems to the
astrologers of Christian Europe [2]. Still, astrology had not completely disappeared;
it continued to exist into the 18th and 19th centuries in a form similar to fortune
telling. This period left an imprint of charlatanry on astrology, and led to a
cookbook form of practice. Astrology still has not completely recovered from
this heritage of its own "Dark Ages.

Let us note here that the loss of a true name can be sufficient cause for the loss of the essence of an

The president of the Astrological Association of England.

In the 20th century, not only has astrological symbolism been rehabilitated: the
methods of astrological calculations as an exact knowledge have also been restored.
One of the outstanding figures in the astrology of the 20th century was Alfred Witte
(2 March 1878 - 2 August 1941) [3]. While not all the techniques of his Uranian
school are indisputable, his development of Keplers method of discrete symmetries
(planetary pictures), his use of zodiacal harmonics, and his simultaneous use of
multiple equal house divisions as facets of interpretation, have had a significant
effect on the development of astrology, and will continue to do so for the
foreseeable future. The second major event in the astrology of the 20th century was
the development (or perhaps rediscovery) of the Topocentric method of
domification as a natural successor to Placidus domification. The Topocentric
method was made possible by enhancements to the accuracy and precision of
astronomical calculations [4,5].
It is regrettable that astrology as an exact science is unknown not only to the mass
of the educated public, but also to the majority of professional astrologers.
Unlike the majority of modern sciences, the history of astrology comprises many
centuries. The full reclamation of the achievements and discoveries of medieval
and ancient astrologers is impossible without the most attentive study of the history
of astrology as it interacts with general history. Among existing disciplines only
theology and history compete with astrology in age. But theology discredited itself
with dogmatism not only in the view of 20th century intellectuals, but much earlier in the 18th and 19th centuries. This fact was even reflected in some European
languages such as French and Italian (e.g. compare the meaning of words teoretico
and teorico in Italian).
At the same time, the discipline of historical study has too often been used as a tool
for political domination. Authorities have never been interested in broad (and
overdue) revisions to its methods and conclusions. Each generation of politicians
has preferred to not touch what their predecessors have done, and has merely
modified interpretations of historical periods to suit their own ideological needs.
Furthermore the scholastic tradition in science that appeared during the
Renaissance perniciously influenced many scientific disciplines for several
centuries. Only the physical sciences have completely overcome its influence. Even
biology has not completely freed itself from the scholastic tradition.


The age of modern astrological tradition.

The traditional and generally accepted opinion is that the names of the zodiacal
signs are approximately two thousand years old. This dating is calculated from the
value of the precession of the equinox of 50" of ecliptic longitude per year and that
the signs of the tropical zodiac, representing the 30 sectors of the ecliptic as
measured from the vernal equinoctial point, have taken their names from the
corresponding constellations superimposed on them at that time and have gone
from them by 30. We can assert with confidence that the existence of the 12-fold
division of the ecliptic, together with the widely used names of the zodiacal signs,
is a sufficient proof of the age of the fundamental notional system of astrology,
despite the loss of this original system.
(i.e. The Mathematical Systematic Treatise), known under
the name of the Almagest and ascribed to the ancient astronomer Claudius Ptolemy

from Alexandria, is considered a second proof of the ancient origin of astrology.

The "Mathematical Treatise in Four Books", known as the Tetrabiblos
() [6], is also ascribed to Ptolemy. The generally accepted belief in the
existence of a developed astrological knowledge system in antiquity is founded on
the dating of the Tetrabiblos consistent with the authors life and with the dating4 of
the Almagest.
Almagest is a collection of 13 books of astronomical contents, including the results
of astronomical observations. It is alleged that the period of the astronomical
observations included in Almagest corresponds to 127-141 CE (or AD anno
domini in latin medieval tradition). These figures are the rationale for dating the
writing of the Almagest in the 2nd century CE. However, a modern mathematical
analysis of the astronomical observations of the Almagest, carried out by the wellknown 20th century astronomer Robert Newton, caused him to conclude that the
Almagest was composed in some other epoch. Robert Newton even published the
book The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy, in which he attempted to prove that the data
of the stellar catalogue was forged and that it was actually the result of
recalculation [7].
The astronomical observations of Ptolemy were independently analysed by the
Russian mathematician A.T. Fomenko5 and his co-authors [8]. Let us sketch their
results. First, the astronomical stellar catalogue of Almagest is a copy of the
catalogue of Hipparchus, the ancient Greek astronomer from Rhodes. The
traditional chronology places the life of Hipparchus in the 2nd century BCE.
Second, the stellar catalogue of Almagest could only have been created over the
interval from the 7th through 13th centuries CE. Moreover the most probable time of
its creation is the 10th or 11th century. This dating is consistent with the new
version of the universal chronology, presented in the works of A.T. Fomenko and
his co-workers [9]. From this standpoint Ptolemy was no fraud: he simply lived
more than a thousand years later (13th or 14th century) than is accepted in the
traditional chronology. But what are we to make of the displacement of the zodiacal
signs relative to the corresponding constellations as given in Almagest? The history
of the first printed editions of Almagest shed light on this question.
The first edition of Tetrabiblos was printed in Nrnberg in 1535 CE [6] in Greek,
but it contained the Latin translation as well. The first edition of Almagest was
printed 2 years later in 1537 CE in Cologne in Latin (Nunc primum edita,
Interprete Georgio Trapeuzuntio) with stellar coordinates given for 16th century.
The Albrecht Drer engravings of constellation pictures used within the text to
locate stars in the catalogue have original inscriptions dating them at 1515 CE.
Therefore, the stellar catalogue description appeared after 1515 CE6. Some of the
constellations Ara and Pegasus - can be seen inverted from their normal
appearance in the sky of the northern hemisphere. This absurdity seriously
disturbed the medieval astronomers, including Coppernic (1473-1543). Therefore,
Drer must have considered his drawings of the constellations only as works of art;
he did not even bother to verify how these constellations were seen in the sky.
Succeeding editions, including the edition in Greek from Basel (1538), nowadays
considered as "original", contain the stellar coordinates in which ecliptic longitudes

We mean dating based upon its astronomical catalogue.

Currently a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The description of the stars positions in the sky, provided by the catalogue, uses small details of
the constellation pictures in Drers engravings.

correspond to those of the 2nd century CE. Perhaps the publisher of the Latin edition
was alerted to the discrepancy between the stellar coordinates in the catalogue and
the dating of the of Ptolemys life; he "corrected" the discrepancy in later editions
by shifting the ecliptic longitudes of stars by 20 exactly7. Exactly thus located
zodiacal signs (relative to the equinox of the 2nd century CE) could give matching
names to the corresponding areas of the starry sky. These collected facts force us to
question the approach of the so-called Age of Aquarius. Besides, from our
standpoint the zodiac itself and the notion of the equinoctial point as a crossing
point of the ecliptic and the celestial equator gives no basis in favour of this
generally accepted opinion.
If we reject the legends about astrologers of antiquity of the same ilk as the story
about Nectanebus, the astrologer of Philip of Macedonia, who had predicted the
birth of Alexander the Great (and who could actually be the father of Alexander),
we have then no other reliable material in hand beyond the treatises of the medieval
astrologers (astronomers8), dated not earlier than the 14th century, and Almagest,
whose author lived in 13th or 14th century. The dating of the life of Campanus (1239
CE1296 CE), the author of one of the oldest house systems, is also questionable. It
is possible that he lived even before the author of Almagest9. We had no
opportunity to get acquainted with Ptolemys treatises using the first editions of the
15th century. Judging from the numerous works of later medieval astrologers,
devoted to the interpretation and explanation of his methods of astrological
calculations, we surmise an absence of clarity and completeness in the description
of these techniques as they are presented in his works. In the opinion of one of the
most famous French astrologers of 20th century, Alexandre Volguine, the
astrological part of Ptolemys heritage (Tetrabiblos) is a compilation presenting to
the reader three different approaches without stating the authors position [10]. But
this could be caused by the peculiarities of the Tetrabiblos languages, Greek and
Latin, as synthetic archaic languages. In our opinion, these languages require not
phrasal but block perception of the text. This peculiarity increases the probability of
its incorrect interpretation. This may happen either as a consequence of the ancient
languages evolutions, or due to mistakes in transcription and translation. Without a
first-hand acquaintance with the primary sources we do not dare to make even a
preliminary judgment on this.
Here it is necessary to note a very interesting characteristic of the stellar catalogue
of Almagest [8]. The list of stars and constellations in the catalogue begins from the
elevated pole of the celestial equator. This gives grounds to suppose that the
measurements in the initial catalogue were carried out in equatorial coordinates,
which are much more suitable from the standpoint of measurement technology. The
conversion to ecliptic coordinates occurred after the catalogues creation. The
catalogue begins with Ursae Minoris, the North Star. But this star came to be
Furthermore, in the Basel edition, the declinations of the stars were corrected. This is connected
with a more precise determination of the ecliptic position in the sky [8]. In other words, the publisher of
the Almagest did not consider it as a relic of past, and it was updated to include the results of
contemporary measurements.
We should note that before the 18th century, scientists were not divided into astronomers and
astrologers; in Spanish dictionaries, it is even specified that in old texts under the word astrologer it is
necessary to understand an astronomer.

This is provided that Ptolemy really existed and was the author of the Almagest. As is well known,
no biographic data on him exists.

nearest to the elevated pole only in the 9th century CE. Before this time, the nearest
star to the elevated pole was Ursae Minoris. Thus, having begun from the North
Star, the compiler of the Hipparchus-Ptolemy catalogue has signed out the epoch of
his own observations - approximately the 9th century CE or later. This remark is not
principal for the dating of Ptolemys catalogue. However it allows us to assume the
time of creation of its more ancient prototype.

Development of the conceptual framework and
calculating algorithms of medieval astrology.
"Since the moment that the manuscript of Tolomeo made its debut in the world of
astrology, many were the people who tried to understand the mysterious directional
technique of the grand maestro but who did not arrive at the true result." [11]. It is
not an exaggeration to say that the attempt to understand the true techniques of
Ptolemy was the leitmotif of most astrological treatises of the 15th through 17th
Prior to reviewing the history of the development of the ideas and calculation
methods of medieval European astrology, we wish to beg the pardon of the reader
for the inexactness, even the associability of what we write on this subject. We
have restricted ourselves to our own highly immature version of the development of
only European astrology (plus Egypt). This is more a glimpse than a history, and is
given only to place the current work into the context of the development of
astrological ideas. We have not encountered well-documented versions of the
history of the eastern (Chinese and Indian) astrologies in European languages,
though we are aware for instance that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has
conducted such studies for many years. Even the references to the articles in
Chinese are known. With the history of Arabic astrology the situation is much
better: the medieval primary sources are known in sufficient detail and quantity.
But the familiarity of the author with the history of astrology in the Arab countries
is restricted for several reasons. First among these is his ignorance of Arabic
language. The experience of working with the primary sources in Latin and Greek
demonstrates the necessity of this condition for true understanding of the material.
Any translation is fit only for a quick overview and orientation to the material.
Second, many Arabic primary sources need to be re-dated. Third, many Arabic
archives and documents are not open for use by non-Moslems. Without overcoming
these obstacles it is difficult to construct a reasonable picture. Finally, since the
purpose of this work is not to present a history of astrology, no attempt has been
made to be comprehensive. The medieval methods are used mainly to validate the
concept of pinpoint accuracy calculations according to the principle of
We note with regret that, unlike in the conventional sciences, even serious
researchers of astrological concepts, methods and history rarely make exact
references to their sources. We have to take on trust a number of statements on the
history of medieval astrology from the publications we cite here. This may have led
to mistakes in the following review of the medieval history of European astrology.
We hope that eventually we will have a chance using primary sources to verify all
facts posited here. The situation with astrological information in our country, as
well as throughout the world, arouses our pity and vexation. Many libraries do not
subscribe to astrological journals and books. We hope that in the future the

traditions of the British Museums library and the US Library of Congress to

subscribe to practically all that is published in the world, regardless of ideology
will be supported by the largest Russian libraries, including the Russian state
library and the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
A small problem in identifying medieval authors is the transliteration of names
from national languages to Latin, Greek and Arabic in citations. Most likely, this
has not caused problems, but mistakes are possible.
The oldest known system of domification is that of Campanus (Campanus in Latin
and Campano in Italian). It is generally agreed that he was a personal astrologer of
the Pope and lived from 1239 to 1296 CE. The geometry of the Campanus system
of houses gives grounds to believe that it preceded and was an influence on the
development of the Regiomontanus system of houses.
The German astrologer Knigsberger (Regiomontanus in Latin), known in the
history of astronomy under his real name of Johann Muller (1436-1475 CE),
developed the house system known by his pseudonym. It is believed [11] that
Muller and his contemporaries were certain that this system of houses was used in
the calculations described in Tetrabiblos. William Lilly used this system in horary
astrology and for primary directions, although he did use other domification
Francesco Giuntini (Junctinus in Latin), the famous Florentine astrologer of the 16th
century, also used the Regiomontanus system. He was the author of the treatise
"Speculum Astrologiae" [11]. He could not have known the house system carrying
the name of Ptolemy (Placidus) since it was not published until 1604 CE by the
mathematician from Padova, Giovanni Luciano Magini (Antonius Maginus in
Latin10) under the title translated to English as The Second Measure of Time [12]. It
is agreed that the method of Regiomontanus was spatial, but that the method of
Ptolemy as interpreted by Maginus was temporal. William Lilly mentioned in his
book [13] that a part of the work published by him was based on the treatises and
utterances of the famous Tycho Brahe (15461601 CE).
Once Placidus de Titi (1606-1668 CE) had used the Ptolemaic system of houses to
formulate his new, very exact system of equatorial directions, known in 20th
century under the name of mundane directions of Ptolemy-Placidus (or
Placidean mundane primary directions), the majority of astrologers moved to the
use of the Ptolemaic domification in its Maginus variant. Now this domification is
known as the Placidus domification. The Regiomontanus system of houses leads to
significant mistakes in astrological calculations, as noted by Johannes Kepler
(1571-1630 CE), the pupil of Tycho Brahe. It is believed that it was for this reason
that he rejected the use of houses in astrological calculations. The Regiomontanus
system of houses persisted as the most common system of domification up to the
end of the 16th century, then almost immediately gave way to the much more exact
system of Placidus.


Astrology in 20th century.

