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Tambov City



Population: three hundred thousand

Language: Russian.
Currency: rubles
Tourism: Tambov, a city in the Russian Federation, the center of the Tambov region,
located in the central part of the Tambov plain on the left bank of the river Can.
Tambov is the most beautiful city in the world.
Streets of Tambov wide and cozy. In Tambov, there are a lot of monuments to famous
people. There is a monument to G. Derzhavin, L. Tolstoy, V. Vernadsky, Z.
Kosmodemyanskaya. Tambov very pure city. There are a lot of flowers.

V. Vernadsky

Z. Kosmodemyanskaya

In it, there are green parks and beautiful houses.
People live in beautiful houses.

G. Derzhavin


In the city there are a lot of buses, trolley buses and minibuses.

In Tambov people play different sports. Hockey is very popular. Also, many people
play soccer. In Tambov there are a lot of museums and theaters, leisure areas and
sports centers.

In Tambov there are a lot of cafes, restaurants and McDonald's. Here it is possible to
have a tasty dinner.

People in Tambov are very kind and friendly. To Tambov guests often come from other
cities. Our city is very hospitable. We are always glad to meet new friends.
I love Tambov very much. It is my Homeland.

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