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Class: Year 4 (Low-Intermediate)
Theme: World of Knowledge
Topic: Healthy Living (Healthy and Unhealthy Food)
Curriculum Specifications:
4.5 Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture.
4.8 Give accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports and
when filling out forms.
4.8.3 Write simple descriptions with picture cues.
Focus skill: Writing
Language item: Simple Present Tense(singular) and Adjectives
Thinking skills : brainstorming, problem solving. elaborate & describe.
Moral Value : Eat healthy food. And be thankful.
Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:


Categorize healthy and unhealthy food.

Write simple sentences using the picture and notes given.
Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences

Set induction
( 5 minutes )

Teaching/Learning activities

1 Teacher shows the realia

To arouse pupils interest

objects and gathers


information by asking WH

Which one do you think is


a healthy food?
Which one do you like

1.Teacher recalls the


previous lesson- food

- To activate pupils

(10 minutes)

2 Teacher shows the realia
objects and gathers
information by asking WH
3 Teacher displays the
videos about healthy and
unhealthy food.

-To arouse pupils interest

Which one do you think is
a healthy food?
Which one do you like
-Interactive session to

(20 minutes)

1 Teacher and pupils do

brainstorming on healthy

encourage pupils to
communicate in English.

and unhealthy food.

2 Pupils gather adjectives
that associated with the
3 Teacher demonstrates a

-Enhance pupils

sentence using simple


present tense (singular)

She likes to eat green

and how to add adjective


before the noun.

-To ensure pupils
(30 minutes)

1 Pupils construct simple

sentences independently
by looking at a picture.
2 Pupils rearrange the
words to form meaningful
3 Pupils use simple present

understand on how to
write a creative simple
sentence using simple
present tense and

tense and adjectives.

Teacher write riddle on the
( what is the king of fruit)

To recall pupils previous

knowledge about local



3.The Food Song (Clip) - Kids + Children Learn English Songs.mp4


5.Food for your thought.mp4

Theories of learning refer to general learning principles which have been derived from
research by education psychologists. With these learning theories, as a teacher we will
be able to understand concisely how pupils learn, and then we can used these learning
theories to relate with our teaching methods and techniques to guide them to achieve
effective learning result.
Theory of learning is a principle; therefore it is the fundamental of teaching techniques.
Teachers need to have a crystal understanding of the theory of learning that is applied
in their teaching and planning of a lesson. As a teacher, the theories of learning give us
a crystal clear vision of our students learning styles and how the students will best be
able to learn from the teaching method used by me.
Learning theories can be classified into five main perspectives and are applicable in the
teaching and learning process. These five theories of learning are behaviourist,
cognitive, constructivism, social learning and humanistic.
The learning theory applied in the lesson I observed is the cognitive approach. John
Piaget (1896-1980) identified two processes in his theory of cognitive development,
Process of Cognitive Development and Stages of Cognitive Development, which are still
widely used today in the teaching and learning process. Piagets four stages of
Cognitive development are the sensorimotor stage that includes the concrete
operational stage or elementary school age. The cognitive approach of learning is
reflected in the lesson.The lesson plan is for an English language lesson. The pupils
level is Year 4... As such I find the cognitive approach suitable in the teaching of
language for this group of ten years old. According to Piaget (1972), the ability of
concept learning is closely related with the childrens age level. At this stage, students
can also learn more than one thing at one time and able to master the principle.
In the planning a lesson, activities selected should have good messages. It
should be coordinated with the content and objectives of teaching skills. Typically the
selected activity is the work which can give full effect on attention, can increase the
impact on the intellectual, memories, emotions, interests and preferences and be able
to help the teachers to explain with their teachings.

Before starting the process of teaching and learning, teachers should be

informing the students that the topic they are going to learn is very interesting and
important. Thus, by showing the realia. Realia is actual objects brought to a class to
serve as aids to learning. For example, an apple brought to class, could be seen,
touched, smelt, tasted and then spoken and written about. Realia may include such
things as photographs, toys, articles of clothing. According to Robert M. Gagne (1916-)
in his book Essentials of Learning For Instruction (1975), forwarded a theory concerning
how people obtain information during learning process. According to his learning theory,
stimuli from the external environment will activate the nerve system in the sensory
organs. This information will be interpreted in the short term memory component,
encode, transit and store in the long term memory in conceptual form. Based on the
learning process explained above, Gagne (1977) briefly explained eight types of
learning. One of that stated in the set induction, that is stimuli response learning, is
related to stimuli which have been planned and stimulated with individuals response.
For example, the teacher display the real object for pupils to read out it name, is group
under the stimuli response learning.
According to Piagets opinion, adaption covers two forms one of them is assimilation
and the other is accommodation. Both of these are interrelated and complementary in
the formation process of overall cognitive learning, stated in while writing activity I did
brainstorming on healthy and unhealthy food. In this activity pupils gathered adjectives
that associated with the food. I also demonstrated several sentences using simple
present tense and how to add adjectives before the noun. This activity was to enhance
pupils vocabulary such as green, brown, hairy, and so on. According to Piaget, learning
is a change in behaviour. New and complex learning ought to utilize accommodation
process to change the individuals cognitive structure so as to adapt to the need of the
new and complex learning situation. As the accommodation process depends on the
individuals intrinsic motivation, teacher ought to encourage pupils so as to involve
themselves actively in the learning activities.
The cognitive perspective of learning represents a simple easy and applicable method
of teaching a language and more so since the objective of any form of teaching is to
bring about learning. There are various activities that are stimulating to the mind and
the knowledge acquired can be applied in the learning of the English language. The
teaching of the English language uses a lot of stimulation, therefore the act of
experiencing the knowledge, being aware of the stimuli and the ability to draw
judgement based on the stimuli is referred to as cognition. There are certain activities
that encourage this kind of cognitive skills in children. Language skills are components

in cognitive development. Activities such as listening and speaking, reading, writing and
grammar are crucial in helping children develop these skills. Reading helps to build
vocabulary and increase verbal ability. As such the On my post writing, I asked pupils to
construct simple sentences independently by looking at the picture. This activity was to
ensure pupils to understand on how to write creative simple sentences using simple
present tense and adjectives included. These activities cultivate cognitive skills. For
closure, I did problem solving learning it was riddle. Problem solving learning is a
learning through thinking process example to think a way to solve the riddle ( what is the
king of fruit). To answer this question pupils should have knowledge and they have to
recall their previous knowledge about fruits.

