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This is a three section test. Totally 150 questions. 1st section is Verbal,
2nd in Quant and last is DI (50 questions each)
Total time 2 hrs. 0.25 negative marking.

Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. He was a socialist and had the reputation of being sympathetic to
the Indian cause.
B. The proposals he had brought were however, not so favourable.
C. Sir Stafford Cripps reached Delhi on March 22. 1942.
D. He was known to be a personal friend of Jawahar Lal Nehru and
other Indian leaders.

Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. It continued its deliberations for many days over Gandhijis new
slogan to the nation.
B. On July 14, 1942 the Committee passed a long resolution - "Quit
India" resolution.
C. The Working Committee of the Congress met at Wardha.
D. It demanded that the British rule in India must end.


Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours give
expression to it.
B. We shall either free India or die in the perpetuation of our slavery.
C. Here is a "mantra", a short one that I give.
D. The "mantra" is: "Do or Die."

Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. His inner voice spoke two words "Quit India."
B. The failure of Cripps Mission disheartened the people.
C. The day Cripps left was Sunday.
D. Gandhiji pondered over the difficult situation, on Monday his
day of silence, as to what could be the solution?

Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. All other developing nations fall far behind.
B. With a large and complex market like India, the report says
further, looking at averages can be deceptive.
C. China's parity is $ 2,870 billion, India's stands at $ 1,105 billion.
D. Among developing countries. India comes second after China
in terms of purchasing power parity.

Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. Honesty, truth and loyalty have the foundation of Utopia strong.
B. In Utopia there is no black money, no transaction under table.
C. It is a self-sufficient country with abundant natural resources.
D. It imports less and exports more.

Direction for question: The following question consists of four

statements. You have to select the option representing the most
coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. The cottage industries producing a variety of handicrafts boost the
country's exports.
B. The economy in Utopia is quite strong; the currency ratings do not
fall by the day.
C. There are no prominent classes in Utopian society.
D. It is, more or less, a homogeneous system.

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are
jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.

1. We must be aware that all private industries have not proved

successful: there are hundreds and thousand of sick units.
A. The problem is not choosing between Public Sector and private
B. If public sector is not doing well, we can find out the reasons and
remove the detects.
C. There is less chance for corruption and meddling with politics.
D. Some Public Sector units like the ONGC. LIC and other have done
quite well.
6. A constructive approach is needed.

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are
jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. In certain controversial issues the Board of Interview may be
interested in your personal views.
A. Let us take Stale autonomy, sons of the Soil policy. Non-alignment,
Prohibition, Public Sector. Gandhian economy etc.

B. Some simple controversial topics can be cited.

C. Here one must give his/her sincere preferences.

D. If one opposes he/she must say why with convincing and rational
6. It is quite possible that some Members of the Board may hold rather
strong views to the contrary.

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

10 between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are

jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. The Chairman starts the interview with some general and casual
A. However, the Chairman and a member subsequently attempt to
probe the candidate at length.
B. The candidate answers the questions freely and frankly.
C. He is free of inhibitions.
D. He frankly admits his reading is not too extensive.
6. He subtly conveys that he reads newspapers and periodicals to keep
himself well-informed.


Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

11 between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are

jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. The candidate reveals a selective approach and indicates his
preferences without hesitation.
A. He displays consistently a logical, rational and intelligent approach.
B. He is sure of himself.
C. His behaviour is natural and normal - no affectations, air or
D. He makes up his mind firmly when required to choose.
6. This indicates his mental stability and consistency.

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

12 between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are

jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. Earlier, under cold war conditions we were enjoying the support of
Soviet Union.
A. It was the same case with many other countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria,
Vietnam etc.
B. Even before disintegration of Russia, America attacked Iraq and
liberated Kuwait.
C. We could stand upto American pressure to some extent.
D. The Soviet Union was a mute witness.

6. It allowed the onslaught of U.S. air, land and naval attacks on Iraq.

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

13 between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are

jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. He is able to think on his feet.
A. He is abreast of the international burning issues and their impact on
B. He can think ahead and plan with imagination and enterprise.
C. He succeeds in presenting his views with force and sincerity.
D. He displays readiness to accept responsibility.
6. At the same time he is flexible and has no rigid or predetermined

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

14 between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are

jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. He is an intelligent and well-informed candidate.
A. He is able to decide on the priorities with speed and accuracy.
B. He has significant capacity to motivate and carry his team-mates
with him.
C. He is physically fit and mentally alert.

D. He takes reasonable risks unhesitantly.

6. He will prove a real asset to the organisation.

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given

15 between two statements 1 and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are

jumbled up. You have to select the option which indicates a logical
sequencing of the six taken together.
1. More professional and responsible character should be bestowed
on our sports federation.
A. Some minimum criteria for selection to a post should be prescribed.
B. A healthy public opinion should be generated.
C. Government's interference should be cut to the roots.
D. This will leave little room for government to make vested
6. Exposure with the game should be the criteria for selection to a post
of office bearers.

Direction for question: Select the option representing the best

16 sequence of the four statements to make proper and coherent

A. to put pressure on the authorities in charge to
B. the inhuman treatment meted out to the inmates of

C. Indian prisons has once again forced the human rights activists
D. take steps to amend the same.

Direction for question: Select the option representing the best

17 sequence of the four statements to make proper and coherent

A. one day be able to distinguish between the two realities of
B. life which are

C. it seems, extremely difficult, if not impossible, that humans will

D. objective individualism and selfishness

Direction for question: Select the option representing the best

18 sequence of the four statements to make proper and coherent

A. cannot be done away with completely because of

B. the so called fear of foreign aggression and the simultaneous

C. the inborn tendency of man to involve himself in violence
D. desire to gain world supremacy

Direction for question: Select the option representing the best

19 sequence of the four statements to make proper and coherent

A. need them or as usual will adorn the

B. it is still a moot point whether the fruits of

C. corridors of power and the elite abodes
D. economic reforms In India will reach those who most urgently
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given.

20 You have to select the option which indicates the most logical
A. A balanced diet is necessary for good health.
B. A balanced diet does not consist of vitamins only.
C. Vitamins prevent deficiency diseases.
D. Proteins too are important ingredient in a balanced diet.
E. Regular consumption of vitamins is essential.

F. Vitamins only are not necessary and sufficient for a good health.
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given.

21 You have to select the option which indicates the most logical
A. A witty person need not be humorous.
B. A witty man is an intelligent man.
C. Humour is never sarcastic.
D. A witty man can be sarcastic.
E. Sarcasm is often bitter.
F. An intelligent man can be sarcastic.


Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given.

22 You have to select the option which indicates the most logical

A. Rubber trees ooze saps.
B. Tyres are made of sap from trees.
C. Rubber is made from tree-saps.
D. Rubber has been of many uses to mankind.
E. Rubber trees are an important source of raw material for industry.
F. Rubber may be an eco-friendly product.

Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given.

23 You have to select the option which indicates the most logical
A. Politicians are scoundrels.
B. Football is a game for Americans.
C. Politicians love to play soccer.
D. Americans love politicians.
E. Americans love scoundrels.
F. Scoundrels are prohibited from football field.

Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given.

24 You have to select the option which indicates the most logical

A. Suresh is Sudhas grand father-in-law.

B. Naresh is Suresh's son.
C. Mohan is one of two grandsons of Suresh.
D. Kamla is Suresh's wife.
E. Kamla is Mohan's grand-mother.
F. Mohan may be Sudha's husband or brother-in-law.


Direction for question: Select the part that has an error.

(A) The Indian government's choice
(B) of the EEC as a partner
(C) stem from the fact
(D) that the community is the most important market for India.


Direction for question: Select the part that has an error.

(A) Privatisation generally represents
(B) an ideological response
(C) to the perceived problems
(D) in the public sector


Directions for Q.27 - 34 : Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.

Many companies around the world believe that they have a moral duty to respond to
global problems such as Third world poverty, the deterioration of the natural
environment, and endless trade battles. But few have realized that their survival actually
depends on their response. Global corporations rely on educated workers, consumers with
money to spend, a healthy natural environment, and peaceful coexistence between
nations and ethnic groups. This reality is to me a great source of hope; at this watershed
period in history, it is in the interests of the worlds most powerful corporations to work
for the advancement of global peace and prosperity. To put it simply, global companies
have no future if the earth has no future.But how, many have asked, can global
corporations promote peace and prosperity and at the same time remain true to their
obligation to secure a profit? The answer, in my experience, is kyosei, which can best be
defined as a spirit of cooperation, in which individuals and organizations live and work
together for the common good. A company that is practicing kyosei established
harmonious relations with its customers, its suppliers, its competitors, the governments
with which it deals, and the natural environment. When practiced by a group of
corporations, kyosei can become a powerful force for social, political, and economic
transformation. At Canon, we have put kyosie at the heart of our business credo. For the
last ten years, it has been Canons most cherished principle.
I began to see Cannons need for a philosophy of kyosei when we started doing
business on a global scale. As we built plants, hired workers, and managed our finances
in foreign countries, we encountered a new set of business challenges. These challenges
were more than tactical business concerns such as responding to fierce competition,
managing suppliers, or dealing with currency risk, they were global imbalances. I
identify three-that continue to trouble us. They need our collective attention as
corporated leaders and as citizens of the world.
The first is the imbalance between countries with trade deficits and those with trade
surpluses. Trade imbalances lead to an unhealthy international business environment
rife with antidumping laws, rising tariffs, and endless trade disputes. The second is the
vast income imbalance between wealthy and poor nations. Among the many problems
generated by this inequality are widespread poverty, floods of economic and political
refugees, illegal immigration, and ethnic or civil wars. The third is an imbalance
between generations; the current generation is consuming the earths resources so fast
that little will be left for the next. The earths nonrenewable energy supplies, for
example, are in danger of running out, and the earths atmosphere is rapidly

deteriorating. If we look ahead into the middle of the twenty first century, we cannot be
sure that our planet will escape environmental ruin. Ultimately our work as companies
practicing kyosei should focus on finding solutions to those three major global
The kyosei journey begins by laying a sound business foundation and ends in political
dialogue for global change. The process is analogous to building a pyramid in that the
strength of each layer depends on the strength of the layers preceding it.
Economic survival Companies in this state work to secure a predictable stream of
profits and to establish strong market positions in their industries. They contribute to the
society by producing needed goods, purchasing locally produced raw materials, and
employing workers. In pursuing business goals, however, they tend to exploit their
staffs and create labour problems. For instance, I feel that some U.S. companies take the
profit motive too far when they lay off workers to increase profits and at the same time
pay large bonuses to their CEOs. There is nothing wrong with profit motive per se-even
companies in the later stages of kyosei must increase profits. But making profit is only
the beginning of a companys obligations. As they mature, businesses need to
understand that they play a role in a larger, global context.
Cooperating with Labour A company enters the second stage of kyosei when
managers and workers begin to cooperate with other. Each employee makes
cooperation a part of his or her own code of ethics. When that happens management and
labour start to see each other as vital to the company success. The two sides are in the
same boat, so to speak, sharing the same fate. This approach to management is popular
in Japan, where companies are well known for their commitment to workers salaries,
bonuses, and training. As important a step as it is, though, this stage of kyosei can
become so inwardly focused that it does little to solve problems outside the company.
Cooperating outside the Company When a company cooperates with outside groups,
such as customers and suppliers, it enters the third stage of kyosei. Customers are
treated respectfully and reciprocate by being loyal. Suppliers are provided with
technical support and, in turn deliver high quality materials on time. Competitors are
invited into partnership agreements and joint ventures, which result in higher profits for
both parties. Community groups become partners in solving local problems. Needless to
say, forming a kyosei partnership for the common good is very different from forming a
cartel and fixing prices. Companies at this state understand that a rising tide lifts all
ships. They know that by finding ways to collaborate with customers, suppliers, and
community groups, they are helping all parties. But third stage companies often focus
so much on local and national problems that they neglect global problems. For example,
in Japan, many companies contribute to Japanese society but continue to have
adversarial relations with foreign governments.
Global Activism When a company begins large scale business operations in foreign
countries, it is ready to enter the fourth stage of kyosei. By cooperating with foreign
companies, large corporations not only can increase their base of business but also can

address global imbalance. For example, a company can help reduce trade friction by
building production facilities in countries with which its home country has a trade
surplus. By setting up R & D facilities in foreign countries, companies can train local
scientists and engineers in cutting edge research work. By training local workers and
introducing them to new technology, corporations can improve the standard of living of
people in poor countries. And by developing and using technology that reduces or
eliminates pollution companies can help preserve the global environment.
The government as a Kyosei partner When a company has established a worldwide
network of kyosei partners, it is ready to move to the fifth state. Fifth-stage companies
are very rare. Using their power and wealth, fifth-stage companies urge national
government to work toward rectifying global imbalance. Corporations might press
government for legislation aimed at reducing pollution, for example. Or they might
recommend the abolition of antiquated trade regulations. This type of cooperation is
quite different from the traditional partnership between business and government in
which powerful corporations look to their own governments for help in trade deals or
for special subsidies and protective tariffs.
The statement Global companies have no future if the earth has

27 no future in the passage refers to :

the green revolution

the scarcity of natural resources

poverty eradication programmes
a healthy natural environment


The authors social inclination is obvious from the passage.

