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Professor Intawiwat


Grayson Collins


Dear Professor Intawiwat,

Every year The Ethisphere Institute publishes a list of the worlds most ethical
companies. Presented this year on the 2015 list Google was present as one of the
most ethnical companies. Google was categorized under the newly add section of
computer services. Google is among one of the only industries in computer services.
Google has many times been considered close to a monopoly in its business.
Companies that receive the reward of being one of the worlds most ethical companies
is quite an honor. This award is only recognized to 132 companies over twenty-one
countries and five continents that exhibit the utmost leadership, integrity, and ethics.
To many, it was quite a shock that Google appeared on this list. Over the last
few years, it has been a controversial topic about whether Google upholds these
standards. When thinking about Google many picture all the high tech gear presented
to employees like; fancy scooters, nap pods, game rooms, fancy white boards, etc.
But Google offers much more then just fancy gear to employees like; Health care,
child care, and many other benefits. Another reason Google has been so controversial
is because of there widely know motto dont be evil. Many question exactly what this
means and what is considered evil.
Overall, Google has become a very ethical business that many look up too.

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