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Savannah Holtz

October 10, 2015

LAE 4424
Dr. Meadows
Literary Analysis
Genre: Information Books
Space Exploration by Discovery Channel School Science

Bibliographic Information
Space Exploration. (2000). Bethesda, MD: Discovery Channel School.
This book goes over different aspects of space exploration. There are sections about
transportations, the history of exploration, telescopes, what astronauts feel in space, and the
countdown to when we went to the moon.

The setting of this book is in space, science labs such as NASA, and places all over the
world that have led to the exploration of space.
There is no well-defined theme to this book it is just a look into the history and future of
space exploration.
The only characters that appear in this book are scientists and astronauts but are not really
characterized in any way.
This book is written in an objective style with great sentence variation and little to no
opinion in the text.
Point of View
The text is written from the view of a scientist that is explaining space exploration.
I enjoyed this book. I just wish that it had more interesting language and structure as a
whole to keep student intertained.

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