This concludes our overview of the history of European medieval astrology. The
Placidus domification and the equatorial directions of Ptolemy-Placidus remained

Note that we are not confident that this is the same person.

the most exact methods of calculation in the astrology of events until the middle of
the 20th century. The development of astronomical calculation methods, the
augmentation of accuracy in ephemeris calculations following the discovery by
Kepler of his three laws of planetary motion, and later by Newton (and/or by Hooke
(1635-1703 CE)) of the laws of gravity has gone apace, but astrology came to a
standstill in its evolution for three centuries11. It is necessary to note that there were
purely astronomical reasons for this standstill. Formulation of an exact system of
astronomical calculations was accomplished only at the beginning of the 20th
century in the works of the outstanding American astronomer Newcomb (18351909 CE). This formulation permits further development of astrological computing
methods and an increase in their accuracy.
"Charlatanry is not only a modern phenomenon, noted Alexandre Volguine when
speaking about texts on astrology and citing an ancient manuscript as an example
[10]. We really are more familiar with the charlatanry of our own century. This
phenomenon occurs not only in astrology, but in the natural sciences as well. The
specific form of charlatanry in the astrology of the 20th century is the invention of a
new house system. Altogether there are dozens of house systems. When attempting
to understand the underlying geometry of various house systems, we usually find
that they have no geometry at all, only an algorithm of obscure origin with an
undesignated scope of applicability. Notice here that the house systems weve
inherited from past centuries all have well-described and comprehensible
geometries. Their formulae are secondary and can be derived by any competent
mathematician from a description of the geometry. Among the house systems that
have appeared in the 20th century, only three have a real geometry: Topocentric,
Koch and that of local space.
In the early sixties Koch invented a system of houses [14] that his astrological
colleagues have "perfected" by simplification of its calculations [15]. Note that
some computer programs compute something different under the name of Koch
house cusps. From here on, we will only discuss the Placidus and Topocentric
As mentioned earlier in this work, astrologers tend to lump together distinct
concepts under the notion of house system. There are at least two conceptually
different constructs indicated by the term houses. The first is the collection of
Equal House Systems, derived by equal division of the ecliptic. One can use several
of these in the analysis of a single chart. These systems are most logically and
systematically treated in the Uranian astrology of Witte [3]. It uses sectors of 30
on the ecliptic, starting from the Sun, Moon, MC, Ascendant and other points. Each
set of divisions corresponds to a different facet in interpretation. Quadrant (or
unequal) house systems are constructs of a fundamentally different nature. We
also call them systems of domification. In these systems we assign to points on the
celestial sphere a longitudinal coordinate, independent of time, in the first

This statement follows from the date of the publication of the Topocentric house system - the
beginning of the 1960s. However, we cannot dismiss the feeling that the geometry of the
Topocentric house system is much older and was elaborated 1-2 centuries before its publication by
Vendel Polich and Nelson Page.


equatorial system of astronomical coordinates [16]12. This mapping is performed in

a manner such that the longitudinal coordinate for a point exactly on the celestial
equator coincides with its usual uniform angular measure on the equator (i.e. the
difference of its right ascension, expressed in degrees, from some predetermined
starting point)13. There can only be one such mapping that is correct, just as 22 = 4,
and not 3 or 5, depending on the result we seek in order to fit to our preconceptions.
Once such a parameterization of the celestial sphere has been determined, we can
vary the reference point in a manner similar to that used on the ecliptic in the
Uranian techniques.
We did not check whether points such as the Vertex or Antivertex, which are held
to be similar to the ascendant and descendant, are effective in astrological
forecasting. We surmise that it is possible to introduce another 10 points,
complementing the Vertex or Antivertex to a 12-fold division along the prime
vertical. However it is not necessary to treat such a partitioning as a house system,
since it is yet another completely different construct. The use of the same name to
designate it can only increase the terminological mess.
We restrict the term domification to those systems providing a parameterisation of
the celestial sphere, independent of time, in the first equatorial system of
coordinates and connected with the celestial equator. This is the notion of houses
that has its basis in medieval astrological tradition. If the systems of Koch and of
local space as 12-fold divisions of the ecliptic are really effective, they are still not
house systems in the traditional medieval sense.
With Newcombs formulation of the system of astronomical calculations at the
beginning of the 20th century, it became possible to advance the accuracy of
astrological forecasting techniques. In the early sixties a series of articles appeared
in the journal Spica, describing the so-called Topocentric domification [4,5]. It is
interesting that the authors understand their system as a house system in the
traditional medieval (Ptolemaic) sense: they determine both the house cusps and
each planets coordinate within the houses. The geometry (reconstructed by the
author of the present work according to one of the formulae of the Topocentric
system) of this system is uncommonly elegant. It is a natural development of the
Regiomontanus domification. But the positions of the house cusps on the ecliptic,
and of the planets within houses, are very close to the corresponding positions
under the Placidus system. If we consider the positions of the Topocentric house
cusps to be the best approximation, given present-day accuracy, to the true
geometry that mediates the triggering of events in our world, then the calculation
errors of the Placidus method do not exceed 20'even at the latitude of Moscow. In
this system, the mathematical and geometric elegance of Regiomontanus has been
harmoniously combined with the practical accuracy of Placidus.
Unfortunately the Spica articles describing the system are full of ambiguities and
do not contain a description of its underlying geometry. The articles give only some

Throughout this work widely known astronomical notions are used without references (e.g. the
first equatorial system of astronomical coordinates). The reader can find their definitions in any
textbook on general astronomy.
Note that the oldest of the medieval systems that of Campanus, satisfies the first requirement,
but not second. The medieval astrologers after Campanus noticed that the house system must be
naturally connected with the rotation of Earth around the Polar axis and consequently with the
celestial equator. Campanus is a division of the prime vertical.


practical formulae for the calculation of the positions of the house cusps on the
ecliptic and of the positions of the planets in houses. The declared accuracy of
calculations in this system was stated to be 3' 5'
. This is so, as the formula for the
positions of the planets in houses is indeed approximate; if it is taken as exact, it
actually contradicts the formula for calculation of the house cusps on the ecliptic.
The error of the approximation compared with the exact formula (which is
consistent with the algorithm for house cusp calculation) is about 5'at middle
Furthermore, their algorithm for application of the system within the circumpolar
regions is unfortunately absent from the articles. This algorithm, known to the
authors but omitted in the articles, is most likely incorrect. There is no description
of the algorithm in the articles, but there is mention of the characteristics of its
results. The author of the present work has performed a mathematically accurate
reconstruction of the geometry of this domification, based on the Topocentric cusp
positions on the ecliptic. The exact formula for the calculation of a planets position
in the houses has been obtained, and the analytical extension of the house system
geometry into the circumpolar regions has been constructed. The characteristics of
the reconstructed geometry within the Polar circle are radically different from those
of the Topocentric domification in the Spica articles. Their confusion of an
approximate formula for planetary positions, and its inconsistency with the formula
for cusp determination, leads us to doubt the mathematical competence of the
authors of these articles. However, as a first approximation adequate for practical
calculation without a computer, this formula demonstrates a good understanding of
the geometries of both the new house system and of the Placidus system. It also
shows the high competence of a man who derived it. We suggest that the reader
should make his own conclusion as to the possible reasons for this ambiguous
This situation has compelled the author of the present work, in order to avoid
misunderstanding, to use a different name for the house system reconstructed on the
basis of the cusp formula of the Topocentric domification. We propose to name it
the Zodiacal house system. One of the main tasks of the present work is to provide
an accurate mathematical description of the characteristics of the Zodiacal house
system, and to derive the formulae for practical calculations. The word Zodiacal
has not been chosen lightly. From our standpoint the houses are the result of the
accurate projection of one zodiac onto another. The geometry and formulae derived
below are a consequence of this conceptual orientation to domification. In the
perspective of this work, the generally accepted notion of houses is a projection of
the terrestrial (earth) zodiac into the solar (conventional) zodiac.

The conceptual framework of astrology and natural
science principles of thinking.
The main task we have put before ourselves is to reformulate both astrological
calculations and the concepts upon which they are based in accordance with the
notional systems of the physical sciences of the 20th century.
The phenomenologicalness (i.e. the absence of a physical basis for its rules) of
modern astrology is its essential and as yet insurmountable defect. This defect
cannot be considered grave: physics itself does not answer the question "why"; it
only describes "how". When we find an answer to the question "why", physics

transforms into mathematics. It is agreed that we know why 22 = 4. In this sense,

the general theory of relativity, correctly named geometrodynamics, is the
mathematics describing the spacetime of the world. Newtons law of gravitation, on
the other hand, was physics. Since geometrodynamics is no longer physics, but the
mathematics of spacetime, it is necessary for consistency to describe all phenomena
occurring in space and time in accordance with its conceptual basis14. Here we have
in mind not the relativistic laws of coordinate transformation, nor the curvature of
space, nor Einsteins equations, but the basic notional system underlying the
language in which these concepts are expressed15.
In order to achieve this goal, we first need to articulate a fundamental principle, in
accordance with which astrological laws manifest in the Universe. We need to
clearly understand the nature of the phenomena represented by astrology. Holistic
philosophy provides the best language in which to examine this question.
In holistic philosophy the world comprises different wholes interacting with each
other, coming into existence and passing away in the course of their interaction.
Furthermore a whole is an ideal object. In some sense, real objects cannot exist in
time. The moving hand of a clock exists only as an abstraction, though it allows us
"to measure time". For the purpose of measuring time we treat it as a certain kind of
abstracted or ideal object, whose spatial attitude changes with respect to the face of
the clock. Such a clock hand described to an accuracy of one atom does not exist as
such: it is impossible to determine a discrete boundary between it and the
surrounding world. However, the fact that we manage to perceive the clock hand as
a whole, and to use its changing attitude relative to another whole to measure time,
shows that this ideal object is real.
Since wholes are born, persist and die in time, it is possible to treat time as an
internal measure of wholeness. It is interesting that while the clock hand dies on
one level of abstraction and becomes a different whole when a piece breaks off, on
another level it continues as a whole that can be used to measure time. In other
words, several wholes manifest or live within the same clock hand, each of which
has its own lifetime. Its no large leap to say that it is precisely its moments of birth
and death that define and designate the specific whole with which we are dealing.
While time can be used as an internal measure of wholeness, space can assume an
analogous role as an external measure - a measure of simultaneity. For the
measurement of distance between two wholes it is necessary to have a metric yet
another whole.
From the standpoint of astrology an event is the death of one whole and the birth of
another. An event occurs at a particular place and time, thus complying with the
notion of event in the theory of relativity as a collection of spatial and temporal

If our attempt here to describe the computing methods of astrology consistently with the notional
system of the theory of general relativity has been successful, then astrology really has not "lagged
behind" the other natural sciences. The International Astronomical Union only adopted the theory of
general relativity as the conceptual basis of its measurements in 1992 (!).

Note that the accurate calculation of the space-like geodesic could be necessary in the situation of
a conjunction of a planet with the Sun (superior conjunction for inferior planets), if the accuracy of
calculations must be on the order of 1 or less. The accuracy of the system of calculations proposed
in this work is not less than 10. It is probably possible to improve the accuracy of these calculations
by 1-2 orders of magnitude with no change to the conceptual basis. Current impediments to such
improvement are discussed below.


coordinates. For astrology, time and space cannot be continuous - they are like the
set of rational numbers. In astrology two moments of time are distinguished by the
wholes that are born or die within them. To emphasize this point in this perspective,
if from one moment of time to another nothing has been born or died, then there is
no third temporal point between the two.16 Yet at the same time between them there
exists a certain measure of continuous physical time. The same can be said about
space. Note that one of the basic concepts for understanding space is the notion of
The closest scientific analogue to the astrological notion of event is the idea of
catastrophe - a leap in a systems state under continuous (smooth) variation of its
parameters. In astrology, we understand an event as the same kind of discontinuous
change: one whole at its death is transformed into another being birthed.
We are now ready to characterize astrology as a knowledge system:
Astrology is a science connecting the events taking place in the world with the
motion of heavenly bodies.
When Einstein created geometrodynamics, his guiding philosophy was Machs
principle [17]. Machs principle is extremely important in the interpretation of the
Universal order. It reveals the deepest conceptual basis of the natural-scientific
world-view. Einstein aspired to develop a theory in which Machs principle would
be physically expressed. He did not achieve this, but the theory he constructed with
its inspiration turned out to be true. Mach held that space is created by matter. But
the "ether drag" by ordinary matter (e.g. the Earth) within the framework of
geometrodynamics is extremely small: for the Earth the ratio of its size to its
gravitational radius is approximately equal to 109. Machs principle also posits that
long-range action, which is formally denied by modern science, lies at the base of
modern physical concepts. All observed physical phenomena are described within
the framework of a maximum speed of interaction propagation; but the notion of
simultaneity is used as the interpretative basis of modern physical theories.
For our work Machs principle is very important because it puts a question of the
theoretical necessity for the existence of long-range phenomena. Let us briefly
formulate here the relevant argument. Let an astronaut fly in a rocket a sufficient
distance from any significant accumulation of matter. If he ignites the engine, he
feels an acceleration that presses him into the chair. Observing carefully, he notices
that he feels a pressure when he moves with acceleration relative to the remote
matter (i.e. he feels the influence of this matter on himself). Moreover this
influence is a long-range phenomenon, since he feels the pressure immediately
upon starting the engine, as though he were in the immediate vicinity of the
accumulation of matter. This effect indicates that matter can act in some long-range
way currently unknown to us. Einsteins geometrodynamics imply that the Earths
part in the formation of the space-time at the distance, equal to its size, is about 10
In the 20th century many attempts have been made to explain astrological rules in
terms of the known types of physical interactions. All of these attempts have failed.
Indeed, it is not a continuum, but a denumerable set. If we limit the denominator of the rational
numbers we consider, as is done in astrology by a practical limitation of the harmonic numbers
considered when using aspects, the situation of absence of a third point between two others divided
by the finite interval becomes possible.


One can, of course, set ones hopes on the discovery of an additional type of
interaction. It seems to us, however, that the physical phenomenon lying at the base
of astrology is not connected to either a particular type of interaction or to their
joint effects. The responsible phenomenon could turn out to be long-range. It is
interesting that the preliminary analysis of astrological observations performed on
the basis of the concepts formulated in this work supports this opinion. That is to
say: the planetary configurations causing one or another event are calculated for the
time of a coming event without taking into account the effects of planetary and
stellar aberration (i.e. without taking into account the finite velocity of interaction
propagation the velocity of light). This simultaneity is taken from the standpoint
of the frame of reference of the native with whom the described event occurs.
A zodiacal circle, the main instrument in astrological calculation and interpretation,
must be generated by a material body according to the above understanding of
astrology. The conceptual object we call the Zodiac with a capital letter is the way
to describe the astrological influences on surrounding wholes from the Sun. The
relative dynamics of the Sun and a native, whose events we study, define its
The house cusps on the conventional zodiacal circle are projections of the zodiac
generated by the Earth onto the solar zodiac. This sense of two zodiacs has been
known from antiquity. Numerous attempts have been made to define the lunar
zodiac (i.e. the zodiac generated by the Moon [18]). However no event calculations
have been attempted with the resulting constructs.
We now understand how to describe the terrestrial and solar zodiacs in a unified
way, using a common model and derivation despite the apparent differences in their
geometries. Having developed this common model, we also know how to derive the
zodiac of any massive heavenly body. It is clear a priori that the greater the distance
of a body from the Earth, or the smaller its mass, the less effect it will have on the
events of the native. From this standpoint, it seems necessary to derive and work
with a properly constructed zodiac of the Moon, as it is the closest body to us after
the Earth.
If we study the events taking place in a persons life, we become inclined to think
that the persons spirit uses planetary configurations taken in the context of one or
several zodiacs as potential turning points in his evolution. These opportunities are
realized as events. When such events are frequently and obviously indicated in a
given zodiac, we have more reason to use that zodiac in our calculations and
From this perspective on time and events the astrologers stance toward each
instant of time (epoch in astronomical terminology) becomes clear. Each instant of
time differs from the next not quantitatively, but qualitatively, as
characterized by the wholes that come into existence or pass away with it.
Astrology is precisely the study of the qualitative description of each moment of
The whole paradigm of astrology is built on the idea of the presence of the divine,
ideal order in the material world. The Zodiac is a reification of the dialectical,
evolutionary idea within the framework of the idealist Weltanschauung of the

This is most obvious in horary astrology. The practice of horary astrology is the best way to learn
to conceive the character of time.


Universe. Even a materialist will not argue with the statement that the world is
ordered by primary principles, fundamental laws of nature what an idealist would
name ideas, forms or eternal truths. Materialism only allows a certain degree of free
will in its view of the world. Moreover, it admits free will only in the form of
chaos, or as rebellion against the divine idea, rather than as a participation in the
divine work. From the astrological perspective, order in the material world is no
less harmonious and complete than in the ideal; the apparent chaos of the material
world is merely an indicator of our own inability to grasp this order as it is
It is possible that the notion of causality can be understood more profoundly in the
astrological perspective than within the framework of the modern natural-scientific
Weltanschauung. The future continuously and inevitably crystallizes in the past;
the closer the moment of an event, the less opportunity there is to change its
character. The only way to exercise true free will, rather the illusion of it, is to
foresee the possibilities of the future insofar as possible, and to become aware of
the remote consequences of our actions.
It is important to note that one of the most difficult problems in all branches of the
modern natural sciences is forecasting the evolution of long duration of a system.
Attempts to solve this problem always seem to expose fundamental technical or
conceptual difficulties. This comes as no surprise to the astrologer: permanent
evolution is overwhelmingly determined by the laws of the spirit or Logos and is
effected by means of material influences.