None of these


Practicing kyosie leads to :

good international relations
a strong organizational structure
profitable market share
co-operative spirit in building a better world

Kyosei, as propounded by author, if followed by corporate houses

30 would lead to :

consumer-supplier synchronised relations

gains in the competitive international market for viable players
socio economic and political revolutions
renewal of the deteriorating environment


The need for kyosei in Canon was due to :

international trade developments
financial investment at global scale
need for internal corporate changes
none of the above


The authors Global Activism role can be best described as :

International outlook with a local feel
Local perspective for international edge
Managing technological strategies in the foreign market
Shifting the rules of competition

The cooperation within and outside the corporate organization

33 necessitates :

competitive salaries and recruitment

a need to increase profit
dedicated research of the labour problems
a collective integration of promoting the company


The theme of the passage is best reflected by the statement :

Global perspective for managing competitive industries
Building dynamic strategies around your organization
Canon, and the secret of its success by kyosei
Co-operation for the common good, through kyosei as shown by Canon

Directions for Q.35 - 41 : Read the following passage and answer the questions.
If the economics of land use is given a secondary status, the same piece of land can be
put to various uses such as agriculture, forestry, habitation and mining. But no human

activity is possible without economics. This has led to categorization of land. India has 16
percent of the worlds population and only 2.4 per cent of its land area. Of the total 329
m.ha. of land, it is estimated that only 266 m.ha. has any potential for production. Of this
143 m.ha. is agricultural land. 40 m.ha. is unproductive and the balance of 83 m.ha. is
classified as forest land, of which over half is in various stages of degradation.
The increase in population has led to the accelerated degeneration of forests. Apart from
ecological services, forests provide economic products and recreation. Those concerned
with the basic needs of the poor generally tend to ignore the fundamental importance of
forests to human well-being. The average Indian villager is still in the wood age. This
dependency is more severe and acute in developing countries like India though the
average American consumes about as much wood in the form of paper as the average
Indian burns as cooking fuel per year. This is subsistence dependency Forests are
evaluated by economists in terms of their ability to provide a dead product wood. But
for those residing in and around them, forests are a living, dynamic resource. These
dependency patterns make the need for managing this resource essential.
In India, wood is the preferred domestic fuel because to most who use it, it costs nothing
but the physical labour of procuring, it. Due to its easy availability, the consumption of
firewood exceeds the recorded production from forests. The colossal gap between actual
consumption and legitimate production of fuel wood is filled by pilferage. The enormity of
this pilferage leads to excessive cutting from the forests, which depletes forests and
reduces firewood for future generations. There are limits to the resilience of forests. Any
management approach must clearly understand these limits and formulate principles to
enhance various forest outputs through silviculture. There are many examples of
thinning, selective harvesting and manipulations of watershed forests to increase the
yield of wood, water and wildlife without any apparent negative ecological impact. On the
other hand, some industrial forestry activities create environmental stresses on forest
Any forest management strategy should prescribe harvesting (economics) within the
biological limits of productive capacity and renewal capacity as two extremes. No forest
resource should be tapped beyond the renewal capacity as otherwise the naturally
endowed land use will be changed.
There are three stages, in general, in the process of forest degradation. They are selfrenewal, rehabilitation and restoration. The self-renewal stage is the moderate level of
degradation in which, following the withdrawal of the stress factor, forest ecosystems are
able to renew themselves. The rehabilitation state is an intermediate level of degradation,
the forest ecosystem may require long periods to recover naturally but this period may be
shortened through human intervention. The restoration state is the one in which forest
degradation becomes virtually irreversible, and the result is a combination of total or near
total loss of forest cover.
Forests are unlike other land-based resources. They are dynamic living systems with
intense interactions among all the living and non-living components of the ecosystem.
Man is the only component of this ecosystem, who, in spite of being a part of the
dynamic milieu, tends to place himself apart from it and by doing so causes great
The management strategy must recognize the fact the fact that there is a symbiotic
relationship between the people and the forest ecosystem. The life of forest-dwellers is
woven round forest ecology and resources and ensures that the forest is protected
against depredation by man and nature. Directly or indirectly, in the tribal mind, forests

symbolise life in its many manifestations, i.e., home, worship, food, employment, income.
Tribal people are not only familiar with the biological species around them but they also
possess some understanding of ecological interrelationships of the various components
of forests. Thus, in the present context, sustainable exploitation of forests for meeting the
needs of the nation and the people is possible, provided sound management is practiced.
The present state of non-availability of potential alternatives to various uses of wood,
especially firewood, must from part of the strategy so that total withdrawal of use is not
visualised as a solution. The development of alternatives to forest uses is still in its
infancy and there is an impending need to mobilise resources for research and
development in this field.
As far as forests are concerned, there is a critical difference between the attitude of

35 economists and :

government officials
forest officials
forest animals


No forest resource should be tapped beyond the :

feasible limit
renewal limit
economic limit
None of these


The rehabilitation stage is a/an :

moderate level of degradation
extreme level of degradation
intermediate level of degradation
None of these


Pilferage of wood accounts for :

the gap between for legitimate production and legitimate consumption
the gap between actual production and legitimate consumption

the gap between the legitimate production and consumption

the gap between the legitimate production and actual consumption


Forests are resilient by nature.

Cant say
None of these


The restoration stage represents a/an :

reversible process
economically infeasible process
irreversible process
restoration process


At present, due to the huge population, sustainable exploitation of forest is :

None of these

Directions for Q.42- 46: Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Secondly, whatever may be true of other countries, in India at any rate where more than
eighty per cent of the population is agricultural and another ten per cent industrial, it is a
crime to make education merely literary and to unfit boys and girls for manual work in afterlife. Indeed I hold that, as the larger part of our time is devoted to labour for earning our
bread, our children must from their infancy be taught the dignity of such labour. Our children
should not become useless, as he does become, as agricultural labourer. It is a sad thing
that our schoolboys look upon manual labour with disfavour, if not contempt. Moreover, in
India, if we expect, as we must, every boy and girl of school-going age to attend public
schools, we have not the means to finance education in accordance with the existing style,
be free. I fancy that, even under an ideal system of government, we shall not be able to
devote two thousand million rupees which we should require for funding education for all the
children of school-going age. It follows therefore that our children must be made to pay in
labour partly or wholly for all the education they receive. Such universal labour to be
profitable can only be (to my thinking) hand spinning and hand weaving. But for the
purposes of my proposition, it will be found upon examination, that on a practical, profitable
and extensive scale, there is no occupation other than the processes connected with clothproduction which can be introduced in our schools throughout India.


The author objects to education being merely literary because :

80% of our people do not know to read or write
it makes the learners unfit for manual labour
Printing books is expensive
None of the above


The draflt5/wback of our education system is that :

it is confined to books
it gives no practical training to earn ones bread
in a country where majority of people subsist on manual labour it weens the children
away from labour
it is expensive


Pick out the statement that most closely expresses the sentiments of the author.
That education is best which makes a Tailors son a better tailor, a labourers son a
better labourer
Let them earn for whatever they learn
Education ought to produce the sons of the soil and not take sons away from the soil
Cloth production is the only way for universal education


The author is most likely a/an :

Social Scientist
Policy advisor in the PMO at Delhi
Social Psychologist


The tone of the passage is :

harsh and critical
elucidatory and complacent
bitterly satirical

Directions for Q.47- 50: Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of the United States of America, remarked, If a

nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.
When a republic comes to birth, it is the leaders who produce the institutions. Later, it is
the institutions which produce the leaders. The question where are the leaders of
tomorro ? can only be answered by the other question where are the nation
building institutions which can produce the leaders of tomorrow ?
Do we have educational institutions which aim at generating excellence, and which are
equipped to produce movers of people, mobilizers of opinion integrated personalities
whose minds, hearts and character have been developed in the noble traditions of our
invaluable heritage ?
I am using the word education in its profound sense. Animals can be trained; only
human beings can be educated. Education requires personal participation and
transformation. It cannot be given to anyone; it must be inwardly appropriated. It involves
cultivation of the mind, not merely with a view of offering it as a commodity for sale in the
H. G. Wells wisely observed that human history is becoming more and more a race
between education and catastrophe. This observation indicates what our people without
education are heading for.
The child is father of the man. The quality of education of the children of today will
determine the quality of life in India tomorrow.
In ancient shadows and twilights
Where childhood had strayed,
The worlds great sorrows were born
And its heroes were made.
In the lost boyhood of Judas
Christ was betrayed. .


Jeffersons statement can be best interpreted as :

Knowledge is contrary to slavery
Ignorance cannot lead to freedom
Freedom can not survive amidst ignorance of economy
Ignorance and Freedom cannot co-exist


The author quotes the remark of Thomas Jefferson with the intent
stressing the invalidity of Education in a free society.
stressing the crucial role of education in sustaining free

stressing the lack of good educational institutions in our

stressing the importance of freedom.

49 Nations are built through institutions that :

give education
impart training in leadership
generate and preserve excellence
are founded by leaders


The author is most likely a/an :

policy maker in defence
creative analyst
newspaper columnist
marketing guru


If x is very large, then 2x/(1 + x) is

close to 0
arbitrarily large
close to 2
greater than 2 but less than 3

52 What is the smallest possible value of xy, if 2x 4 6 and 8 y 5?




A point on the line 3x + 5y = 15 and equidistant from the coordinate axes, lies in:
None of the quadrants
quadrants I and II only
quadrant I only
quadrants, I, II and III only

54 If and be roots

6 = 0; then

2 =
The following figure shows a set of concentric squares. If the diagonal of the innermost

55 square is 3 units, and if the distance between the corresponding corners of any two

successive squares is 1.5 unit, find the difference between the areas of the eighth and
the ninth square, counting from the innermost square.

A magazine distributor made 5500 copies of May issue of the magazine at a cost of Rs.

56 550,000. He gave 500 copies free to some libraries. He also allowed a 25% discount on
the market price of the magazine and gave one extra copy free with every 49 copies
bought at a time. In this manner, he was able to sell all the 5500 copies that were

produced. If the market price of a copy was Rs. 200, what is his gain or loss per cent for
the May issue of magazine?
25% gain
33.6% gain
40% loss
26.8% loss
The weight of an empty bucket is 25% of the weight of the bucket when filled with some

57 liquid. Some of the liquid has been removed. Then, the bucket, along with the remaining
liquid, weighed three-fifth of the original weight. What fractional part of the liquid has been

58 Let y = min { ( x + 6), ( 4 x)}. If x R, what is the maximum value of y?

A sphere of diameter 40 cm is completely enclosing a right circular cone of height not

59 more than 16 cm and base radius not more than 12 cm. The minimum volume of sphere
still outside to cone would be:
nearly 99% of the sphere's volume
nearly 92% of the sphere's volume
not more than 25% of the sphere's volume
not more than 33.33% of the sphere's volume
The following diagram represents a frustum of a cone whose bottom and top radii are 8

60 cm and 4 cm. Its height is 9 cm. There is a conical cavity to a height of 6 cm at the
bottom. What is the ratio of conical cavity to the material in the solid?

6 : 13
8 : 13
13 : 21
None of these

61 If

+ .
greatest integer function .What is the value of n?

= 54. Where [ ] is the

Mrs. Kapoor goes to the market and after hassling with the fruit vendor is able to get the

62 price of a dozen bananas reduced by Rs. 1, from the initial price. Thus she gets one

banana extra for every rupee saved. The initial and final prices of a dozen bananas are
(in Rs.) :
9, 8
12, 11
14, 13
24, 23
A company makes toy cars at a production cost of Rs 17.50 per unit. A market survey

63 reveals that 10% of the product will be lost, 5% will be rejected, 5% will decay and 5% will
be stolen. At what unit price must the company sell it to realize 28% profit?
Rs. 29.86
Rs. 28
Rs. 31.70
Rs. 20.5

Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total no. of

64 remaining bullets is equal to that of one has after division. Find the original number


A natural number x is chosen at random from the first 150 natural numbers, then the
probability that is




None of these
Direction for question

66 (x) = Least integer greater than or equal to x,

[x] = Greatest integer less than or equal to x,
|x| = absolute value of x, mn ( a, b, c, ) = Least of a, b, c, .
mx ( a, b, c, ) = Highest of a, b, c, .
If x is any real number then the value of (x) - [x] is
1 or 0
Direction for question:

67 (x) = Least integer greater than or equal to x,

[x] = Greatest integer less than or equal to x,
|x| = absolute value of x, mn (a, b, c, ) = Least of a, b, c, .
mx ( a, b, c, ) = Highest of a, b, c, .

Which of the following holds good?

[|x|] = | [x ] |
[ | x | ] > | [ x]|
None of these

Direction for question

68 (x) = Least integer greater than or equal to x,

[x] = Greatest integer less than or equal to x,
|x| = absolute value of x, mn ( a, b, c, ) = Least of a, b, c, .
mx ( a, b, c, ) = Highest of a, b, c, .
If mx (mn (a, b) |a|, | b| ) = mn ( mx (a, b), |a| ) holds good for any two
real numbers a and b, then
a < 0, b < 0
a < 0, b > 0
a > 0, b < 0
a > 0, b > 0
Bag A contains X coins of 50 paise and Y coins of 25 paise. Bag B contains X coins of 25

69 paise and Y coins of 50 paise. If two coins of 50 paise from bag A are put into bag B and

3 coins of 25 paise from bag B are put into bag A, the value of money in both the bags
will become equal. What may be the minimum value of the total amount in both the bags?
Rs 10
Rs 3
Rs 4
Rs 1.25
Mr. Jill requires Rs 6000 per month to maintain his family. He saves 20% of any amount

70 that he earns above Rs. 6000 but below Rs 7000 in a month. He saves 30% of amount

that he earns above Rs 7000 but below Rs 8000 in a month. If Mr. Jill spends Rs 6975 on
a month, what is his income for that month?
Rs 7150
Rs 7250
Rs 7500
Rs 7100
All possible two-factor products are formed from the numbers 1, 2, .,100. The number

71 of factors out of the total obtained which are multiple of 3 is


None of these
The number of ways in which ten candidates A1, A2, .A10 can be ranked such that

72 A is always above A is
2 (5!)


In the figure EFGH is formed by joining midpoints of consecutive sides of square KLMN.
Figures PQRS and ABCD are also formed similarly.
ABCD : KLMN is :

1 : 16
None of these
A square of side 3 cm is taken and two equilateral triangles are drawn on the opposite

74 sides.

Find the area common to both triangles.

None of these

Directions for question: A painter is given a task to paint a

75 cubical box with six different colours for different faces of the cube.
The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The face opposite to Red is
Directions for question: A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different

76 colours for different faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The upper face is
Directions for question:

77 A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six

different colours for different faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given
as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.

