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Tasiana Blas

CIL 680 - Text Set #1

Text Set: The Solar System

Book Rationale

The intended audience for the text set I chose would be children in second to fifth grade. I

would use these books to help anchor the knowledge learned about the solar system. Each book

provides information and visuals that will allow students to visualize what the solar system looks

like without having to actually go there. From experience, I feel that many students in lower

elementary don’t get much of a chance to study the solar system in the classroom so with these

text sets and lessons, it will give students the opportunity to dive deeper into what the solar

system is and what part Earth plays in the solar system. Scientists and astronauts are

continuously discovering new parts of the solar system all the time. It is important to allow

students to read about those changes because we are part of the solar system and we must

encourage our students to do what we can to protect where we live in the solar system and do our

parts as living beings on our planet.

The text set that I chose is organized in a way that allows students to open each book and

immediately be pulled into each nonfiction text. I chose books that will provide information

about the meaning of the solar system, what is inside the solar system, and why it is important to

us. Many of these books have illustrations that are full of colors and details which will be great

for those students who still find it challenging to read certain words.

These books would work in a year-long course of study because if students were looking

closely at the solar system there are so many different parts of it. The sun, the moon, the eight

planets, the dwarf planet, are all things in the solar system that can be taught throughout the year
because each is so different. For example, each unit in a curriculum can be focused on different

parts of the solar system and can be blended with other content areas.

I selected the books I chose because each book provides different information on the

solar system. Students have options and because there are so many different aspects of the solar

system, students can read about all of it through each book. Depending on the content area and

the task given to students, this text set can be used to meet curriculum standards in authentic

ways. When I was deciding on a text set theme, I wanted to choose one that I could use in all

content areas. With my text set theme being the solar system, there are many authentic ways to

meet each standard. For example, I can assign students a writing prompt about the solar system

that will allow students to access those higher thinking skills. One prompt question I could give

them would be, why is it important to keep the Earth clean? What will happen to the Earth if we

do not do our part? With questioning, we are able to create many different prompts that will

authentically allow students to meet standards.

Anchor Text:

Space!: The Universe as You've Never Seen It Before by DK, Smithsonian Institution
This book is an encyclopedia of all things space. On each page, you will find
information about different plants and things you can find in the solar system. I chose
this book as the anchor text because the book it has a variety of information of almost
everything in space. It truly is a space encyclopedia and a great text to anchor this whole
text set.
Text Set Books:
1. Graham, Ian. 100 Facts Solar System- Planets, Moons, Galaxies, Educational Projects,
Fun Activities, Quizzes and More! Miles Kelly.
This book has 100 fast facts about the solar system that will be great when
students are not able to read for a long period of time. This book connects to my
theme because it is about the solar system and the planets in it. I chose to add this
book into this text set because sometimes students can be overwhelmed when it comes to
nonfiction text and with this book, there are short passages on each page that struggling
students might be more comfortable reading.
2. Aguilar, David. A. 13 Planets: The Latest View of the Solar System (National
Geographic Kids.
I chose this book because of the realistic pictures and the
information it provides. Out of all the books in our text set, these pictures
look the most realistic. This book connect with the theme because of the way the
book focuses on each specific part of what is in the solar system.
3. Dinwiddie, Robert. The Planets: The Definitive Visual Guide to Our Solar System.
I chose this book because it shows each planet in 3D. Students will be able to
see the layers of each planet and understand the Earth’s relationship with
each one. I thought this book was a great choice for this text set because
students can see make the connection between each planet and see their
similarities and differences.
4. Seymour, Simon. Our Solar System.
This book is great because like the other ones in this text set, it provides
information on the planets of our solar system. I chose this book because the photographs
allow students to see how it really does look on each planet. I also think the glossary,
index, and author’s notes make it an even better nonfiction text so that students can see
all the differences of a nonfiction book.
5. Branley, Franklyn M. The Planets in Our Solar System.
I chose this book for our lower leveled readers. Readers can find information
about all eight planets and Earth’s place in our solar system. Like all books I chose for
this text set, It was another book that explained the planets in our solar system in a way
that was easy for students to follow.
6. Moch, Dinah. Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide Wiley.
This book was an excellent addition to this text set because it explains more of
astronomy and space exploration. I felt that it was something different from all the others
that explained the planets, the moon, and the sun in great detail. With this particular
book, students can learn more about the stars in the sky and the history behind it.
7. Baker, David. Ratcliff, Todd. The 50 Most Extreme Places in Our Solar System
This book is another book about the solar system. Like most of the books in this
text set, the photographs are what really make the ideas and words come to life. In this
book, the author writes about how the solar system is almost a magical place. I thought it
was a great book to add because of the way the author talks about specific places in the
solar system and how incredible it is up there.
8. Aguilar, David. Space Encyclopedia: A Tour of Our Solar System and Beyond (National
Geographic Kids National Geographic Children's Books.
This book is similar to the anchor text I chose for this text set. Each page gives
information about the solar system and how it is unlike what we know down here on
Earth. I chose this book because the pictures almost take you to space and as you flip
through the pages it’s like you are up in space looking around. I felt that this book will
engage students and keep them interested in all the things in our solar system.
9. Bar, Catherine & Williams, Steve. The Story of Space.
Space and all the things about the planets can sometimes be a lot of information
for students to comprehend all at one. I thought this book was great for younger learners
because of the way the author chose to write the text. The illustrations make the book pop
and is a great first space book for students who find reading to be challenging.

