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Josep Corts Faura

Badalona Idiomes
Travelling in time

Nowadays in our society travelling in time is a very popular topic. There have been a lot of
theories and films related to the topic. However no one has been proved. Would you like
travelling in time? Have you thought about the consequences of it? Like everything, travelling in
time has some advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand travelling to the past might be positive in some aspects. Knowing about our
parents or relatives life and comparing them to ours life could be a nice experience. Also might
be positive changing some mistakes that we could have done in the past. Avoiding some kind of
accident, for example, could save the life of lots of people.

On the other hand, have we thought about the consequences of changing the past? Its sure that
lots of people would take advantage and they would do crimes. For example, lots of people would
buy the winning lottery coupon. This would make a lot of changes in our society. Also changing
past actions could provoke the disappearance of some people. It would be a chaos.

In conclusion, travelling in time might be a good experience above all for Scientifics to study all
the world creation theories, but also for us to know our relatives past and comparing it to now.
However travelling in time would create a chaos when people start taking advantage of it.

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