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The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

The Attraction Magnet Empowerment

Channelled and Presented by Jay M. Burrell

Spiritual Teacher & Energy Field Therapist
Lightarian Facilitator
Date of Channelling: 09/09/10
Date of Revised Channelling: 11/03/13

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

Attunements Channelled by Jay Burrell

The Spirit Rele ase Hea ling Met hod - Prereq uisite of Usui Shiki Reiki Ryo ho Master & 2+ Years of Spiritual Training

The Acceptance Flus h Empowerme nt

The Atlantia n Crystal Activation


The Attuneme nt Protection Shield Empowerment Prerequisite of Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho 2nd Degree or above

The Ce lestial Chakra Activation Prereq uisite of Reiki, Seichim or Kar un a Master and/or Lightarian Reik i 6 or above

The Ce lestial Chakra Activation Le vel 2 Prereq uisite of the Celestial Ch akra Activation

The Ce lestial Light Body Activation

The Ce lestial Starsee d Activation

The Communication Flus h Empowerment

The Crystal Dragons

The Crystal Skull Activation Prereq uisite of the Atlantian Crystal Activation

The Elemental Earth Star Empowerment Prerequisite of the Atlantian Crystal & Crys tal Skull Activation

The Ethereal Herbs Empowerme nt

The Ethereal Molda vite Crystal Empowerme nt - Prereq uisite of the Stell ar atom Crys tal Empower ment & Ph enacite Crys tal Empo werment

The Forgive ness Flus h Empowerment

The Goddess Freya Warrior Heart Empowerme nt Prereq uisite of Thors Hammer

The Grou nding Flus h Empowerme nt

The Hindu Triu mvirate Initiations le vel 1

The Hindu Triu mvirate Initiations le vel 2 Prere quisite of the H indu Triumvira te leve l 1

The Jea lous y Flu sh Empowerme nt

The Karmic Flush E mpow erment

The Lithium Qu artz Menta l & Emotiona l Healing Method Prereq uisite of Usui Reiki level 2+

The Ma gical Ta lisman Empowerme nt

The Ma gical Tree Esse nce Empowerment

The Phe nacite Crystal Empowerme nt Prereq uisite of the Stellar Ato m Crystal E mpower ment

The Psychic Orb Empowerme nt

The Rainbow Light Healing Syste m leve l 1 - Prerequisite of Usui Shiki Re iki Ryoho level 1

The Rainbow Light Healing Syste m leve l 2 (T he Rainbow Dove Empowe rment) Prereq uisite of The Rainbow Light Healing System le vel 1

The Rainbow Light Healing Syste m leve l 3 (T he Rainbow Skull Empowe rment) Prereq uisite of The Rainbow Light Healing System le vels 1&2

The Rainbow Light Healing Syste m leve l 4 (T he Rainbow Pyramid Empowerment) - Prer equisite of The Rainbow Ligh t Healing Sys te m levels 1, 2, 3

The Rainbow Light Healing Syste m Level 5 (The Ra inbow Cocoon Empowerment) - Prereq uisite of The Rainbow Light H ealing Syste m le vels 1, 2, 3 and 4

The Rainbow Orb Empowerme nt

The Saints Initiations

The Shadow Self Empowerme nt

The Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerme nt

Thors Ha mmer

The Unicorn Energy Healing System

The Universa l Orb Empowerme nt

The Zero Point Energy Matrix

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

Teaching Guidelines
The purchase of the Attraction Magnet Empowerment forms a contract between you and The Academy of LivingReiki
Therapies. By purchasing this attunement you agree to the terms and conditions below.
~ The Attraction Magnet has no fixed fee but I kindly ask that you honour your time as a teacher and the effort that has
gone into channelling this attunement by requesting that your student pay you no less than 15.00 or the equivalent in
your currency.
~ This system is not to be given away as part of any attunement exchange/package/trade deal/buy 1 get 1 free special,
listed on EBay or taught for less than the recommended fee unless written consent is first given by Jay Burrell. This
permission is given at the founders discretion.

