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Writing Body Paragraph 2 & 3

Write your topic sentence

#1. Start with a Transition word/phrase


Second (to begin second body paragraph) , Third (to begin third
body paragraph)

Next (to begin second body paragraph), Finally (to begin third
body paragraph)
#2. Name your character and the first character trait you will be writing about

Write your evidence

#3. Start with a Transition word/phrase

For example,

For instance,

According to page ___,

#4. Give some background from the story to explain the quote
#5. Rewrite your quote/paraphrase
#6. Put page number in (_____)

Write your elaboration

#7. Write your first elaboration sentence.
#8. Connect your elaboration to your characters actions (GETTING A 4)

Because (character name) is (character trait)

Character name shows (character trait) by

#9. Write your second elaboration sentence
#10. Connect your elaboration to your characters actions using the strategies (GETTING A 4))

Because (character name) is (character trait)

Character name shows (character trait) by

Write Your Transition Sentence

#11. Link the first character trait to your second character trait

Not only is (character name) (1st character trait), but he also is (2nd
character trait).

(Character trait) isnt (character name)s only strength, he is also (2nd

character trait)

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