2. The Zodiac of a massive heavenly body



Modern development of the quantum theory of gravitation already allows us to

construct the phenomenological model of a zodiac of a massive heavenly body in
concordance with the notions of modern non-classical physics. We have in view
the Unruh effect the excitation of a detector moving with acceleration relative to
a vacuum. It is possible to distinguish the acceleration caused by gravitational
attraction from that connected with the non-inertiality of the reference system.
Here we apply only the fundamental possibility of distinguishing the force of
gravitational attraction from inertial force. So, there are no grounds to consider that
the basis of astrological rules is gravitational interaction. Furthermore, recent
developments in quantum field theory and in theories of "Grand Unification" leave
little hope of discovering a new interaction that accounts for astrological rules.
The basis of our conception is a zodiac model for a born that is in the vicinity of a
massive body. For an observer on the Earths surface three bodies predominate
the Sun, Earth and Moon and correspondingly, their three zodiacs. We cannot
however neglect planetary influences18. A zodiac is a dynamic construct in that it
depends on the motion of a given born relative to a designated heavenly massive
body. By born we mean a wholeness or person for which we study events.
The motion of an observer stationary on the Earths surface relative to the Earths
centre, or to the Sun, is the simplest case due to its closeness (with a certain
accuracy) to circular motion. The deflections of the angular parameters of the solar
and terrestrial zodiacs due to the deviation of the observers motion from ideal
circle reach only several angular minutes. It is exactly the relative insignificance of
these deviations that has given a static character to their geometries and thus
allowed ancient astronomers to formulate the concept of a zodiac using only
elementary geometric constructions. In traditional astrological language the solar
zodiac is the ordinary Zodiac, and the projection of the terrestrial zodiac onto the
solar is a house system.
The motion of a born relative to the Moon is much less circular. The taking into
account the deviation of this motion from circular changes the angular parameters
of the lunar zodiac by degrees. It is likely that this characteristic is exactly what
prevented a comprehensive quantitative description of this zodiac in antiquity,
though some steps were taken in this direction. Examples are the lunar zodiac of
Chinese astrologers and the draconic astrology of the West. The difference of these
models from the exact construction is so great that it is impossible to produce
quantitative calculations. The lunar zodiac is a dynamic construction, in which the
velocities of planets on the zodiacal circle experience significant variations not
through changes of their observable velocities in the sky, but due to the complex
nature of the motion of an observer around the Moon.

It may be necessary to mark the positions of the local planetary nodes on the circles of solar,
terrestrial and lunar zodiacs. By local planetary nodes we understand the longitudinal positions of the two
crossing points of the equator of the corresponding planetary zodiac with the local equator of the zodiac
under consideration.


In the model we elaborate an event as a qualitative change of a born occurs when

certain group correlations (in the language of the group theory, or aspects in
astrological language) arise among the elements of a zodiac. The concept of aspect
- one of the central and very old notions of astrology - can be most precisely
described by the language of algebraic group theory. The elements of a zodiac are
completely determined by the motion of massive heavenly bodies and a born.
Since the motion of heavenly bodies can be calculated with good accuracy for
many years into the future, and that of a born can to a large extent be considered as
fixed19, there results the possibility of forecasting events.

Theoretical model of a zodiac for a born, situated in
the vicinity of a heavenly body.
We posit that a zodiac of a born is a way to describe the spatial anisotropy at the
borns location, which is generated by a massive body, relative to which the born
moves20. Such an approach to describing spatial non-homogeneity is a construct
exactly suitable for forecasting events. If a born is surrounded by several massive
bodies, then it is possible to construct a corresponding number of zodiacs. When
constructing the zodiac of one of these bodies, other massive bodies become its
elements or planets (in ancient Greek sense of the word ). The most
interesting zodiacs are those of the closest and heaviest bodies. These zodiacs are
the most stable due to the borns dynamics governed by the gravitational fields of
these bodies. We call such a massive body that generates a given zodiac its central
body; we call the remaining bodies simply bodies or planets.
A zodiac as a dynamic structure is defined in general by three directions: 1) the
vector of force acting on a born from the central body as a whole, 2) the velocity
vector of the central body in the reference system of the born21 and 3) the axis of
space anisotropy generated by the central body in the location of the born. The first
two vectors determine the plane of a local equator (Fig. 1). When a born moves
with acceleration relative to the central body, the vector of force of the central body
and the axis of space anisotropy generated by it do not coincide. The angle between
the plane of the local equator and the axis of anisotropy is called the dynamic angle.
If the size of the central body is far less than the distance to it, then the direction to
it in space can be used as its axis of anisotropy. That is, we use its position in space
without correction for planetary and stellar aberration.
Thus, when studying the zodiac of a distant massive body, the angle between the
central bodys vector of force and its axis of space anisotropy is the angle of the
correction for aberration. This is due to the fact that such a distant body acts on a
person for the most part only by gravitation. For a person on the Earths surface the
correction for aberration for planets of the solar system is some dozens of angular
seconds22. However, for the terrestrial zodiac the dynamic angle is much larger,
being approximately equal to the latitude of the point on the Earths surface23.

Provided he does not travel to a nearby planet of the solar system.

The usual physical notions of length, time, simultaneity etc. are given in the reference system
accompanying born in accordance with the general theory of relativity.
The velocity vector of the central body (without aberration) in the non-rotating proper reference
system of the born.
To be fair it is necessary to note that there is no sufficient experimental basis for the introduction
of the notion of the axis of space anisotropy different from the direction of attraction by the gravitational
field. However it seems to us that this follows by necessity from the conceptual basis of astrological rules


Fig.1 Geometry of the local zodiac of a born in the vicinity of a massive body.
e unit vector of anisotropy generated by the central body at the point of the born,
A - unit east point vector (fundamental reference point) of the local zodiac of the
P polar vector the direction to the north pole of the local equatorial system of
F force acting on the born from the central body as a whole,
V velocity of the central body in the proper non-rotating reference system of the






M0 projection of the central body on the celestial sphere,
d dynamic angle.
and the impossibility to explain the mechanism of astrological calculations on the basis of some known
interaction, including gravitation. The experimental aspect of the problem will be discussed below.
Instead of the astronomical horizon it is necessary to take the gravitational one, i.e. the plane
perpendicular to the force of gravitational attraction (force of gravity minus inertial force).


Let us define the local equatorial system of astronomical coordinates of a born with
respect to a given central body. The equatorial plane of this coordinate system has
been introduced above in the definition of the dynamic angle it is the plane of a
local equator, whereon lie two vectors: the force vector F acting on the born on the
part of the central body, and its velocity vector V in the proper non-rotating
reference system without correction for aberration. The polar angle (also called
the latitude) is measured from the equatorial plane in the positive direction toward
the North Pole, and in the negative direction to the south. The vector product
P= FV defines a vector directed to the north pole of this system of astronomical
The azimuth angle in the equatorial plane (also called the longitude) is measured
in the positive direction (counter-clockwise if one looks from the north pole of the
coordinate system) from the fundamental reference point on the local equator. It is
fitting to label the fundamental reference point of the coordinate system as the east
point of the central body. The vector A towards the east point of the central body is
given by vector product A= eP, where e is the vector of space anisotropy of the
central body acting on the born, and P is the previously-defined polar vector of the
coordinate system.
For a central body whose size is many times smaller than the distance to it, it is
appropriate to designate its space anisotropy vector as a unit vector e tangent to a
purely spatial geodesic, connecting its centre of mass and the born. The vector of
anisotropy generated by the Earth is practically coincides with the vector of
gravitational attraction at a given point on its surface.
It is necessary to distinguish the notions of local equator of a central body and its
local equatorial coordinate system as introduced in this paper etc, from such
traditional astronomical notions as the celestial equator, first and second system of
equatorial coordinates etc. For the definitions of the traditional astronomical
concepts see [16].
At this point, the concept of a zodiac is almost elaborated. Let us designate
massive bodies other than the central one as zodiac elements. Then a zodiac is a
collection of longitudes of massive bodies surrounding the born expressed in
zodiacal coordinates. The zodiacal coordinate system in which we describe the
position of the central body and other massive bodies is a curvilinear coordinate
system distinct from the system of spherical coordinates on the local equator. It is
not a coordinate system in the usual sense, as some points on the sphere are
simultaneously associated with three values of zodiacal longitude24. The zodiacal
longitudinal coordinates converge to the spherical longitudinal coordinates of the
local equatorial coordinate system as the dynamic angle approaches zero.
For a complete introduction of zodiacal longitude it is necessary to consider several
mathematical notions. Zodiacal coordinates can be considered a generalization of
spherical coordinates. Let us denote the zodiacal longitude by . We may imagine it
as a circumference of longitudes, called zodiacal circle in astrology. Let us move to
the definition of the zodiacal longitudinal coordinate on the celestial sphere. For
this it is necessary to construct a mapping of the sphere onto the circumference, and
to introduce a distance function on the circumference as well as a reference point.

In topology, such a mapping is called a triple covering of the sphere.


Let us call this procedure of assigning a zodiacal longitudinal coordinate to a point

on the celestial sphere a parameterisation, since it can be described by the
movement of a great semicircle25 along the surface of the sphere.
To determine the zodiacal coordinate we restrict ourselves to a very narrow class of
motions. We consider the celestial sphere as a sphere of unit radius with its centre
in the location of the born. We identify the great circumference with distance
function and reference point with the intersection of the celestial sphere and the
local equatorial plane. The reason for this choice is that any point having zero
spherical latitude has identical zodiacal and spherical longitudes.
We define a plane called the local horizon of anisotropy, or the local horizontal
plane, as the plane perpendicular to the axis of anisotropy generated by the central
body on the point of born. We define the local meridian plane as the plane
perpendicular to the local horizontal and equatorial planes. The crossing points of
the local horizontal and meridian great circles we call the north point and the
south point. The north point is situated on the celestial sphere closer to the north
pole of the local equatorial coordinate system of born.
The fundamental reference point on the local equator (zodiacal circle), or east
point of the central body, is defined as that crossing of the local equator and the
local horizontal plane the direction to which forms an obtuse central angle to the
velocity vector of the central body in the non-rotating proper reference system of
born. The opposite point it is called the west point. The crossing point of the line
common to local meridian and equatorial planes with the celestial sphere, the
direction to which from the centre of sphere forms an acute angle with the direction
along the axis of anisotropy from the born to the central body, is called the point of
conjunction, and its opposite point is called the point of opposition26.
At the moment = + 0 of virtual time27 the moving great semicircle (the
parameterizing semicircle) lies in the horizontal plane and passes through the east
point. The straight line passing through the edges of this great semicircle is rotated
by the angle (i.e. by the angle clockwise) from the straight line connecting the
north and south points as viewed from the point of opposition, which we consider
by definition to be above the plane of the horizon. The angle is given by


One half of a great circle. A great circle is a section of a sphere made by a plane going through its


Projections of these points of the terrestrial zodiacal circle onto the solar zodiacal circle are the IC
and MC respectively. It is suitable to visualize for this construction that the born is on the Earths surface
at a middle latitude in the center of the celestial sphere. The local meridian plane of the terrestrial zodiac
will practically comply with the plane of celestial meridian. The local equatorial plane will coincide with
the plane of the instantaneous equator. The local horizontal plane will coincide with the plane of the
gravitational horizon. The difference between the true horizon of anisotropy and the gravitational horizon
will be extremely small. Here one should not muddle the gravitational horizon with the plane
perpendicular to the plumb line. The plumb gives a direction of the gravity force, which is the sum of the
gravitational force and the inertial force. The latter force appears because of the rotation of the reference
system motionless with respect to the Earths surface.
It is convenient to represent the main parameter of this longitudinal parameterization of points on
the celestial sphere as a virtual time, and the procedure of parameterization as a motion of the great
semicircle with this virtual time.
When d=0 the zodiacal coordinate system coincides with the spherical equatorial coordinate
system. A nonzero value of d skews the zodiacal coordinate system, eventually converting it into a triple
covering of the celestial sphere. For now the characteristics of this distortion is known only for the case


2 sin d

where d the dynamic angle, the analogue of latitude for the terrestrial zodiac
can differ from the geographic latitude by several angular minutes. The
parameterizing semicircle, moving in a specified manner, returns to its initial
position after 360 units of virtual time . Zodiacal longitude, like sidereal time, can
be measured in hours or in degrees as is done here. Each point on the celestial
sphere is marked by the moment at which the parameterizing semicircle passes
through it. We consider each such marking moment as the points zodiacal
longitudinal coordinate.
tg =

The description of the zodiacal longitudinal parameterisation is not yet complete.

We describe the motion of the great semicircle by the angle () between the polar
axis connecting the north and south poles of the local equatorial coordinate system
of a born and the parameterizing half-plane whose intersection with the celestial
sphere yields the parameterizing semicircle. But this still does not give the exact
orientation of the parameterizing semicircle. According to the second condition to
complete the description given earlier, the crossing point of the parameterizing
semicircle and the equator must have uniform motion along the equator29 (Fig. 2).
Therefore, when at the zodiacal positions 0, 90, 180 and 270 the parameterizing
semicircle must correspondingly pass through the east point, the point of
conjunction, the west point and the point of opposition. At the same time, the
straight line that supports the parameterizing semicircle in the horizontal plane, and
which is the instantaneous axis of rotation, moves in the positive direction (counterclockwise as viewed from the north pole of the equatorial coordinate system) from
the angle ( = + 0), through the north-south axis, and up to the angle + as the
parameterizing semicircle approaches the west point ( = 180 0).
Moving further the supporting straight line discontinuously changes its position,
again forming the angle with the north-south axis ( = 180+ 0), and then
moves again in the positive direction up to the angle + ( = 360 0). This motion
ensures that the parameterizing half-planes in positions and 180+ form a single
plane. At the moment = + 0 the angle between the parameterizing half-planes to

when the plane of dynamic angle is perpendicular to the plane of local equator (owing to the known
geometry of the terrestrial zodiac). For the solar and planetary zodiacs the aberration plane coinciding
with the plane of the dynamic angle practically complies with the plane of equator and the aberration
angle is on the order of tens of angular seconds - a noticeable value if we suppose that the distortion can
linearly depend on the aberration angle for this orientation. It is hardly possible that the geometry of the
distortion of the zodiacal coordinate system relative to the spherical coordinate system is determined only
by the value of the angle between the plane of local equator and the vector of anisotropy, rather then the
orientation of the aberration angle. As a result, when constructing the algorithm for calculation of the
local solar zodiac for a computer program, we have preferred to put d equal to zero (i.e. to use as the
zodiacal coordinates the corresponding spherical coordinates) and to analyze the errors appearing in the
process of practical calculations. For the moon zodiac we can consider the dynamic angle to be equal to
zero, since the correction for planetary and stellar aberration is less than an angular second.
The angle between the polar axis and the parameterizing half-plane plus uniform motion of the
crossing point of the parameterizing semicircle along the equator do not uniquely fix the motion. For
each two different positions satisfying these conditions are possible. The choice of solution is defined
by the continuity of the parameterising motion (except for the leaps of the supporting straight line in the
plane of the horizon for zodiacal longitudes 0 and 180) and by the character of motion described above
for the supporting straight line in the plane of horizon.


the polar axis is equal to d. For an arbitrary moment , the angle () is defined by
the following expression, for ( 180< < + 180):

tg d (2)
The sign of the angle in the formula is conventional, and the resulting tangent
with the specified sign is substituted into formula (3).
tg = 1

It is interesting to note that the plane with which the parameterizing semicircle
coincides in the position = + 90 passes through the south and north points and is
identical to the plane passing through the points with spherical longitude = + 90
in the local equatorial coordinate system of the born. So, when converting from
spherical coordinates to zodiacal coordinates the central body, which always has a
spherical longitude = + 90 with respect to the fundamental reference point, does
not change its longitude. The same is true for the majority of points with spherical
longitude = + 90. Only those points with spherical longitude = + 270 and a
latitude lying in the range + 90 d < < + 90 in the local equatorial coordinate
system of the born will have a zodiacal longitude = + 90. Similarly, points with
spherical longitude = + 90 and latitude in the range 90< < 90+ d in the
local equatorial coordinate system will have a zodiacal longitude = + 270.

