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(Verbal Ability-2 & 3: Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs & Sentence Structure)

Directions: Correct the following sentences (if necessary) and give reasons for your corrections.
1.No head injury is too trivial to ignore
2.He expressed the opinion that the committees report, that the exhaustion of the mines, affecting the well-being of
the whole country, was too serious to be accepted without further consideration.
3.A brilliant but outrageous comedian, Lenny Bruces sketches both amused and unsettled his audience.
4.The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely had been more than twelve inches high.
5.Regretfully, your application has been refused.
6.Between ten and twelve percent of all students scoring high enough to qualify for merit.
7.Being that Colettes first novel was so wildly successful, her husband locked her in their Paris flat with orders to
produce more.
8.You will never find a policeman just walking here in the park.
9.On attempting to restore the picture to its original condition, almost irreparable damage was discovered.
10. After he had drank the warm milk, he began to feel sleepy and decided to go to bed.
11. When I had got back from work and was having a shower, my wife said that she had seen just the curtains that we
have been looking for.
12. The stable has been broken open and the horses stolen.
13. After her doctor warned her that she was in poor health, Ms. Cheng resolved to go on a diet, stop smoking, and
exercising every day.
14. Hearing these strange noises above, the thought at once occurred to me that thieves had entered the house.
15. Before we were called for breakfast, he swam for fifteen minutes in the ocean.
16. Can you think of anything which has to be finished before the weekend?
17. I should have liked to have been present at the night of the play.

18. Having searched thoroughly all the rooms, it was decided that we could do no more.

We came to a stream having a very strong current and which was passable at only one spot.

20. In the closing decades of the eighteenth century, it was believed that young women should not only be obedient
and soft-spoken but should also master such skills as stitching and needle work.
21. After her fainting spell, she was told to lay down on the couch for ten minutes.
22. No judge but the most stony-hearted could deny the ice-dancers anything but full marks.
23. On entering the garret, Ralph Nickleby was found hanging from the ceiling.
24. Within twenty-four hours of that order being given the erection of a great chain of wireless stations will begin in
this country.
25. After years of frustrated searching for the remains of diminutive mammals from the Age of Reptiles, paleontologist
Matcher learned following the harvester ant and raid its anthill for valuable fossils.
26. When making up prescriptions, some tablets have to be divided into four.
27. As soon as the sun rose over the mountains, it became unbearably hot and stifling in the valley.
28. Mysteriously beautiful, the Nepalese shrine inlaid with semiprecious stones rare enough to honour the spiritual
essence of the Buddha.
29. I intended to have written to him.
30. I then further remarked that, Sweden having observed the laws of neutrality, how could he believe in the
possibility of an alliance with Russia?
31. I had hoped to have found that more progress had been made.
32. It was the dog who died, not the man.
33. Because the students were extremely noisy and uncooperative, the new teacher started coldly until they calmed
down then letting them squirm with embarrassment.
34. When he had begun to sing, all of us became quiet.
35. Born in Turkey, I was amazed that Kemal fits so well into English society.

36. Most western European countries have decreased their consumption of fossil fuels because of atmospheric
pollution, a number of eastern European countries have not done so.
37. The mayor shook hands awkwardly with the visitor, inconvenienced by an attack of arthritis.
38. He laid for half an hour unconscious, until he was seen by a passing motorist.
39. If such a proposal were made, we would be the first to welcome it.
40. If I would have studied for this examination, I would have won the medal; as it was, I received a very good grade
without even trying.
41. Customs officers noticed that the yacht was not flying a yellow flag, indicating it had come from abroad with
dutiable goods.
42. On the Pacific island of Yap, heavy disks of stone money have a ceremonial value, give prestige to a family when
properly displayed, and hordes of curious tourists have been lured there by it.
43. We should be glad if you will attend to this matter.
44. While it is true that some thermal pollution may result from the proposed construction and that a few fish may lose
their breeding grounds, there is no reason to refuse beginning the project.
45. Rumours of a planned corporate buyout aroused so much buyer interest that the price of the stock had risen by
five dollars a share before the days trading ended.
46. As Prime Minister, I should like to ask you a question about your cabinet reshuffle.
47. Someone said that the English excelled all the other nations, the Dutch being avaricious, the French a set of
sycophants, the Germans were drunken and beastly gluttons, and the Spaniards were proud and insolent.
48. She is the tallest of the two girls.
49. What we saw at the exhibition was the most versatile computer which has ever been produced in a British factory.
50. Before the Industrial Age began , virtually the only forms of intra-urban mass transportation were those that are
slowly drawn by means of horses.
51. On reckoning up, twenty pounds was discovered to be missing by the cashier.
52. I want you to gently pick up the box of eggs and to carefully carry it.

