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Student Number | LG WG BY tie university or TRINIDAD & TOBAGO ALTERNATE FINAL ASSESSMENT/EXAMINATIONS APRIL/MAY 2014 Course Code and Title: FMEV 2002 ~ Basic Well Logging Programme: B.A. Se. Petroleum Engineering [Please insert in accordance to the timetable] Duration: 3 hrs Date and Time: PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU BEGIN THIS EXAMINATION Materials Supplied: 1. A copy of a log section for Question 16. 2. Copy of Schlumberger Chart “Gen-9" - “Resistivity of NaCl Solutions.” Copy of Schlumberger Chart “CP-10” — “Hydrocarbon Density Estimation.” 4, Copy of Schlumberger Charts “CP-1a, 1b” - Formation Density Log and SNP Neutron Porosity Log 5. Copy of Schlumberger Charts “CP ~ 16, 17° — Porosity and Lithology Determination andidates 1. This paper has 18 pages and 16 questions. 2. You are required to answer and submit ALL questions on the question paper. 3. All charts required for these questions have been supplied. 4, You must return the question paper together with other writing paper to the invigilator at the end of the exam. There are three sections as follows: Section 1 Questions 1-10 (20 marks) Section 2 Questions 11 - 15 (40 marks) Section 3 Question 16 (40 marks) 6. Show all working to gain full marks, and use additional sheets as required. 7. Your student number and the question number must be shown clearly on all additional sheets which should be stapled to the question paper. 8. When submitting your paper please place the questions in numerical order from I to 16 ‘The University of Trinidad and Tobago 1 April/May 2014 FMEV 2002 Final Alternate Examination Student Number Section 2 — Well Logging Computations This section is worth 40 marks. All working is to be shown below each question Question 11 (6 marks) In a water bearing sand the resistivity reads 0.48 ohm-m. In a shallower oil bearing sand of the same porosity the resistivity reads 16 ohm-m. Estimate the water saturation of the oil sand, and state all assumptions made. Question 12 (12 marks) In a clean hydrocarbon sandstone, the neutron and density logs read 12 and 36 sandstone porosity units respectively. The shallowest resistivity reading across the formation is 8 ohm-m and the resistivity of the mud filtrate at the formation temperature is 0.06 ohm-m. Determine: (a)The in-situ hydrocarbon density. (b) The effective porosity of the formation. Assume a = 0.81, m and n = 2 in Archie's equation. The University of Trinidad and Tobago April/May 2014 FMEY 2002 Final Altemate Examination ‘Student Number The University of Trinidad and Tobago April/May 2014 FMEV 2002 Final Alternate Examination Student Number Question 13 (6 marks) Awell-test on an exploratory well with a borehole diameter of 8 inches indicates that 50 litres of mud filtrate invaded a 10 feet thick oil-bearing formation. If the radius of invasion is 18 inches and the water saturation in the flushed zone is 72 %, calculate the porosity of the formation. (1 cubic foot = 28.33 litres) The University of Trinidad and Tobago April/May 2014 FMEV 2002 Final Alternate Examination Student Number Question14 (10 marks) The following values for sandbodies A and B were recorded at specific depths in a well drilled with fresh mud: A: Pe (bie)= 2.8; Pp (grvoc)= 2.40 B: Pe (oie) = 1.8; pb (orice) = 2.25 Determine the lithology and calculate the porosity for each of the sandbodies A and B. Question 15 (6 marks) An interval transit time of 110 usec/ft was measured in a sandstone reservoir, in which the acoustic velocity of the matrix was 18000 ft/sec. Assuming a fluid transit time of 210 usec/ft , calculate the porosity in the reservoir. ‘The University of Trinidad and Tobago April/May 2014 FMEV 2002 Final Altemate Examination Student Number Section 3— Well Log Analysis This section is worth 40 marks Show all your working to get full marks Question 16 The following header information refers to the section of the attached log: Bottom Log Interval 7000 ft Bit Size 12.25 ins Type Fluid in Hole KCL/Polymer RMF @ Meas. Temp 0.124 @ 80 degF Max. Recorded Temp. 156 degF Examine the section of the log and answer the questions below. Assume a=0.81, m=2 and n = 2 in Archie's equations, and that environmental corrections have been done to the logs. (a) Select and specify a suitable interval in the well, and calculate the resistivity of the formation water Rw. Indicate any assumptions made. (8 marks). WG eanteeeeenegeseeeeeeeeegenet te The University of Trinidad and Tobago 9 April/May 2014 FMEY 2002 Final Alternate Examination ‘Student