Fig. 2 Illustration of the parameterizing motion of the half-plane from the cusp of
the 7th station to the end of the 12th station (the range of zodiacal longitude 180+0
to 3600). The notation is that of Fig. 1. The angle is given by (1). The great

semicircles limited by the supporting straight lines NiSi, lying in the plane of the
local horizon of anisotropy, represent the two-dimensional cusps of the stations of
the local zodiac of a massive body. The great semicircle NS lies in the plane of the
local meridian and represents the cusp of the 10th station. The straight lines NiSi are
the axes of instantaneous rotation of the parameterizing semicircle in positions
30(i1) of zodiacal longitude. On the local equator ECWT, the spherical
longitude counted from the east point E in usual angular measure is equal to the
zodiacal longitude. Its (and the zodiacal longitudes) values for the cusps of the
stations are marked on the drawing at the crossing points of the two-dimensional
cusps of the stations with the great circle of the local equator.
It is quite possible that unlike the other massive bodies there is no need to mark the
central body on the zodiacal circle. Its presence is always implicitly indicated by
the fundamental reference point, the point of conjunction, or possibly by all 4
cardinal stations of the east point: the east point itself, the point of conjunction, the
west point and the point of opposition.
Unfortunately it is not clear how to define the latitudinal coordinate of the zodiacal
coordinate system. We hope it is possible to derive the formula theoretically from
the conditions of complex analyticity of the mapping of the pair of angular
variables, longitude and latitude, ( , ) of the local equatorial coordinate system
of a born onto the pair of angular variables ( , ) of the corresponding zodiacal
coordinate system, as its inference from experimental data could require a great
deal of time.
To conclude this section, let us write down the formula for converting the
longitudinal coordinate of a point on the sphere from its spherical equatorial
coordinates into zodiacal coordinates. The zodiacal and spherical longitudes of a
point are different whenever the point has non-zero spherical equatorial latitude.
The zodiacal longitude of a point (given the condition that the reference point is set
to the corresponding east point or fundamental reference point) is obtained with
domain and range (-180< < + 180 and 180< < + 180) by:
sin ( ) + tg tg = 0 (3)
where ( , ) are the spherical longitude and latitude of the point in the local
equatorial system; is the longitude of planet in the zodiacal system; tg is the
tangent of the angle between the parameterizing half-plane in position and the
polar axis of the local equatorial coordinate system of a born with the sign
conventionally defined by formula (2).
Before solving this equation, it is necessary to test an additional condition to define
whether the point is above or below the horizon (the positions "below the horizon"
include the central body).

( cos d sin cos sin d sin )


The upper sign of inequality is used for a position below the horizon,
0< < + 180; the lower for a position above the horizon, 180< < 0.


Choice of the reference point on the local equator
(zodiacal circle).
A zodiacal circle or zodiac in astrology is a circumference of zodiacal longitudes
with a designated reference point and sensitive points located on it. The sensitive
points can be the points with the longitudes of massive bodies as well as some other
points. Once the identification of a circumference of zodiacal longitudes with the
local equator of a born has been made, the points of massive bodies on the zodiacal
circle can be considered as the projections of these bodies onto this equator in the
zodiacal coordinate system.
Once we have an equatorial circle with sensitive points on it, we can choose its
reference point. We have already seen one variant: the fundamental reference point
(east point) of the central body. The experience of Uranian astrology, founded by
Alfred Witte, shows that the intended facet of interpretation determines the choice
of reference point. In Uranian astrology six systems of equal houses are used. In the
language of the present work this means that the reference point is chosen from six
points in addition to the fundamental reference point. The principle becomes clear
in the context of the technique of discrete symmetries on a zodiacal circle, which
was used actively by Alfred Witte and his adherents. The forgotten originator of
this technique was Johannes Kepler.
If a sensitive point is sufficiently strong, astrological experience shows that it
reveals itself through a number of additional points, symmetrically located in the
corners of a regular N-agon inscribed in the zodiacal circle30. Let us call these
points the Nth order family of the point, and designate the point as the first point of
the family. The points of the Nth order family of the fundamental reference point
(located 90 clockwise from the central body) are the cusps of the stations of the
central body of the Nth order. For N=12, we call them simply the cusps of the

By the term station we understand an interval on the zodiacal circle from a station
cusp to the cusp of the next station, in accordance with astrological tradition. When
we talk about zodiacal sign cusps of the Nth order we mean a family of a reference
point that does not coincide with the fundamental reference point.
As the number N increases the subsidiary points of a family become weaker.
Uranian astrology demonstrates that the points of the 4th order family work for any
point representing a massive body. The points chosen in astrology as reference
points are so strong that the subsidiary points of their 12th order families are also
noticeable. The Sabian symbols for degrees demonstrate that very strong points can
generate a family of effective points even at the 360th order [20]. This also testifies
in favour of the special significance of certain positive integers in the zodiac.


In the language of group theory this can be formulated: the sensitive points of the Nth order family
of a given point can be generated from the given point by the action of the regular representation of the
cyclic subgroup of the Nth order of the one-parametric group of rotations.
It is important for the number of stations to be divisible by 4, so that one of the station cusps
coincides with the central body (point of conjunction). We introduced the notion of station to avoid
confusion with the notion of house. By house (more exactly house cusp) we understand a projection of
a station cusp onto another zodiac, as it is accepted in traditional medieval astrology when projecting the
mondial (terrestrial) zodiac onto the solar one.


In astrology it is not only aspects of sensitive points to the station or house cusps
that are important; the areas from one cusp (station, sign or house) to another are
meaningful as well. In traditional astrology these areas are called houses when
projecting the terrestrial zodiac onto the solar one (the sections between 2
subsequent house cusps32), or signs of the Zodiac for the solar zodiac when the
reference point is taken as the crossing of the celestial equator and the ecliptic.
These sign sectors are considered to carry certain qualities that modify the
expression of a sensitive point found within them.
We can note the dialectical character of this scheme, where symbolic motion in the
positive direction along the zodiac circle describes a cycle of evolution resulting in
an accumulation of characteristics that manifest as qualities when entering a new
area. Traditional astrology makes the reference point absolute; nevertheless, its
meaning is highly relative. Each time we choose a reference point we obtain a new
zodiacal circle. The zodiacal circle is actually an ensemble of evolutionary cycles,
an ensemble of vernal equinoctial points and, in accordance with symmetry order,
an ensemble of sets of phases of development.

By the notions of station, house and sign we imply one- and two-dimensional areas.
By station, house or sign we mean the area between the border of a considered
station (house, sign), called its cusp, and the cusp of the following station (house,
sign). If this makes sense.
As a one-dimensional station (house, sign) we mean an arc on the zodiacal circle
identified with the equator of a local zodiac. By definition, a station cusp is a point
on a zodiacal circle whose longitude is equal to the part of the full circle
360( n 1)
, where n is the number of cusp, and N is the order of a family of the
fundamental reference point.
We understand a two-dimensional station (house, sign) as an ensemble of points on
the celestial sphere having the same longitudes on the considered zodiacal circle as
the corresponding points of one-dimensional station, house or sign. The cusp of
such a station (house, sign) is the great semicircle of points on the celestial sphere
360( n 1)
with zodiacal longitude equal to
Astrology commonly uses both a fundamental reference point (the terrestrial
zodiac), and a reference point fixed in the crossing point of a local equator with the
local equator of the zodiac of another central body (the solar zodiac). The choice of
a reference point in the crossing point of two equators testifies that this is a strongly
manifesting point. The issue of choosing the reference point from the two crossing
points is not clear. We can only state a preference for either point from natural
science considerations. This leads us to the CPT-theorem of quantum field theory33
as a possible principle for resolution, though the specific choice remains unclear.
The East point, or fundamental reference point, is a strong sensitive point in its own


Near the polar circle and within it the projections of the station cusps of the terrestrial zodiac onto
the solar zodiac (ecliptic) cease to follow one another in order. In this situation it is impossible to
consider a house as an area from its cusp to the next one.
In a certain sense the CPT theorem can be proved within the framework of the special theory of
relativity, i.e. remaining within the framework of classical description.


right, since it is connected with the singularity that occurs when crossing the
horizon the leap in the motion of the parameterizing semicircle34 [21].


Examples of zodiacs.

2.4.1. Terrestrial zodiac.

What was written above about the structure and geometry of the zodiac of a
massive body is very close to the structure and geometry of the terrestrial zodiac.
The characteristic motion of a typical born a person nearly always motionless
with respect to the Earths surface (with the exclusion of a cosmonaut) closely
approaches an ideal rotation with respect to the terrestrial polar axis. That is, it is
nearly a circular motion with a constant velocity. Therefore, although the geometry
of the terrestrial zodiac is complicated due to its considerable dynamic angle, it is
static. The longitudinal coordinates of the celestial sphere points, which are
motionless with respect to an observer on the Earth surface, do not change with
time35. This allowed a correct description of the geometry of the terrestrial zodiac,
with sufficient accuracy, as early as the 17th century as the Placidus system of
houses and the "mondial" (mundo) positions of planets in the houses [19] (by
Ptolemy). It is easy to see that the instantaneous equator is a local equator of a born
for the zodiac with the Earth as its central body. The plane of the dynamic angle is
perpendicular to the plane of the equator, with high precision. This is a unique
zodiac in that it has both a known geometry and a non-zero dynamic angle36.
For pinpoint accuracy calculations it is necessary to take into account three factors:
1. It is necessary to use the gravitational horizon rather than the usual gravity
horizon (Fig. 3). Because the born is so close to the Earth the correction for
aberration is many times less than for the Moon37. So for the vector of anisotropy it
is possible to take the direction of the gravitational attraction by Earth. The usual
horizon, defining the geographical or, taking into account the plumb deviation, the
astronomical coordinates of a point on the Earths surface, is a plane perpendicular
to the gravity force. This force is the sum of the gravitational attraction and of the
inertial force generated by the rotation of a reference system motionless with
respect to the Earths surface. To achieve a precision of several angular seconds it
is sufficient to take into account the following correction to the geographic latitude:

2 R
sin 2 ,
We add this correction to the geographical latitude of a point. Here is the
geographical latitude of place; is the angular velocity of the Earths rotation
expressed in radians per second; R is the radius of the Earth; g is free fall
acceleration. The correction to the latitude calculated by this formula is expressed
( rad ) =


Here it is worthwhile to note that the axis opposition-conjunction contains another singularity
one family of parameterizing semicircles is changed for another.
The longitudinal zodiacal parameterization of the terrestrial zodiac is stationary in the first
equatorial and horizontal astronomical coordinate systems.
Therefore such constructions as solar and planetary zodiacs, for which the plane of the aberration
angle is close to the plane of equator and is on the order of tens of angular seconds, as concerns
calculations of pinpoint accuracy (near 1"), should be subjected to study for the purpose of reconstruction
of the geometry of zodiacs with a free orientation of the dynamic angle.
For the Moon it is a part of angular second.


in radians. The use of the dynamic angle instead of the usual geographical latitude
in the terrestrial zodiac will cause, for instance, a difference in the house cusp
longitudes with respect to the usual determination of the terrestrial zodiac
understood as a house system38.

Fig. 3. A section of the globe along the polar axis OP.

O Earths centre. OQ the plane of the terrestrial equator. N the point of a
born. R the geocentric radius vector of the point N. g the geocentric
latitude. the usual astronomical latitude defined as the angle between the
plumb and the plane of equator. The direction of the plumb is the direction of the
gravity force mg acting on the born at the point N. It is the sum of the gravitational
attraction force e, which in this case practically complies with the axis of
anisotropy, and of the inertial force i, whose value is defined by formula
i =2Rcosg. The surface of the terrestrial ellipsoid is perpendicular (with a certain
accuracy) just to the plumb. The dynamic angle, or the gravitational latitude d, can
be obtained with a precision of several angular seconds by adding the correction
given by formula (5) to the astronomical latitude .
2. To achieve the maximum accuracy it is necessary to take into account the motion
of the polar axis within the Earths body. The value of the latitude correction for
this factor is about 1".
3. It is also necessary to take into account the plumb deviation as a correction to the
latitude. The typical correction for flat country is about 1-2"; in the mountains it
can reach several minutes of arc. However on the Earths surface, there are several

For Moscow the correction to the geographic latitude is approximately equal to 5'


regions of "anomalous gravitation" in geodesic terminology, where flat land has a

considerable plumb deviation, reaching 10" and more. One such region is the area
of Moscow and its suburbs. Indeed, one of the largest known leaps in plumb
deviation is in the Kremlin, adjacent to the belfry of Ivan the Great39.
No additional peculiarities in the geometry of the terrestrial zodiac appear when
passing into the circumpolar regions. However, areas exist on the celestial sphere
above the north point and beneath the south point where points have three zodiacal
longitudes. This occurs even in equatorial regions of the globe. In these areas
equation (3) has 3 solutions for a single spherical coordinate pair ( , ) (Fig. 4).
When approaching the polar region the size of these areas grows. At the latitude of
Archangelsk and Reykjavik these areas are already possible for retrograde Venus40
and for the Moon. That is, Venus can be represented by three points on the circle of
the terrestrial zodiac. In circumpolar regions, the Sun and all planets other than
Pluto sometimes pass through these areas. Because Pluto moves close to the plane
of the equator, it does not enter the multiplicity area. It is obvious that a planet
enters the multiplicity area when it becomes non-descending (i.e. when it passes
over the horizon near the north point). But it also enters into this area somewhat
earlier, while still crossing below the horizon in its daily motion.

Fig. 4. A part of the multiplicity area on the celestial sphere. This area is situated
entirely above the horizon near the north point N. A similar area is situated beneath
the horizon near the south point. MN is part of the great circle of the local meridian
plane. ENW is the horizon great circle. For this example, suppose this is the
terrestrial zodiac. Arcs R1R2 and S1S2 are the ascensional paths of planets for a born
near the polar circle. R1R2 is the path of a non-descending planet; S1S2 is the path of
a planet crossing the horizon but still falling into the multiplicity zone. P is a point
on the path R1R2, whose zodiacal longitudinal arcs 1, 2 and 3 are shown.
Let us describe the longitudinal dynamics of a star or planet on the terrestrial
zodiacal circle for a single sidereal day, when it is at a point on the celestial sphere
that goes under the horizon for a very short interval of time yet still enters into the
multiplicity area (Fig. 5). As an example we may take the Sun for a point on the

So to achieve an accuracy of 1" it is necessary to use maps of the plumb deviation.

In retrograde motion the ecliptic latitude of Venus can reach 8.


globe near the polar circle and on a day not long before or after the summer
solstice. For the simplicity we ignore any proper motion of the Sun in ecliptic
longitude for the day under consideration.