53. He was particularly glad to note the success the council had had in its propaganda work amongst school children,
and also that no fewer than 7,000 of Londons drivers voluntarily enrolled themselves to endeavour to go
through a whole year without a single accident.
54. This group of artists did not believe in selling works of art; however, some giving them away.
55. To lash back at ones adversaries may actually be a less courageous course than attempting to bring about a
reconciliation with them.
56. Like most cars with four-wheel drive, I find the new Toyoto handles excellently on rough surfaces.
57. Although encephalitis is considered epidemic only in underdeveloped countries, recent occurrences of the
disease has been concentrated in the central states of the US.
58. The statesman was, as his speeches inferred, so imbibed with ambition as to be positively dangerous.
59. Exposed to the unexpectedly long and severe cold spell, frost soon killed the buds of the citrus trees and they did
not produce fruit that season.
60. I was very excited, being the first time for a few years at least that I had travelled by sea.
61. The moment the market board had opened for the day, the broker, eager to make sales, calls his clients with
investment advice.
62. The service is hoped to be resumed shortly.
63. To the town-dweller, accustomed to polished performances of professional actors and actresses, a picture of a
rickety platform, no floodlights, actors in obviously home-made costumes, and who constantly forget their
cues, comes.
64. Due to me being a new-comer I was unable to get a house suitable for my wife and me.
65. Although he had planned a more pessimistic ending, Thomas Hardy got persuaded by public demand to close
The Return of the Native with a marriage that seemed to promise happiness for Thomasin and Diggory.
66. I think education and health and those sort of things generally are two of the main advantages of modern travel.
67. The great wastes of the southeast quadrant of Saudi Arabia are at once forbiddingly empty, climatically harsh, and
the beauty of them is haunting.
68. All the ships were unloaded at Liverpool and sent by train to Manchester.

69. The 16-year-old slave, who had disguised herself as a boy to join the Underground Railroad, finally swum across
the Potomac to find protection in the capital.
70. They live in stone-age conditions, as it was.
71. He has a special cupboard for test tubes into which he slips at odd times.
72. Abhorring rampant commercialism, our Backstreet Theatre Group has always attempted to try and produce
original work by worthy, if unknown, playwrights.
73. Being an inveterate smoker, there are always several ashtrays lying about the room.
74. Hardly had he returned than he was called out again.
75. Admiral Dewey, half a world away from Washington, was capable of making command decisions on his own
authority, he was undoubtedly the most qualified officer to lead the US fleet into Manila Bay.
76. The ten first pages of the book were missing.
77. After he spoke for several minutes, Governor Short realised that the hubbub in the audience indicated that he was
not holding his listeners attention.
78. Return my book back to me today.
79. If he be found guilty and receives a prison sentence, his family will suffer.
80. That many people believe him to be the most competent and well-informed of all the candidates currently listed on
the ballot.
81. Of the two books he chose the one he considered the most suitable.
82. She didnt use to do it.
83. As soon as the roses bloomed their last in late summer or early autumn, most gardeners begin the annual task of
heavy pruning.
84. Panting for breath the lifebelt eluded his grasp.
85. The museum is very nice, but unlike the art gallery I wouldnt want to visit it again.
86. He didnt ought to have done it.

