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Your Question

Type of
Type of Advise
given in the first

Lecture Names

In your first coursework you should have advised e

exporting or foreign direct investment, hence in your
coursework you are expected to explain how can
implement your suggestion from the first coursewor
coursework is the continuation of the first.
Export Based Courseworks

Non-Equity Based Int's

Export/Import 1
Export/Import 2
Export/Import 3

Export Contracts
Export Risk
Export Transportation

Type of topics
that goes into

Export Type (direct vs indirect)

Export Type Organisation
Risk reduction- hedging
Risk reduction- insurance
Payment System (LoC, etc...)
Payment Protection (Bonds)
Payment Procedure (LoI)

work you should have advised either

rect investment, hence in your second
e expected to explain how can you
estion from the first coursework. This
the continuation of the first.
Foreign Direct Investment
Based Courseworks
Equity Based Int's
FDI, Licensing. Partnership, Joint
Venture, outsourcing, etc.
Technology and Knowledge Transfer
Absorptive Capacity
International Manufacturing Networks
International Supply Chains
International Production 1-2
What needs to be transferred
How can you transfer them
effects of absorptive capacity
supply chain strategy according to
international business strategy
Supply chain design
Outsourcing (what needs to be and why)
Int Manufacturing Advantages and how they
are related to corporate strategy
Transfer of organisational practices
Coordination of the new facility
How can they imporve int manufacturing


Organisational Practices

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