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Meltdown Training 3

The Competition Phase

by Don Alessi | 04/25/03

 Fat Loss Training
 Bodybuilding

Back in issue #173, Coach Alessi introduced the world to Meltdown Training,
a program designed to melt fat off your body by manipulating natural growth
hormone levels through lactic acid energy training. Then, as if Meltdown 1
wasn't challenging enough, Don brought us Meltdown 2 or "The Death Circuit"
which allows you to burn more calories in one workout than most people burn
in a weekof training, or at least that's what it feels like.

Now, Don is unleashing Meltdown 3, a "finishing program" designed to give

you that finely honed, chiseled look.

Attention Advanced Narcissists!

The standards are rising. We used to be satisfied with just not being fat, then
we wanted a six pack. Today, we don't just want to be lean, we want to be
super lean and muscular! The hunt for artificial substances and special
training methods is at its historical apex. My focus has been on discovering
and developing those special training programs. Enter Meltdown Training 3.

Meltdown 3 is distinctly unlike Meltdown 1 and Meltdown 2. The first program

focused on energy deficit (i.e. calories spent by way of training large muscle
mass) along with hypertrophy of the contracting muscle units. Meltdown 2
upped the ante on calories burned by emphasizing the strength-speed
contraction (i.e. the strength-speed and high energy phosphate systems).

In contrast, Meltdown 3 focuses on quickly depleting glycogen stores and

increasing the plasma mass of non-contractile units of muscle tissue. In other
words, this program, performance-wise, is all show and no go. In the world of
strength sports this is often an undesirable training effect. Only in bodybuilding
and certain grappling sports is increased mass without increased relative
strength a good thing. Therefore, if you're a competitive athlete seeking speed
or strength, do this phase in the off season only. This is reserved for the
insecure, narcissistic and slow types, which is probably why I do so well with

Meltdown 3 is designed to help you add detail and look chiseled for a contest
or photo shoot. It'll prepare the trainee for enduring poses under hot, ischemic
conditions. As any one who's ever competed knows, cramping, shaking and
wilting can be devastating to a model or competitor.

Obviously, this program is for advanced bodybuilders looking to get into elite-
level shape, not just the average fitness enthusiast looking to drop a few
pounds before summer.
This program can also get pretty complex, but given the advanced nature of
those who'll use it, I'm pulling no punches and not bothering to "dumb it down"
for the masses.

Meltdown 3: The "Shocking" Origin

The development of this phase began with my experimentation with various

clinical electrostim patterns. I was experimenting with ways to increase power
in boxers when I noticed three unexpected training benefits that had meaning
in bodybuilding:

1. When one side was stimulated (unilaterally) and not the other, the
stimulated muscle could, in subsequent sets, endure three to four more reps
before lactate accumulation would shut down the contraction and "failure"
would ensue. This represented an obvious localized effect.
2. The endurance training effect was more pronounced in the slower twitch
muscles like the shoulders, mid-back, triceps, quads, calves, tibialis and
3. The pain typically associated with training the smaller, intrinsic motor
units to voluntary maximum contraction was dampened in the stimulated
muscles. This is a real cool finding, because, let's face it, many times a trainee
will quit due to pain on a given set, beforemaximum capacity is reached.

"Trick" Your Muscles to Grow

Instead of using the impractical electro-stimulation units to increase muscular

tetanus, I came up with the idea of directing your built in electro-stim system
(the nervous system) to "one up" muscle metabolism. I do this by applying a
variation of supra-maximal training that focuses on the endurance component
rather than the strength component.

If I just lost you, tetanic facilitation is forcing the body to activate all or most
motor units instead of just the ones necessary for that load. Preliminary
isometric tension has a positive effect on subsequent dynamic work,
augmenting absolute strength, power and yes, even endurance. Dynamic
work usually increases by up to 20% more than work done without preliminary
isometric tension. Before, we've focused on developing the strength and
power improvements only.

Okay, that's the textbook answer. Here's the gym version: this technique
forces more reps in the same amount of time you're already spending! It does
that by "tricking" your muscles to contract progressively harder, surpassing the
natural shutdown mechanism created with increased blood acidity (lactate).

The rest of this is going to seem complicated, but just remember the key to
this program: you'll max out at 12 to 15 reps, isometrically support a slightly
heavier weight for 30 seconds, and then be able to bang out a couple more
reps on the subsequent set than you could have otherwise if you hadn't done
the isometric hold. It really is that simple, so don't make it too confusing.

The results are remarkable and can practically be applied to any "density"
training to make it even "denser." To see this more clearly, the tables below
compare conventional incomplete rest training with Meltdown 3.

Table 1: Conventional bodybuilding (incomplete rest system):

You lose a rep or two due to accumulating lactate.