87. They saw the church coming round the corner.

88. Only recently has the full extent of the damage, hidden deep underwater when the Maine had been sunk, been
carefully explored and the true cause of the famous explosion revealed.
89. These curtains need coming down.
90. Barbados only just defeated Trinidad, handicapped by a spate of recent injuries.
91. Coming round the corner a tree lay across the path.
92. Babar is the most popular elephant in childrens literature but was created 54 years ago in a suburb of Paris.
93. He decided to quickly leave the house.
94. Jefferson grieved at the death of Philip Mazzei, whose advice about viniculture has been followed assiduously
since the creation of the vineyard at Monticello.
95. Of the two he was trying the hardest.
96. Herbert Emerson Wilson was known as King of the Safecrackers and had been a minister in San Diego.
97. Being the only people there, their presence was most important.
98. I should not have been able to have done this for you in this case.
99. When the sun rises at the spring equinox, its first rays strike the ancient symbol that is carved into the back wall of
the cave in West Virginia during prehistoric times.

It all depends now on them coming in time.


The managing director said that the firm had ordered the goods and will have to pay for them.


Many settlers went to new countries to develop the resources there; a few, however, moved to these places
because of the strange and compelling natural beauty to be found here.


I witnessed the girl walk deliberately past the fans shouting abuse.


Today, when Indian leaders initiated lawsuits seeking the return of ancestral lands, the government often
offers to settle the disputes out of court.


Borges, probably the most innovative writer of the twentieth century, has brought for world literature a fresh
conception of the true nature of fiction.


They are both excellent books, but this one is best.


Credulous people believe in the existence of aliens, sceptics do not.


He works more diligent now that he has become the foreman.


In the work of Dagon artists, produced centuries before western astronomers were to observe the
phenomena, were a traditional artistic motif illustrating the four moons of Jupiter.


Because his unique situated cottage was surrounded by Australian pines and an acre of mangroves, he found
peace and quiet in the beach community.

111.The physician warned two of the wrestlers that fasting for several days could be dangerous, but they and the
other members of the team were too desperate to lose weight before the meet.

Waiting outside the bank in lawn chairs and sleeping bags, the applicants for low-interest loans hoped to buy
decent built houses for their families.


I saw you using my new binoculars.


As soon as the leaves began to assume their brilliant fall colours, many city-dwellers leap into rented cars and
speed northward for one brief annual contact with Nature.


I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt pay me back.


To be accurately called culture-bound, a person must doggedly believe that hardly nothing of importance has
been achieved by cultures other than his or her own.


Everyone in the class looks well in the graduation picture except Margie and me.


William Faulkners great themes are the following; courage, pride, pity.


These claims have been dismissed as mere bravado by the police.


Most students enter college right after high school, while a few waiting a year or two before seeking


Dashing across the campus, John tried to overtake the instructor who had forgotten his briefcase.


Saint Bernard dogs have rescued many stranded travellers, they have truly been mans best friends.


Hypercortisolism is when the adrenal cortex produces too much artisol.


Having lost his money in the stock market, his friends deserted him.


Most of the 6,000 terra cotta figures found at Xian could not be restored because they were so shattered
without spending too much time and money.


An assistant commissioner said they could neither vouch for the truth nor accuracy of the reports.


The Ivorian students considered it even more disrespectful to look directly into the eyes of an elder than
refusing to answer a question asked by a teacher.


I will always remember you standing by me and offering me encouragement.


It will be their home for life if they dont fall behind with the rent and are evicted.


Occurring in April, we were surprised by the unexpected snow storm.


Yeats eventually created a unique voice in his poetry, but he was able to shake off the restricting influences of
the British literary tradition.


Reading about the massacre, it was difficult to understand the motive of the killers.


June is my favourite month; the roses smell so sweetly and the birds sing so happily.


The labourer today has greater leisure, is less provincial, enjoying the fruits of his labours to a far greater
degree than was hitherto possible.


What I find objectionable is him going to the store without permission.


The result of all these lengthy legal actions, counterclaims, and appeals simply produced huge bills from the
lawyers and nothing else.