Important Notice for all Attraction Magnet

Empowerment Teachers
Before passing on this attunement, you must make sure your student has read through the manual properly and have
asked any question that they may have. This is to make sure your student is energetically prepared to receive this
advanced distant attunement which will change your life. After the attunement has been passed you will be required to
wait a further 14 days before you can pass on the energies to others. This means that you cannot pass this attunement on,
advertise it on a website or email the manual to anyone during this time. The 14 day clearing period has been put in place
to allow your energy body enough time to assimilate the energies. Even if you feel that the energies have been accepted
within the first couple of days you must still follow these guidelines to receive the full benefits from this system.

As with all complementary and alternative therapies, none of the treatments or attunements listed on my websites, or in
the manuals and item descriptions, is meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care from your
GP/Medical Practitioner. I do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medication or interfere with a GP's treatment. If you are
currently taking medication prescribed by your GP/Medical Practitioner, do not stop taking these without his/her advice. If
you have any concerns regarding your medical condition please speak with your GP/Medical Practitioner first. I do not
accept responsibility if you choose to treat yourself using any information from my website or training manuals. I accept
no responsibility for any loss or damages caused as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any information
contained on my website or through attunements offered by the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies.

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

The Attraction Magnet Empowerment is a brand new energy that has been
given to us by spirit in the hope that through working with these energies and
changing the way we think and feel, it will bring to us whatever our hearts
The concept for the Law of Attraction is not new and it has been taught by
masters, sages, and light workers for thousands of years but when the spiritual
law of attraction is presented in modern terminology it teaches us that we
have the power to attract whatever we want just through the way we think
and feel. The first reaction to this concept is usually one of pure excitement at
the thought that we can bring whatever we want to our lives just by imagining
it and believing that it can happen. We will, however, find that this feeling of
elation is replaced by one of acknowledging to ourselves that there have been
times in the past where we have created certain thought forms and feelings
which were not of a positive vibration. These replaced the positive with a
negative and the reaction between these 2 vibrations was to block the
attraction that you were trying to achieve. We will also realize that we must
now take full responsibility for having created situations that were unpleasant
and difficult in our lives and that these didnt come from any external source
but were created by us.
Many of us will ask or intend for things to come to into our lives only to then
start a process of creating a multitude of negative feelings, thoughts and
actions to try to explain why our attraction hopes have not manifested. This
has occurred due to constant bombardment of negative emotions, feeling,
words and thoughts that we all manifest during our daily lives. How many
times have you seen something on the TV or read something on the internet
only to find that it creates energies of sadness, hatred, anger or jealousy.
These are all negative emotions and are some of the strongest feelings that
you can experience in your life. Experiencing these emotions is not wrong
because we are human but they will create a blockage to the divine flow of
attraction that you are seeking to accept into your life.

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

How many of us will see something that someone else has which we want?
How many times have you seen someone walking down the street only to
wish you had the same clothing that they are wearing? The list is endless.
Instead of feeling happy for this person because they have something which
makes them happy we will usually find our thoughts moving into the realms of
negativity by feeling jealous of what they have or even feeling angry that we
dont have the same thing. This only cancels out the positive emotion of
feeling happy for them and fills it with a vibration of negativity which will
prevent us from attaining the same things that we want in our lives.
You see, everything that we ever want in life is available to us if we only give
ourselves the time to wish for it. Imagine life as a large catalogue of life
where everything you could ever imagine is being offered. No financial
payment is needed for these things and all you have to do to receive them is to
believe that they will be part of your life and to give these things as much love
as you possibly can. You can also start the process of attraction by
surrounding yourself with similar items which will act as attraction tools. If you
are seeking a new job, place pictures of your dream job around your
environment, buy a new outfit or suit for the new job you are going to
manifest in your life. Write up a pretend pay check with the wage that you
would like to have.
If you want to receive financial abundance in your life, there is a very simple
yet easy to use technique that will help with this abundance attraction. In the
game Monopoly you use pretend money to buy things. Take this money and
place it into a purse/wallet that you will only use for abundance attraction.
Place the amount you would like to receive inside the wallet/purse and keep
sending love to it. Surround yourself with the pictures of the things you want
to buy using the money that you attract and believe that the financial
abundance will come to you.
You can use the above methods for any form of attraction, all you need to do
is to adjust the main reason for what you want to attract then surround
yourself with images, thoughts, items which connect to your ultimate

