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Khizer Learning: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10. Am I doing it right?!

Khizer has a great interest with cars. He just loves them. He liked to push a car around and
sometimes dropped the car down the table and said Oh, no! Other time, he crashed a car
into another car and make a loud impact sound. He was experiencing cause and effect
relationship through his play.
One morning, he took all the cars out of the drawer and were playing with all of them. He
then arranged all the cars in a straight line and started counting them one by one until the
last car. Although his counting at this point was not spot on where he got some numbers
sequence mixed up but importantly he was on his way to develop basic skills in numeracy.
In the beginning, I tried to make him repeat after me counting up to ten but he made his
own version. But that was fine. Every time we had a chance, during reading or playing I
would get him to count with me and he would do just the same. Only at the end of the
month, he started to repeat after me properly with clear pronunciation. I was so happy! He
may not able to keep it up to 10 yet but he was now able to respond where he listened and
I have just started working with Khizer but I have seen a lot of potential in him.

Written by Teacher Syarida

September, 2015

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