(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The faces adjacent to Green are
Yellow, Pink, Red, Silver
Brown, Pink, yellow, Silver
Silver, Pink, Green
Yellow, Pink, Green
Directions for question:

78 A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different colours
for different
faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The face opposite to Silver is
Directions for question:

79 A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different colours for different
faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
Three of the faces adjacent to Red face are
Silver, Green, Brown
Silver, Brown, Pink
Silver, Pink, Green
Yellow, Pink, Green


(AA)2 = DCBA. where A, B, C and D are the distinct digits and B is odd. Then D =

A certain clock marks every hour by striking a number of times equal to the hour and

81 the time required for a stroke is exactly equal to the time interval between strokes. At
9 : 00 a.m. the time lapse between the beginning of the first stroke and the end of the
last stroke is 34 seconds. At 18 : 00 hrs. how many seconds elapse between the
beginning of the first stroke and the end of the last stroke :
Directions for question:

82 485 machine parts were to be manufactured by some workers in 5 days. Every day
after the first, 4 more men were put onto the job and every day after the first, each
person manufactured 3 fewer parts. The results was that during the latter part of the
period, the daily number of manufactured part began to go down
What was the no. of parts manufactured on the third day?
Directions for question:

83 485 machine parts were to be manufactured by some workers in 5 days. Every day after
the first, 4 more men were put onto the job and every day after the first, each person
manufactured 3 fewer parts. The results was that during the latter part of the period, the
daily number of manufactured part began to go down.

What was the attendance on the fifth day?

A sum of Rs 3328 is divided among A, B and C so that if Rs. 35, Rs. 51 and Rs. 74 be

84 diminished from their shares respectively, the remainders shall be in the ratio of 9 : 11 :
16. Find the share of each.

Rs. 827, 1019, 1482

Rs. 909, 1010, 1409
Rs. 846, 1042, 1440
Rs. 797, 1061, 1470


The factors of (

) are

not possible




Directions for question:

86 Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1
minute after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes.
Assume that slipping occurs continuously when climbing.

At what height do the two bugs meet each other?

Do not meet
3 inches
5 inches
12 inches
Directions for question:

87 Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1

minute after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes.
Assume that slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
What is the widest gap achieved between the bugs, within the first 10 minutes ?
2 inches
3 inches
2.5 inches
5 inches
Directions for question:

88 Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1
minute after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes.
Assume that slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
If Bug B does not have rest periods, how many times do the bugs meet in the first 10
Directions for question:

89 Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1
minute after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes.
Assume that slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
If the wall is 1 foot high, but when A reaches the top, how far is Bug B behind?
3 inches
2 inches
2.5 inches
3.5 inches
Directions for question:

90 Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1

minute after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes.
Assume that slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
What is the average speed of Bug A for the first 9 minutes?
1.75 in/min
1 in/min
0.75 in/min
2 in/min
Two trains start from stations A and B spaced 50 kms apart at the same time and speed.

91 As the trains start, a bird flies from one train towards the other and on reaching the

second train, it flies back to the first train. This is repeated till the trains collide. If the
speed of the trains is 25 km/h and that of the bird is 100km/h. How much did the bird
travel till the collision?
98.75 km
100 km
95.5 km
None of these
Ram, Shyam and Gumnaam are friends. Ram is a widower and lives alone and his sister

92 takes care of him. Shyam is a bachelor and his niece cooks his food and looks after his

house. Gumnaam is married to Gita and lives in large house in the same town. Gita gives
the idea that all of them could stay together in the house and share monthly expenses
equally. During their first month of living together, each person contributed Rs.25. At the
end of the month, it was found that Rs 92 was the expense so the remaining amount was
distributed equally among everyone. The distribution was such that everyone received a
whole number of Rupees. How much did each person receive?
Not possible
None of these
Directions for question:

93 N, a set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets S = {1} S

= (2, 3) S3 {4, 5, 6} S4 = {7, 8, 9, 10} and so on.

The first term of the subset S25 is :



Directions for question:

94 N, a set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets S = {1} S

= (2, 3) S3 {4, 5, 6} S4 = {7, 8, 9, 10} and so on.
The sum of the elements of the subset S30 is :
Directions for question:

95 N, a set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets S = {1} S

= (2, 3) S3 {4, 5, 6} S4 = {7, 8, 9, 10} and so on.
The last term of the subset S15 is :
180 guests have to be brought for a marriage. The following two types

96 of buses are available ;

1. Mini buses with a seating capacity of 18 passengers each.

2. Buses with a seating capacity of 61 passenger each.
What are the minimum No. of buses needed for the trip provided no
guest is to travel without seat.


The capacity of tank B is 1000 lts and that of tank A = 3000 lts
Tank B is completely inside tank A. 1, 3 are inlet
pipes; 2, 4 outlet pipes.
1 takes 20 min to fill tank A
3 takes 10 min to fill tank B
4 takes 40 min to empty tank B
2 takes 20 min to empty tank A
If all the pipes are opened when would the tank A be filled?
30 min


None of these


In the figure find b in terms of a. c & d.

b = ( c + d a) /2

If bc : ac : ab = 1 : 2: 3, find
A train, travelling at the rate of 19.5 miles an hour started at 8.00 a.m. on a journey of 234

100 miles. A second train started from the same station; its speed was to that of the former as
8 : 5 and arrived 20 minutes after the first time. When did the second train start?
12.50 p.m.
1.30 p.m.
11 a.m.
10.30 a.m.

Directions for questions 101 105: These questions are based on the following diagram.


Which bank showed a loss whose deviation from the average was maximum?
Indian Bank
Vijaya Bank
Central Bank
United Bank
Which of the following is true?

102 I. The loss incurred by Indian Bank is equal to the loss incurred by all the other banks
II. If the Reserve Bank of India ploughs in approx. Rs. 2300 crore, the losses suffered by
the given banks can be offset.
III. Indian Bank will almost surely lose its popularity soon.
I & II
II only
Finding no other alternative of increasing the income, Vijaya Bank decided to generate

103 income by raising the lending rates. If the total amount loaned out by it was Rs. 8250

crore, by how many percent points would it have to increase the lending rates so as to
offset its losses?
Around 5
Around 2.5
Around 1
Can't determine
The total assets of Indian Bank are Rs. 75000 crore. The assets of Vijaya Bank, UCO

104 Bank, United Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Central Bank are respectively 23%, 19%, 17%,
13% & 12% of the assets of the Indian Bank. Which of the following banks shows the
maximum loss per crore rupees of assets?

The total assets of Indian Bank are Rs. 75000 crore. The assets of Vijaya Bank, UCO

105 Bank, United Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Central Bank are respectively 23%, 19%, 17%,
13% & 12% of the assets of the Indian Bank. What change would have to be made in the
assets of the Indian Bank if its loss per crore of asset was to be made equal to that in
case of Central Bank?
They will have to be increased by 62%
They will have to be reduced by 15%
They will have to be increased by 215%
They will have to be reduced by 25%

Directions for questions 106 110: These questions are based on data given below

Coffee drinkers














What percentage of the total population in 1971 drank coffee?

None of these


The increase in woman coffee drinkers from 1971 to 1981 was about
120 %


The number of children who drink either beverage increased over the two periods by

In 1971, out of every 100 men, how many drank neither coffee nor tea (assume that there

109 was nobody drink both)?

None of these


In 1981, how many children drank milk?

can't say

Directions for questions 111 115: The nation of Zox consists of five islands Zog, Zod, Zob,
Zop and Zoz. The total population of all the five islands is 750 Zoxians.
(A) The smallest island has

as many Zoxians as all of Zox.

(B) The largest island is Zod. The smallest island is not Zoz.

(C) One island has

of the total population of Zox. Another island has

(D) Zob is one and a half times larger than one of the other islands.

(E) Zop has 100 more people than the smallest island.


Which is the smallest island?

None of the above


What is the sum of the population of Zod and Zob?



What is the sum of population of Zop and Zoz?

The sum of the population of which two islands is more than half the total population of

114 Zox?

Zod and Zop

Zod and Zob
Zod and Zoz
Both option (A) & (B)


What is the population of the island of Zoz?


Directions for questions 116 120: The questions are based on the following pie-charts.

DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Mkt. Size. 10 Crores.

Procter and Gamble's turnover from the two personal care segments amounted to what

116 percentage approximately of the total turnover in these segments of the entire market?
None of these

If J.K. Helen Curtis is to get a market share in the disposable diapers market equal to that

117 it has in feminine care product, what should it s turnover (Rs. crores) in this segments be
given that the sales of other companies in disposable diapers market does not change?
None of these
If the market size of the feminine care products increases by 25%, the turnover of

118 Johnson and Johnson in this segment will increase by how many crores of rupees
(assume the market shares of various companies remain the same) ?
None of these

The percentage share of Johnson and Johnson in the two personal care market

119 segments together is greater than the percentage share of Regency Drapers in these two
segment together by how many percentage points.
None of these
If in value terms all the other companies retain their share of the diapers market, by how

120 much (Rs crores) should Procter and Gamble's turnover in this segment increase to get a
25% share?
None of these

Directions for questions 121 125: These questions are

based on the following data.

million kwh (June

Percentage change over














What was the proportion of Hydel generation in total electricity generation in May

121 1996?

None of these


What was the thermal generation in March 1996 (million kwh)?


None of these


What was the total power generation in January 1996 (million kwh)?
Can't determine
What was the proportion of Thermal generation in total electricity generation in June

124 1995?



What was the ratio of hydel generation to thermal generation in March 1996?
None of these

Directions for questions 126 131 :

Duloc and his pals held bake sales and earned enough money to take a field trip with their
teacher Mr. Oonla. In fact they made enough to go all the way to Earth!
When they arrived at the third planet in the Solar System, they discovered that the
gravitational pull was different from what they were used to back on Nolu Si.
Mr. Oonla was curious about the difference in weight and how much each of his
students weighted in Earth ounces. An Earth ounce is equivalent to 11 Nolu Si ounces,
except that on Nolu Si the measurement is not called ounces but qinae.
He found the following:
Sio weighs 50.6 qinae. He outweighs everyone except Phren, who weighs 13.2 qinae

Ontrus, the lightest, weighs 27.5 qinae less than Duloc.

Jorn weighs 5.5 qinae less than Sio and 2.2 qinae more than Duloc.

Who is the heaviest of the lot of five children?

What is the difference between the percentage difference in weight of Sio and Phren

127 in ounces and qinae?


None of the above


What is the Phrens weight on Earth (in Ounces)



What is Ontrus weight on Nolu si?



What is Jorns weight on Earth?



What is the percentage difference in the weights of Sio and Phren?

Cant be determined

Direction for question: The following question is followed by two

132 statements "1" and "2", as the answer.

In how many days would the lawn be mowed?

1. Ram alone can mow it in 17 days whereas Ganesh and Sohan
together can do it in 12 days
2. One of Ram, Ganesh and Sohan works on the job everyday.
If both, statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the
If the question can be answered with the help of statement 2 alone.
If the question can be answered with the help of statement 1 alone.
If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the

Direction for question: The following question is followed by two statements "1" and "2",

133 as the answer.

What are the three numbers?

1. Their sum is 61.
2. These are three consecutive prime numbers
If both, statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question.
If the question can be answered with the help of statement 2 alone.
If the question can be answered with the help of statement 1 alone.
If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.
In how much time will the train pass the man?

134 1. The 200 meters long train is running at a speed of 60 kmph

2. The man is walking at a speed of 5 m/s
If both, statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question.
If the question can be answered with the help of statement 2 alone.

If the question can be answered with the help of statement 1 alone.

If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the statements.

Directions for questions 135 140: Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.
FDI Inflows in India & Competing Countries

















































Sri Lanka

























































































US $ Million

What was the ratio of highest FDI inflow in any country in any year to the lowest in

135 any country in any year?



What is the percentage increase in FDI inflow in India from 1991 to 1999?


For 19941995, the FDIs of how many countries showed a decline of more than 5%?

What is the ratio of Indias highest FDI in all the years to Chinas lowest FDI in all the

138 years?


If 20% of FDI in India went to the Power sector and 34% to the Infotech

139 sector in 1999, then what amount (in US $ million) went to the above
two sectors in 1999?
415, 712
432, 712
415, 737
433, 737


How many times has the FDI in any country mentioned gone beyond 5000 US $ million?

Directions for questions 141 145: are based on the following table. All Figures in Crores.


cost of



Subsidy (as %
Total subsidy)

Departmental Enterprises
Social Services






Economic Services










Non Departmental Enterprises

Social Services





Social Services
Economic Services 234
All Public Enterprises
Social Services
Economic Services 20327
Of which Central Public Enterprises
State Public Enterprises

















The recovery rate has been calculated as:

1/ (Revenue Expenditure / Total recoveries)
1 / (Revenue Expenditure / Total recoveries) 100
1/ (Total cost of Service / Total recoveries)
1 / (Total Cost of Service / Total recoveries) 100
If it is known that the subsidy given to the cooperative is Rs. 593

142 crores, then what, in Rs. crore, is the subsidy given to the Non
departmental enterprises?
Can't determine

If it is known that the subsidy given to the cooperative is Rs. 593 crores then what is the

143 subsidy given to the social services of the Departmental enterprises (Rs. crore)?
Can't determine

If it is known that the subsidy given to the cooperative is Rs. 593 crores, then what is the

144 difference in the subsidies given to the Economic and social services of the Non
departmental enterprises (Rs. crore)?
None of these

For departmental and nondepartmental enterprises, the total recoveries from social

145 services form what percentage of the total recoveries from economic services?
None of these

Directions for questions 146 150:

Four students of I.I.T. College: - Harry, Nipun, Rahul, Ashish went to Taj hotel. Each
ordered different food items. Food items available at that time were Masala Dosa, Idly
Sambar, Noodles, and Manchurian. However none ate what any of the others ate. When
they returned to their college they asked their college mates to guess what they had eaten
at hotel. Each makes two false statements and one true statement. Read their statements
and answer the questions that follow.
Harry: I ate Masala Dosa. Nipun ate Idly Sambar. Rahul did not eat Manchurian.
Rahul: Harry ate Masala Dosa. Nipun did not eat Masala Dosa. I ate Manchurian.
Nipun: Rahul ate Manchurian. I did not eat Idly Sambar. Ashish didnt eat noodles.
Ashish: I ate Idly Sambar. Nipun ate Manchurian. Harry ate noodles.


Harry ate
Idly Sambar
Masala Dosa


Nipun ate
Idly Sambar
Masala Dosa


Rahul ate
Idly Sambar
Masala Dosa


Ashish ate
Idly Sambar
Masala Dosa


Which of the following is false?

