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Conflagrations, Timber Famines & Wounded Watersheds:

The Origins of Forest Conservation




Administering the Public Domain

A. Privatizing Public Resources
1. Mining Laws of 1866 & 1872
2. Desert Land Act (1877)
3. Timber and Stone Act (1878)
Deforestation & Devastation
A. Causes
B. Slash & Burn
C. Fears of a Timber Famine
Critics & Conservation
A. George Perkins Marsh
1. Man & Nature (1864)
a. Watersheds & their Functions
b. Larger Vision of Nature, Society & History
B. Adirondack Mountains State Park (1885 NY)
C. American Forestry Association
D. The General Revision Act (1891)
1. Federal Forest Reserves
E. Forest Management Act (1897)

-The General Revision Act

-George Perkins Marsh

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