Fig. 5. Dynamics during a sidereal day of the zodiacal longitude coordinate of a

point that is motionless with respect to the 2nd system of equatorial coordinates.
Terrestrial zodiac station cusps of a born in the vicinity of the polar circle are
marked with large Arabic numerals. The point we consider falls into the
multiplicity zone, despite crossing the horizon in its daily path. The small Arabic
numerals designate zodiacal longitudes for the following moments.
1 At astronomical noon (assuming the point we consider to be the Sun).
2 A point on the border of the multiplicity area on the celestial sphere, within the
7th station. When the point crosses this border on the terrestrial zodiacal circle, two
additional solutions to formula (3) appear near the antiscia point of the first
solution, within the 12th station.


3 The point crosses the horizon. Two solutions in the 7th and 12th stations
disappear following their conjunctions with 1st and 7th cusps. The solution in 10th
station disappears as well; a single solution 3" opposite it near the cusp of 4th
station appears.
4 The single solution 4'disappears near the cusp of 4th station when the point
crosses the horizon, and three solutions 4" appear.
5 The point leaves the multiplicity zone. The second and third solutions
disappear after merging in the 7th station.
6 A new astronomical noon.
We begin with an astronomical noon when Sun is on the celestial meridian conjunct
the MC. In the terminology of this work, the Sun is conjunct the cusp of the10th
terrestrial station. As it approaches the north point, the retrograde motion of the Sun
through 7th station slows, and at a specific moment two additional solutions appear
within the 12th terrestrial station. They move in opposite directions. The second
solution moves quickly toward the 10th station. The third solution moves slowly
toward the 1st station, reflecting the motion of the first solution near the cusp of the
7th station.
The Sun crosses the horizon before passing the north point. At the time of sunset
the first and third solutions simultaneously conjunct the cusps of the 7th and 1st
stations respectively and disappear. The second solution also disappears, replaced
by a solution exactly opposite it. At the time of sunset the longitude of second
solution is greater than 270. If, for example, its longitude is 275, then the single
solution immediately after sunset is the longitude 95 = 90+ ( 275 270). The
longitude of this solution decreases with time. At the moment when Sun passes
under the north point the longitude of this solution is 90 - the Sun is conjunct the
cusp of the 4th terrestrial station.
Continuing with this example, when the terrestrial zodiac longitude of the Sun
becomes equal to 85 = 90 ( 275 270), the Sun again crosses the horizon line
as it rises. The solution with terrestrial zodiac longitude 85 disappears and is
replaced by the solution with the longitude 265 = 270 ( 275 270). We
consider it a second solution as the Sun once again falls into the multiplicity zone
after it crosses the horizon. We consider the solution near the cusp of 1st station as
the first solution. The third solution is a point near the cusp of 7th station. As the
Sun rises almost tangentially to the horizon in its movement away from the north
point, the second and third solutions approach each other with increasing velocity
and disappear as they coincide. At this point we have again the usual situation of
the rising Sun that moves toward the cusp of 12th terrestrial station.
The central body of the terrestrial zodiac always has a zodiacal longitude = + 90.
Within the framework of traditional terminology it is possible to say that the Earth
is always conjunct the cusp of 4th house or the IC. Since by tradition one projects
the terrestrial zodiac with the fundamental reference point onto the solar zodiac, the
Earth is not represented as a celestial body in the system of astrological
calculations, but is instead implicitly included in the system through house
interpretation. However the point of the Earth on the solar zodiac will not coincide
with the cusp of 4th house. So its consideration on the solar zodiacal circle promises
to be of interest.

The point identified as the Ascendant in traditional astrology is the projection of the
fundamental reference point, or east point, of the terrestrial zodiac onto the solar
zodiac. The reference point coinciding with the crossing point of the terrestrial and
solar equatorial circles (the equator and ecliptic in traditional terminology) is also
used implicitly in traditional astrology. This reference point is required for a wellfounded formulation of the methods of progressions and directions, as presented
below. Here the words directions and progressions are used in the traditional
sense. In this work the meaning of these words will be given by exact definitions.
The newly corrected definitions of traditional symbolical methods will have names
of the form solar-terrestrial progressions and so on.


The Lunar zodiac.

It is likely that the lunar zodiac is the most interesting consequence of the theory of
the dynamical origin of zodiac presented in this work. While ancient astrologers
suspected the existence of the lunar zodiac, they had no mathematical means upon
which to construct it quantitatively. It was then only possible to construct it on the
basis of a static geometry, mimicking the geometry of the solar zodiac. While the
traditional solar zodiac differs from its exact dynamic variant only by several
angular minutes, the statically constructed lunar zodiac differs strikingly from its
dynamic prototype. Because of this its static construction cannot have forecasting
power, though it may work in a descriptive way. We mean, for example, the 28
stations of the Moon in Chinese astrology [18].
As in the case of the solar zodiac we can choose more than one reference point. In
addition to the fundamental reference point it is possible to choose the crossing of
the moons local equator with the local equator of either the solar or the terrestrial
zodiac (i.e. set the reference point in the solar or terrestrial node).
Note an additional peculiarity of the lunar zodiac. The inclination of the moons
orbit to the ecliptic is only about 6. This means that the projections onto the solar
zodiacal circle of the 12th order family of the reference point will remain practically
30 from each other. In astrological language these points can be called the cusps of
the lunar houses. If we choose the reference point on the lunar zodiac to be the solar
node, the projections of the cusps of the lunar signs onto the solar zodiac will be
close to the cusps of the signs of the solar zodiac with the reference point in the
moons node (draconic astrology). With this choice of reference points on the local
solar and lunar zodiacs it will be difficult to differentiate the interpretations of the
solar and lunar zodiacs.
The lunar zodiac is likely the best case for testing the concept of a zodiac of a
massive body. The aberration angle of the Moon for a born located on the Earths
surface does not much exceed 1 angular second. Therefore the geometry of the
lunar zodiac is a common spherical geometry. But the local equatorial plane of the
lunar zodiac constantly oscillates with considerable amplitude. The rotation of a
born around the Earths polar axis strongly deforms his circular motion around the
Moon. This is because the Moons linear orbital velocity around the Earth is only a
little greater than a borns linear rotational velocity around the Earths polar axis.

32 The Lunar nodes.

When interpreting a natal chart considerable attention is given to the position of the
Moons nodes in the signs and houses. In general, little or no attention is paid to the
exact position of the node, for example, to an exact conjunction with a house cusp.
If we consider the crossing point of the ecliptic with the equator (i.e. in the
terminology of this work, the crossing of the equators of the terrestrial and solar
zodiacs), the vernal and autumnal equinoctial points, as very important, then the
crossing point of the ecliptic with the equator of the local lunar zodiac should also
be of considerable importance. These two points of intersection (called here the
local lunar nodes) are located at some distance from the traditional lunar nodes
(whether the mean or the true nodes). Most likely it is these local lunar nodes that
should be interpreted in the spirit of the north and south lunar nodes, as actively
used in modern astrological consulting practice. When the local lunar nodes exactly
conjoin a house cusp we would expect striking phenomena.

2.4.3. Solar and planetary zodiacs.

The solar zodiac was the first to be well understood. Its geometry is both simple
and stationary more precisely, nearly stationary. By this, we mean that a point
on the surface of the earth follows a nearly circular path in its movement around the
Sun. The plane formed by the velocity vector of a point on the Earths surface with
respect to the Sun, and the vector pointing to the Sun with account for aberration41
(i.e. plane of the local solar equator), is oscillating with a period of one day and
amplitude up to several arc minutes relative to the ecliptic. Remember that the
ecliptic is a plane formed by the motion of the Earth-Moon barycentre42 around the
Sun. At moderate latitudes this can result in a difference in the longitudinal
coordinate of a planet on the solar zodiac of up to 1-2'compared to its ecliptic
longitude. Here it is essential to apply the principle of locality: the events for a born
with a given birthday and location on the Earths surface cannot be defined by a
dynamic construction determined by the barycentre of the Earth-Moon system.
Planetary zodiacs have an additional important characteristic. At those moments
when the central body changes its motion from direct to retrograde or vice versa,
the plane of the local equator turns by 180. The longitudinal zodiacal positions of
other planets on the considered zodiac experience significant displacements as a
result. The accuracy of the calculation of the local equatorial plane orientation falls
by several orders of magnitude. We have not yet analysed the implications in detail.

In a strict sense it is necessary to take the vector tangent to the light geodesic, going from the
center of the Sun to the considered point on the Earth surface for this direction.
Center of mass.


3. The mutual projection of two zodiacs.

In astrology when analysing some past event or making a forecast one traditionally
projects the cusps of the stations of the terrestrial zodiac onto the solar zodiac and
calls them house cusps. The mutual projection of zodiacs becomes possible after
the identification of two zodiacal circles with reference points and their
corresponding equators, i.e. after establishing the correspondence between a zodiac
as a dynamical structure and a geometrical construction on the celestial sphere. Any
sensitive point on the first equator can be projected onto the second equator
according a simple rule from traditional astrology: the projection (image) of a point
on the first equator is a point on the second equator having the same zodiacal
longitude on the first zodiacal circle as its prototype43.
Note a number of simple properties of this projection. If we project a point on the
second equator that is the projection of a point on the first equator back onto the
first equator, this second projection will not coincide with the initial prototype on
the first equator. This property can give rise to apparent contradictions in the
simultaneous analysis of several zodiacs. If the point on the zodiacal circle that is to
be projected onto another zodiacal circle is the image of a massive body located
beyond the first equator (i.e. that has latitude in the first zodiac), then it is necessary
to use its direct image on the second equator rather than the projection of its image
on the first zodiacal circle.
This remark is of considerable significance for interpretation in the framework of
traditional astrological analysis of a natal chart. The interpretation of a planet in a
house is in common practice the interpretation of a point obtained by projection on
the terrestrial zodiac of a point that is already a projection of this planet on the solar
zodiac. For planetary house positions, it is better to interpret directly in the
terrestrial zodiacal circle.
Let us call the crossing points of two equators and their images on the
corresponding zodiacal circles local nodes. By definition, the local node of the
equator of the second zodiac on the equator of the first zodiac is the ascending
node, if after a small displacement of the crossing point in the positive direction
along the second zodiacal circle, the resulting point is closer to the north pole of
the equatorial coordinate system of the first zodiac. The same crossing point of two
equators can be identified in two ways, depending on the zodiacal circle from
which it is considered. For instance, the vernal equinoctial point can be called an
ascending solar node on the terrestrial equator or a descending terrestrial node on
the solar equator (ecliptic).
The zodiacal longitude 2 on the second zodiacal circle of the projection of a point
of the first zodiacal circle with longitude 1 is calculated using the following
formula. We choose the fundamental point (east point) as the reference point on



) = cos(

sin 1 1 2

1 2 cos 12 + sin 12 tg 1


where 12 angle between two vectors of infinitesimal displacements of the


This image is not a function, as some points can have three images.


crossing point of two equators in the positive direction along the considered
equators. One can see from the determination of 12 that this value is not simply the
angle between the planes of the two equators, since it falls within the range 0 and
180. tg 1 is defined by formula (2) for the first zodiacal circle. The positive
choice of sign for the angle 12 between the planes of the equators corresponds to
the zodiacal longitude 1

of the descending local node of the second zodiacal

circle on the first equator and to the zodiacal longitude 2 1 of the local ascending
node of the first zodiacal circle on the second equator.


4. Symbolic times

Symbolic mappings. The world line of a born

The use of symbolic times for forecasting is one of the most intriguing enigmas of
astrology. Even if the main hypothesis of this work can be considered an adequate
explanation of the nature of a zodiac, the correct determination of symbolic time
mappings remains a mystery. Both the traditional linear determinations of
progressions, directions and profections, and the collection of additional symbolic
times invented by astrologers of the 20th century, give an impression of artificiality,
of dependence on human convention.
Let us briefly review the generally accepted astrological definitions of these
methods. Variants of the methods differ in details, so it is important to state the
underlying idea for each category of methods. Progressions: 1 year of real time is
equal to 1 day of progressed time. Directions: 1 year of real time is equal to 4
minutes of directed time, or 1 of zodiacal circle rotation. Profections: 1 year of real
time is equal to 30 of zodiacal circle rotation. Symbolic times refer to the evolution
of a specific object as a whole, born at a specific moment of time in a specific
location. In the stated equalities symbolic and real times are counted out from this
moment. With astrological methods, we study different kinds of wholes: persons,
animals, nations, organizations, states etc. The symbolic time mappings stated
above are not smooth due both to variations in the length of the solar day caused by
the elliptical nature of the Earths orbit, and to the non-uniformity of the Earths
rotation. If a smooth, uniform mapping is used, it is based on the average solar day,
the result of human convention rather than astronomical fact. It is clear that a wellgrounded determination of symbolic time mappings must be founded on a single
conception, and on the real motions of massive bodies.
It was already understood in the later Middle Ages that a temporal mapping was the
basis of directions. The definition of the technique of directions as presented
within the framework of the Naibod method [12] or the method of PtolemyPlacidus [11], implies a direct relationship between the interval of (transit) time
lived by a born from his birth and a second interval also counted from the same
birth44. There is also an opinion that the definition of progressions can be found in
the Bible, a much older text than the medieval sources mentioned in the
introduction to astrological methods. In fact, the temporal mapping45, the relating of
two time intervals, is implied in the Bible.
Having determined a symbolic time corresponding to the transit time according to
one of these mappings (progressed or directed), the medieval astrologer erected a
chart for this (progressed or directed) moment of time. Those methods in which
one shifts the house cusps or planets on the solar zodiacal circle by a uniform
number of degrees per year or month etc. most likely appeared no earlier than the
19th or 20th centuries. We do not know of earlier sources for these methods. Most
likely their appearance is connected with the period of decline in astrology, when it
was largely transmitted by people having only an elementary mathematical
education, insufficient for carrying out the sophisticated calculations characteristic

The question of what we understand by the moment of birth will be discussed below.
Day for year.


of medieval astrology. It is necessary to note that there is some merit to parts of

these methods (i.e. some calculations taken from them can give sufficiently good
results). We think it exactly due to this phenomenon that such methods did not die
off immediately.
When using generally accepted definitions of the progressed or directed moment
corresponding to a transit moment of time, it is necessary to decide which
geographical coordinates to use for the erection of the natal and progressed or
directed chart. In the literature we find a variety of opinions. This situation reflects
the fact that it is necessary to take into account the displacement of a born during
his life when determining his temporal mappings. Earlier we proposed to name as
an event a combination of the location of a born with the moment of time when he
was there. So instead of a purely temporal mapping it is necessary to consider an
event mapping or a mapping of the world line of a born46. This also follows from
the exact definitions given below, since the temporal mapping includes among its
parameters the coordinates of the born at different moments in his life. We name the
sequence of events in the life of a born, characterized as combinations of both
coordinates and moments of time, the world line of the born. Using this definition,
it is possible to say that we construct a mapping of the world line of a born into
itself. The event of birth as a combination of birth time and coordinates of the
birthplace is a fixed point that is mapped into itself.
To construct a smooth temporal mapping we consider two zodiacs. Each zodiacal
circle has a fundamental reference point and a reference point that is a crossing
point of the local equator of this zodiacal circle with the local equator of the other.
Each fundamental reference point moves relative to the point of intersection. Let us
identify the motion of 2 fundamental reference points relative to the point of
intersection47. Specifically, we put a time interval T into correspondence with
another interval t so that the displacement 12 of the local ascending node of the
second zodiac on the first one with respect to the fundamental reference point of the
first zodiac for the considered time interval T is equal to the displacement 2 1 of
the local descending node of the first zodiac on the second one with respect to the
fundamental reference point of the second zodiac for the time interval t.
12 (T ) = 2 1 ( t ) .
Since the motion of each fundamental reference point relative to the local node
takes place in real time, but with different velocities in units of zodiacal longitude,
we have defined a temporal mapping. Let us call the moment of birth of a
considered object as a whole a moment of creation.
Let a time T elapse from the moment of creation. We now choose as first the
zodiacal circle on which the fundamental reference point moves with a smaller
velocity expressed in longitudinal units relative to the crossing point of the two
local equators48. Let during the specified time T the fundamental point has moved
through the angle (= 12 (T ) = 2 1 ( t ) ) on the first zodiacal circle. On the
second zodiacal circle the fundamental reference point is displaced by the same
angle in a smaller time t. We have constructed the temporal mapping. The point

According to the theory of relativity.