Rahuls second statement is true.
Harrys second statement is true.
Nipuns second statement is true.
Ashishs second statement is true.

Analysis of your test
- Correct

- Incorrect

- Unmarked

Question No.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Question No 1



Question No 2



Question No 3



Question No 4



Question No 5



Question No 6



Question No 7



Question No 8



Question No 9



Question No 10



Question No 11



Question No 12




Question No 13



Question No 14



Question No 15



Question No 16



Question No 17



Question No 18



Question No 19



Question No 20



Question No 21



Question No 22



Question No 23



Question No 24



Question No 25



Question No 26



Question No 27



Question No 28



Question No 29



Question No 30



Question No 31



Question No 32



Question No 33



Question No 34



Question No 35



Question No 36



Question No 37



Question No 38



Question No 39



Question No 40



Question No 41



Question No 42



Question No 43



Question No 44



Question No 45



Question No 46



Question No 47



Question No 48



Question No 49



Question No 50



Question No 51



Question No 52



Question No 53



Question No 54



Question No 55



Question No 56



Question No 57



Question No 58



Question No 59



Question No 60



Question No 61



Question No 62



Question No 63



Question No 64



Question No 65



Question No 66



Question No 67



Question No 68



Question No 69



Question No 70



Question No 71



Question No 72



Question No 73



Question No 74



Question No 75



Question No 76



Question No 77



Question No 78



Question No 79



Question No 80



Question No 81



Question No 82



Question No 83



Question No 84



Question No 85



Question No 86



Question No 87



Question No 88



Question No 89



Question No 90



Question No 91



Question No 92



Question No 93



Question No 94



Question No 95



Question No 96



Question No 97



Question No 98



Question No 99



Question No



Question No



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Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



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Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question No



Question 1
Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. He was a socialist and had the reputation of being sympathetic to the Indian cause.
B. The proposals he had brought were however, not so favourable.
C. Sir Stafford Cripps reached Delhi on March 22. 1942.
D. He was known to be a personal friend of Jawahar Lal Nehru and other Indian leaders.
(1) CDBA

(2) BCDA

(3) CDAB

(4) DCBA

The right answer is CDAB .

In this question the obvious statement to start with is C. This is because it introduces Cripps and
the other statements are referring to Cripps as he. Also AB is the key. A statement says that
Cripps was considered to be sympathetic to Indian cause and B logically follows as it says
proposals however were not so favorable. This is true for (C) choice. Hence (C) is the correct
option choice.
Question 2
Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. It continued its deliberations for many days over Gandhijis new slogan to the nation.
B. On July 14, 1942 the Committee passed a long resolution - "Quit India" resolution.
C. The Working Committee of the Congress met at Wardha.
D. It demanded that the British rule in India must end.
(1) BCDA

(2) CABD

(3) BCAD (4) ADBC

The right answer is CABD.

Here, BD is the key. B statement talks about Quit Indian resolution. The logical statement to
follow is D as it talks about what was the motive or what was the demand under this resolution.
This key is present only in option (B) and hence the correct answer.

Question 3
Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours give expression to it.
B. We shall either free India or die in the perpetuation of our slavery.
C. Here is a "mantra", a short one that I give.
D. The "mantra" is: "Do or Die."
(1) ACDB

(2) BCDA

(3) ACBD (4) CADB

The right answer is CADB.

The most general statement to start with is obviously C. Also, DB is a key. D tells about the
mantra Do or Die and B statement then explains it. This is true only for option (D). Moreover (D)
is the only option choice that puts all the given statement in a proper sequence.
Question 4
Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. His inner voice spoke two words "Quit India."
B. The failure of Cripps Mission disheartened the people.
C. The day Cripps left was Sunday.
D. Gandhiji pondered over the difficult situation, on Monday his day of silence, as to what
could be the solution?
(1) BCDA

(2) ACBD

(3) DCBA (4) CBAD

The right answer is BCDA.

Here CD and DA are the keys. C statement talks Cripps leaving on Sunday and D is the next
logical statement as it talks about Gandhi ji finding a solution on Monday. Also D talks about
Gandhi pondering over a tough situation and A has to follow as his inner voice gave the solution.
This is true only for option (A). Thus (A) option is correct.
Question 5

Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. All other developing nations fall far behind.
B. With a large and complex market like India, the report says further, looking at averages
can be deceptive.
C. China's parity is $ 2,870 billion, India's stands at $ 1,105 billion.
D. Among developing countries. India comes second after China in terms of purchasing
power parity.
(1) ABCD

(2) DCBA

(3) DCAB (4) ABDC

The right answer is DCAB.

The most general statement to start with is D as it introduces the word developing countries as
well as India and China. Also CA is the key. Purchasing power parities the statement that logically
follows the parity of other countries, which A does. This key is present only in option choice (C).
Thus (C) is the correct answer.
Question 6
Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. Honesty, truth and loyalty have the foundation of Utopia strong.
B. In Utopia there is no black money, no transaction under table.
C. It is a self-sufficient country with abundant natural resources.
D. It imports less and exports more.
(1) BCAD

(2) ADBC

(3) CDAB (4) ABCD

The right answer is CDAB.

A is the most general statement as it introduces the word utopia around which the passage
revolves. Also AB is the key. A statement introduces the values of honesty, truth and loyalty and
B substantiates the statement by no transaction under the table. This is clearly on lines with (D)
option. Thus (C) is the correct option choice.
Question 7
Direction for question: The following question consists of four statements. You have to
select the option representing the most coherent sequencing of the given statements.
A. The cottage industries producing a variety of handicrafts boost the country's exports.

B. The economy in Utopia is quite strong; the currency ratings do not fall by the day.
C. There are no prominent classes in Utopian society.
D. It is, more or less, a homogeneous system.
(1) ACDB

(2) BCDA

(3) ADBC (4) CDAB

The right answer is CDAB.

If we start the passage with A or B statement, C cant follow as AC and BC are not at all
compatible Also, CD is a key as C says that there are no prominent classes in utopian society
and D further explains it by terming it homogeneous. These conditions are satisfied only by
option (D). Thus (D) is the correct option choice.
Question 8
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. We must be aware that all private industries have not proved successful: there are
hundreds and thousand of sick units.

A. The problem is not choosing between Public Sector and private industry.

B. If public sector is not doing well, we can find out the reasons and remove the detects.

C. There is less chance for corruption and meddling with politics.

D. Some Public Sector units like the ONGC. LIC and other have done quite well.
6. A constructive approach is needed.
(1) ACBD

(2) ADCB

(3) ABDC (4) BCDA

The right answer is ADCB.

The key to the question is BC. B talks about finding reasons and removing defects. For doing this
in proper manner, a constructive approach is required. This is exactly what is stated in option
choice (B). Thus ADCB is the correct answer.

Question 9
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. In certain controversial issues the Board of Interview may be interested in your personal

A. Let us take Stale autonomy, sons of the Soil policy. Non-alignment, Prohibition, Public
Sector. Gandhian economy etc.

B. Some simple controversial topics can be cited.

C. Here one must give his/her sincere preferences.

D. If one opposes he/she must say why with convincing and rational reasons.

6. It is quite possible that some Members of the Board may hold rather strong views to the
(1) ADCB

(2) BCAD

(3) BACD (4) ACDB

The right answer is BACD.

The first key to the question is BA. B statement is talking about controversial topics and A
logically follows as it gives examples of the controversial topics. Now, C is most logical statement
to follow because it talks about giving sincere preferences from these topics. So BA and AC are
the keys. These are present only is option (C). Thus (C) is the correct option choice.

Question 10
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. The Chairman starts the interview with some general and casual questions.

A. However, the Chairman and a member subsequently attempt to probe the candidate at

B. The candidate answers the questions freely and frankly.

C. He is free of inhibitions.

D. He frankly admits his reading is not too extensive.

6. He subtly conveys that he reads newspapers and periodicals to keep himself wellinformed.
(1) ABCD

(2) DCBA

(3) BCDA (4) BACD

The right answer is ABCD.

Here 1A is a strong key, 1st statement talks about the chairman starting an interview and A
logically follows as it talks about the chairman probing the candidate at length. D6 is another
strong key. D statement tells that the candidate does not read extensively and 6th statement
logically follows as it talks that how the candidate keeps himself well informed despite less
reading. This is true only for option choice (A). Thus (A) is the correct answer.
Question 11
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. The candidate reveals a selective approach and indicates his preferences without

A. He displays consistently a logical, rational and intelligent approach.

B. He is sure of himself.

C. His behaviour is natural and normal - no affectations, air or superficiality.

D. He makes up his mind firmly when required to choose.

6. This indicates his mental stability and consistency.

(1) ACDB

(2) BDAC

(3) ACBD (4) DBCA

The right answer is DBCA.

In this question A6 is the key. A talks about consistency and 6th statement continues the idea as it
also talks about consistency. This key is present only in option choice (D). Thus (D) is the correct
Question 12
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. Earlier, under cold war conditions we were enjoying the support of Soviet Union.
A. It was the same case with many other countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam etc.

B. Even before disintegration of Russia, America attacked Iraq and liberated Kuwait.

C. We could stand upto American pressure to some extent.

D. The Soviet Union was a mute witness.

6. It allowed the onslaught of U.S. air, land and naval attacks on Iraq.
(1) ACBD

(2) BCDA

(3) BDCA (4) CABD

The right answer is ACBD.

D6 is a key. D statement says that Soviet Union was a mute witness. 6th logically follows as it tells
what happened because of Soviet Union being mute witness. 1A is also a key. 1st statement tells
about Soviet support to cold war and A logically follows as it says that same was the case with
other countries. These keys are present only in option (A) and hence the answer.
Question 13
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. He is able to think on his feet.

A. He is abreast of the international burning issues and their impact on India.

B. He can think ahead and plan with imagination and enterprise.

C. He succeeds in presenting his views with force and sincerity.

D. He displays readiness to accept responsibility.

6. At the same time he is flexible and has no rigid or predetermined views.

(1) ACBD

(2) DBAC

(3) ACDB (4) BDAC

The right answer is BDAC.

The first key is 1B. From the 1st statement able to think and from B statement can think ahead.
Also, C6 is a key. From C statement presenting his views with force and from 6th statement At
the same time he is flexible. This is true only for option (D), hence the answer.
Question 14
Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.
1. He is an intelligent and well-informed candidate.

A. He is able to decide on the priorities with speed and accuracy.

B. He has significant capacity to motivate and carry his team-mates with him.

C. He is physically fit and mentally alert.

D. He takes reasonable risks unhesitantly.

6. He will prove a real asset to the organisation.

(1) DCBA

(2) DACB

(3) DBAC (4) ACDB

The right answer is ACDB.

Here 1A is a key. From statement 1, an intelligent candidate. A statement talks about setting
priorities and that can be done by an intelligent person. This key is present in option (D). Thus (D)
is the correct option choice.
Question 15

Direction for question: Four statements A, B, C, and D are given between two statements 1
and 2. Statements (A, B, C, and D) are jumbled up. You have to select the option which
indicates a logical sequencing of the six taken together.

1. More professional and responsible character should be bestowed on our sports


A. Some minimum criteria for selection to a post should be prescribed.

B. A healthy public opinion should be generated.

C. Government's interference should be cut to the roots.

D. This will leave little room for government to make vested manoeuvres.

6. Exposure with the game should be the criteria for selection to a post of office bearers.
(1) ADCB

(2) ACBD

(3) BDCA

(4) DBAC

The right answer is BDCA .

In this question, A statement is talking about some minimum criteria for a selection to a post. The
6th statement follows logically as it suggests criteria for selection to the post. So A6 is a strong
key. Thus (C) is the correct option choice.
Question 16
Direction for question: Select the option representing the best sequence of the four
statements to make proper and coherent paragraph.
A. to put pressure on the authorities in charge to

B. the inhuman treatment meted out to the inmates of

C. Indian prisons has once again forced the human rights activists

D. take steps to amend the same.

(1) DACB

(2) CABD

(3) ABCD (4) BCAD

The right answer is BCAD.

Here BC have to be together as inhumane treatment matches with inmates of prison. C

introduces human rights activists and A statement continues by talking about putting up pressure
by those activities. So AC is also a key. This is true only for (D) option. Thus (D) is the correct
Question 17
Direction for question: Select the option representing the best sequence of the four
statements to make proper and coherent paragraph.

A. one day be able to distinguish between the two realities of

B. life which are

C. it seems, extremely difficult, if not impossible, that humans will

D. objective individualism and selfishness

(1) DBAC

(2) CABD

(3) CBAD (4) CADB

The right answer is CABD.

AB is the key two realities of life. D logically follows as it tells about these two realities. The
sequence ABD is present only in option (B). Thus, (B) is the correct answer.
Question 18
Direction for question: Select the option representing the best sequence of the four
statements to make proper and coherent paragraph.
A. cannot be done away with completely because of

B. the so called fear of foreign aggression and the simultaneous

C. the inborn tendency of man to involve himself in violence

D. desire to gain world supremacy

(1) DABC

(2) CABD

(3) DACB (4) CBAD

The right answer is CABD .

C statement ends with involve himself in violence. The word desire in D statement and the so
called in B cant continue the idea as it would be incorrect usage of words. Only A statement can
follow C correctly. The key CA is present only in option (B). Thus (B) is the correct answer.
Question 19
Direction for question: Select the option representing the best sequence of the four
statements to make proper and coherent paragraph.

A. need them or as usual will adorn the

B. it is still a moot point whether the fruits of

C. corridors of power and the elite abodes

D. economic reforms In India will reach those who most urgently

(1) DACB

(2) DABC

(3) BADC (4) BDAC

The right answer is BDAC.

The only statement that can logically follow B statement is D. Obviously, fruit of need them or
fruit of corridors does not make any sense. So the key is BD which is present only in option (D).
Thus (D) is the correct answer.

Question 20
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given. You have to select the
option which indicates the most logical sequencing.

A. A balanced diet is necessary for good health.

B. A balanced diet does not consist of vitamins only.

C. Vitamins prevent deficiency diseases.

D. Proteins too are important ingredient in a balanced diet.

E. Regular consumption of vitamins is essential.

F. Vitamins only are not necessary and sufficient for a good health.
(1) BCD

(2) ABC

(3) CEF (4) ABF

The right answer is ABF.