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

attraction request. Wishing for something then feeling negative will not
create a positive vibration around you to attract the same thing.
The concept of attraction does not care what another person has; it only cares
about YOU and what you want in your life. We are taught as children that
wanting something is wrong and that if you want you will not get. Although
this is true to some degree these words also have the opposite effect in that
they create a blockage to attraction from a very young age which will program
your mind to continue believing that wanting something that you love is a
The Law of attraction does not care about these previous thought
programs but only cares about YOU and what you want now.
When you think about something you wish you had you must give this
thought the energy of love. It is through the vibrational energy of love that all
of your hearts desires will come true. Instead of seeing something you want or
something you wish you had and being jealous, picture yourself receiving the
same item and feeling happy that you have received what you wished for
while at the same time sending the energy of love to the other person or
situation to show them how happy you are for them to have what they have
been given.
So what is attraction is its simplest form. Attraction is not, as some will teach,
the art of attracting financial gains into your life and that nothing else matters.
This is far from the truth because attracting something to you can manifest
itself in a multitude of ways. It can mean attracting a better lifestyle,
attracting improved health, attracting a happier and more peaceful
relationship with your partner, husband, wife, children and friends. The list is
Imagine your life as a catalogue with hundreds or thousands of pages which
list everything your heart could desire. From this catalogue you can choose
anything you want and it is all free. The only payment that the Law of
Attraction requires is love.

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

It is because the energies of Love will bring to you all that you desire and this
loving energy is the only thing you need to achieve these goals. When you
start to love something without allowing the energies of envy, jealousy or
greed you will start to see the life changing effects of the attraction energies
manifesting in your life.
The vibrational energies of the Law of Attraction will only respond to your
dominant thoughts, beliefs and actions which is why you can end up
experiencing situations in your life that you really don't want. Your thoughts,
actions, words and emotions will create an energy that attracts people,
situations and things which are of a similar vibrational frequency. In other
words if you feel miserable and depressed you will attract people, situations
and more lower vibrational energies that will keep you in that state.
To change your life, you have to change your thoughts, emotions and
Another method in which you can attract abundance and prosperity into all
areas of your life is through gratitude. When you are grateful for what you
already have in your life then this will in turn attract more of those things to
you. Do you want to attract better health into your life? Do you want to attract
more money, a new car, spiritual gifts, a holiday abroad, the list is endless. The
only way to attract these things is to be grateful for what you already have.
Take some time out now and look at your life. What are you grateful for at this
moment in time? If you are trying to attract a new car then be grateful for the
transport that you already have. If you want to bring more money into your
life then you need to be grateful for the finances that are already in your bank
account, however small this might be. Do you want better health or the
releasement from a long standing disorder/disease? If you do then you must
look at your life to be grateful for the blessings that you already have. You are
alive, you have family and friends around you who love you and will always be
there to help you. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, change your thought
patterns to be grateful for the all the things that you already have.

