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Green House effect

Luis Alfredo Fontalvo


Green House Effect

Green house effect is a
phenomeon which helps to keep
the earth warm enough for
existence of life on it
This term was postulated first by
a Swedish chemist in 1896.
Curious note:
In recent years it was found that
Carbon dioxide has increased by

How Green House Effect


Radiation Balance

Green House Effect Gases

They are gases in the atmosphere, both
natural and anthropogenic , that absorb and
emit radiation at specific wavelengths in the
spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the
Earth's surface, atmosphere and clouds. This
property of gases causing the greenhouse

Which are the Green House

Effect gases ?
The main greenhouse gases are:
o water vapor (H2O )
o carbon dioxide (CO2 )
o nitrous oxide ( N2O )
o methane ( CH4)
o ozone ( O3).

In addition there is in the atmosphere a series

of greenhouse gases produced by man fully ,
as the halocarbons and other substances
containing chlorine and bromide, which the
Montreal Protocol deals .
Besides, Kyoto Protocol addresses other
greenhouse gases such as sulfur hexafluoride
(SF6) , hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs ) and
perfluorocarbons (PFCs ) .

What will happen on the

Planet if we continue emiting
large amounts of Green House
Gases ?
o The rise in global temperature will
cause the freshwater reservoirs in the
solid state ( poles and snow ) melt.

Valuable ecosystems for

humanity and water reserves
that can be crucial in the future
will be lost.

Lot of coastal cities

will be flooded.

Climate change will manifest

increasing the amount of rainfall .

In others, in contrast , it will rain

less and less , leading to more
frequent droughts.

Take this problem

very responsibly
and take steps
immediately so
that the situation
never reached the
extremes that
scientists predict

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