The body of Mr. Chopra was cremated yesterday in the compound of the newspapers he edited for security


He expressed the opinion the report of Mr. Smith, that the exhaustion of the mines, affecting the well-being of
the whole country, was too serious to be accepted without further consideration.


Being an inveterate smoker, there are always several ashtrays lying about my room.


Having brought these legal actions and counterclaims and appeals without success, the huge bills dealt the
company a further blow.


She had forgotten all about the strangers coming to the door and inquired about her brother.


No orders will be given special attention, but will have to wait their turn.


Being locked and bolted, the police were forced to break the door to gain entry into the apartment.


The volcano erupted, sent clouds of dust to a height of 40 miles, and blotted out the sun for more than two


Grading term papers for so many years, the professor is an expert at spotting submissions that have been
plagiarized or even too heavily influenced by anothers ideas.


He was forced to abandon his attempt to sail the Atlantic single-handed on Monday.


The actors were criticised both by their friends and their enemies.


I shall only send you $50 towards the appeal if you write to me again.


It was not seriously thought that the negotiating team would be presenting any new offers, and that, instead,
the talks would have to be adjourned until next year.


No new applicants will be considered, but will have to reapply for the post in January next year.


Note: 1. The correct word or phrase that has replaced the existing one is indicated in bold &
underlined. But the existing word or phrase that has been replaced has not been
2. The other words related to the correction are indicated in bold for ease of
3. If a word is removed from the sentence as part of the correction, it is shown in bold
brackets ( ).
4. The reason for the correction or topic of grammar is indicated in square brackets [ ]
after the sentence.
1. No head injury is too trivial to treat. OR
No head injury is trivial enough to ignore. OR
No head injury, however trivial, should be ignored. [Use of Comparative Structures]
2. He expressed the opinion that the committees report, that the exhaustion of the mines is affecting the well-being of
the whole country, was too serious to be accepted without further consideration.
[Sentence Structure]
3. A brilliant but outrageous comedian, Lenny Bruce drew sketches that both amused and unsettled his audience.
[Misrelated Modifier]
4. The region has a climate so severe that plants growing there rarely have been more than twelve inches high. [Verb
5. Regrettably, your application has been refused. [Use of Adverbs]
6. Between ten and twelve percent of all students scored high enough to qualify for merit.


7. Because Colettes first novel was so wildly successful, her husband locked her in their Paris flat with orders to
produce more. [Misrelated Participle]
8. You will never find a policeman walking just here in the park. [Positioning of Adverbs]
9. When we attempted to restore the picture to its original condition, almost irreparable damage was discovered.
[Dangling Participle]
10. After he had drunk the warm milk, he began to feel sleepy and decided to go to bed. [Verb Tense]
11. When I (had) got back from work and was having a shower, my wife said that she had seen just the curtains that we
had been looking for. [Verb Tense]
12. The stable has been broken open and the horses have been stolen. [Faulty Ellipsis]
13. After her doctor warned her that she was in poor health, Ms. Cheng resolved to go on a diet, stop smoking, and
exercise every day. [Parallelism: Verbs in Clauses]
14. When I heard these strange noises above, the thought at once occurred to me that thieves had entered the house.
[Misrelated Participle]
15. Before we were called for breakfast, he had swum for fifteen minutes in the ocean. [Verb Tense]
16. Can you think of anything that has to be finished before the weekend? [Use of That or Which]
17. I should have liked to be present at the night of the play. [Use of Perfect Infinitive]