A statement talks about balance diet being necessary for good health. B says that vitamins only
cant give balanced diet. The concluding statement should be such that denies only vitamins to be
sufficient of good health. This is done in statement F. Thus ABF i.e. option (D) is the correct
Question 21
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given. You have to select the
option which indicates the most logical sequencing.
A. A witty person need not be humorous.

B. A witty man is an intelligent man.

C. Humour is never sarcastic.

D. A witty man can be sarcastic.

E. Sarcasm is often bitter.

F. An intelligent man can be sarcastic.

(1) BDF

(2) ABC

(3) CDE (4) DEF

The right answer is BDF .

B statement refers witty man as intelligent and D refers witty man as sarcastic. So, the most
logical sentence to follow would be the one which talks of intelligent man being sarcastic. This is
stated in F statement. So, BDF is a perfect sequence. Thus (A) is the correct answer.

Question 22
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given. You have to select the
option which indicates the most logical sequencing.

A. Rubber trees ooze saps.

B. Tyres are made of sap from trees.

C. Rubber is made from tree-saps.

D. Rubber has been of many uses to mankind.

E. Rubber trees are an important source of raw material for industry.

F. Rubber may be an eco-friendly product.

(1) ABC

(2) ACF

(3) ABE

(4) DEF

The right answer is ACF .

This is a classic example where we dont have correct choices but have to look for the best
choice. Inspite of statement F introducing a new concept, it will still be taken as the correct
choices as the rest of the choices are wholly ambiguous. Hence, answer is (B).
Question 23
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given. You have to select the
option which indicates the most logical sequencing.
A. Politicians are scoundrels.

B. Football is a game for Americans.

C. Politicians love to play soccer.

D. Americans love politicians.

E. Americans love scoundrels.

F. Scoundrels are prohibited from football field.

(1) FED

(2) ABE

(3) DAF (4) DAE

The right answer is DAE.

D statement says that Americans love politicians. A statement terms Politicians as scoundrels.
The next statement should be the one that should combine both the statements as Americans
love scoundrels. Thus DAE is the correct combination. So, (D) is the correct option choice.
Question 24
Direction for question: Six statements A, B, C, D, E and F are given. You have to select the
option which indicates the most logical sequencing.

A. Suresh is Sudhas grand father-in-law.

B. Naresh is Suresh's son.

C. Mohan is one of two grandsons of Suresh.

D. Kamla is Suresh's wife.

E. Kamla is Mohan's grand-mother.

F. Mohan may be Sudha's husband or brother-in-law.
(1) BAF

(2) BCD

(3) ACF (4) DEF

The right answer is ACF.

A statement talks about Suresh and Sudhas relation. C statement gives relation between Mohan
and Suresh. The most logical sequence would be formed if the next statement suggests about
Mohan and Sudhas relation because Suresh is common in the first two statements. This is done
in F. So, ACF is the correct sequence. Thus (C) is the correct answer.
Question 25
Direction for question: Select the part that has an error.

(A) The Indian government's choice

(B) of the EEC as a partner

(C) stem from the fact

(D) that the community is the most important market for India.
(1) (A)

(2) (B)

(3) (C)

(4) (D)

The right answer is (C) .

In the (C) part of the statement, it should be stems instead of stem. So, (C) part has an error.
Question 26
Direction for question: Select the part that has an error.
(A) Privatisation generally represents

(B) an ideological response

(C) to the perceived problems

(D) in the public sector
(1) (A)

(2) (B)

(3) (C) (4) (D)

The right answer is (D).

This is an easy one to crack if we known that correct preposition usage. The problems perceived
will be of the sector or anything about a point. Therefore, answer is (D).
Question 27
The statement Global companies have no future if the earth has no future in the passage
refers to :
(1) the green revolution (2) the scarcity of natural resources
programmes (4) a healthy natural environment

(3) poverty eradication

The right answer is a healthy natural environment.

From the 4th line of 1st para a healthy natural environment, earth ha no future. Clearly the

author is talking about a peaceful co existence and healthy natural environment for the future of
global companies. (D) option also contains the same idea. Thus (D) is correct option choice.
Question 28
The authors social inclination is obvious from the passage.
(1) True

(2) False

(3) Indeterminate (4) None of these

The right answer is True.

From the entire passage, we can infer that author is inclined towards the social face of
globalization, companies, role of government and also about the environment. So we can say that
we come to know about the social inclination of the author. Thus (A) i.e. True is the correct option
Question 29
Practicing kyosie leads to :
(1) good international relations (2) a strong organizational structure
market share (4) co-operative spirit in building a better world

(3) profitable

The right answer is co-operative spirit in building a better world.

From the 2nd para, 3rd line, kyosei has been explicitly referred as spirit of cooperation. From the
5th line of 2nd para when practiced . economic transformation. This clearly indicates a
sprit towards building a better world. So, (D) is the correct answer.

Question 30
Kyosei, as propounded by author, if followed by corporate houses would lead to :
(1) consumer-supplier synchronised relations (2) gains in the competitive international
market for viable players (3) socio economic and political revolutions (4) renewal of
the deteriorating environment

The right answer is socio economic and political revolutions.

3rd last line of 2nd para explicitly says, kyosei can become a powerful source for social political
and economic transformation. This idea is clearly stated in option (C). Thus, (C) is the correct
Question 31
The need for kyosei in Canon was due to :
(1) international trade developments (2) financial investment at global scale
for internal corporate changes (4) none of the above

(3) need

The right answer is international trade developments.

The need for kyosie in Canon is discussed in para 3rd. The author has talked about management
of finance and not investment, So, (B) cant be the answer. The author has clearly talked about
doing business on global scale, challenges, fierce competition etc. This clearly suggests that
need of kyosie was due to international trade developments. Thus (A) is the correct answer.
Question 32
The authors Global Activism role can be best described as :
(1) International outlook with a local feel (2) Local perspective for international edge
(3) Managing technological strategies in the foreign market (4) Shifting the rules of

The right answer is Managing technological strategies in the foreign market.

The author has explained global activism in 3rd last para. We can say that the author is talking
about global activism in terms of business. Though the author has talked about local people but
the main stress in on R and D facilities, technological etc. in the foreign market. This leads to
managing technological strategies in foreign market as the correct option answer. Thus (C) is
the correct option choice.
Question 33
The cooperation within and outside the corporate organization necessitates :
(1) competitive salaries and recruitment (2) a need to increase profit (3) dedicated
research of the labour problems (4) a collective integration of promoting the company

The right answer is a collective integration of promoting the company.

The cooperation within and outside is discussed in para 7th and 8th. From the 7th para, 2nd line
each employee makes. company success. From 8th line of 8th para collaborate with
customers. all parties. This clearly suggests that cooperation necessitates a collective
integration for promoting a company. Thus, (D) is the correct option choice.
Question 34
The theme of the passage is best reflected by the statement :
(1) Global perspective for managing competitive industries (2) Building dynamic
strategies around your organization (3) Canon, and the secret of its success by kyosei
(4) Co-operation for the common good, through kyosei as shown by Canon

The right answer is Co-operation for the common good, through kyosei as shown by Canon.
The passage revolves around kyosei. Canon is simply an example and so, it cant be the main
theme. Hence, (C) is eliminated. Global perspective and dynamic strategies have been talked
about but through kyosei. Thus (A) and (B) are also eliminated. (D) is the most appropriate option
choice and hence the answer.
Question 35
As far as forests are concerned, there is a critical difference between the attitude of
economists and :
(1) government officials

(2) forest-dwellers

(3) forest officials (4) forest animals

The right answer is forest-dwellers.

From the 2nd para, 3rd line Forests are evaluated dynamic resource These lines explicitly
indicate the critical difference between the attitude of economists and forest dwellers. Thus (B) is
the correct option choice.
Question 36
No forest resource should be tapped beyond the :
(1) feasible limit

(2) renewal limit

(3) economic limit

(4) None of these

The right answer is renewal limit.

4th para, 2nd line explicitly says that no forest resource should be tapped beyond the renewal
capacity. Thus (B) is the correct answer choice.
Question 37
The rehabilitation stage is a/an :
(1) moderate level of degradation (2) extreme level of degradation
level of degradation (4) None of these

(3) intermediate

The right answer is intermediate level of degradation .

From 5th para, 3rd line The rehabilitation is an intermediate level of degradation. This is clearly
stated in option (C). Thus (C) is the correct option choice.
Question 38
Pilferage of wood accounts for :
(1) the gap between for legitimate production and legitimate consumption (2) the gap
between actual production and legitimate consumption (3) the gap between the
legitimate production and consumption (4) the gap between the legitimate production
and actual consumption

The right answer is the gap between the legitimate production and actual consumption.
From the 3rd para, 3rd line, The colossal gap between actual consumption and legitimate
production of fuel wood is filled by pilferage. The same idea is contained in option (D). Thus (D)
is the correct answer.
Question 39
Forests are resilient by nature.
(1) True

(2) False

(3) Cant say (4) None of these

The right answer is True.

From 5th para, last two lines tell that restoration is virtually irreversible. Resilient means, stubborn
to change. So we can say that forests are resilient by nature. Thus, (A) i.e. true is correct answer.

Question 40
The restoration stage represents a/an :
(1) reversible process (2) economically infeasible process
(4) restoration process

(3) irreversible process

The right answer is irreversible process.

From 5th para, 2nd last line, we can say that restoration is virtually irreversible. Thus (C) is the
correct option choice.
Question 41
At present, due to the huge population, sustainable exploitation of forest is :
(1) impossible

(2) possible

(3) imperative (4) None of these

The right answer is imperative.

The author is throughout the passage telling us that because of the increasing daybyday
population, the forests are being degenerated. There is also a problem that the land cant be
conserved too because of the same. Hence, the answer is (C).
Question 42
The author objects to education being merely literary because :
(1) 80% of our people do not know to read or write (2) it makes the learners unfit for
manual labour (3) Printing books is expensive (4) None of the above

The right answer is it makes the learners unfit for manual labour.
From the 3rd line literary and to unfit boys and girls for manual work in after-life. By this the
author is clearly objecting to education being merely literary, as educated people cant fit
themselves in manual work. Thus (B) is the correct option choice.
Question 43

The draflt5/wback of our education system is that :

(1) it is confined to books (2) it gives no practical training to earn ones bread (3) in a
country where majority of people subsist on manual labour it weens the children away
from labour (4) it is expensive

The right answer is in a country where majority of people subsist on manual labour it weens
the children away from labour.
The author does not say that our education system is confined to books. So, (A) is eliminated.
Also, the author does not talk about no practical training. So (B) eliminated. The authors idea
reflects that education in public schools is expensive but that does not mean that education is
expensive in govt. school also. So, (D) is eliminated. (C) option is the most relevant choice as
author stresses on manual labor and feels that our education system is weaning children away
from labor. Thus, (C) is the correct answer.
Question 44
Pick out the statement that most closely expresses the sentiments of the author.
That education is best which makes a Tailors son a better tailor, a labourers son a better
labourer (2) Let them earn for whatever they learn (3) Education ought to produce the
sons of the soil and not take sons away from the soil (4) Cloth production is the only way
for universal education

The right answer is Let them earn for whatever they learn.
Education which makes a tailors son a better tailor cant be referred as best. Also, cloth
production cant be the only way for universal education. So, A and D statements are
eliminated. C statement talks about brain drain, take sons away from soil. So, it is absurd. Thus
the only option that can be the answer is (B).
Question 45
The author is most likely a/an :
(1) Social Scientist

(2) Policy advisor in the PMO at Delhi

(3) Social Psychologist (4)

The right answer is Educationist .

The entire passage is about education and the problems related to educating children. So, it is
obvious that the author is an educationist. Thus, (D) is the correct option choice.

Question 46
The tone of the passage is :
(1) harsh and critical

(2) elucidatory and complacent

(3) bitterly satirical


The right answer is harsh and critical.

There is no touch of satire, complacency or nostalgia in the stone of the passage. The author is
infact being harsh and critical. So, (A) is the correct option choice.
Question 47
Jeffersons statement can be best interpreted as :
(1) Knowledge is contrary to slavery (2) Ignorance cannot lead to freedom (3)
Freedom can not survive amidst ignorance of economy (4) Ignorance and Freedom
cannot co-exist

The right answer is Ignorance and Freedom cannot co-exist .

From the 1st line of the passage itself, If the nation .. never will be. This clearly means that
ignorance and freedom cannot coexist. Thus (D) is the correct option choice.
Question 48
The author quotes the remark of Thomas Jefferson with the intent of:
(1) stressing the invalidity of Education in a free society.
education in sustaining free societies. (3)

(2) stressing the crucial role of

stressing the lack of good educational institutions in our country. (4) stressing the
importance of freedom.

The right answer is stressing the crucial role of education in sustaining free societies..
Option (D) is absurd in context to the passage as importance of freedom has not been discussed
anywhere. (A) and (C) option are eliminated as they are contrary to what is said in the passage.
The passage is talking about crucial role of education to produce leader and integrated
personalities. Thus (B) is the correct option choice.

Question 49
Nations are built through institutions that :
(1) give education (2) impart training in leadership
excellence (4) are founded by leaders

(3) generate and preserve

The right answer is generate and preserve excellence.

The author has discussed the role of educational institutions in the building of nation in the 2nd
para. From 1st line of 2nd para, institutions which aim at generating excellence. This clearly leads
us to option choice (C) as the correct answer.
Question 50
The author is most likely a/an :
(1) policy maker in defence
marketing guru

(2) creative analyst

(3) newspaper columnist (4)

The right answer is newspaper columnist.

Policy maker in defense, creative analyst and marketing guru are absurd in context to the
passage. The only option that fits in the best is newspaper columnist. Thus, (C) is the correct
answer choice.
Question 51
If x is very large, then 2x/(1 + x) is
(1) close to 0

(2) arbitrarily large

The right answer is close to 2.

(3) close to 2 (4) greater than 2 but less than 3

When x

Value of

= 2.

Question 52
What is the smallest possible value of xy, if 2x 4 6 and 8 y 5?
(1) 30

(2) 150

(3) 15 (4) 52

The right answer is 15.