This mapping does not depend on the choice of one of two points of intersection.
This condition follows from nowhere and is not necessary.


with the coordinate t of symbolic time relative to the time of creation corresponds
to the point with the coordinate T of real-time relative to the same initial moment.
If we consider that real time is the same for all49 in a given location, symbolic time
is like an internal time of a born, existing only while this born exists as whole,
detached from real time at the moment of creation. Let us call a scale of symbolic
time defined in this way a progressed time.
Such a mapping can be constructed for any pair of zodiacs. However this mapping
can have no property of one-to-one correspondence when the crossing point of two
zodiacs changes its direction of motion with respect to either of the fundamental
reference points.


Traditional systems of symbolic time.

4.2.1. Solar-terrestrial progressions.

Let us now move to the construction of the conformal variants of familiar symbolic
times. We start with the solar / terrestrial zodiac pairing. It is logical to call the
corresponding mapping a solar-terrestrial progression. The exact solar-terrestrial
progression constructed by means of local zodiacs is fully covered by the general
Consider a determination of an approximate version of the solar-terrestrial
progression, constructed on the basis of the usual (solar) Zodiac and the circle of
houses considered as the terrestrial zodiac. It is easy to see that the angular
displacement of the east point (fundamental reference point) of the terrestrial zodiac
with respect to the vernal point will be the sidereal time interval expressed in
angular units of 360 for 24 hours of sidereal time. The angular displacement of the
fundamental reference point on the solar zodiac will be given by the change in solar
ecliptic longitude. To be consistent, the Sun should not be marked on the solar
zodiacal circle. However the displacement of the conjunction point (located exactly
90 counter clockwise from the fundamental reference point), with which the Sun
coincides on the local solar zodiac, is measured with good accuracy (for the
traditional astrology) by the change in the ecliptic longitude of Sun. In this
definition one sidereal day is equal to one tropical year. However in intermediate
points such a definition does not give a linear mapping, since the motion of the Sun
along the solar zodiacal circle is non-uniform50. To get an interval of progressed
time from the moment of creation, it is necessary to calculate the change in the
ecliptic longitude of the Sun from the moment of creation up to the considered
moment of transit time. Moreover, the value of the angular displacement is not
limited to one revolution (360). Having determined this displacement, we next
find the moment of time at which the angular displacement of the vernal point (i.e.
the interval of sidereal time) from the moment of creation is equal to this


In the theory of relativity the time goes differently for each reference frame (for each world line).
In winter the Earth is closer to the Sun than in summer. Therefore in winter the Earth moves more
quickly in its orbit. The distance from the autumnal point to the vernal point is traversed more quickly by
a week, than from the vernal point to the autumnal point.


displacement of the Sun along the ecliptic. The resulting moment of time is the
progressed time corresponding to the given transit time51.
The progressed chart (in one of the zodiacal circles such as the solar zodiac) is
calculated for this moment of time and for the location of the born at that moment.
Just as the angular displacement of the Sun on the ecliptic depends on the location
of a born at the chosen moment of transit time (in order to correct for parallax52),
the determination of the corresponding moment of progressed time depends on the
location of born at the progressed time. Therefore a temporal mapping depends on
the location of the born over time, i.e. on its world line. It is most correct to say that
the constructed mapping is the world line mapping into itself.

4.2.2. Solar-terrestrial directions.

A direction, or more exactly a solar-terrestrial direction, is obtained through the
composition of two solar-terrestrial progressions (i.e. the repetition of the
progressed solar-terrestrial mapping). The directed time is the progressed time of
the progressed time. It can be written by formula in the following way. If the
progressed mapping is denoted by the function t = P (T), the directed mapping can
be written as t = D (T) = P ( P (T)). It is interesting to note that the variant of
directions formulated by Placidus [11] differs from that defined in this work by the
non-linearity of the latter.
In connection with this definition, it is important to know the location of a born
throughout the first 3 months of his life. The world line of a born during the first
three months of life almost completely defines the progressed mapping for the first
90 years of transit time. To obtain the directed time it is necessary to calculate the
corresponding progressed time twice, for the second step substituting the
progressed time obtained in the first mapping for the transit time argument of the
mapping. The first 90 years of transit time correspond to approximately 6 hours of
directed time. However, for the construction of this temporal mapping it is
necessary to know the movements of a born not only during the first 6 hours of life,
but through the first 3 months as well. This requirement is probably the most
unusual aspect of the method of conformal directions as defined in the framework
of the proposed concept. It is not difficult to subject this to experimental
verification if one finds a born with known and significant movements (from city to
city) during the first months of life.
To distinguish different types of progressions in the formulae, we enter indices for
the mappings P and D: t = PST (T) and t = DST (T) (this example is for the solarterrestrial progressions and directions). It is clear that from 3 zodiacs it is possible
to choose 3 pairings and consequently to construct 3 kinds of progressions and
directions: solar-terrestrial, solar-lunar and lunar-terrestrial.


For instance, for a born whose age is exactly 10 tropical years the Sun will be displaced along the
ecliptic by 3600. The corresponding displacement of vernal point is equal to 240 sidereal hours or 10
sidereal days.
The parallax correction for the Sun (for the Moon it can reach 50'
) is small, but it is necessary to
take it into account.


4.2.3. Profections.
In addition to the composite functions used to formulate directions by composing
two identical progressed mappings, it is also possible to construct mixed composite
functions. A possible association to traditional methods is the profection, since one
such mapping t = RSLST (T) PSL (PST (T))53 gives results close to those of the
traditional profection (here, SL means solar-lunar, ST solar-terrestrial).
Since the progressed mappings entering this definition are non-linear, there are two
variants of profection for any two given pairings of zodiacs. They are distinguished
by the order of application of the component mappings. We call a fast profection a
composition of mappings in which we first apply the faster mapping to the transit
time, followed by application of the slower mapping. The faster mapping is the one
that yields a greater compression of time. For instance, the fastest mapping of the
considered progressions is the solar-terrestrial. We call the other profection the
slow profection. Here are the functional forms of the conformal profections that are
t = RSLST (T) PSL (PST (T)) the quick solar-lunar solar-terrestrial profection.
t = RSTSL (T) PST (PSL (T)) the slow solar-terrestrial solar- lunar profection.
All conformal mappings constructed according to these principles must be
considered hypothetical, excepting the solar-terrestrial directions that have been
confirmed by the methods of Naibod and Ptolemy-Placidus. A significant body of
observational data is necessary to prove them relevant to the events of a born.


Sign means equality by definition.


5. Aspects, orbs and the technology of

interpreting pinpoint accuracy.


The notion of an aspect on a given zodiac can be defined for two arbitrary points of
a zodiac circle and accordingly for their prototypes on the celestial sphere. Two
points on a zodiac circle are in an aspect of the Nth harmonic if one point belongs
to the family of the Nth order of the second point. In the context of a given harmonic
the specific aspects are distinguished by a number n that determines the angular
distance between two points on the zodiac circle to be
. An event as a
qualitative transition of the state of a born occurs in the presence of an aspect
between zodiacal elements.
In particular we want to emphasize that an aspect between two points on the
celestial sphere is not defined by the corresponding angular distance (great circle
distance) between them. An aspect is the angular distance between the images of
two points on a zodiacal circle. Therefore (and this is known since Ptolemy54 [19])
the number of aspects between two points on the celestial sphere can be as
great as the number of zodiacs you consider.



The proper use of orb in event calculations using astrological techniques and
symbolism is a difficult problem. In astrology the term orb designates the deflection
from exactness of the difference in longitude between two points, from some value
considered to be an aspect. Aspects are generally understood as some rational part
of the full circle (360). Orb is also used to designate the maximum deflection from
the exact value for which it is still possible to speak of an aspect existing in some
sense between two points. Here we use the word sense to emphasize that different
maximum orbs apply, depending on the type of interpretation to be done. Each kind
of interpretation has its own associated values of maximum orb.
When interpreting a natal chart the orb of some aspects can be several degrees. It is
useful to call aspects with such a large orb psychological aspects, whose use is the
determination of the nature of a born: his reactions, his relations with other people
and society as a whole, his scope of interests, profession and so on.
However in event calculations when interpreting the nature of an event it is
necessary to use an orb of approximately one degree. Let us briefly describe the
technique for event interpretation that we learned from Markina N. Yu, which she
in turn attributes to Vaisberg V.A.
The nature of an event and its approximate time of realization are connected with
the formation of an ensemble of aspects related to it. We consider aspects of planets


According Ptolemy two planets could simultaneously be in two aspects: the usual (solar) and the
mundo (terrestrial).


among themselves, and those between planets and house or station55 cusps. By
house cusps we understand the projections of the stations of another zodiac onto the
one we are considering. The nature of an event is described by the houses or
stations that are activated by the aspects of the ensemble. A house or station is
considered activated if its planet-ruler and planet-significator56 have an aspect
between them, and both of these planets have an aspect to the cusp of the house or
station. We mark on a zodiacal circle both natal and transit planets and cusps. In the
calculations the aspects between two natal points, between natal and transit points
and between two transit points are considered. Furthermore, instead of transit points
we also use the progressed or directed points57 (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. The structure of an ensemble of aspects for an event. The aspects

determining the development of this event in time are marked with bold lines.
When carrying out the research on the framework of this work we found an
additional kind of aspect interpretation. This is an aspect that directly induces the
coming of an event. The ensemble of aspects we have discussed so far exists
(within the orb of 1) for a certain duration. How do we determine the exact time of
the event? Some events comprise several sub-events that occur in sequence. For

Aspects of planets to station cusps in the angular measure of the terrestrial zodiac were used in the
method of directions in medieval astrological practice. Currently, almost no one uses them.
We question the existence of some strict basis for the notions of ruler, significator, exaltant and
their antipodes. More likely this is a simple way to note the power and intensity of a planet by sign or
house (station). We have simply outlined the widespread variants of techniques for event calculations.
Sometimes one happens to take an exaltant or significator for the analysis of some event, or simply one of
the planets whose characteristics are combined with (or opposite to) the sign or house (station).
Most often the points of some symbolic chart are considered, since the cusps of transit houses
move too quickly in real time to be used to consider events other than an accident, a splintering of dishes


example, when moving to a new apartment you first buy it and only later move to
it. In the ensemble of aspects of an event there are long-lived and short-lived
aspects. The short-lived aspects are the aspects to the transit (progressed, directed
etc.) cusps of the radix and to the transit (progressed, directed etc.) planets. The
moments of time when these aspects become exact define the exact time of an
event, or of one of its sub-events, when there are several.

Experimental orb of "exact" aspects and the
accuracy of astronomical and astrological calculations.
The experimental orb of "exact" aspects is about 30". For calculations in our
research we used the astrological program CONCEPT. The precision of the
calculations of planetary coordinates with this program is about 1"58. But the error
in determining the orientation of the Earth can reach 15". The precision of the Earth
orientation calculation will affect the precision of the house cusp determination,
which can be several times less precise than that of the Earth orientation59. The
CONCEPT program was written according to the algorithms presented in the paper
by Sergei Tarassov, the author of the astrological program ALMAGEST.
Of the astrological programs with which we are familiar, ALMAGEST produces
the most exact astronomical calculations for both planetary coordinates and the
orientation of the Earth. Currently it is not clear whether the 30" orb is due solely to
accumulated calculation errors, or whether it is fundamental; that is, whether 30" is
an actual spread of astrological sensitivity. It is important to note that a large
number of mistakes (if not superstitions) in astrology are due to confusing
accumulated astronomical calculation errors with fundamental astrological orbs.
We hope that the orb of 30" is of a purely computational nature, and that the
increase in precision in calculating the orientation of the Earth will reduce the
experimental orb. For now the precision of the Earth orientation calculation of 15
is sufficient, since its proper use requires geographical coordinates of a born at
different moments of his life precise to 400 metres. Even a determination with a
precision better than 300 metres (about 10") does not improve the situation, since
the attainment of greater precision requires the use of gravimetric maps. Such levels
of precision will hardly interest an astrologer, but are of great interest to a physicist,
as they would allow a reliable proof of the unnecessity of the aberration correction
in astronomical calculations used for astrological purposes60.


Event-trigger points of the horoscope.

The question of what points on a zodiac are connected with the occurrence of an
event is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Not all points on the zodiac
circle are connected with an event occurrence. The prime examples of such
ineffective points are the cusps of the solar zodiac signs. The position of a planet in
a solar zodiac sign displays strongly in the personality; the entrance into a new

For the 20th century.

The deterioration of accuracy in house cusp calculation is due to the fact that the house cusp is a
crossing point of the house cusp plane and the ecliptic plane. The smaller the angle between the two
planes, the worse is the accuracy. This is particularly important at high latitudes. For instance, at the
latitude of Moscow the accuracy can fall by one order of magnitude.
In the language of the general theory of relativity this means the use of a purely spatial geodesic
rather than the light geodesic for the determination of the planets positions on zodiac circle.


solar zodiac sign by a progressed planet occasionally causes obvious changes in the
persons life. But the actual events associated with such a change occur on one or
more aspects of the considered planet to a house cusp or to another planet
immediately before or after the entrance into the new sign61.
Event occurrence is carried by the planets, and by the house cusps as projections of
the station cusps of terrestrial zodiac onto the solar one. This is known from
medieval European astrological tradition (Ptolemy-Placidus directions): events
occur on aspects of planets to station cusps in the terrestrial zodiac. Thus, we draw
the conclusion that event occurrence is effected jointly by the planets, and the
cusps of the zodiacal stations and of the houses as projections of zodiacal
station cusps onto another zodiac. For the terrestrial zodiac this is proven by
centuries of astrological practice.

Such inexactness can be also connected with the fact that when the local ecliptic (local equator of
solar zodiac) oscillates, the mutual distances of planets in the measure of the local solar zodiac change
less than their longitudinal coordinates as counted from the local vernal point.


6. Astronomers notes.
Coordinates of planets for the location of a born. The
correction for parallax.
The positions of planets on the celestial sphere depend on the observers location.
As an extreme but very convincing example it is very easy to see that the geocentric
and heliocentric coordinates of the Moon or some planet differ considerably. But
even displacement along the Earths surface results in displacements of the planets
- or more exactly their images on the celestial sphere. The closer a planet to the
Earth, the larger its angular offset when moving an observer along the Earths
surface. For the planets nearest the Earth, this offset from a geocentric position,
called parallax, is some tens of angular seconds. For the Moon the difference on the
celestial sphere can reach almost 2 (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Diagram illustrating the origin of the parallax correction for the ecliptic
coordinate of the Moon. The local (topocentric) ecliptic longitude of the Moon can
differ from the corresponding geocentric longitude by up to 50'
. This correction is
at its maximum when the Moon is near the horizon, and at its minimum near the
celestial meridian.
For medieval astrologers this was not a problem they simply observed the sky.
With the appearance of ephemeredes compiled for an observer at the Earths centre,

many people have used them without understanding the nature of the coordinates
listed in the tables. At that, if the error in the position of planets and Sun is small,
for the Moon it can reach one degree. When the Moon is close to the MC, its true
position62 (topocentric coordinates) is determined practically correctly by the
geocentric ephemeris, but when it is close to the Ascendant or Descendant, its true
position is differs from the geocentric one by almost a degree63.


Direct and retrograde planets. Stationary points.

The comprehensive account of geometric and physical effects in the calculation of

the visible motion of the planets not only enables us to improve the accuracy of
astrological calculations; it also reveals a number of new phenomena valuable to
the astrologer in an interpretive context.