18. Having searched thoroughly all the rooms, we decided that we could do no more. [Dangling Participle]
19. We came to a stream which had a very strong current and which was passable at only one spot.
[Sentence Structure]
20. In the closing decades of the eighteenth century, it was believed that young women should not only be obedient and
soft-spoken but (should) also master such skills as stitching and needle work.
[Parallelism with Correlative Conjunctions]
21. After her fainting spell, she was told to lie down on the couch for ten minutes. [Use of Verbs]
22. Only a stony-hearted judge could have given the ice-dancers anything less than full marks.
[Use of Negatives]
23. When we entered the garret, Ralph Nickleby was found hanging from the ceiling. [Misrelated Participle]
24. Within twenty-four hours of the issue of that order (being given) the erection of a great chain of wireless stations will
begin in this country. [Use of Gerund/Participle]
25. After years of frustrated searching for the remains of diminutive mammals from the Age of Reptiles, paleontologist
Matcher learned to follow the harvester ant and raid its anthill for valuable fossils.
[Idiomatic Verb Pattern]
26. When making up prescriptions, you will sometimes have to divide the tablets into four.
[Misrelated Participle]
27. As soon as the sun rose over the mountains, the weather became unbearably hot and stifling in the valley.
[Ambiguity: Thoughtless Use of Pronouns]
28. Mysteriously beautiful, the Nepalese shrine is inlaid with semiprecious stones rare enough to honour the spiritual
essence of the Buddha. [Sentence Structure]
29. I intended to write to him. [Use of Infinitives]
30. -I then further asked, Sweden having observed the laws of neutrality, how could he believe in the possibility of an
alliance with Russia? OR
-I then further remarked that, Sweden having observed the laws of neutrality, he could not believe in the
possibility of an alliance with Russia? [Sentence Structure]
31. I had hoped to find that more progress had been made. [Use of Infinitives]
32. It was the dog that died, not the man. [Use of That or Who]
33. Because the students were extremely noisy and uncooperative, the new teacher started coldly until they calmed down
and then let them squirm with embarrassment. [Sentence Structure]
34. When he began to sing, all of us became quiet. [Verb Tense]
35. I was amazed that Kemal, though born in Turkey, fits so well into English society.

[Misrelated Participle]

36. Although most western European countries have decreased their consumption of fossil fuels because of atmospheric
pollution, a number of eastern European countries have not done so. [Sentence Structure]
37. The mayor, inconvenienced by an attack of arthritis, shook hands awkwardly with the visitor.
[Ambiguity: Improper Word Order]
38. He lay for half an hour unconscious, until he was seen by a passing motorist.
Appropriate Verb]


[Use of the

39. If such a proposal were made, we should be the first to welcome it. [Use of Should or Would]
40. If I had studied for this examination, I would have won the medal; as it was, I received a very good grade without even
trying. [Conditional Sentences]
41. Customs officers noticed that the yacht was not flying a yellow flag, as it should have been to indicate that it had
come from abroad with dutiable goods. [Sentence Structure]
42. On the Pacific island of Yap, heavy disks of stone money have a ceremonial value, give prestige to a family when
properly displayed, and lure hordes of curious tourists. [Parallelism: Verbs in Clauses]
43. We should be glad if you would attend to this matter. [Use of Should /Shall or Would/Will]
44. While it is true that some thermal pollution may result from the proposed construction and that a few fish may lose
their breeding grounds, there is no reason to refuse to begin the project.
[Idiomatic Verb Pattern]
45. Rumours of a planned corporate buyout aroused so much buyer interest that the price of the stock rose by five
dollars a share before the days trading ended. [Verb Tense]
46. As Prime Minister, could you please answer a question about your cabinet reshuffle?