8y5y 3
2x 4 6 x 5
Value of xy will be minimum when x = 5 & y = 3
And minimum value = 3 5 = 15.
Question 53
A point on the line 3x + 5y = 15 and equidistant from the coordinate axes, lies in:
(1) None of the quadrants
quadrants, I, II and III only

(2) quadrants I and II only

(3) quadrant I only (4)

The right answer is quadrant I only.

The line has positive x and y intercepts.
Question 54

If and be roots
(1) + = 0

(2) =

6 = 0; then

(3) + = 1 (4) 2 =

The right answer is + = 0.

= x when x 0
= x when x < 0
If x < 0, given equation is
x2 x 6 = 0 x = 3, 2, but x is negative so x = 2 is a solution.
If x 0 given equation is x2 + x 6 = 0 x = 3, 2 but x is positive so x = 2 is a solution
So the roots of equation are 2 and 2 sum of roots = 2 2 = 0
Question 55
The following figure shows a set of concentric squares. If the diagonal of the innermost
square is 3 units, and if the distance between the corresponding corners of any two
successive squares is 1.5 unit, find the difference between the areas of the eighth and the
ninth square, counting from the innermost square.

(1) 67.5

(2) 76.5

(3) 3 (4) 153

The right answer is 76.5.

The diagonal of the innermost square is 3 and the diagonals of subsequent squares increase by
So, the diagonals will take values 3, 6, 9, 12, ----. The diagonals of the 8th and the 9th squares will
be 24 and 27 respectively. The areas of these squares will be (24)2 and (27)2, the difference
between their areas is (729-576) = 76.5.
Question 56
A magazine distributor made 5500 copies of May issue of the magazine at a cost of Rs.
550,000. He gave 500 copies free to some libraries. He also allowed a 25% discount on the
market price of the magazine and gave one extra copy free with every 49 copies bought at
a time. In this manner, he was able to sell all the 5500 copies that were produced. If the
market price of a copy was Rs. 200, what is his gain or loss per cent for the May issue of
(1) 25% gain

(2) 33.6% gain

(3) 40% loss (4) 26.8% loss

The right answer is 33.6% gain.

Number of copies produced = 5500
Free copies given away = 500
Number of copies left for sale = 5000
But he gives one copy free with every 49 copies.
This means, for every 50 copies sold, he gets the price of

only 49 copies.

For 5000 copies, he gets the price of

49 = 4900 copies only.
Market price of a copy = Rs. 200
Discount = 25%
Selling price of a copy = 200 75/100 = Rs. 150
Selling price of 4900 copies = 4900 150 = Rs. 735000
Cost price = Rs. 550000
Gain = Rs. 185000 =33.6% of 550000.
Question 57
The weight of an empty bucket is 25% of the weight of the bucket when filled with some
liquid. Some of the liquid has been removed. Then, the bucket, along with the remaining
liquid, weighed three-fifth of the original weight. What fractional part of the liquid has been
(1) 2/5

(2) 8/15

(3) 7/13 (4) 5/8

The right answer is 8/15.

Let 100 units be the weight of the bucket filled with liquid. then this weight comprises 75 liquid
and 25 units empty bucket weight of the bucket with some liquid removed = 3/5th of original
weights = 60 units.
Of this 60 units, 25 units is the weight of the empty bucket.
Weight of the liquid removed = 75 35 = 40 units.
Fraction of the liquid removed = 40/75 = 8/15.
Question 58
Let y = min { ( x + 6), ( 4 x)}. If x R, what is the maximum value of y?

(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 10

The right answer is 5.
Consider the graph of y = x + 6 and y = 4 x as shown below.

At point P i.e. the point of intersection we get the maximum value of Y

i.e. Min. of {(1 + 6), ( 4 + 1)}. i.e. 5.
Question 59
A sphere of diameter 40 cm is completely enclosing a right circular cone of height not
more than 16 cm and base radius not more than 12 cm. The minimum volume of sphere
still outside to cone would be:
(1) nearly 99% of the sphere's volume (2) nearly 92% of the sphere's volume (3) not
more than 25% of the sphere's volume (4) not more than 33.33% of the sphere's volume

The right answer is nearly 92% of the sphere's volume.

Take the ratios of the volumes to get :
Vol of cone Vol of sphere = 1/3 r2h 4/3R3 = 9/125 = 7.2%.
Question 60
The following diagram represents a frustum of a cone whose bottom and top radii are 8 cm
and 4 cm. Its height is 9 cm. There is a conical cavity to a height of 6 cm at the bottom.
What is the ratio of conical cavity to the material in the solid?

(1) 6 : 13

(2) 8 : 13

(3) 13 : 21 (4) None of these

The right answer is 8 : 13 .

The volume of frustum h/3 (a2 + ab + b2) = 9/3 (64 + 32 + 16) = 336
The volume of the bottom cavity = 1/3 (8). (8) (6) = 128
The remaining volume = 336 128 = 208
There fore required ratio = 128 : 208 = 8 : 13
Question 61

+ .
function .What is the value of n?
(1) 26

(2) 27

= 54. Where [ ] is the greatest integer

(3) 28 (4) 29

The right answer is 29.


] = [1] = 1, [

] = 1 [

] = [2] = 2 ... [

] = [3] = 3 ..[
Given equation is



] + ..[
If 1 n 7, then K = 1, 2, 3 . 7
If 8 n 26
K = 9, 11, 13 45 (odd terms only)
If n = 26, K = 45
n = 27, K = 45 + 3 = 48
n = 28, K = 48 + 3 = 51
When n = 29, K = 54.


] = 3]

Question 62
Mrs. Kapoor goes to the market and after hassling with the fruit vendor is able to get the
price of a dozen bananas reduced by Rs. 1, from the initial price. Thus she gets one
banana extra for every rupee saved. The initial and final prices of a dozen bananas are (in
Rs.) :
(1) 9, 8

(2) 12, 11

(3) 14, 13 (4) 24, 23

The right answer is 12, 11.

For option (2), initial price = Rs. 12 per dozen For 1 rupee, she could purchase 12/12 = 1
Thus she gets 1 banana extra for every rupee saved when she buys at the rate of Rs. 11 per

Question 63
A company makes toy cars at a production cost of Rs 17.50 per unit. A market survey
reveals that 10% of the product will be lost, 5% will be rejected, 5% will decay and 5% will
be stolen. At what unit price must the company sell it to realize 28% profit?
(1) Rs. 29.86

(2) Rs. 28

(3) Rs. 31.70 (4) Rs. 20.5

The right answer is Rs. 29.86.

Total loss = (10 + 5 + 5 + 5) % = 25 %; CP = Rs. 17.5/unit
SP for 28% profit = 1.28 x 17.5 = Rs. 22.4 / unit
But 25% of the prodn. is lost
For every unit. 0.75 reaches the market
Required SP = 22.40 / 0.75 = Rs. 29.86
Question 64
Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total no. of
remaining bullets is equal to that of one has after division. Find the original number
(1) 26

(2) 18

(3) 16 (4) 6

The right answer is 18.

Let total no. of bullets: 3x. Each had x bullets.
After shot:
x4 x4
3x-12 = x x = 6 total bullets = 3 6 = 18
Question 65
A natural number x is chosen at random from the first 150 natural numbers, then the

probability that




(3) 7/10 (4) None of these

The right answer is 7/10.

Favorable numbers for x + 1/x to be > 50 are 1,2, 48, 49,50, 51.... 150.
Favorable number of cases = 105, and Total number of cases = 150.
Required probability = 105/150 = 7/10.
Question 66
Direction for question
(x) = Least integer greater than or equal to x,
[x] = Greatest integer less than or equal to x,
|x| = absolute value of x, mn ( a, b, c, ) = Least of a, b, c, .
mx ( a, b, c, ) = Highest of a, b, c, .
If x is any real number then the value of (x) - [x] is
(1) 0

(2) 1

(3) 1 (4) 1 or 0

The right answer is 1 or 0.

If x is any integer then [x] = (x) (x) - [x] = 0. if x is a positive number other than integer then it
can be written as n + f where n is its integral part and f is its fractional part
(x) [x] = (n + 1) n = 1. This is also true if x is any negative number.
Question 67
Direction for question:
(x) = Least integer greater than or equal to x,
[x] = Greatest integer less than or equal to x,
|x| = absolute value of x, mn (a, b, c, ) = Least of a, b, c, .
mx ( a, b, c, ) = Highest of a, b, c, .

Which of the following holds good?

(1) [|x|] = | [x ] |

(2) [ | x | ] < | [ x ] |

(3) [ | x | ] > | [ x]| (4) None of these

The right answer is [ | x | ] < | [ x ] |.

Let x = n + f where n is its integral part & f is its fractional part. | x | = n + f if x is positive and |
x | = n f if x is negative. If x is ve, then | x | = -n f . [ | x | ] = -n and | [x] | is always non
negative. Hence the alternative (2) holds good.

Question 68
Direction for question
(x) = Least integer greater than or equal to x,
[x] = Greatest integer less than or equal to x,
|x| = absolute value of x, mn ( a, b, c, ) = Least of a, b, c, .
mx ( a, b, c, ) = Highest of a, b, c, .
If mx (mn (a, b) |a|, | b| ) = mn ( mx (a, b), |a| ) holds good for any two real numbers a and
b, then
(1) a < 0, b < 0

(2) a < 0, b > 0

(3) a > 0, b < 0 (4) a > 0, b > 0

The right answer is a > 0, b > 0.

By considering different cases a > b and a < b, it can be verified that the only alternative that
holds good is Answer (D).
Question 69
Bag A contains X coins of 50 paise and Y coins of 25 paise. Bag B contains X coins of 25
paise and Y coins of 50 paise. If two coins of 50 paise from bag A are put into bag B and 3
coins of 25 paise from bag B are put into bag A, the value of money in both the bags will
become equal. What may be the minimum value of the total amount in both the bags?
(1) Rs 10

(2) Rs 3

(3) Rs 4 (4) Rs 1.25

The right answer is Rs 3.

Bag A
Bag B
Value of money originally
50X + 25Y
50Y + 25X
Value of money after transfer 50X + 25Y 25 50Y+ 25X + 25
By data 50X + 25Y 25 = 50Y + 25X + 25. Therefore 25X 25Y = 50. That is X = Y + 2.
The total value of money in both the bags is 75X + 75Y = 75 (Y + 2 + Y) = 75 (2Y + 2) = 150 (Y +
1). By considering the minimum value 1 for Y, the minimum value of money in both the bags =
300 paise = 3 Rs.
Question 70
Mr. Jill requires Rs 6000 per month to maintain his family. He saves 20% of any amount
that he earns above Rs. 6000 but below Rs 7000 in a month. He saves 30% of amount that
he earns above Rs 7000 but below Rs 8000 in a month. If Mr. Jill spends Rs 6975 on a
month, what is his income for that month?
(1) Rs 7150

(2) Rs 7250

(3) Rs 7500 (4) Rs 7100

The right answer is Rs 7250.

Let his income be (6000 + X) Rs. He could speed S = 6000 + 80% of X if 0 X 1000.
The greatest value of S = 6800 Rs. But the expenditure give is Rs. 6975. Which is greater than S.
Therefore his income is > 7000. Let it be (7000 + Y) Rs.
6000 + 800 + 70.Y/100 = 6975 Rs. On solving 7Y/10 = 175 Y = 250
Income for the month is Rs. 7250
Question 71
All possible two-factor products are formed from the numbers 1, 2, .,100. The number of
factors out of the total obtained which are multiple of 3 is
(1) 2211

(2) 4950

(3) 2739 (4) None of these

The right answer is 2739.

The total number of two factor products = 100C2. Out of the numbers 1, 2, 3, , 100; the multiples
of 3 are 3, 6, 9, , 99 i.e., there are 33 multiples of 3, and therefore there are 67 non-multiples of
So, the number of two factor products which hare not multiples of 3 = 67C2
So, the required number = 100C2 67C2 = 2739.
Question 72
The number of ways in which ten candidates A1, A2, .A10 can be ranked such that A1 is
always above A10 is

(1) 5!

(2) 2 (5!)

The right answer is

(3) 10! (4)



Question 73
In the figure EFGH is formed by joining midpoints of consecutive sides of square KLMN.
Figures PQRS and ABCD are also formed similarly.

ABCD : KLMN is :

(1) 1 : 4

(2) 1 : 8

(3) 1 : 16 (4) None of these

The right answer is 1 : 8.

If area of ABCD = A, Areas of outer squares are each two times the inner ones, hence Area of
KLMN = 2 2 2 A = 8A. Hence ratio = 1 : 8.
Question 74
A square of side 3 cm is taken and two equilateral triangles are drawn on the opposite
Find the area common to both triangles.




(4) None of these

The right answer is None of these .

Equilateral 's are APB & DMC

ABN = 60,
NBC = 30 NCB,

BNC = 120, BC = 3 cm

According to sine formula

NP = 3
= (BP NB)
N = QNP = PQN = 60

is equilateral

Common area = 2 Area NPQ = 2



)2 =

BN =

(9 + 3 6



) cm2 .

Question 75
Directions for question: A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different
colours for different faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The face opposite to Red is
(1) Yellow

(2) Green

(3) Pink (4) Silver

The right answer is Green.

Make a cube to get the answer

Question 76
Directions for question: A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different
colours for different faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The upper face is
(1) Red

(2) Pink

(3) Yellow (4) Silver

The right answer is Yellow.

Make a cube to get the answer

Question 77
Directions for question:
A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six
different colours for different faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The faces adjacent to Green are

(1) Yellow, Pink, Red, Silver

Yellow, Pink, Green

(2) Brown, Pink, yellow, Silver

(3) Silver, Pink, Green (4)

The right answer is Brown, Pink, yellow, Silver .

Question 78
Directions for question:
A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different colours for different
faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
The face opposite to Silver is
(1) Pink

(2) Brown

(3) Red (4) Green

The right answer is Pink.

Make a cube to get the answer

Question 79
Directions for question:
A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six different colours for different
faces of the cube. The detailed account of it is given as:(a) Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the silver face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.
Three of the faces adjacent to Red face are
(1) Silver, Green, Brown
Pink, Green

(2) Silver, Brown, Pink

(3) Silver, Pink, Green (4) Yellow,

The right answer is Silver, Brown, Pink.