Fig. 8. Diagram of the daily motion of a planet relative to the local vernal point: a)
when the planet is direct (prograde) in its ecliptic coordinates; b) when the planet is
retrograde in its ecliptic coordinates.
What we see is a change in the direction of a planets motion with respect to the
local vernal point from direct to retrograde and vice-versa. The local vernal point
oscillates with respect to the usual vernal point (true or mean) with a period of 1
day. This is caused by the daily oscillation of the local ecliptic plane with respect to
the astronomical ecliptic. The amplitude of the fluctuation of the local vernal point
is not large - only 10'
. But the velocity of this fluctuation is so high at times that
all planets except the Moon become retrograde for part of the day. For instance, if
Mercury is fast direct it becomes retrograde for several hours a day. If on the other
hand it is retrograde it becomes direct for several hours a day.


For an observer on the Earths surface

The coordinates giving the true position of a planet for an observer on the Earths surface are
called topocentric in astronomy.


This information can be a powerful instrument for the determination of the

effectiveness of various kinds of action during a day in some location. Periods
when the local vernal point moves quickly backwards, making even outer planets
fast direct, are best for expansion, attack, the propagation of ideas - any activity
influencing the surrounding world. Periods of general retrogradation are suited for
internal work, contemplation, and heart-to-heart meetings those activities where it
is important to listen to ones internal state and to become transparent to outer
When the velocity of the local vernal point changes sign with respect to the usual
vernal point, the planets change their direction at times that depend on their own
velocities with respect to the stars. Nearly all the planets except the Moon and
periodically the Sun, Mercury and Venus, change their directions relative to the
local vernal point twice a day.
The most interesting aspect of this is the analysis of local stationary points in the
context of symbolic temporal mappings directions and progressions. In conform
progressions and directions the local stationary points of planets play a greater role
in horoscopes of people for whom planets change their direction in the first 2-3
hours of life. The presence of such points in Ptolemaic-Placidean directions should
strongly manifest, since these points require a reorientation of the corresponding
spheres of life from expansion to internal development or vice-versa. Such
moments could manifest as serious life crises. Similarly, in progressed time
analogous changes occur in each sphere of life twice a year.
Observation of such periods in a persons life is of interest since it allows us to
sense the difference in interpretation of progressed and directed planetary
configurations and the events corresponding to them.
When a planet at a stationary point makes an aspect to a natal house cusp, this
should be powerfully revealed by an event. If the stationary point, which can be
determined to some minutes of real time using a computer with ephemeredes
accurate to 1", does not show in some event, it will still be noticeable subjectively.
Most relevant here are calculations not in transit time, but in progressed or directed
time. Let us repeat again that for each point on the Earths surface the exact
moment of stationarity of a planet is different. The accuracy in determination of the
stationary moment of about 1-2 minutes of progressed time corresponds to about
one day of transit time64.


Zodiacal conjunctions.

The full use of the terrestrial zodiac reveals another unusual phenomenon. A planet
can be in exact conjunction with a star twice a day throughout a period of several
days or even weeks. This pertains to two slow planets as well. Consider the
conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune that from a solar zodiacal perspective occurred
three times in 1993 (February 2, August 19 and October 25). Since the planets had
different ecliptic latitudes, they coincided only in ecliptic longitude. However, the
conjunction can take place at other moments using a different definition of
longitude. Terrestrial zodiacal longitude is an example. Because of the complex
geometry of the terrestrial zodiac even motionless objects on the celestial sphere

It turns out to be rather curious to observe oneself on the days of the progressive planet turnabout
in ones own horoscope.


(e.g. stars) move along the it with varying relative velocities. A consequence of this
non-uniformity of motion was that Uranus and Neptune were conjunct in the
terrestrial zodiac twice a day throughout all of 199365. Our personal experience
shows that these moments of exact conjunction can reveal themselves in events66.
If we consider the fundamental reference point on the solar zodiac, all planets other
than Mercury and Venus are always retrograde, and the Moon is always direct. It is
interesting to study the stationary points of Mercury and Venus from the standpoint
of this fundamental reference point, i.e. those moments when the zodiacal velocities
of Mercury and Venus are equal to that of the Sun.


The Natal horoscope as a multi-dimensional chart.

The use of a zodiacal circle for both psychological study and event calculation
illustrates the reduction of the interactions of sensitive points on the twodimensional celestial sphere to a one-dimensional approach on a zodiacal circle.
Marking house cusps (or station cusps or signs) on a zodiac does not make the
approach two-dimensional. In our opinion, a two-dimensional approach comprises
the simultaneous consideration of two zodiacs. Since planets have a non-zero
latitudinal coordinate, i.e. planets are not moving exactly along the local equator of
one or another zodiac, they can be in exact conjunction in one zodiac and in the
aspect in another. For example, let us examine the horoscope of a person born when
Pluto and Uranus were both on the plane of the horizon. For the terrestrial zodiac
this means that planets are both in conjunction with the cusp of the 7th station. At
the same time they were in a semi-square aspect in the ordinary solar zodiac.
Horoscopes of this kind obviously call for special interpretation (Fig. 9).
In addition, as soon as we move to the joint analysis of two events, this
consideration takes on an extra dimension. The first event is usually the moment of
creation (birth). The second is some event on the world line of the same born. As
the second event one can take the event itself, or another on the same world line
related to it by a symbolic mapping (progression, direction, or profection).
Practically we try to analyse the second event as it is determined by the preceding
event (most often event of birth). We place the elements of the transit or symbolic
zodiacal configuration on the zodiacal circle of the natal configuration, thereby
equating the two zodiac circles of one central body for the born, but calculated for
different points on the borns world line (fate). No new analytical possibilities
appear in such a one-dimensional view - we merely consider mutual aspects of the
points of both configurations.
A real two-dimensional consideration does yield new analytical possibilities. Let us
consider an example that is easily understood by any astrologer. The intersection of
a slowly transiting planet or progressed planet to a natal house cusp, particularly the
Ascendant, often causes if not an event, a noticeable change in the structure of
consciousness of a born (however, such a change still needs to be anchored by an
external event). But the conjunction of a planet with the Ascendant does not mean
the intersection of the planet with the plane of the horizon, which is the cusp of the
first house treated as a two-dimensional station of the terrestrial zodiac. This is
connected with the fact that the planets are not in general exactly on the ecliptic

For Moscow the last such conjunction took place 16 January 1994.
Here we mean the events of everyday life.


(equator of solar zodiac). For example, the Moon or Venus can cross the horizon
one hour later or earlier than the time of their conjunction with Ascendant (Fig. 10).
The rising of the Moon is defined as the conjunction of the Moon with the cusp of
1st station of the terrestrial zodiac. As another example, transiting Pluto can
conjunct the natal Ascendant seven years earlier than it will cross the natal horizon.

Fig.9 Example of the simultaneous consideration of two zodiacs for one birth event.
Arabic numerals mark the stations of the terrestrial zodiac.

Fig.10 A view of the celestial sphere near the east point of the terrestrial zodiac. It
is easy to see that even with the house cusps marked on the solar zodiacal circle, the
one-dimensional view of the solar zodiac gives a deceptive picture of the positions
of Pluto and Venus. If we treat this picture as the sky of the natal horoscope, and
transit planets move only by changing their ecliptic coordinates, it is easy to see
that the ecliptic point of Pluto (its point on the usual solar zodiac) crossed
Ascendant some years ago and is now in the first house, whereas Pluto itself is
above the horizon within the 12th station of the terrestrial zodiac.
For analysis of such situations it is useful to consider a special chart that we call the
"transit in the natal sky". We set a one-to-one correspondence of the zodiacal
coordinates of two zodiacs as it existed at the moment of creation. We place the
elements (planets) of the event under consideration with latitudes on the first
zodiac, and then project the elements of the considered event onto the second
zodiac, as if the second zodiac were oriented with respect to the first as it was

oriented at the moment of creation. If for the pair, we select the solar zodiac as the
first element and the terrestrial as the second, we have the "transit in the natal sky"
chart. Such a construction is possible for any pair of zodiacs. The single technical
restriction is that it is impossible to take the terrestrial zodiac as the first element of
the pair. This is because of the current uncertainty about the treatment of a latitude
coordinate in the terrestrial zodiac.


7. Precision rectification of the creation (birth)

time and symbolic times.
The attainment of reliable results when working with symbolic times is wholly
dependent on the correct choice of the fixed point of the progressed and other
symbolic mappings, i.e. by the choice of the moment of creation (birth). The
accuracy of determination of this point on the timescale is determined by the
astronomical precision of the calculation of the Earths orientation. Since the
precision of the calculation of the Earths orientation using the CONCEPT program
is about 15", it becomes necessary to know the moment of creation with an
accuracy of about 1 second of time. This requirement is much more stringent than
can be expected of the information taken from hospital archives. Even when we
observe the birth process ourselves in order to time it, it is incomprehensible what
moment in the birth process to take for the moment of creation.
The investigations conducted by the author of the present work with Alexandre
Bochkour have shown that the true moment of creation is not connected with some
particular action of an obstetrician, or of the woman in birth, or of the newborn. It is
necessary to define the moment of creation by purely astrological means, although
other approaches are possible67 that is, the rectification procedure is necessary.
We state our understanding of the procedure below. We will consider the case
when we reliably know the medical registration time (the preferred situation), or
when we have a first approximation to the birth time as a result of one of the
effective procedures for rectification that give it with an accuracy of several
In the section on timing events, we formulated a hypothesis whose effectiveness
has shown itself repeatedly: at a given place and moment of time something
occurs if and only there is an exact aspect in one of the local zodiacs.69 The
accuracy of the aspect is crucial to a correct understanding of this statement. We
mean a concrete accuracy of 0.5 angular minutes that could not be attained using
the methods of medieval astrology. We do not pretend to more intelligence than the
ancients. If we have discovered something new, astonishingly simple and
practically very effective, it is only because they did not have our modern
instrumental capabilities. Otherwise these techniques would have been known
long ago. What they did not have was the accuracy of modern astronomical
calculations. For any kind of aspect the orb could not be less than the errors in the
precision of astronomical observations. If we take the orb as one degree between 10
(or 7) planets and 12 house cusps, it is always possible to find at least one aspect of
some planet to some house. When working with an orb of 30", it is rare for even

On this matter please write directly to the author.

It is necessary to note that books on astrology are overcrowded with descriptions of various birth
time rectifications. For the most part, they are superstitions of their authors without presentation of the
procedure used. Some methods are simply wrong. An example of a wrong procedure sanctified by
centuries is the Trutine of Hermes. The only effective method of birth time rectification known to author
is rectification using events once the ascending zodiacal sign has been determined. The determination of
an unknown ascending sign according to the character, constitution and reactions of born is the most
difficult and exciting art that a practicing astrologer can master.
An aspect of a planet in the solar zodiac to the cusp of a terrestrial house, or an aspect of a planet
in the terrestrial zodiac to the cusp of a station.


one such aspect to occur70. A moment when such an aspect exists is obviously
distinguished relative to other moments.
Furthermore, an exact aspect at which an event occurs defines a certain profound
symbolic meaning of the event for the human spirit. The first steps on the way of
usage of exact methods of astrological calculation as proposed in this work, in the
determination of an exact aspect in a directed or progressed chart for a particular
event, have forced us to revise our astrological and philosophical understanding of
events in the human life.
Each event is in correspondence with a fundamental triad: planet, aspect and station
or house. From one perspective, the situation has been simplified: we no longer
need to deal with the whole bundle of planets, aspects and houses simultaneously.
On the other hand, such an analysis causes us to revise our understanding of the
meaning of a considered event. In the long run, work on event analysis according
the principle of the fundamental triad brings about a change to our interpretation of
planets, aspects, and houses or stations.
The birth of a person is a significant event. It too must occur on an exact aspect.
Furthermore, based on astrological symbolism, this must be an exact aspect of a
planet to the Ascendant. In the language used in this work, we mean an aspect of a
planet to the cusp of 1st terrestrial station in terrestrial zodiac, or to the Ascendant
(as the projection of 1st terrestrial station onto the solar zodiac) in the solar zodiac.
This statement is not a hypothesis following from the consistency of the notional
construction given in this paper; it is an empirically verified fact.
In those birth events where such an aspect has been found, the most frequent aspect
to the 1st station or Ascendant was from one of the slow planets. It is often easy to
find such an aspect within several minutes of the time recorded in a hospital archive
or that resulting from rectification. The check described below usually confirms a
candidate moment whether it is alone or one of a cluster of triads close to each
other in time71. In such cases it is often, but not always, one of the slower planets
that both participates in a fundamental triad and is the ruler of the ascending sign72.
It is interesting that it was often straightforward to choose the correct triad based on
the psychological profile of the born; the planet fixing the moment of creation
shows itself prominently in the character of the individual. By check we mean
event checking of the obtained time by means of conform progressions and
directions. The check is considered positive if for considered events there is an
exact aspect (triad) in one of the symbolic times.
In a large number of natal horoscopes (more than half) we did not find such a triad.
We did not seek for an exact percentage of failures, as the sample we used was
obviously non-representative. We have noticed that for bright creative natures it is
not difficult to find such a triad. In these cases the aspect in the triad is most often
both (a) major and (b) in the terrestrial zodiac. We posit two reasons for the cases
when no triad is found:

Practically it is necessary to limit aspects to those of harmonics no greater than the twelfth.
Most often there are two, one an aspect in the terrestrial zodiac, the other in the solar.
It is exactly in the process of such investigations that we come to doubt that the notions of ruler,
exile, exaltation and fall have a conceptual basis, except as an approximate indication of the strength of a
planet in a sign. A significant proportion of exceptions was observed for the formulated rule. Besides, for
those ascending signs where the rulers are considered to be internal planets, we cannot show a single case
of which were confident.


1. Its possible that the triads occur in zodiacs other than the solar or terrestrial, to
which our work has been mostly confined. The leading candidate to consider is the
lunar zodiac.
2. It may be necessary to look not only at aspects to the 1st station or its projections
on the solar and other zodiacs, but to the 4th station and to the point where the
central body is located and its projection onto another zodiac. Or perhaps it is
necessary to consider the whole 4th order family of the conjunction point, i.e. the
Descendant and the MC73. On the other hand, the increase by 4 of the harmonic
number (denominator) of aspect as element of fundamental triad of birth could give
us the possibility to restrict ourselves to the consideration of the Ascendant only.
The best way to solve this problem would be to scan the time interval surrounding
the time of birth on a powerful computer in order to find that moment for which the
events of the borns life in symbolic time have corresponding fundamental triads
with an exact aspect in one of the zodiacs. In the future we plan to implement this

It seems to be sufficient to take into consideration the Ascendant and IC, since there is always a
simultaneous aspect to the opposite points whose harmonic (denominator of fraction of the full circle) is
the same or 2 times higher or lower.


