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Day 2

Good Morning Participants, and welcome to the day 2 of our

science camp, to start the day, let us all stand for an
environmental prayer through a video presentation and please
remain standing for the singing of our national anthem, Maria Fe
Balmaceda conducting.
I hope everyone had good sleep last night and ready for
today. Are you ready?Alright! Before we start our session today let
me call first your attendance. As I call the name of your school,
please recite your yell. Lets see whether your mind and body is
full of energy.
- Call the roll
Mr. Ower Sapo: The Science of Climate Change
At this point let me introduce to you our first discussant this
morning, he is a teacher 1 of Maynaga Elementary School. He is a
competent science teacher who will let you understand what
really climate change is. So lets give warm claps to Mr. Ower
Thank you sir for spending your time with us, To award the
certificate of commendation to our resource speaker may I call on
Mam Joselyn N. Sampal, Principal 1 of Balaba and Dalogo
Elementary School.
Mrs. Shiela B. Realo: Good News about Climate
Change Stewardship and Adaptation
Our next Discussant is also a competent science teacher,
she is one of the outstanding teachers of polangui, she is
currently teaching in Kinuartelan Elementary School, May I turn
you over to Mrs. Shiela B. Realo.
To award the plaque of appreciation to our resource speaker,
may I call on Mam Joselyn N. Sampal and yours truly.
- Thank you mam Shiela
Mrs. Blesilda Olivares
Our next session is about Environmental Program and
Corporate Responsibility which will be discussed by another
competent, knowledgeable and science enthusiast. She is the
new Head teacher of Danao Elementary School. Lets all welcome
with a warm round of applause Maam Blesilda Olivares.

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