1st Lesson Plan Title: Space Travel

Date: 9/1/2020
Grade Level: 3rd grade - 5th grade
Lesson Plan Topic: Art & ELA
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
School Site: Bumblebee Elementary School

1. State Standard(s):

Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in

diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.4Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas

logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or
themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

2. Teaching Model(s):

3. Objective(s):

● Students will learn about space and arrange their space composition so that elements are
● Students will understand and explain the importance of Earth in the solar system.

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

● Blue, black, and and white sulphite paper

● Chalk pastels
● Oil pastels
● White paint
● Black sharpies
● Colored markers, crayons, or colored pencils
● Glue
● scissors
● The Story of Space by Catherine Barr & Steve Williams
● Youtube video:

5. Instructional Procedures:

a. Motivation/Engagement:
● TW gather students to the carpet or where read alouds usually take place.
● TW ask students what they know about the solar system and why it is important that we
learn about space.
● TW emphasize the importance of our planet, Earth, NASA, space travel and the
astronauts who help us learn about space.
● TW gather the information that students know so teacher is aware of background
knowledge that students have about the solar system.
● TW begin read aloud. When finished, TW ask students to share their thoughts and to
summarize the story in their own words.
● TW show a short video of a space rap to get students up and moving.

b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

● TW introduce vocabulary words: composition, balance, texture

● TW explain to students that they will now create their own space travel picture to a planet
of their choice. TW also tell students that all the books about the solar system are
available to them as they work.
● TW explain that they must add vivid details in their creations. They’ll need to ensure that
the information they have read in their books or they heard from the read aloud is in their

c. Closure:

● TW close lesson with student presentations of their creations to the class.

d. Extension:

● SW go home and record themselves presenting their creations to their families. They
must tell their families why they chose their planet and what makes their planet so special
in the solar system.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

● Students who have a difficult time reading the books provided are able to listen to the
books read aloud to them by their academic partners.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative

● TW walk around the classroom during independent work time to ensure that students are showing
understanding of the task given and will provide assistance to those who need it.

b. Summative

● TW use finished creations to check for characteristics of each planet and all other requirements.

8. Homework Assignment:
● TW not be giving a homework assignment for this lesson.

2nd Lesson Plan Title: My planet!

Date: 9/1/2020
Grade Level: 3rd grade - 5th grade
Lesson Plan Topic: Science
Estimated Time: 45 - 60 minutes
School Site: Bumblebee Elementary School

1. State Standard(s):

Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in

diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.4Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas

logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or
themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

2. Teaching Model(s):

3. Objective(s):

● Students will understand and explain the importance of planets in the solar system.

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

● Chrome books
● Text set

5. Instructional Procedures:

a. Motivation/Engagement:

● TW gather students to the carpet or where read alouds usually take place.
● TW ask students what they know about the solar system and why it is important that we
learn about space. TW start a KWL chart labeled The Solar System.
● TW begin to fill out the K and W part of the chart.
● Once the discussion is finished, TW will start the read aloud. Read aloud will be the
anchor text.

b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

● TW ask students to turn to their shoulder partners and explain which planet they
interested in the most.
● TW explain to students that they will now use the text set and research to create a
presentation of their planet.
● TW explain that they must add at least ten facts with pictures. They’ll need to ensure that
the information they have read in their books or they heard from the read aloud is in their

c. Closure:

● TW close lesson with student presentations.

d. Extension:

● Students can research on another planet and present more than one to the class.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

● Students who have a difficult time reading the books provided are able to listen to the
books read aloud to them by their academic partners.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative

● TW walk around the classroom during independent work time to ensure that students are showing
understanding of the task given and will provide assistance to those who need it.

b. Summative

● TW use finished presentation to check for characteristics of each planet and all other

8. Homework Assignment:

● TW not be giving a homework assignment for this lesson.

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