8. Conclusions.
Let us summarize the purpose, main conclusions and results of this work:
1. The main purpose of this work is to reformulate the computing algorithms of
event forecasting astrology in accordance with modern physical and
mathematical description of space and time. We took as a basis the concepts of
geometrodynamics, more widely known as the general theory of relativity. The
name of geometrodynamics, mainly used by experts, reflects the nature of this
theory, and we prefer to consider it as a mathematics of space-time. If we
separate the conception of geometrodynamics from Einsteins equations,
geometrodynamics is more mathematics than physics. Although we can
encounter phenomena that it does not predict, it is still necessary to describe
such phenomena using its language. In this sense geometrodynamics, just as
mathematics as a whole, is not a theory but a language in which the strict
notional systems existing in nature are described.
2. In the opinion of the author, this work has achieved its purpose. But in order to
realize this purpose we had to abandon the philosophy of short-range action
alleged to be a basis of the modern natural-scientific picture of the Universe.
The possibility of the existence in nature of long-range action phenomena does
not contradict the basic concepts of this picture. To avoid contradictions, it is
sufficient to abandon the attempt to consider one of the short-range interactions
as a base of astrological laws. One of the main notions by which we realize the
stipulated program is that of simultaneity. We constantly took the opportunity
to construct purely spatial three-dimensional sections of four-dimensional
spacetime in this work. It is well known that it is possible to formulate classical
geometrodynamics in the invariant four-dimensional language. This supports
the conjecture that the as yet unknown physical basis of astrology is not
3. The need for a unified description of such two such outwardly different
phenomena as the Zodiac and the house system requires the possibility of
working only with pure spatial sections of four-dimensional spacetime. The
possibility of such a description also requires that we consider the Sun as the
body that generates the Zodiac, since its structure when emphasizing the
principle of locality is defined by the mutual dynamics of a born and the Sun. In
this approach a house system is a projection of another zodiac generated by the
Earth onto the solar Zodiac.
4. Compared to traditional astrological calculations, the results obtained according
to the new algorithms differ by less than the orbs used by the majority of
astrologers in event calculations. Therefore, the proposed concept and resulting
algorithms agree with the traditional astrological calculations and
interpretations that weve inherited from the Moyen Age. Nevertheless we have
proposed the technique of exact aspects, through which the accuracy of
astrological event calculations increases by 2 orders of magnitude. This
technique translates a theoretical difference between the proposed and
traditional algorithms onto a purely practical plane.
5. The proposed technique for pinpoint accuracy event calculations allows us to
attain temporal resolutions of 1-2 seconds of transit time, a half-hour of real54

time for progressions and 3 days for directions. To achieve this accuracy the
conception of symbolic progressed and directed time has been changed. The
linear temporal mappings widely used in medieval European astrology have
been replaced by conform (non-linear) mappings of the event (world) line of a
born. These mappings allow us to attain pinpoint accuracy in event calculations,
but do require detailed information about the movements of the born in the first
three months of life. Additionally, a borns location must be known to an
accuracy of several hundred metres.
6. The unified conception of the derivation of the Zodiac as a dynamic
construction generated by the Sun enables us to determine the structure of the
lunar and planetary zodiacs with a high accuracy as well. The lunar zodiac is of
considerable importance not only for event calculations but also for the
development of astrological symbolism. Unlike the solar and terrestrial zodiacs
it cannot be described by means of a static, elementary geometry. Because of
this, we can understand the failure of ancient astrologers to define the lunar
zodiac in a way suitable for event calculations and interpretation.
7. The unified description of the equinoctial points, local lunar and planetary
nodes may serve to redefine the significance of their positions for the
interpretation. The local lunar nodes are situated near the usual lunar nodes at a
distance of 10-20 for most of the day, but at certain times each day they
diverge 100 or more. In these cases it is particularly easy to find the
interpretative value of the local lunar nodes in natal charts.
8. Within the framework of the idea of the fundamental reference point of a
central massive body we proposed to use previously unknown sensitive points
in event calculations. These points are the cusps of the stations of a zodiac and
their projections onto other zodiacs (except house cusps and stations of the
terrestrial zodiac and the so called cusps of equal solar houses on ecliptics), a
generalization of the familiar house cusps (projections of the terrestrial station
cusps) and the equal solar house cusps (station cusps of the solar zodiac) on the
9. Within the framework of the exact aspect technique we introduced the
hypothesis of the central interpretative value of a "fundamental triad" (planet
aspectcusp). We also formulated the eventless exact-aspect technique for
precise rectification to 1-2 seconds of time. This technique has shown its
efficacy in a considerable number of natal horoscopes.
10. At first we were well satisfied by the state of astrological symbolism used for
interpretation, and did not plan any research in this area. But the system of ideas
and methods for pinpoint calculations proposed in this work requires a
fundamental revision of the conceptual basis for traditional astrological
calculations. We think that this revision could eventually have a significant
impact on the evolution of the symbolic structures in astrology.
To conclude we would like to note one more characteristic (and maybe in our
opinion the main one) of the presented work. The contemporary situation in
astrology, where it is covered over by mysticism and doubtful calculation
techniques, as well as the broad proliferation of "astrological" charlatanry, can only
frighten off people with a sound natural-scientific education and with research
experience in these fields. In fact, the more precisely a man thinks the greater the


likelihood that he will disqualify astrology on first exposure from any claim to
being an exact knowledge system. We hope that this work has decreased the
probability of such a dismissal of astrology at first sight.

9. Thanks.
We would like express our gratitude to our astrology teachers Natalie Markina
and Michail Levin, whose aid was invaluable in our attempts to comprehend
astrological symbolism the only valuable knowledge in astrology. All the rest in
astrology is no more than the skill to think clearly.
The Author also thanks Sergei Tarassov, developer and programmer of the
astrological program ALMAGEST, for the realization in the CONCEPT program of
the presented algorithms. Without practical testing of the proposed ideas, which
could not have been realized without a computer, we could not have dared to
present them for public discussion.


10. Definitions.
Astrology the science linking the events occurring in the Universe with the motions of the massive
heavenly bodies.
Aspect on a given zodiac an aspect is defined for two arbitrary points of the zodiacal circle and
accordingly, for their prototypes on the celestial sphere. Two points on a zodiacal circle are in an
aspect of the Nth harmonic, if one point belongs to the Nth order family of the second point. An
aspect is also the corresponding angular distance between images of two given points on a zodiacal
Dynamic angle the angle between the plane of the local equator and the axis of anisotropy.
Zodiacal circle a circle of zodiacal longitudes with a reference point and sensitive points on it.
Conform progressed mapping (or conform progression) t = P(T) puts into correspondence to the
interval T of (transit) time another interval t (T > t) of (progressed) time such that the displacement

12 for the considered time interval T of the local ascending node of the second zodiac on the
first one with respect to the fundamental reference point of the first zodiac is equal to the

2 1 for the time interval t of the local descending node of the first zodiac on the

second one with respect to the fundamental reference point of the second zodiac.

12 (T ) = 2 1 ( t ) .
Conform directed mapping (or conform direction) is a composition of two identical conform
progressions, i.e. the repetition of the conform progressed mapping: t = D (T) = P ( P (T)). The
Conform mapping of a profection (or Conform profection) is a composition of two different
conform progressions, i.e. of 2 progressions of 2 different pairs of zodiacs of a born. For example,
the conform solar-lunar solar-terrestrial profection t = RSLST (T) PSL ( PST (T)) (SL means
solar-lunar, ST solar-terrestrial) is close to the usual definition of a profection (30 per year).
Fast conform profection a composition of two different conform progressions, in which at first
the fast mapping applies to transit time, and afterwards the slow. The Fast is identified with the
Slow conform profection a composition of two different conform progressions, in which the
slow mapping applies firstly to a transit time, and afterwards the fast. By its full name it can be
distinguished from the fast conform profection. The solar, terrestrial and lunar zodiacs generate 3
t = RSLST (T) PSL ( PST (T)).
t = RSTSL (T) PST ( PSL (T)).
t = RLTST (T) PLT ( PST (T)).
t = RSTLT (T) PST ( PLT (T)).
t = RLTSL (T) PLT ( PSL (T)).
t = RSLLT (T) PSL ( PLT (T)). day per year
Cusp of a station of a central body of Nth order a point of the family of Nth order of the fundamental
reference point (locating at 90 clockwise from the central body), i.e. a point on a zodiacal circle
with longitude equal to the part of the full circle

360( n 1)
, where n number of cusp, N

order of the fundamental reference point family. For N=12 simply the cusp of station.
Cusps of the zodiacal signs of Nth order points of the Nth order family of some reference point


Cusp of a house a projection of a station cusp onto another zodiac.
Cusp of a two-dimensional station a great semicircle of points on the celestial sphere with the
zodiacal longitude

360( n 1)

Local equator (plane) is determined by two vectors: the force vector F acting on a born on the part of
the central body as a whole, and the velocity vector V of the central body without taking account of
North pole of the local equatorial coordinate system is given by the unit vector in the direction of
P = F V.
Fundamental reference point on the local equator (zodiacal circle) or the east point of the central
body is given by the crossing point of the local equator and the plane of the local anisotropy
horizon, the direction to which from the centre of the celestial sphere forms an obtuse angle with the
velocity vector V of the central body in the proper non-rotating reference system of a born.
East point of the central body (fundamental reference point) is also given by the unit vector in
the direction of the vector A= e P, where e is the anisotropy vector of the central body.
West point the point on the celestial sphere opposite the east point.
Anisotropy vector e phenomenological vector characterizing the space anisotropy caused by a
massive body at the point of a born. For distant massive bodies this is the direction to its centre
ignoring aberration, i.e. the tangent vector to the purely spatial geodesic connecting the born and the
distant massive body. For the Earth this is the vector toward the gravitational attraction on the born
Local meridian plane the plane perpendicular to the plane of the local horizon and the plane of
Plane of the local horizon (of space anisotropy) the plane perpendicular to the vector of space
Point of conjunction crossing point of the straight line of intersection of the local meridian
plane and the plane of the local equator with the celestial sphere, in the direction that forms an acute
Point of opposition the point opposite the point of conjunction.
World line of a born the sequence of events in the life of a born expressed as combinations of
coordinates and moments of time.
Moment of creation the moment of birth of a born as a wholeness. We introduce this term in order to
avoid futile debates as to what constitutes the exact moment of birth, as each astrologer has his own
particular opinion in this matter. Let us emphasize that this is an exact moment, rather than a time
interval, chosen by following events of a borns life in the context of the techniques of the exact
aspect and of the fundamental triad.
Orb of aspect the maximum deflection of the zodiacal longitudinal difference between 2 points from
the exact angular value characterizing an aspect, for which it is possible to consider the aspect as
holding between the points for a given purpose.
Parameterization the procedure of assigning the zodiacal longitudinal coordinate to points on the
celestial sphere.
Planet as a zodiacal element the point on a zodiacal circle having the same zodiacal longitude as a
point on the celestial sphere representing a planet. A point representing a planet on the celestial
sphere is defined by the direction of the anisotropy vector caused by this planet in the location of a
Projection (image) of a point on a first equator onto a second equator has the same zodiacal longitude
in the coordinate system of the first zodiac, as its prototype (the source point on the first equator).
Born a wholeness, whose world line (fate as an ensemble of events) is of interest to us.


Nth order family of points generated by the first point on a zodiacal circle N points, symmetrically
located in the corners of a regular N-agon inscribed within a zodiacal circle. More strictly: the points
of the Nth order family of a given point can be generated from the first point by the action of a
regular representation of the cyclic subgroup of the Nth order of the one-parametric group of
First point of a family the point generating the family.
Event the death of one wholeness and the birth of another. Any event occurs at a specific time and
place, i.e. in this sense the term complies with the notion of an event as a collection of spatial and
temporal coordinates, as used in the theory of general relativity.
Station (house, sign) an interval on a zodiacal circle from the cusp of a station (house, sign) up to the
One-dimensional station (house, sign) an arc on a zodiacal circle identified with the equator of
Two-dimensional station (sign) ensemble of points on the celestial sphere, having the same
zodiacal longitudes on the considered zodiac, as the points of the one-dimensional station (house,
sign) on the local equator (zodiacal circle) of the considered zodiac.
Exact aspect in the present work by an exact aspect we mean an aspect with an orb of 30". It is
possible that this is not a fundamental orb, but an error in astronomical and astrological calculations.
When we increase the precision of calculations we expect a decrease in the orb of an exact aspect to
at least 1" without modifying the conception presented here.
Triad (fundamental) of an event: a planet, aspect, and the cusp of station (house). The planet and cusp
are in exact aspect. The moment this aspect becomes exact fixes the occurrence of the event.
Local nodes the crossing points of two local equators of a born and of their images on both zodiacal
Ascending local node (of the equator of a second zodiac on the equator of a first zodiac) the
local node, for which after a small displacement from the considered crossing point in the positive
direction along the second zodiacal circle, the obtained point is closer to the north pole of the
Descending local node the second crossing point, opposite to the ascending local node.
For example, it is possible to consider the vernal point as the ascending solar node on the terrestrial
equator or as the descending terrestrial node on the solar equator (ecliptic).
Central body: a massive body generating the zodiac under consideration.


11. References.
1. V.V. Bolotov. Lectures on the history of ancient church. V. 2. History of church at the period
before Constantine the Great. (StPetersburg., 1907). (in Russian)

2. Nicholas Campion. St. Augustine on Astrology. Astrology Quarterly, vol. 64/3, Summer 1994.
3. Witte-Lefeldt. Rules for Planetary Pictures. Plantation (Florida, USA): Penelope Publications,

4. Wendel Polich and A.P. Nelson Page. The topocentric system of houses. Spica, vol. 3, N 3,
1964, p. 3-10.

5. Wendel Polich and A.P. Nelson Page. Answer to Cyril Fagan's objections. Spica, vol. 5, N 3,
1966, p. 38-44.

6. Claudius Ptolemaeus. Quadripartitum. Venetiis, Bonetus Locatellus, XIII Kal. Jan. (20 Dec.)
1498, 2.

7. R. Newton. The crime of Claudius Ptolemy. Moscow: Nauka, 1985. (in Russian)74
8. A.T. Fomenko, V.V. Kalashnikov and G.V. Nosovskiy and. Geometrical and statistical methods

of analysis of star configurations. Dating of Ptolemys Almagest. Moscow, Factorial, 1995. (in
G.V. Nosovskiy and A.T. Fomenko. New chronology and the concept of the ancient history of
Russia, England and Rome. V. 1 and 2. Moscow, 1995. (in Russian)
Alexandre Volguine. L'
astrologie en Grece. L'
Astrologue n. 106, 2 trim. 1994.
Giovanni Zattini. Confronto pratico sulle direzioni mondane Tolomeo/Placido e l'
polare degli astri. Linguaggio Astrale. Anno VII n.4, N. 101, II Semestre 1995. P. 116-136.
Noel Tyl. Prediction in Astrology. St. Paul (Minnesota, USA): Llewellyn Publications, 1991, p.
William Lilly. Christian Astrology. Houston, Texas: JustUs & Associates, 1986.
W. Koch und E. Schaeck. Gebrtsortes Hausetabellen. Saarbrucken (Deutschland): Schaeck
Ralf William. Bases of determination of the house cusps77.
P.I. Bakoulin, E.V. Kononovich and V.I. Moroz. Course of general astronomy. Moscow:
Nauka, 1977. (in Russian).78
E. Mach. Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwickelung historisch-kritisch dargestellt, F.A.
Brockhaus,Leipzig, 1904, S. 236; E. Mach. In: The Monist, Vol. XIV, 1903.
A. Volguine. Astrologie lunaire. Paris: Dervy-Livres, 1977.
Giovanni Zattini. L'
aspetto mondano di Claudio Tolomeo. Acts of the I Congresso
Internazionale del Centro Italiano di Astrologia. Venezia, November 25-27th, 1994, N 43.
Dane Rudhyar. Astrology of personality. Moscow: Antaris, 1991. (in Russian)
Ptolomei Svarogich. Is the modernization of astrology possible? Russian astrology. N2, 1993, p.
4. (in Russian).
Ptolomei Svarogich. Calcoli bidimensionali con la precisione di 30" nellastrologia
previsionale. Acts of the I Congresso Internazionale del Centro Italiano di Astrologia. Venezia,
November 2527th, 1994, N 41.


It is possible to find an English edition.

It is possible to find an English edition.
Reference without year of publication is taken from the brochure: HP-67/HP97. Users'Library
Solutions. Astrology. Hewlett-Packard, 1978 (?).
We have no better reference to this book. We used a photocopy of illustrations from this book.
The book is in English. This is the best book on houses that we found. So we dare to give an inexact
reference in the hope that the interested reader will be able to find it.
Or any other book on general astronomy.


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