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Limited Equipment, Maximum Burn

New and Improved Metabolic Complexes

by Gareth Sapstead | 04/29/20

 Training
 Metcon

Fat loss does not require boring cardio. While cardio helps with the calorie
output side of the energy balance equation, metabolic complexes are far more

Complexes preserve lean muscle, improve athleticism, and burn fat without
asking for much of your time. They're also more fun and require very little

But forget what you think you know about metabolic complexes. We're about
to break from tradition and develop some new rules to make your complexes
pack an even bigger punch.
Wait, What's a Metabolic Complex?

It's a form of circuit training that challenges both strength and cardiovascular
systems. Complexes create a ton of metabolic stress and oxygen debt in a
short period of time. Since you're using a moderate resistance, they also help
to preserve lean muscle mass – an area where cardio falls short.

For a single complex, you'd perform 4-6 exercises in sequence, with minimal
rest, using the same weight/resistance. For example, you'd do the entire
complex with the same kettlebell, same dumbbell, etc. Typically, you wouldn't
take your hands off the weight until the entire set is over.

For practical purposes, the weight remains the same throughout and,
traditionally, so do the reps. But we'll address that in a minute.

Here's an example of a classic complex. Note the exercise order and the
same number of reps being used throughout.

 Row x 4-6
 Clean x 4-6
 Front Squat x 4-6
 Military Press x 4-6
 Back Squat x 4-6
 Good Morning x 4-6

We can make this work even better. But first...

Why Do Complexes Work?

 Complexes put a very high demand on your anaerobic energy systems
(both ATP-PC and glycolytic systems). Using these energy systems for
repeated bouts is associated with growth hormone release and activating the
biochemical pathways associated with fat loss.
 Complexes cause a ton of excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption
(EPOC). Although not as large an "afterburn" effect as some might have you
believe, around 30 minutes will cause a spike in your metabolic rate for up to
38 hours. Effects range from tens to hundreds of extra calories burned, even
at rest.
 Complexes are a form of resistance training. That means stronger
muscles, bones, and connective tissues. Traditional cardio just doesn't
 Steady-state cardio can promote muscle breakdown, especially when in
a calorie deficit. This is due to activation of certain biochemical processes
(namely the AMPK pathway). Complexes, on the other hand, will have a
muscle-sparing effect.

Why Complexes Need Upgrading

The biggest downfall of complexes? You're using the same weight throughout.

In the example above, imagine if you were to do each exercise without a time
limit. You'd select a different weight for each exercise, right? You'd probably
lift the most in the back squat and the least in the military press.

Being time efficient is important, but so is maximizing your workout

productivity. With upgraded complexes, you'll be varying the reps based on
each exercise and your ability. This helps to accommodate for the same
resistance being used throughout and works to load each exercise more

The second major upgrade is in the order of exercises. Unlike common weight
circuits which lack purpose, complexes should have a specific structure that
allows each exercise to be challenged. While the aforementioned complex
does flow nicely and does have some purpose, it could flow just as nicely but
pack an even bigger punch.

As an example, let's look at how mechanical drop-sets work. In short, with the
same weight you'd start your set with your weakest exercise first. Once you
reach near technical failure you'd then change to an easier variation, then
switch to an even easier variation after that. Each change in variation
represents a "drop," but instead of dropping weight you're manipulating the
exercise and leverage factors to continue your set. It's horrible, but in a good

If you want to maximize both fat loss and muscle gain, metabolic complexes
should be viewed in much the same way. Think of it as a "metabolic
mechanical drop set" for your entire body.

Since this is a high metabolic stress technique, it's also wise to choose your
exercise order carefully to avoid sloppy reps.

Let's cut right to the chase and look at some upgraded complexes, then we'll
break down what's happening below.

Four Complexes to Try Right Now

Each of these will take you 15-20 minutes, maybe less.

You'll use the same weight throughout the complex, but your rep ranges for
each exercise within each complex can vary. Just choose the right weight on
the first exercises in the complex. That's a weight that allows you to get 10-12

With each exercise to follow, just stop a couple of reps short of failure. If you
hit 6 reps with one exercise and 15 reps with another exercise, that's fine.

Note: The videos only show 4 reps of each exercise for demo purposes.

Single Dumbbell Complex

Select a weight you can do 10-12 dumbbell power snatches with. Do 3-4
rounds of the entire complex using the same weight.
 Hang Power Snatch, Each Side
 Dumbbell Row, Each Side
 Reverse Lunge, Each Side
 Push Press, Each Side

Two Dumbbell Complex

Select a weight you can do 10-12 hang power cleans with. Do 3-5 rounds.

 Hang Power Clean

 Strict Shoulder Press
 Bent-Over Row
 Front Squat
 Romanian Deadlift

Kettlebell Complex

Select a weight you can do 10-12 kettlebell clean & presses on each side
with. Do 3-5 rounds.

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