Make a cube to get the answer

Question 80
(AA)2 = DCBA. where A, B, C and D are the distinct digits and B is odd. Then D =
(1) 5

(2) 6

(3) 4 (4) 3

The right answer is 4.

Now square of a two digit no. is ending with the same digit in which the no. is ending

This is possible only when the last digit is either 0, 1, 5 or 6

Considering these our no. (AA) cant be 00 and 11
Now 552 = 3025. But here B is an even no. 662 = 4356.
This is the obvious no. and it is satisfying our given conditions. Thus D = 4.
Question 81
A certain clock marks every hour by striking a number of times equal to the hour and the
time required for a stroke is exactly equal to the time interval between strokes. At 9 : 00
a.m. the time lapse between the beginning of the first stroke and the end of the last stroke
is 34 seconds. At 18 : 00 hrs. how many seconds elapse between the beginning of the first
stroke and the end of the last stroke :
(1) 70

(2) 43

(3) 36 (4) 22

The right answer is 22.

At 9:00 a.m. there are 9 stokes and 8 intervals between strokes.
Thus for 17 equal time intervals, Time = 34 sec.
For 1 interval time = 2 seconds. At 18:00 hours i.e. (6:00 p.m.) there are 6 strokes and 5
intervals i.e. total 11 time intervals of 2 seconds.
Ans = 22 seconds.
Question 82
Directions for question:
485 machine parts were to be manufactured by some workers in 5 days. Every day after
the first, 4 more men were put onto the job and every day after the first, each person
manufactured 3 fewer parts. The results was that during the latter part of the period, the
daily number of manufactured part began to go down
What was the no. of parts manufactured on the third day?
(1) 196

(2) 121

(3) 81 (4) 172

The right answer is 121.

On the third day let there are x workers and each manufactured n parts.
Then the total no. of parts manufactured in 5 days = (x 8) (n + 6) + (x 4) ( n + 3) + (x) (n) + (x
+ 4) (n 3) + (x + 8) (n 6) = 485 5nx 120 = 485 nx = 121 = 11 11from here we can
say that there are 11 men and each manufactured 11 parts on the third day.No. of workers on the
fifth day = x + 8 = 11 + 8 = 19

Question 83
Directions for question:
485 machine parts were to be manufactured by some workers in 5 days. Every day after
the first, 4 more men were put onto the job and every day after the first, each person
manufactured 3 fewer parts. The results was that during the latter part of the period, the
daily number of manufactured part began to go down.

What was the attendance on the fifth day?

(1) 24

(2) 20

(3) 22 (4) 19

The right answer is 19.

On the third day let there are x workers and each manufactured n parts.
Then the total no. of parts manufactured in 5 days = (x 8) (n + 6) + (x 4) ( n + 3) + (x) (n) + (x
+ 4) (n 3) + (x + 8) (n 6) = 485 5nx 120 = 485 nx = 121 = 11 11 from here we can
say that there are 11 men and each manufactured 11 parts on the third day.No. of workers on the
fifth day = x + 8 = 11 + 8 = 19
Question 84
A sum of Rs 3328 is divided among A, B and C so that if Rs. 35, Rs. 51 and Rs. 74 be
diminished from their shares respectively, the remainders shall be in the ratio of 9 : 11 :
16. Find the share of each.
(1) Rs. 827, 1019, 1482
1061, 1470

(2) Rs. 909, 1010, 1409

(3) Rs. 846, 1042, 1440 (4) Rs. 797,

The right answer is Rs. 827, 1019, 1482.

Ratio of the remainders = 9 : 11 : 16
Let the Remainders are =9x, 11x, 16x
Original money of A, B , & C = 9x + 35, 11x + 51, 16x + 74
Total money = A+ B +C = 3328
36x = 3328-74-51-35
x = 88
Now, share of A = 9x + 35 = Rs .827
Similarly others are Rs. 1019 & Rs. 1482.

Question 85

The factors of (

(1) not possible

) are

(2) (


(4) (

The right answer is (


)2 + (


)2 (



)2 + 2.



(3) (


Question 86
Directions for question:
Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1 minute
after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes. Assume that
slipping occurs continuously when climbing.

At what height do the two bugs meet each other?

(1) Do not meet

(2) 3 inches

(3) 5 inches (4) 12 inches

The right answer is 3 inches.

Solutions 87 91:














(no rest)

3 inches.
Question 87
Directions for question:
Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1 minute
after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes. Assume that
slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
What is the widest gap achieved between the bugs, within the first 10 minutes ?

(1) 2 inches

(2) 3 inches

(3) 2.5 inches (4) 5 inches

The right answer is 3 inches.

3 inches at t = 8.
Question 88
Directions for question:
Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1 minute
after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes. Assume that
slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
If Bug B does not have rest periods, how many times do the bugs meet in the first 10
(1) 6

(2) 1

(3) 2 (4) 3

The right answer is 3.

At t = 3, 6, 9.
Question 89
Directions for question:
Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1 minute
after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes. Assume that
slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
If the wall is 1 foot high, but when A reaches the top, how far is Bug B behind?
(1) 3 inches

(2) 2 inches

(3) 2.5 inches (4) 3.5 inches

The right answer is 3 inches.


Question 90
Directions for question:
Two bugs are climbing a slippery wall. At time t = 0, both are at the bottom of the wall.
Bug A climbs at the rate of 3 inches a minute. Bug B climbs at the rate of 4 inches a
minute. Due to the slippery wall, however, Bug A slips back 1 inch for every 2 inches
climbed and bug B 1.5 inches for every 2 inches. Moreover bug A takes a rest of 1 minute
after every 2 minutes and Bug B, a rest of 1 minute after every 3 minutes. Assume that
slipping occurs continuously when climbing.
What is the average speed of Bug A for the first 9 minutes?
(1) 1.75 in/min

(2) 1 in/min

(3) 0.75 in/min (4) 2 in/min

The right answer is 1 in/min.

distance/time = 9/9 = 1 inch/min.
Question 91
Two trains start from stations A and B spaced 50 kms apart at the same time and speed.
As the trains start, a bird flies from one train towards the other and on reaching the
second train, it flies back to the first train. This is repeated till the trains collide. If the
speed of the trains is 25 km/h and that of the bird is 100km/h. How much did the bird travel
till the collision?
(1) 98.75 km

(2) 100 km

(3) 95.5 km (4) None of these

The right answer is 100 km.

Collision took place after 1 hour ( distance / relative speed of trains or 50/50). Bird travelled for
one hour before collision.In one hour it travelled 100 km as speed is 100kmph.
Question 92
Ram, Shyam and Gumnaam are friends. Ram is a widower and lives alone and his sister
takes care of him. Shyam is a bachelor and his niece cooks his food and looks after his
house. Gumnaam is married to Gita and lives in large house in the same town. Gita gives
the idea that all of them could stay together in the house and share monthly expenses
equally. During their first month of living together, each person contributed Rs.25. At the
end of the month, it was found that Rs 92 was the expense so the remaining amount was
distributed equally among everyone. The distribution was such that everyone received a
whole number of Rupees. How much did each person receive?
(1) 4

(2) 2

(3) Not possible (4) None of these

The right answer is 2.

Rs. 2 (Rams sister, Shyam's neice and Gumnaam's wife are the same person).
Question 93
Directions for question:
N, a set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets S1 = {1} S2
= (2, 3) S3 {4, 5, 6} S4 = {7, 8, 9, 10} and so on.
The first term of the subset S25 is :
(1) 201

(2) 301

(3) 402 (4) 160

The right answer is 301.

In S25, the first term = (25 1) 25/2 + 1 = 301.
Question 94
Directions for question:
N, a set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets S1 = {1} S2
= (2, 3) S3 {4, 5, 6} S4 = {7, 8, 9, 10} and so on.
The sum of the elements of the subset S30 is :
(1) 12505

(2) 14115

(3) 13515 (4) 16505

The right answer is 13515.

First term of S30 = 436 S30 = {436, 437 30 terms}
= 13515 (using A.P.)
Question 95
Directions for question:
N, a set of natural numbers is partitioned into subsets S1 = {1} S2
= (2, 3) S3 {4, 5, 6} S4 = {7, 8, 9, 10} and so on.
The last term of the subset S15 is :
(1) 120

(2) 125

(3) 130 (4) 145

The right answer is 120.

T1 of S15 = 106 T15 of S15 = 106 + (15-1) x 1 = 120.
Question 96
180 guests have to be brought for a marriage. The following two types of buses are
available ;
1. Mini buses with a seating capacity of 18 passengers each.
2. Buses with a seating capacity of 61 passenger each.
What are the minimum No. of buses needed for the trip provided no guest is to travel
without seat.
(1) 3

(2) 4

(3) 6 (4) 10

The right answer is 3.

For 180 guests, 3 buses are sufficient (of capacity 61).
Question 97

The capacity of tank B is 1000 lts and that of tank A = 3000 lts
Tank B is completely inside tank A. 1, 3 are inlet
pipes; 2, 4 outlet pipes.
1 takes 20 min to fill tank A
3 takes 10 min to fill tank B
4 takes 40 min to empty tank B
2 takes 20 min to empty tank A
If all the pipes are opened when would the tank A be filled?

(1) 30 min




min (4) None of these

The right answer is 30 min .

Inlet rate of 1, 3 are

Outlet rate of 2, 4 are

lt/min and

Hence Tank A takes

It/min i.e. 150 It/min and 100It /min.

i.e. 150 Its/min and 25 Its/min.

= 30 min (or) Alternately it takes

or 30 min.

Question 98
In the figure find b in terms of a. c & d.

(1) b = c + d a

(2) b = ( c + d a) /2

(3) b = a c + d (4) b = a c d

The right answer is b = c + d a.

r = w + X = Y + Z (external angle of triangle)

(360o a) + (360o b)
= (360o c) + (360o d)
(angles at a point)

Question 99

If bc : ac : ab = 1 : 2: 3, find
(1) 3 : 2

(2) 4 : 1

(3) 2 : 1 (4) 3 : 4

The right answer is 4 : 1.

bc/ac = 1/2



Question 100
A train, travelling at the rate of 19.5 miles an hour started at 8.00 a.m. on a journey of 234
miles. A second train started from the same station; its speed was to that of the former as
8 : 5 and arrived 20 minutes after the first time. When did the second train start?
(1) 12.50 p.m.

(2) 1.30 p.m.

(3) 11 a.m. (4) 10.30 a.m.

The right answer is 12.50 p.m..

Time taken by first train =

= 12 hrs. i.e. it reach at 8 p.m.
Next train reaches at 8.20 pm.

Time taken by 2nd train =

12 = 7.5 hrs = 7 hrs 30 min.
So it starts 7 hrs 30 min before 8:20 i.e. 12:50 pm.
Question 101
Which bank showed a loss whose deviation from the average was maximum?
(1) Indian Bank

(2) Vijaya Bank

The right answer is Indian Bank.

(3) Central Bank

(4) United Bank

Solutions 101 105:

For 1995-96, the net losses incurred by the banks are around :
Indian Bank 1350; Vijaya 250; UCO 250; United 250; Punjab and Sind 150; Central
The average net loss was (2350/6) = 325. Indian Bank shows a maximum deviation from this
average. Can be observed directly. Notice that excepting IB, all are in similar losses. This implies
the average to be nearer them than IB viz., IB deviation maximum.
Question 102
Which of the following is true?
I. The loss incurred by Indian Bank is equal to the loss incurred by all the other banks
II. If the Reserve Bank of India ploughs in approx. Rs. 2300 crore, the losses suffered by
the given banks can be offset.
III. Indian Bank will almost surely lose its popularity soon.
(1) I & II

(2) II only

(3) II & III (4) I, II & III

The right answer is II only.

Since the total net loss is 2350, the Reserve Bank of India would have to plough in around 2300
to offset this loss. The validity of the other statements cannot be determined on the basis of the
information provided. In fact since all options accept second statement as true, this need not be
Question 103
Finding no other alternative of increasing the income, Vijaya Bank decided to generate
income by raising the lending rates. If the total amount loaned out by it was Rs. 8250
crore, by how many percent points would it have to increase the lending rates so as to
offset its losses?
(1) Around 5

(2) Around 2.5

(3) Around 1 (4) Can't determine

The right answer is Can't determine.

Loss of 250 is 3% of 8250. So, if lending rate is increased by 3%, losses can be offset.
Note that the value 250 is an approximation, so the answer cannot be exact.

Question 104
The total assets of Indian Bank are Rs. 75000 crore. The assets of Vijaya Bank, UCO Bank,
United Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Central Bank are respectively 23%, 19%, 17%, 13% &
12% of the assets of the Indian Bank. Which of the following banks shows the maximum
loss per crore rupees of assets?
(1) Indian

(2) Vijay

(3) UCO (4) United

The right answer is United.

The assets of the all the other banks are less than 25% of Indian Banks assets. It we assume
that the assets of all the other banks are 25%, it is easier to compare figures without actually
calculating :





Punjab &
















Thus, it can be seen that the maximum loss per crore rupees of assets is incurred by Indian
Question 105
The total assets of Indian Bank are Rs. 75000 crore. The assets of Vijaya Bank, UCO Bank,
United Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Central Bank are respectively 23%, 19%, 17%, 13% &
12% of the assets of the Indian Bank. What change would have to be made in the assets of
the Indian Bank if its loss per crore of asset was to be made equal to that in case of
Central Bank?
(1) They will have to be increased by 62%
They will have to be reduced by 15%
They will have to be reduced by 25%


(3) They will have to be increased by 215%


The right answer is They will have to be increased by 62%.

To make the loss per crores of rupees equal to Central Bank, Indian Bank has to increase its
Therefore, 1350/x = 100/9000. Thus, x = 1,21,500
This is an increase of (1,21,500 75,000), i.e., 46,500, i.e., 62%
Note the even if we approximate as 1350/x = 75/9000, x = 1,62,000, i.e., increase of 116%.
So, closest option is chosen.

Question 106
What percentage of the total population in 1971 drank coffee?
(1) 45%

(2) 50%

(3) 20% (4) None of these

The right answer is 45%.

100 = 45%.
Question 107
The increase in woman coffee drinkers from 1971 to 1981 was about
(1) 233%

(2) 80%

(3) 120 % (4) 133%

The right answer is 133%.