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

By accepting the Attraction Magnet Empowerment and applying the positive

affirmations into your life you are taking the first steps with the conscious
decision to change the way you think, feel and act in order to attract those
things which are universally yours.
The energies of the Attraction Magnet Empowerment will also surround you
with a divine bubble of universal light which will create a spiritual pull to all
those things you are seeking to gain. This etheric magnet will also expand in
an outwards direction to pull the energies of Attraction to you. It is one thing
to allow the etheric attraction magnet to draw those things you desire to your
life but if you continue to think, speak or act in a negative way this magnet will
not function properly and you will constantly find yourself battling to bring
forth that which you seek to receive.
The Attraction Magnet Empowerment forces you to look at your own life first
so the blessings of Abundance can flow into all areas of your life.
You hold the keys to an abundant and happy life!

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

An effective way to reprogram your mind so that your conscious thinking

matches your desired reality is to use positive Affirmations. Affirmations are
simply statements of truth that reflect what you want to do, be or have and by
repeating them on a daily basis or whenever you feel a negative thought,
feeling or emotion will reprogram your mind to help you maintain a positive
mindset that helps you to attract your desires.
Using any affirmation is very easy but you cannot use them if you will carry on
flooding your mind and body with continued negative affirmations or low self
worth, anger, depression, jealousy etc
1. Use the first person technique. Your Affirmations should generally begin
with 'I' and be in the present tense.
2. Your Affirmations should be reasonable and believable. If you affirm
statements you really don't believe, you can cause a subconscious (or even a
conscious) reaction of doubt and disbelief which can undo the benefit of the
3. If you want to change your thinking but can't avoid doubt, you can affirm "I
am willing to believe that (Name the thought or situation) is possible." If you
need help being positive on a day to day basis you can opt for: "Today I choose
to believe that ..." or "Today I choose to be ..."
Alternatively you can use the Reiki Principles to help you with these daily
affirmations. The Reiki Principles can also help with changing any negative self
doubt. The Reiki principles will be added at the end of this manual
4. Affirmations work best if you add emotion to them. Feel the feeling you will
experience once you actually receive your desire. The bible expresses this idea
as believing you have already received something before you actually do and
tells us that if we can do this, we will receive the things we are asking for.

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

5. Visualization adds another dimension to Affirmations to assist

manifestation. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the
real and the imagined. The Law of Attraction works to align our external
reality with our internal reality. This is why our internal reality is so important
to the manifestation of our desires.
Here are some Affirmations that I personally recommend:

Positive affirmations for general well being

~ My life is beautiful and is full of many enriching experiences. I am filled with the
wonder and awe at life's magnificence.
~ Everything I need and desire for a blessed and happy life comes from within
and comes easily and naturally to me.

Affirmations for Abundance

~ Life's riches come to me as I desire them and my life is wonderfully abundant in
all ways.
~ Money comes easily and abundantly to me enabling my life to be pleasant,
secure, and filled with plenty.

Affirmations for Good Health

~ I am physically and mentally healthy; well being is my natural state of
~ My mind and body are healthy & my healthy and strong immune system keeps
me safe.

Affirmations for Great Relationships

~ My perfect mate is nearby and will soon be with me.
~ I am surrounded by people who love and care for me.
~ My life is perfect being in love with my partner, husband, wife, girlfriend or

Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

Affirmations for Love

~ My soul mate is attracted to me and is on the path toward me.
~ I unconditionally love all beings, human, animal, and plant.
~ I love my life!
~ I love you (Loving others in a way that you love yourself is an amazing tool for
self healing and spiritual attraction)

Affirmations for Happiness

~ I choose to feel as good as possible at every moment of my life; even when
difficulties arise I will remain positive, optimistic, and hopeful.
~ The difficult times in my life are brief and are quickly replaced by good times
and happy moments.
~ I know I am happy because I feel happy.
Modify these examples for your specific life desires, remembering to retain
the structure of first person, present tense, end-result oriented, and
emotional. You might also find that using the principles of Usui Reiki will be
highly beneficial in removing any and all negative vibrations to replace them
with thoughts, feelings and words of love & kindness.


Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

The Reiki Principles

Principle #1 - Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger that is directed at yourself, others or at the world in general will create a
serious blockage within your own energy field which in turn will only attract to
you the same things that you are angry towards. Anger is the most complex
inner enemy that resides within all of us. Reiki is an excellent tool to remove
anger blockages which have accumulated in the body but it cannot remove
the residue of current anger which occurs daily. You can only remove this
through your positive thoughts, actions and emotions.
Letting go of anger brings peace into the mind as well as increasing your
personal attraction.

Principle #2 - Just for today, I will not worry.

While anger deals with past and present events, feelings and thoughts the
energies of worry will usually deal with future events. Although worry is not
always a negative phenomenon, endless worrying will fill your personal
vibrational frequency with lower negative energies. Letting go of worry and
sending the energies of love to these situations, feelings and thoughts will
bring healing to the whole body as well as attracting a much higher energy to


Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

Principle #3 - Just for today, I will be grateful.

Being grateful for what you already have is the first step in attracting
abundance into all areas of your life for this grateful feeling comes from the
heart and it is only through the love of the persons heart that true attraction
will be manifested. Inner heart intention is the important element in this
principle. Simple things such as saying Thank you or allowing forgiveness to
flow through will help you to move forward into a greater awareness of the
process of attraction.

Principle #4 - Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Supporting yourself and your family in a respectable way, without harming
others will bring a life of honour and love instead of one that is filled with envy,
jealousy and hatred towards another person or situation.
Working honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.

Principle #5 - Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Honour your parents, honour your teachers, and honour your elders will
attract to you these same qualities in other people. By showing honour to
everyone and everything in your life you will create a positive attraction
energy of the highest form to surround you and to hopefully help you in the
process of attracting those things which you love in life.
Being kind brings love into the will of your mind.


Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

How to use the Attraction Magnet Empowerment

To use the energies of the Attraction Magnet is very easy.
Change your life through your thoughts, words, actions and feelings!
That is really all it takes.
This empowerment is not a healing system, it does not contain any symbols or
long meditations to achieve the effects you are looking for. All it takes is for
you to make the conscious decision to change/alter the way you think and feel
which in turn will affect the words that you speak so you will no longer be
saying I cant or I wont. Instead you will be saying I can and I will.
Just by doing this every day you will find that the energies of your own
magnetism will attract everything your heart desires.


Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

The Attraction Magnet Empowerment Procedure

To send this attunement you will be sending it by Intention and Visualisation.
If you find visualisation difficult this is not a problem as long as the intention is
there. To attune your Student all you will need to do is follow the following
procedure or adapt it to suit anyway that you feel comfortable with sending
The attunement has now been sent and will continue to flow through your
student for as long as they need. This attunement can also be sent to someone
using the chi ball (call in) method. To use this method of sending the
attunement is just as effective. All you need to do is simply imagine an etheric
ball or capsule in front of you then follow the above attunement procedure by
placing all the information into this etheric ball. When you sense that the ball
of light is full you can imagine it drifting off into the ethers where it will wait
until your student intends to accept the chi ball which will by default appear
above their crown chakra to start the process of acceptance.


Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

Accepting the Attraction Flush Empowerment

To receive this attunement all you need to do is settle yourself either by sitting
upright in a comfortable chair or by lying down in bed. Take around 5 deep
breaths in, each for a count of 4, and then slowly exhale. On each exhalation
imagine all negativity flowing out of you in a grey mist. After you have centred
yourself or when you feel centred, please say the following or something
I now accept the Attraction Magnet Empowerment being sent to me by
(Teachers name) on this (Day, Date and time) and ask that these energies will
flow through me the strongest that I can handle. I also ask for the Universal
Orb of Light which was created for me by (Teachers name) will surround me so
I will be totally protected and that I will receive the strongest energies that I
can handle. So Be It!
The energies of this system will start to flow and will usually last for around 20
30 minutes. When you feel that the flow of energies have come to an end
reground yourself and thank your guides, archangels, guardian angels and all
beings of light.


Copyright protection to Mr Jay M. Burrell and The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies

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