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Name : Mega Devega Arviany

NIM : 2109180079
Class : 1-D (ampulan)
Subject : English Vocab & Corpora

Uncountable Nouns and Plural Nouns (8th Meeting)

No. Uncountable Nouns Sentences

1. Information I have some information you may be able to use.
2. Advice You should listen to the advice of your elders.
3. Furniture The furniture is made of teak.
4. Knowledge A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation.
5. Equipment This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children.
6. Progress I'm afraid we're not making much progress.
7. Weather Bad weather is hampering the search for survivors.
8. Homework He stuck with his homework until it was done.
9. Luggage If your luggage is overweight, you'll have to pay extra.
10. Space He hates anyone parking in his space.
11. Research The purpose of the research is to try and find out more about the
causes of the disease.
12. Health It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health.
13. Housework I spent all morning doing the housework.
14. Insurance The insurance company is responsible for this case.
15. Work We began work on the project in January.
16. Travel It is expensive to travel by plane.
17. Money A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money.
18. Clothing Workers should wear full protective clothing.
19. Happiness There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
20. Danger Fear is often greater than the danger.
21. Satisfaction My current level of job satisfaction is pretty low.
22. Water Too much water drowned the rice field.
23. News The news of his death came as a shock to us all.
24. Love It is love that makes the world go round.
25. Pride We take great pride in our achievements.
26. Time Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.
27. Humour His sense of humour is one of his better traits.
28. Education The average salary is correlated with length of education.
29. Usage If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a
30. Wood The wood is treated with preservative to prevent decay.
31. Vision Our field of vision is limited by that tall building.
32. Peace The people were clamouring for peace.
33. Fun We had lots of fun at the fair today.
34. Thunder The loud thunder gave me a fright.
35. Youth I spent my youth in the country.
36. Beauty The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.
37. Data Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
Plural Nouns Sentences
38. Trousers These trousers are a bit tight around my waist.
39. Jeans Lots of students wear jeans nowadays.
40. Shorts Our team were wearing blue shorts.
41. Pyjamas You can put your pyjamas in the bottom drawer.
42. Scissors Don't use these scissors to cut paper or card.
43. Sunglasses I bought these sunglasses from a street vendor in Malioboro.
44. Stairs The old lady climbed up the stairs with difficulty.
45. Scales He weighed himself on the bathroom scales.
46. Headphones She clamped a pair of headphones over her ears.
47. Coins She shook the bag and some coins fell out.
48. Cars The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.
49. Candies She put lots of my favourite candies in the collecting box.
50. Boxes He dumped the boxes down in the kitchen.
51. Dishes There were dirty dishes and clothes all over the place.
52. Leaves Some leaves were floating about on the still lake.
53. Wolves Several wolves were rending a lamb to pieces.
54. Days The eggs take three days to hatch.
55. Cards They are playing a game of cards.
56. Babies Some babies cry during the night.
57. Heroes Wonder Woman was one of my childhood heroes.
58. People Never judge people by their appearance.
59. Children The children played happily in the sand.
60. Videos They produce educational videos for learning languages.
61. Teeth My sister has to wear a brace on her teeth.
62. Tomatoes The tomatoes give extra flavour to the sauce.
63. Geese We saw a flock of geese in the lake.
64. Families The two families do not contact with each other anymore.
65. Cats She has two cats as pets.
66. Lunches Free school lunches are given to children who qualify.
67. Armies The two opposing armies fought through to the end.
68. Mice The only way to catch mice is to set a trap.
69. Women The two women jawed together all day about their children.
70. Feet Her shoes chafed the skin on her feet.
71. Knives These fruit knives are very good for stripping apple skins off.
72. Wives The two men went fishing while their wives prepared the dinner.
73. Lives It is said that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out.
74. Monkeys Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another.
75. Puppies The puppies grow quickly during the first six months.

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