Set 1: 15 reps x 100 lbs. (15 x 4 = 60 seconds estimated set duration)
Set 2: 11 reps x 100 lbs. (44 seconds)
Set 3: 9 reps x 100 lbs. (36 seconds)
Set 4: 7 reps x 100 lbs. (28 seconds
Set 5: 6 reps x 100 lbs. (24 seconds)
Set 6: 6 reps x 100 lbs. (24 seconds)
Set 7: 5 reps x 100 lbs. (20 seconds)
Total reps: 58
Average weight lifted: 100 lbs
Average time under tension per set: 34 seconds

Table 2: Meltdown 3 (incomplete rest system using static or isometric reps of

varying lengths):

The nervous system forces more reps and lactate, progressively. Assuming a
steady two second up and two second down repetition tempo, four seconds
per rep and 45 seconds rest between sets.

Set 1: 15 reps x 100 lbs. (15 x 4 = 60 seconds estimated set duration)
Set 2: 30 second support x 120 lbs. (the isometric hold)
Set 3: 16 reps x 100 lbs. (64 seconds)
Set 4: 45 second support x 130 lbs. (another isometric hold)
Set 5: 14 reps x 100 lbs. (56 seconds)
Set 6: 60 second support x 135 lbs. (the final isometric hold)
Set 7: 13 reps x 100 lbs. (52 seconds)

Total reps: 79
Average weight lifted: 113 lbs
Average time under tension per set: 52 seconds

On a conventional bodybuilding program, rest intervals are kept short. This

forces the muscular endurance adaptation but it's a tradeoff since you lose
approximately two reps per set. As you can see with the above example
(which was taken directly from one of my athlete's training journals), the
Meltdown 3 protocol squeezes out 27% more reps, 12% more load, and a
whopping 35% more contraction time! This combination of more work, tension
and contraction time is the prescription for faster improvement. You'll see and
feel the difference! Expect to get the pump of your life and wake up sore!
Training Parameters for Meltdown 3

Here are the training parameters for Meltdown 3. I'll explain the details later in
the article and provide some sample workouts, so don't freak out if this seems
confusing at first.

 Intensity: All exercises are performed at roughly 60% of 1RM (one rep
max). This equals what you can handle for a maximum of 15 reps. Momentary
maximal contraction (failure) must be hit on all sets with the exception of
dynamic set three. This is a scheduled unloading set and failure is
 Frequency: The dynamic/static resistance workout is designed to be
performed four days within a six day period or five cycles in a month. The two
"off" days are scheduled anytime within the six day cycle by the trainee. The
"10 minute plasmic blowout" (to be described later) should occur two days per
week, either four to eight hours after a morning resistance workout, on "off"
days, or at the end of the resistance workout if that's all the time you have. 
 Session Progression: Within each training day, increase each  static set
load by 2 to 5%. If your static hold on Set 2 is done with 100 pounds, use
102.5 or 105 on Set 4. Do not, however, make the mistake of pacing yourself
on set one. This negates the training effect of the static holds.
 Monthly Progression: The workout load will intensify through density
(increased volume and shorter rest intervals) over the five cycles. Progress by
decreasing the rest between sets by 15 seconds each training cycle. Leave
the load alone the first three times through the body (cycle) and simply focus
on more reps in less time. Then, on cycle four, increase the load 5 to 10%
above cycle one values and reset the rest between sets back up to 60
seconds. (See example directly below.) Accurate rest timing is critical. 

Note: Most exercises will begin with 60 seconds rest. Due to metabolic

demand, compound exercises will begin with a 180 second rest interval. I've
indicated this in the exercise detail, so read the exercise description carefully.

Cycle 1

Load (% of 1RM): 60% (15RM)

Rest: 60 seconds
Cycle 2

Load: 60%
Rest: 45 seconds

Cycle 3

Load: 60%
Rest: 30 seconds

Cycle 4

Load: 65% (new 15RM)

Rest: 60 seconds

Cycle 5

Load: 65%
Rest: 45 seconds

Just to make sure things are reasonably clear, I'm going to reiterate the main

Execution of Dynamic and Static Sets

Alternate one set of conventional dynamic training with "static" support sets,
as described above. There's one more dynamic set than support set; this
allows you to attack the last set.