47. Someone said that the English excelled all the other nations, the Dutch being avaricious, the French a set of
sycophants, the Germans (were) drunken and beastly gluttons, and the Spaniards (were) proud and insolent.
[Parallel Structures]
48. She is the taller of the two girls. [Use of Comparatives]
49. What we saw at the exhibition was the most versatile computer that has ever been produced in a British factory. [Use
of Which or That]
50. Before the Industrial Age began , virtually the only forms of intra-urban mass transportation were those that were
slowly drawn by means of horses. [Verb Tense]
51. On reckoning up, the cashier discovered that twenty pounds was missing. [Misrelated Participle]
52. I want you to pick up the box of eggs gently and to carry it carefully. [Positioning of Adverbs]
53. -He was particularly glad to note the success the council had had in its propaganda work amongst school children,
and also the fact that no fewer than 7,000 of Londons drivers voluntarily enrolled themselves to endeavour to go
through a whole year without a single accident. OR
-He was particularly glad to note that the council had been so successful in its propaganda work amongst
school children, and also that no fewer than 7,000 of Londons drivers voluntarily enrolled themselves to
endeavour to go through a whole year without a single accident.
[Sentence Structure]
54. This group of artists did not believe in selling works of art; however, some gave them away.
[Sentence Structure]
55. Lashing back at ones adversaries may actually be a less courageous course than attempting to bring about a
reconciliation with them. [Parallelism with Gerunds]
56. Like most cars with four-wheel drive, the new Toyota handles excellently on rough surfaces, I find.
[Misrelated Modifiers]
57. Although encephalitis is considered epidemic only in underdeveloped countries, recent occurrences of the disease
have been concentrated in the central states of the US. [Subject-Verb Agreement]
58. The statesman was, as his speeches implied, so imbued with ambition as to be positively dangerous.


[Use of the Appropriate Verbs]

59. Exposed to the unexpectedly long and severe cold spell, the buds of the citrus trees were soon killed by frost,
and the trees did not produce fruit that season. [Misrelated Participle]
60. I was very excited, as it was the first time for at least several years that I had travelled by sea.
[Misrelated Participle]
61. The moment the market board opens for the day, the broker, eager to make sales, calls his clients with investment
advice. [Parallelism: Verbs in Clauses]
62. We hope to resume the service shortly. [Double Passive]
63. To the town-dweller, accustomed to polished performances of professional actors and actresses, comes a picture of a
rickety platform, no floodlights, actors in obviously home-made costumes, and who constantly forget their cues
(comes). [Sentence Structure]
64. Owing to my being a new-comer I was unable to get a house suitable for my wife and me.
[Use of Gerunds]
65. Although he had planned a more pessimistic ending, Thomas Hardy was persuaded by public demand to close The
Return of the Native with a marriage that seemed to promise happiness for Thomasin and Diggory. [Use of the
Appropriate Verb]
66. I think that education and health and things of that kind are among the main advantages of modern travel. [Use of
the Appropriate Phrases]
67. The great wastes of the southeast quadrant of Saudi Arabia are at once forbiddingly empty, climatically harsh, and
hauntingly beautiful. [Parallelism with Adjectives]
68. All the ships were unloaded at Liverpool and the goods sent by train to Manchester. [Faulty Ellipsis]
69. The 16-year-old slave, who had disguised herself as a boy to join the Underground Railroad, finally swam across the
Potomac to find protection in the capital. [Verb Tense]
70. They live in stone-age conditions, as it were. [Use of Subjunctive Mood]
71. He has a special cupboard for test tubes and he slips into it at odd times. [Misrelated Modifier]
72. Abhorring rampant commercialism, our Backstreet Theatre Group has always tried to produce original work by
worthy, if unknown, playwrights. [Idiomatic Verb Pattern]
73. As he is an inveterate smoker, there are always several ashtrays lying about the room.


74. Hardly had he returned when he was called out again. [Use of Conjunctions]
75. Admiral Dewey, half a world away from Washington, was capable of making command decisions on his own authority,
and he was undoubtedly the most qualified officer to lead the US fleet into Manila Bay.
[Sentence Structure]
76. The first ten pages of the book were missing. [Positioning of Adjectives]
77. After he had spoken for several minutes, Governor Short realised that the hubbub in the audience indicated that he
was not holding his listeners attention. [Verb Tense]
78. Return my book (back) to me today. [Removal of Redundancies]
79. -If he be found guilty and receive a prison sentence, his family will suffer. OR


