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Lao Then he said, “where making our own community's. We couldn't sit still we where shouting across the room in excitement then ideas and questions came flooding to my mind as he slowly started explaining I was so exited that I could not even understand what Mr.T was saying. Every thing went silent it felt so pleasing for my ears we waited till Mr.t started talking then he asked us one simple broad question and there was a simple broad answer to it Suddenly decisions where made, more and more of them questions and answers where flying all around the room. Electrical Emergency! Today a week later the first club meeting I was so nervos. I kept saying to myself “we practiced we did great everything is going to be ok” Then we realized that we did not inform every body that the time has changed but 2 people knew so they showed up I thought this is going to be boring for the little kids but I guess I must make the most out of it I said to myself as I was not waiting patently. Me and my team mates where worried “what if nobody likes our club, what if our club is a failure and Everybody’s club is running perfect” but we couldn’t solve any of those problems because as soon as they came through the door, chaos started we where rushing around the room looking for batteries, cable and switches we showed the presentation then time went flying it was super fun but as usual it was time to pack. Then I herd a weird noise Max froze then he shouted FIRE FIRE I looked at him funny then he repeated “FIRE FIRE” I couldn’t believe what he was saying the kids at our club where staring up at us I must do something | said to myself, and so I did “get out! Get out!” I shouted as I ran towards the fire exit everybody was going the wrong way I needed to think fast I ran towards Max and Finn then I grabbed by their arm and pulled them towards the fire exit when we exited the door every body was acting as nothing ever happened we repeatedly shouted “FIRE! FIRE!!” till they started rushing to the soccer field. When we arrived I couldn’t believe this was happening It was unreal or was it!?...

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