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Maspion Electric Iron

How to use this product.

1. Use protector for (42) operation
2. First, (43)in the electricity
3. Choose the suitable temperature for the fabric
4. Spray the 100% cotton clothes with with perfumes
5. Start to iron the clothes from the collar, sleeve and body
6. Iron the line if there is a fold
7. After the shirt is (44) done, hang it
8. Check the result and do it once more if it is necessary
9. Put back the eequipments
10. Finally, clean the working area
There are three types of procedural text namely:
1. Texts that explain how something works or how to use instructions or operation
manual, for example , how to use a video game, a computer etc.
2. Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity, for example, game, science
experiments etc.
3. Text that explain how to make something, for example recipes.
David Suzuki is internationally known as an environmental activist and scientist
Although he is known for his radio broadcasts in Canada, he has became an international
celebrity through the television show The Nature of Thing. Suzuki also co- founded the
David Suzuki Foudation for the promotion of living in balance with the natural world.
David Suzuki was born on Marcth 24, 1936 in Vancouver, Canada from the spouse
Keoru Cart and setsu Suzuki. Suzuki and wih twin sister Marcia were grandchildren of
Japanese immigrants who come to Canada in the early part of the 20th century. Because
of his ancestry, Suzuki, along with his family, was sent toan internmemt camp in British
Columbia during the second Word War.
When Suzuki and his family left the camp, they were forced by government to move east
of the rockies. They chose Islington,

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