100 =

100 = 133%.

Question 108
The number of children who drink either beverage increased over the two periods by
(1) 37000

(2) 9500

(3) 28000 (4) 37500

The right answer is 37500.

40000 2500 = 37500
Question 109
In 1971, out of every 100 men, how many drank neither coffee nor tea (assume that there
was nobody drink both)?
(1) 30

(2) 27.3

(3) 28.5 (4) None of these

The right answer is 27.3.

100 = 27.3
Question 110
In 1981, how many children drank milk?
(1) 140000

(2) 100000

(3) 140000 (4) can't say

The right answer is can't say.

Question 111
Which is the smallest island?
(1) Zog

(2) Zob

(3) Zop (4) None of the above

The right answer is Zog.

Solutions 111 115:
The smallest island has
The largest is zod
One island has

750 = 75 Zoxians [from (1)]

150 = 150 Zoxians

Another has 750 = 250 Zoxians

Zob = 1.5 one of the islands
Zop = 100 + 75 = 175
the fifth island has = 750 (75 + 150 + 250 + 175) = 100 Zoxians
The smallest island is not Zod [form 2]
not Zoz
[form 2]
not Zob
[form 4]
not Zop
[form 5]

the smallest island is Zog = 75

Zop = 175
Zob =1.5 100 = 150
Zod = 250
Zoz = 100

Question 112
What is the sum of the population of Zod and Zob?
(1) 275

(2) 250

(3) 325 (4) 400

The right answer is 400.

Question 113
What is the sum of population of Zop and Zoz?
(1) 250

(2) 275

(3) 350 (4) 400

The right answer is 275.

Question 114
The sum of the population of which two islands is more than half the total population of
(1) Zod and Zop

(2) Zod and Zob

(3) Zod and Zoz (4) Both option (A) & (B)

The right answer is Both option (A) & (B).

Question 115
What is the population of the island of Zoz?
(1) 75

(2) 100

(3) 150 (4) 150

The right answer is 100.


Question 116
Procter and Gamble's turnover from the two personal care segments amounted to what
percentage approximately of the total turnover in these segments of the entire market?
(1) 34%

(2) 30%

(3) 27% (4) None of these

The right answer is 30%.

100 = 30%.
Question 117
If J.K. Helen Curtis is to get a market share in the disposable diapers market equal to that
it has in feminine care product, what should it s turnover (Rs. crores) in this segments be
given that the sales of other companies in disposable diapers market does not change?
(1) 1

(2) 2.3

(3) 1.11 (4) None of these

The right answer is 1.11.

10 crores = 90/100 New Market
11.11 = New Market
10% of New Market = 1.11.
Question 118
If the market size of the feminine care products increases by 25%, the turnover of Johnson
and Johnson in this segment will increase by how many crores of rupees (assume the
market shares of various companies remain the same) ?
(1) 10.25

(2) 13

(3) 11.25

(4) None of these

The right answer is 11.25 .

(75 60/100) 0.25 = 11.25.

Question 119
The percentage share of Johnson and Johnson in the two personal care market segments
together is greater than the percentage share of Regency Drapers in these two segment
together by how many percentage points.
(1) 50.8

(2) 25.3

(3) 42 (4) None of these

The right answer is 50.8.

J & J = 45 + 0.2 = 45.2 crores

% share = (


R.D = 2 => % share =

Difference in % points = 50.82.


Question 120
If in value terms all the other companies retain their share of the diapers market, by how
much (Rs crores) should Procter and Gamble's turnover in this segment increase to get a
25% share?
(1) 2.93

(2) 3.23

(3) 2.52 (4) None of these

The right answer is 2.93.

If the increase in P & Gs market is Rs. x crores, then for the market share to increase from
present 3% to (i.e. 0.3 crores) to 25%, we have

= 0.25 0.3 + x = 2.5 + 0.25x

0.75x = 2.2 =
x = 8.8/3 = 2.93

= 2.2

Question 121
What was the proportion of Hydel generation in total electricity generation in May 1996?
(1) 15%

(2) 20%

(3) 25% (4) None of these

The right answer is 15%.

Solutions 121 125:
As the table gives us the percent change over the last 1, 3 and 12 months, these values can be
In June 1996, hydel generation has shown an increase of 2.4% over May 1996, whereas, the
total electricity generation has shown a decrease of 8.4%. In May 1996, hydel generation and
total electricity generation were 4920 and 33060 respectively. So, hydel generation formed
around 15% of the total electricity generated.
Question 122
What was the thermal generation in March 1996 (million kwh)?
(1) 38919

(2) 28919

(3) 20000 (4) None of these

The right answer is 28919.

In June 1996, thermal generation has shown a drop of 12.7% over the generation in March 1996.
So, the thermal generation in March 1996 was 28919.
Question 123
What was the total power generation in January 1996 (million kwh)?
(1) 40000

(2) 50000

(3) 30000 (4) Can't determine

The right answer is Can't determine.

Since the percentage change over January 1996 is not available, the total power generated in
January 1996 cannot be determined.
Question 124
What was the proportion of Thermal generation in total electricity generation in June
(1) 80%

(2) 70%

(3) 60% (4) 50%

The right answer is 80%.

Thermal generation and total generation in June 1996 have increased by 2.7% and decreased by
2% respectively as compared to June 1995. Thus, in June 1995, thermal generation was 24580
and the total generation was 30900. So, thermal generation formed around 80% of the total
Question 125
What was the ratio of hydel generation to thermal generation in March 1996?
(1) 1 : 6

(2) 1 : 3

(3) 1 : 9 (4) None of these

The right answer is 1 : 6.

In June 1996, hydel generation showed an increase of 2.3% over the generation in March
1996. So, hydel generation in March 1996 was 4924 and the thermal generation was
28919. This is in the ratio 1 : 6.

Question 126
Who is the heaviest of the lot of five children?
(1) Sio

(2) Phren

(3) Jorn (4) Ontrus

The right answer is Phren .


















Question 127
What is the difference between the percentage difference in weight of Sio and Phren in
ounces and qinae?
(1) 12

(2) 36

(3) 48 (4) None of the above

The right answer is None of the above .

There will be no difference.
Question 128
What is the Phrens weight on Earth (in Ounces)
(1) 5.8

(2) 4.6

(3) 4.1 (4) 3.9

The right answer is 5.8.

Question 129
What is Ontrus weight on Nolu si?
(1) 15.4

(2) 42.9

(3) 45.1 (4) 50.6

The right answer is 15.4.

Question 130
What is Jorns weight on Earth?
(1) 3.9

(2) 4.1

(3) 4.6 (4) 1.4

The right answer is 4.1.

Question 131
What is the percentage difference in the weights of Sio and Phren?

(1) 26.08

(2) 30.16

(3) 24.91 (4) Cant be determined

The right answer is Cant be determined .

Since the question is ambiguous about the base on which percentage difference is to be
calculated, hence it cannot be determined.
Question 132
Direction for question: The following question is followed by two statements "1" and "2",
as the answer.

In how many days would the lawn be mowed?

1. Ram alone can mow it in 17 days whereas Ganesh and Sohan together can do it in 12
2. One of Ram, Ganesh and Sohan works on the job everyday.
(1) If both, statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question. (2) If the
question can be answered with the help of statement 2 alone. (3) If the question can be
answered with the help of statement 1 alone. (4) If the question cannot be answered
even with the help of both the statements.

The right answer is If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the
Assume that Ganesh and Sohan work at their usual capacity, but on successive days, say the
second and the third days. In three days, (1/17 + 1/12) = (29 / 204) part of the lawn can be
mowed. But as nothing about the order of working of the three, nor anything about the individual
working capacities of Ganesh and Sohan is given, we cannot find the answer even with the help
of both the statements.
Question 133
Direction for question: The following question is followed by two statements "1" and "2",
as the answer.
What are the three numbers?
1. Their sum is 61.
2. These are three consecutive prime numbers
(1) If both, statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question. (2) If the
question can be answered with the help of statement 2 alone. (3) If the question can be
answered with the help of statement 1 alone. (4) If the question cannot be answered
even with the help of both the statements.

The right answer is If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the
Since the second statement states that the number are prime, we get that the numbers have to
be three positive integers in ascending order. Note that 61/3 20. This implies that numbers
should be around 20. Check 17, 19, 23 do not add to 61. So. (D). Note that no other set could be
closer to 61.
Question 134
In how much time will the train pass the man?
1. The 200 meters long train is running at a speed of 60 kmph
2. The man is walking at a speed of 5 m/s
(1) If both, statement 1 and statement 2 are needed to answer the question. (2) If the
question can be answered with the help of statement 2 alone. (3) If the question can be
answered with the help of statement 1 alone. (4) If the question cannot be answered
even with the help of both the statements.

The right answer is If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the
Although the individual speeds of the train and the man are known, for finding out the relative
speed, we must also know the directions (same or opposite) of their travel. But this data is not
clearly available, and hence the time cannot be determined.

Question 135
What was the ratio of highest FDI inflow in any country in any year to the lowest in any
country in any year?
(1) 947.08

(2) 912.25

(3) 998.74 (4) 904.36

The right answer is 947.08.

Ratio =

= 947.08


Question 136
What is the percentage increase in FDI inflow in India from 1991 to 1999?
(1) 1298.7%

(2) 1340.46%

(3) 1212.36% (4) 1476.64%

The right answer is 1298.7%.

100 = 1298.7%

Percentage increase =

Question 137
For 19941995, the FDIs of how many countries showed a decline of more than 5%?
(1) 2

(2) 3

(3) 4 (4) 1

The right answer is 4.

The countries are Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Colombia.
Question 138
What is the ratio of Indias highest FDI in all the years to Chinas lowest FDI in all the
(1) 0.68

(2) 0.43

(3) 0.76 (4) 0.71

The right answer is 0.76.

Ratio =

= 0.76

Question 139
If 20% of FDI in India went to the Power sector and 34% to the Infotech sector in 1999, then
what amount (in US $ million) went to the above two sectors in 1999?
(1) 415, 712

(2) 432, 712

(3) 415, 737 (4) 433, 737

The right answer is 433, 737.

For power sector = 0.2 2168 = 433.6
For Infotech sector = 0.34 2168 = 737.12
Question 140
How many times has the FDI in any country mentioned gone beyond 5000 US $ million?
(1) 35

(2) 31

(3) 34 (4) 37

The right answer is 34.

Just observe from the table.
Question 141
The recovery rate has been calculated as:
(1) 1/ (Revenue Expenditure / Total recoveries)


1 / (Revenue Expenditure / Total recoveries) 100 (3) 1/ (Total cost of Service / Total
recoveries) (4) 1 / (Total Cost of Service / Total recoveries) 100

The right answer is 1 / (Total Cost of Service / Total recoveries) 100.

For social services under departmental enterprises, the total cost of service is 561 and the total
recovery is 198, whereas the recovery rate is 35.20.
Question 142
If it is known that the subsidy given to the cooperative is Rs. 593 crores, then what, in Rs.
crore, is the subsidy given to the Nondepartmental enterprises?
(1) 6874

(2) 8874

(3) 7874 (4) Can't determine

The right answer is 6874.

The co-operatives have 1.4% of the total subsidy. This amounts to 593. So, the non-departmental
enterprises have a subsidy of 16.23%, i.e.. 6874.

Question 143
If it is known that the subsidy given to the cooperative is Rs. 593 crores then what is the
subsidy given to the social services of the Departmental enterprises (Rs. crore)?
(1) 36.4

(2) 364

(3) 3640 (4) Can't determine

The right answer is 364.

The subsidy given to social services of the departmental enterprises is (0.86 593) /1.4 = 364.
Question 144
If it is known that the subsidy given to the cooperative is Rs. 593 crores, then what is the
difference in the subsidies given to the Economic and social services of the Non
departmental enterprises (Rs. crore)?
(1) 4600

(2) 5600

(3) 6600 (4) None of these

The right answer is 6600.

The percentage difference between the subsidies for economic and social services of nondepartmental enterprises is 15.61. So, the actual value is (15.61 593)/1.4 = 6611.
Question 145
For departmental and nondepartmental enterprises, the total recoveries from social
services form what percentage of the total recoveries from economic services?
(1) 1.2%

(2) 2.2%

(3) 3.2% (4) None of these

The right answer is 1.2%.

For departmental and non-departmental enterprises, the recoveries from social services are 218
and the recoveries from economic services are 18392. So, the recoveries from social services
form around 1.2% of the total recoveries under this category.

Question 146
Harry ate
(1) Noodles

(2) Manchurian

(3) Idly Sambar (4) Masala Dosa

The right answer is Idly Sambar.

Solutions 146 150:
Since everybody makes at least 1 true statement, we can make an assumption about a
statements authenticity, which if false will get contradicted at some stage.
After looking at the statements made by Harry & Rahul, we notice that their last statements are
opposites. So one of those 2 statements is the truth. Assuming the last statement of Harry to be
true, his other statements must be false. Since he says that he ate Masala Dosa & Rahul also
says the same thing, both are false statements. So Rahuls 2nd statement must be true. On the
basis of our assumption Nipuns 1st statement becomes false. Since Harrys 2nd statement is also
false Nipuns 2nd statement must be true. So his last statement must be false. As Nipuns last
statement is false, it means that Ashish ate the noodles. So Ashishs 1st statement is false.
Looking at everybodys second statement, and knowing that the 1st is false & the other 2 are true,
we can conclude that Nipun has eaten the Manchurian. So Ashishs 2nd statement is true and the
last statement is false.
Question 147
Nipun ate
(1) Noodles

(2) Manchurian

(3) Idly Sambar (4) Masala Dosa

The right answer is Manchurian.

Question 148
Rahul ate
(1) Noodles

(2) Manchurian

(3) Idly Sambar (4) Masala Dosa

The right answer is Masala Dosa.


Question 149
Ashish ate
(1) Noodles

(2) Manchurian

(3) Idly Sambar (4) Masala Dosa

The right answer is Noodles.

Question 150
Which of the following is false?
(1) Rahuls second statement is true. (2) Harrys second statement is true.
second statement is true. (4) Ashishs second statement is true.

The right answer is Harrys second statement is true..

(3) Nipuns

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