-If he is found guilty and receives a prison sentence, his family will suffer.
[Use of Subjunctive or Indicative Mood]
80. (That) Many people believe him to be the most competent and well-informed of all the candidates currently listed on
the ballot. [Sentence Structure]
81. Of the two books he chose the one he considered the more suitable. [Use of Comparatives]
82. She used not to do it. [Appropriate Usage]
83. As soon as the roses bloom their last in late summer or early autumn, most gardeners begin the annual task of
heavy pruning. [Verb Tense]
84. While he panted for breath the lifebelt eluded his grasp. [Misrelated Participle]
85. The museum is very nice, but unlike the art gallery I wouldnt want to visit it again.
86. He ought not to have done it. [Idiomatic Usage]
87. They saw the church as they were coming round the corner. [Misrelated Participle]
88. Only recently has the full extent of the damage, hidden deep underwater when the Maine sank, been carefully
explored and the true cause of the famous explosion revealed. [Verb Tense]
89. These curtains need to come down. OR These curtains need to be taken down.
[Idiomatic Verb Pattern]
90. Barbados, handicapped by a spate of recent injuries, only just defeated Trinidad.
Improper Word Order]


91. As we came round the corner a tree lay across the path. [Misrelated Participle]
92. Babar, who was created 54 years ago in a suburb of Paris, is the most popular elephant in childrens literature.
[Sentence Structure]
93. He decided to (quickly) leave the house quickly. [Positioning of Adverbs]
94. Jefferson grieved at the death of Philip Mazzei, whose advice about viniculture had been followed assiduously since
the creation of the vineyard at Monticello. [Verb Tense]
95. Of the two he was trying the harder. [Use of Comparatives]
96. Herbert Emerson Wilson, who had been a minister in San Diego, was known as King of the Safecrackers.
[Sentence Structure]
97. As they were the only people there, their presence was most important. [Misrelated Participle]
98. I should not have been able to do this for you in this case. [Perfect Infinitive]
99. When the sun rises at the spring equinox, its first rays strike the ancient symbol that was carved into the back wall of
the cave in West Virginia during prehistoric times. [Verb Tense]
100. It all depends now on their coming in time. [Use of Gerunds]
101. The managing director said that the firm had ordered the goods and would have to pay for them.
[Verb Tense]
102. Many settlers went to new countries to develop the resources there; a few, however, moved to these places
because of the strange and compelling natural beauty to be found there. [Use of Adverbs]


103. I witnessed the girl walk deliberately past the fans shouting abuse at them.
Improper Word Order]


104. Today, when Indian leaders initiate lawsuits seeking the return of ancestral lands, the government often offers to
settle the disputes out of court. [Verb Tense]
105. Borges, probably the most innovative writer of the twentieth century, has brought to world literature a fresh
conception of the true nature of fiction. [Use of Prepositions]
106. They are both excellent books, but this one is better. [Use of Comparatives]
107. While credulous people believe in the existence of aliens, sceptics do not. [Sentence Structure]
108. He works more diligently now that he has become the foreman. [Use of Adjective or Adverb]
109. In the work of Dagon artists, produced centuries before western astronomers were to observe the phenomena, was
a traditional artistic motif illustrating the four moons of Jupiter.
[Subject-Verb Agreement]
110. Because his uniquely situated cottage was surrounded by Australian pines and an acre of mangroves, he found
peace and quiet in the beach community. [Use of Adjective or Adverb]
111.The physician warned two of the wrestlers that fasting for several days could be dangerous, but they and the other
members of the team were so desperate to lose weight before the meet that they ignored his warning. [Use
of Comparative Structures]
112. Waiting outside the bank in lawn chairs and sleeping bags, the applicants for low-interest loans hoped to buy
decently built houses for their families. [Use of Adjective or Adverb]
113. I saw you through my new binoculars. [Removing Ambiguity]
114. As soon as the leaves begin to assume their brilliant fall colours, many city-dwellers leap into rented cars and
speed northward for one brief annual contact with Nature. [Verb Tense]
115. I would be surprised if he paid me back. [Double Negatives]
116. To be accurately called culture-bound, a person must doggedly believe that hardly anything of importance has
been achieved by cultures other than his or her own. [Double Negatives]
117. Everyone in the class looks good in the graduation picture except Margie and me.
Adjective or Adverb]