Dynamic Set Info

Dynamic Sets: 4
Target Reps per Set: 15,17,10,15
Tempo: 202

 Cycle 1: On most exercises: 60 seconds rest before performing static

sets. However, on chins, squats, bench press: 180 seconds rest 
 Cycle 2:On most exercises: 45 seconds rest before performing static
sets. However, on chins, squats, bench press: 165 seconds 
 Cycle 3:On most exercises: 30 seconds rest before performing static
sets. However, on chins, squats, bench press: 150 seconds 
 Cycle 4:On most exercises: 60 seconds rest before performing static
sets. However, on chins, squats, bench press: 180 seconds 
 Cycle 5:On most exercises: 45 seconds rest before performing static
sets. However, on chins, squats, bench press: 165 seconds 
Static Set Info

Static Sets: 3
Reps: 1 rep held statically in the most favorable position (this is noted in
exercise detail)
Static hold time per set on every workout: 30 seconds
Rest before returning to dynamic sets: same as above in dynamic sets

 Organization: Set up both the dynamic and isometric loads during the
warm-up. The isometric load is calculated at roughly 120% to 135% of your 15
rep maximum for that lift. For example, on your first post warm-up set, you go
all out on a dumbbell Arnold press and you bang out a 15 rep max using 80-
pound dumbbells. You'd calculate a "lock out" of 95 pounds on your first static
set (supported for 30 seconds). 
 Set Termination: Maximal voluntary contraction "failure" terminates any
set. No forced reps please. I've found they'll work against you on this system. 
 Range of Motion: Assuming a progressive warm-up, stretch the muscle
on the first set aggressively, somewhere between a four letter word outburst
and detaching the muscle clear off the bone. 
 Lactate Threshold: Let's say instead of increasing, you drop to around
10 to 12 reps on the second set. This means your working muscles can't clear
lactate fast enough. In that case, increase the rest intervals by 15 seconds
increments until your reps go back up. As you shed fat, this will radically
Workout Schedule and Exercise Detail

Note: Always use spotters and safety racks. Often the muscles will "fail"
without warning or control. Also, breathe naturally throughout all static sets.

Day 1: Chest and Shoulders

Remember, you're going to be doing seven sets, four dynamic, or regular ol'
sets, and three static holds for each exercise, unless otherwise stated.

A. High Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

Bench set at 75°, static hold at forearm extended position.

B. Decline Abdominal Hip Extension

Lie supine and in "reverse" position (head where the feet go) on a decline
bench. Secure your position with your arms. Flex the knees into the chest as
the sacrum is elevated. Next, using the abdominal muscles, maximally extend
the hips and knees vertically. Lower the hips under control until the sacrum
briefly touches the decline bench. Add ankle weights on static sets. Static hold
at top extended position.

C. Cable Crossover

Static hold at maximally adducted (arms together) position.

D. Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press, semi-supinated

Sit with the lower back pressing firmly against an elevated bench. Static hold
at elbow extended, "top" position.

Day 2: Back and Calves

A. Sternum Chin-up

Grasp a chin-up bar with a slightly wider than shoulder width, semi-supinated
(parallel) grip. If this bar isn't available, then the cable crossover machine can
be used. Begin at the bottom, stretched position. First, forcibly pull together
and separate the shoulder blades for one second each. Next, perform the
concentric portion of a traditional chin-up, forcing the elbows down and back
as the chin passes the bar. Static hold at elbow flexed, "top" position.

B. Dumbbell Shrug

Static hold at elevated, "top" position.

C. One Arm Dumbbell Row, slight decline, pronated grip


Static hold at elbow flexed, "top" position.

D. Single Leg Calf Raise

Static hold at ankle extended, "top" position.

E. Seated Calf Raise – Static hold at ankle extended, "top" position.

Day 3: Legs and Abdominals

A. One Leg Squat (use barbell in spotter rack or dumbbells)

Stand three to four feet in front of a 12 to 18 inch step. Extend one leg
backwards and position the toes of that foot on the step – this will represent
the unloaded leg. Keep erect posture and elbows tucked directly under the bar
at all times. Using the active contraction of the vastus medialis, quads and
glutes, lower the torso by flexing the loaded knee maximally. Next, raise the
torso by extending the same leg. After knee extension, follow through by
extending the hips slightly. Static hold at knee extended, "top" position

Tip: This is a technical exercise and therefore light loads must be used until
proficiency is reached.

B. One Leg Hamstring "Push Up" on bench

Lie on the floor, body length away from a flat bench. Position the active leg
and foot on the bench, knee slightly flexed. The other non-loaded leg is free
with the hip in flexion and the knee extended. Arms should be extended at the
side. To begin, elevate and extend the hip and knee with the contraction of the
hamstrings, glutes and spinal extensors. Reverse this sequence to lower the
body completely. Static hold at knee extended, "top" position.

Tip: Keep the feet neutral as it may invert or evert toward the stronger side.

C. Dumbbell "Cross-under" Step

With a slightly narrower than shoulder-width stance, stand on top of a 12 to 18
inch step or block. Make sure there's extra floor space on the sides. With one
leg, step down and reach posterior, across the body midline. Next, push
concentrically with the elevated foot so that the "crossed-under" foot can
return to shoulder-width position on the step.

