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NAME: Gevai Ellis

Ideology: a set of beliefs and values about how society should be organized and what goals it
should pursue.
Instructions: Complete the following chart. You may choose to take point form notes
during the film to ensure you are prepared to complete the chart.
General Mandible
- diplomacy to solve
- everyone has a
individuals should be
Beliefs and
problems - everyone has
predetermined role in
involved in the system Values
thei rplace - general makes society - discipline,
everyone should be an
decisions, Queen can veto
commitment, structure,
individual - fulfill yourself or offer suggestions
sacrifice and order are
everyone is equal - have
important - aggression to
personal goals - think for
assert power - live & die for yourself
the colony - work 1st, then
personal - individualism =
dangerous - strong rise
above weak
- maintain it the way it is
- a strong colony - take over - a colony where everyone
the colony and rule as a
chooses what they want, not
for the Colony
dictatorship with him @ the told what to do
helm by marrying Princess

How they
deal with
those of

- diplomacy

- War - kill those who

oppose him

- does what he wants ->

opposes authority

Type of

- Constitutional Monarchy

- Dictatorship
- Autocratic

- Democratic

Type of

- Constitutional Monarchy

- Autocratic government

- Democratic

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