The two strategies that involved in the lesson were pupil-cantered

strategy and

teacher-cantered strategy The pupil-cantered strategy focuses on the pupils playing an

active role in the learning process. According to this teaching strategy, pupils are
encouraged to take active part in the classroom and learning. The teacher on the other
hand plays the role of a facilitator by guiding the pupils to learn individually or in small
groups. As such most of the learning time is allotted for activities involving the
pupils.This strategy is very much in line with the objective of the KBSR syllabus design.
The methods of teaching that are suitable for pupil-cantered strategy are individual
learning, group activity, inquiry-discovery, discussion, brainstorming, stimulation , roleplay and problem-solving. Under this strategy pupils are encouraged to give their
opinions through discussions and are a two way interaction between the pupils and the
teacher. This strategy also emphasizes on the development of pupils potentials and
formative tests are carried out to identify pupils weaknesses in learning It also
encourages activities in small groups which have proven to be an effective method of
learning as the organization of group activities are according to individual differences.
Under teacher centred strategy, the teacher plays a primary role. Accordingly, the
teacher control all the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The teaching
would normally base on expository teaching model as teaching approach, and the
probable choice of the methods of teaching would be whole class teaching,
demonstration, lecture, story telling, the teacher will talk a lot, while the students will sit
quietly and listen a lot. I used this strategy because; I have to demonstrate to them on
how to write the correct sentences using present tense and adjectives.
Conclusion, the teaching and learning process is undeniably influenced by many factors
such as learning theories, teaching strategies, individual differences and learning styles.

As such, it is important for teachers to be able to identify all these factors when planning
a lesson and implement them when carrying out the lesson. Incorporating all these
factors in the teaching and learning process will make the lesson more interesting,
effective and as a result motivate the students learning.

As a teacher, plan a lesson is not too difficult, but the priority is how to control the
class during teaching and learning process. During my teaching and learning
process the strengths

that I can said, was all the students loved the realia

because I used the real object, such as I brought apple, orange and junk food.
Realia according to Nesamalar Chitravelu, Saratha Sithamparam, Teh Soo
Choon (2000) ELT Methodology Principles and Practice. Penerbit Fajar Bakti
Sdn. Bhd, realia is actual objects brought to a class to serve as aids to learning.
For example, an apple brought to class, could be seen, touched, smelt, tasted
and then spoken and or written about. Realia may include such things as
photograph, toys, articles or clothing. My students loved the realia very much,
because I gave the fruits to those who can answered my questions with the
correct answered. This can motivate them to communicate effectively in the class
during teaching and learning process. Actually my students were low proficiency
level, so I need to search their interest. Another strengths that I can say is, when
I did brainstorming, the students tried their best to answer even though they
cannot spell the words for example carbonate drinks, chocolate, French fries.
The students gave so many examples. The weaknesses that I can stated here
were, when I used computer on my pre writing, It didnt work. The LCD was not
working so, to solve this problem I had to call my students group by group so all
of them can watch, in the same time the class was so noisy. Another weakness
that I faced during my teaching and learning was I have to translate all the
English words, but the strengths when I translate the words my students can
faster understand the meanings or words taught. Another problem that I was
faced was when post writing activity, I paste the sentences on the whiteboard
and asked them to read after me, after that I cut all the sentences became words
and no more sentences and I asked them to paste it on the whiteboard according

to the sentences taught, but only the same pupils came to do the exercise, so to
solve the problem I drilled them so many times. At last many of my pupils can
write correct present tense on singular and put correct adjectives before nouns.
From my point of view if we want to improve the quality of teaching and learning
process, the priority is the classroom environment, if the class clean and the
notice board are attractive the students are eager to learn. The teachers also
have to wear attractive attire to make the students interested to learn, this is
because if we wore not proper baju kurung the students will get bored so early
rather than we wore stylist baju kurung with the stylist shawl nowadays pupils
are more interested in what their teachers wearing because teacher as a role
model to them. I like to be a teacher in whatever situation because I want to
contribute something to my next generation.


1. Mok Soon Sang Educational Psychology & Pedagogy Learner and Learning
Environment (2008) Penerbitan Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
2. PPG ELT Methodology Module.
3. Nesamalar Chitravelu, Saratha Sithamparam, Teh Soo Choon (2000) ELT
Methodology Principles and Practice. Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd.
4. A S Hornby, Colon McIntosh, Joanna Turnbull. Oxford Advanced Learners
Dictionary of Current English 7th Edition, Oxford University Press 2005.
5. Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams. An Introduction To Language 8 th
Edition, Thomson Wadsworth 2007.

8. Kurrikulum Bersepadu sekolah Rendah (KBSR) English Teachers Guidebook

Year 4 Published by Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum 1997
9. Textbook English sekolah Kebangsaan Year 4 (KBSR) Dewan Bahasa Pustaka

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