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October Orals

J3- Transport

Talk about different types of transport.

Compare travelling by ship and by plane.
Best type of transport for big cities.
Transport and ecology.
Brief history of the car.
Unusual means of transport.
If you could choose one unusual transport, which would you choose?
What kind of transport do you usually use?
Which is your favourite?

AD2- Technology

Definition of the word technology.

Talk about the latest inventions and how they influence us.
The importance of technology in Medicine.
Problems and drawbacks.
Teenagers and the internet.
Addiction to technology. Can it be a problem?
Technology in the future.
How important is technology in your life?
Mention two gadgets or apps that are essential for you.
Which could be the best robot to help you?

AD3- Nutrition and technology

What is malnutrition? And undernutrition?

What is overnutrition? Explain the problems obese people face.
What is genetically modified food?
Comment on the good and bad aspects of GMF.
Pesticides and herbicides.
Alternative growing of crops. Organic food.
Explain vegetarianism, veganism and raw food.
Your personal opinion and your eating habits.

AD1- Tourism and holidays

Definition of tourism. How important are tourism and holidays

Compare holiday habits now and in the past.
Mention some famous touristic places. Why are they famous?
Compare city holidays and camping holidays.
Compare package holidays and travelling on your own.
Your favourite type of holiday and holiday destination.
Are you planning to travel abroad? Tell us about it.

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