[Use of

118. William Faulkners great themes are the following: courage, pride, pity. [Use of Punctuation]
119. The police have dismissed these claims as mere bravado. [Ambiguity; Improper Word Order]
120. Most students enter college right after high school, but a few wait a year or two before seeking admission.
[Sentence Structure]
121. Dashing across the campus, John tried to overtake the instructor who had forgotten his briefcase.
[No Error]
122. Saint Bernard dogs have rescued many stranded travellers; they have truly been mans best friends.
[Use of Punctuation]
123. Hypercortisolism is the excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex. [Sentence Structure]
124. When he lost his money in the stock market, his friends deserted him. [Misrelated Participle]
125. Most of the 6,000 terra cotta figures found at Xian could not be restored without spending too much time and
money because they were so shattered. [Ambiguity: Improper Word Order]


126. An assistant commissioner said they could vouch for neither the truth nor accuracy of the reports.
[Parallelism with Correlative Conjunctions]
127. The Ivorian students considered it even more disrespectful to look directly into the eyes of an elder than to refuse
to answer a question asked by a teacher. [Parallelism with Comparative Structures]
128. I will always remember your standing by me and offering me encouragement. [Use of Gerunds]
129. It will be their home for life if they dont fall behind with the rent and they are evicted.


130. (Occurring in April) We were surprised by the unexpected snow storm in the month of April.
[Misrelated Participle]
131. Yeats eventually created a unique voice in his poetry, because he was able to shake off the restricting influences of
the British literary tradition. [Use of Conjunctions]
132. When I read about the massacre, it was difficult to understand the motive of the killers.


133. June is my favourite month; the roses smell so sweet and the birds sing so happily.
Adjective or Adverb]

[Use of

134. The labourer today has greater leisure, is less provincial, and enjoys the fruits of his labours to a far greater
degree than was hitherto possible. [Parallelism: Verbs in Clauses]
135. What I find objectionable is his going to the store without permission. [Use of Gerunds]
136. -The result of all these lengthy legal actions, counterclaims, and appeals was simply huge bills from the lawyers
and nothing else. OR
-(The result of) All these lengthy legal actions, counterclaims, and appeals simply produced huge bills from the
lawyers and nothing else. [Sentence Structure]
137. For security reasons the body of Mr. Chopra was cremated yesterday in the compound of the newspapers he
edited. [Ambiguity: Improper Word Order]
138. He expressed the opinion that the report of Mr. Smith, stating that the exhaustion of the mines is affecting the wellbeing of the whole country, was too serious to be accepted without further consideration. [Sentence Structure]
(Repeat of Question no. 2)
139. Being an inveterate smoker, I always have several ashtrays lying about my room.
(Repeat of Question no. 73)

[Misrelated Participle]

140. Having brought these legal actions and counterclaims and appeals without success, the company was dealt a
further blow by the huge bills. [Misrelated Participle]
141. She had forgotten all about the strangers coming to the door and inquiring about her brother.

[Use of

142. No orders will be given special attention; all will have to wait their turn. [Sentence Structure]
143. As the door was locked and bolted, the police were forced to break the door to gain entry into the apartment.
[Misrelated Participle]
144. The volcano erupted and sent clouds of dust to a height of 40 miles, blotting out the sun for more than two days.
[Use of Participles]


145. Having graded term papers for so many years, the professor is an expert at spotting submissions that have been
plagiarized or even too heavily influenced by anothers ideas. [Use of Participles]
146. On Monday he was forced to abandon his attempt to sail the Atlantic single-handed.
[Ambiguity: Improper Word Order]
147. The actors were criticised both by their friends and by their enemies.
with Correlative Conjunctions]


148. -I shall send you only $50 towards the appeal if you write to me again. OR
-I shall send you $50 towards the appeal only if you write to me again. [Positioning of Adverbs]
149. It was not seriously thought that the negotiating team would be presenting any new offers, and it was obvious
that, instead, the talks would have to be adjourned until next year. [Sentence Structure]
150. No new applicants will be consideredall will have to reapply for the post in January next year.
[Sentence Structure]



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