Note: No static sets are performed with this exercise. Follow dynamic

D. Alternating Oblique "Backstroke" on bench

This one makes bodybuilders look like lollipop-licking school girls. Start supine
on a flat bench, knees bent and feet flat on floor. Next, begin by tilting the
pelvis, thus flattening the lower back. Now use the abdominals to flex the
trunk and elevate the shoulder blades as high off the bench as possible. This
is when the fun begins. While holding the sternum high, flex your shoulders
one at a time as you would while doing a backstroke. Allow the torso to twist
toward the side of shoulder flexion.

Note: Again, no static sets are performed with this exercise. Follow dynamic

Day 4: Biceps and Triceps

A. Preacher Hammer Curl With Dumbbell – Static hold at elbow flexed, "top"

B. Dumbbell, Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crusher) – Static hold at elbow

flexed, "mid" position.

C. Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Static hold at elbow flexed, "top" position.

D. Incline, Reverse Grip, EZ-bar Triceps Extension

Sit on an incline bench positioned at a 75° angle. Lie supine on the bench in a
"pseudo squat" so that your head is hanging over the top edge of the bench
and the neck is in full extension. (The neck extension is optional, but it
increases strength up to 15% and range of motion on the stretch component.)

Reverse grip the EZ-bar so that the elbows and knuckles will point towards
the ceiling and extend the elbows fully. Slowly bend the elbows and lower the
weight to a stretch position. You must keep this a strict movement at the
elbows and not the shoulders. Static hold at elbow flexed, "top" position.

E.10 minute Plasmic Blowout

This little gem is an honest to goodness "miracle" for hard gainers or to

"blowout" an absent body part. The execution is simple: grab a broomstick or
light bar, then choose any of the exercises listed and perform it nonstop for
ten minutes. This will completely shatter any pathetic "genetic limits" you
thought you had.

Exercise choices for plasmic blowout: back squat, overhead squat, bleacher

or stairwell climbing (two stairs at a time), bent-over rows, deadlift with shrug
and toe raise, leg press, lower back bridging on heels and superman.

Lower Back Bridging on Heels: Lie supine on your back with the heels slightly
wider than shoulder width apart and elevated on a 4" block or step. Elevate
the pelvis until it's aligned with the knees; lower completely until your sacrum
contacts the floor.

Superman: Lie prone on belly and raise both arms and legs simultaneously.

Remember, this "blowout" should occur two days per week, either four to eight
hours after a morning resistance workout, on "off" days, or at the end of the
resistance workout.

Nutritional Concerns

As most of you know, calories and carbs count when leaning out. Harder
anaerobic workouts demand more energy both immediately and post training.
This system tricks the muscles to contract harder and at a higher frequency
leading to the depletion of stored energy substrates, especially glycogen,
pryuvate and ATP. This, in turn, imposes a specific super-compensation,
signaling the body to "store" more than before the training session.

Glycogen pulls more water into the muscles and voila – the muscle soaks up
more mass. That's the engorged look we're after. I found that I could get into
ketosis a day sooner and eat 100 grams more carbs on my weekend "cheat"
before the carbs spilled over into fat. I found this very rewarding, as I'm not
afraid of training harder as long as I can enjoy my "cheat".

Unique is my recommendation for calcium pyruvate. Calcium and perhaps

even magnesium are depleted more readily in "plasma" hypertrophy than with
contractile protein hypertrophy; therefore, the short-term use of large amounts
of supplemental calcium are warranted. The pyruvate converts and is stored
as pyruvic acid, which in turn tempers the catabolism of glycogen. This allows
you to train harder yet protects against too fast a muscle breakdown or thyroid

To maximize the depletion and super-compensation of glycogen along with

the stripping of fat into ketones, I offer these tips:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

 10 calories per pound of bodyweight
 Omega 3,6,9 fats (50 grams) and GLA (6 grams daily, divide in 3 meals)
 50 grams of carbs or less
 Supplement calcium pyruvate – 15 grams per day

 250 grams of carbs
 12 calories per pound of bodyweight
 Omega 3,6,9 fats (50 grams) and GLA (6 grams daily, divide in 3 meals)
 5 grams of creatine, three times per day with meals
 5 grams of arginine, three times per day with meals
 500 grams of carbs
 15 calories per pound of bodyweight
 Omega 3,6,9 fats (50 grams) and GLA (6 grams daily, divide in 3 meals)
 5 grams of creatine, three times per day with meals
 5 grams of arginine, three times per day with meals


Let's review the basics of Meltdown 3 one more time. The idea is to force
more reps into the same amount of time you always use. We do this by
tricking your muscles with an isometric hold between other exercises, thus
leading to more work, more tension and more contraction time. Basically,
you'll max out at 10 to 15 reps, isometrically support a slightly heavier weight,
then perform a couple more reps than you did the first time.

Combined with proper eating, Meltdown 3 can help you get into contest shape
or just the best "beach shape" you've ever achieved!

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