Number (b) What is the salinity of the formation water in the well? (4 marks) Salinity of the formation water in the well = (c) Calculate the shale content, Vsh, at 5660’. You should assume a simple linear relationship between Gamma Ray shale index and Vsh. (6 marks) Vsh = (d) Calculate the hydrocarbon saturation at 5660 ft. (8 marks) Hydrocarbon saturation = The University of Trinidad and Tobago 10 April/May 2014 FMEV 2002 Final Alternate Examination Student Number (e) Determine the in-situ hydrocarbon density at 5660 ft and indicate whether the hydrocarbon interval contains oil or gas. (6 marks) Hydrocarbon Interval contains (f) Determine the effective porosity at 5660 ft. (5 marks) Effective porosity at 5660 ft = (g)Would you perforate the well at 5660 ft ? Briefly justify your answer (3 marks) END OF EXAMINATION ‘The University of Trinidad and Tobago u April/May 2014 FMEV 2002 Final Alternate Examination 5Baa 5728 Cn Resistivity of NaC! Solutions Gong 10 s : 3 8 £ 8 5 ; 8 4 me" é Sto, E15 2 ‘Ew Las % 709, 1 ~~ "tm 1 50 08 ie ae 0s 7 5 = 08 es Zoos my bm & & —_ § 3 tty ~E. 200 Hae 2% 200 : 3 300 5 a = 3 o4 [so ae 0.08 nae 0.06 aE 00 0.08 MoE 0.04 aq E1800 0.03 ee som me 0.02 2b soo LOL ceo | BS oot o> —F- 10600 0, Be~E soe °F 80 5 100 125 150 200 250 300 360 400 “SE 20000 “10 2% 30 4080 60 70 80 0100 120 140 160 180200 Temperature (°F or °C) oseantepe 1s ae ee eee ee eee eee aaa a ; Schlumberger Estimation of Hydrocarbon Density From neutron and density logs, cP-10 Penrose eo Serene These charts estimate the density ofthe saturating hydrocarbon feom a comparison of neutron and density measurements, and she hydrocarbon saturation in the portion of the rock investigated by the neutron and density logs (invaded or flushed zone), The neutron log (either CNL* or SNP log) and the density log must bbe corected for environmental effect and lithology before entry into the chats ‘To ws, enter the appropriate chart with the ratio of neutron porosity to density porosity, and the hydrocarbon saturation, The Jmtersection defines the hydrocarbon density in g/cm’ oO a a a rT and Therefore, p= 0.28 gem? Charts CP-9 and CP-10 have not been updated for CNL logs nun after 1986 or labeled TNPH: approximations may therefore be greater with more recent logs. For approximate results with APLC porosity (from IPL* logs), use Charts CP-9 and CP-10 for SNP logs. 1% 435, Grossplots for Porosity, Lithology and Saturation is Schlumberger Porosity and Lithology Determination from Formation Density Log and SNP Sidewall Neutron Porosity Log cPta Fresh viater, iquic-fled holes (p,= 1.0) q 3 a q te n T + T Do) 3 3 q 3 T ro | dos a aie = q € 420 4 2 z 1 of 3 = qk _ 2 q 2 2 3 : & j i “ 29 ai ch LC 3 HHS t+ t =EEEE EEE EEE HEEEEHEEEH 415 3.0 1 : 0 10 20 20 20 e sncor: Neutron porosity index (p.u.) (apparent limestone porosity) a i ‘The neuton-density-sonic eossplot charts (Charts CP-I, CP-2__Sonie-netron canbe used to diferente between the common 3 and CP-7) provide insight no ltology and permit the determi- reservoir ocks when clay content is negligible. Sonie-lemity tation of porosity. Chart selection depends onthe amcipated canbe use differentiate Dewesn a single known reservoir 4, Mineralogy. Neurondensity can be wed to diferentiae between roc and sale and to identify evaporate minerals 3 thecommon reservoir rocks [quar sandstone cate lime Contnwed on next page stone) and dolomite] and shale and some evaporites. 1s “4 Crna MIE Schlumberger Porosity and Lithology Determination from Formation Density Log and SNP Sidewall Neutron Porosity Log el Salt water, liquid-tlled holes (p) = 1.1) 0, density porosity (0.u.) (Pra = 2.71, 9:= 1-1) ‘Goxrcon Neutron porosity index (p.u.) (apparent limestone porosity) ‘To use any of these charts, enter the abscissa and ordinate [Note that all neutron input isin apparent limestone porosity, with the required neutron, density or sonic value. The point that chars for fresh water (pr= 1.0 gem?) and saline water of intersection defines the lithology (mineralogy) and the (pr= 1-1 gem) invasion exist, and thatthe sonic charts conta porosity 6 ‘curves assuming weighted average response (blue) and empirical = observation response (red) as 16 42 Sia Porosity and Lithology Determination from Litho-Density* Log Fresh water, iquic-filed holes (p, = 1.0) bulk density (glam) eetasat P,, photoelectric factor For more information see Reference 27. 426 Schlumberger P46 =m Lithalogy and Saturation Porosity and Lithology Determination from Litho-Density* Log Salt water, liquid-filed holes (9, 1.1) i, bulk density (g/m?) P,, photoelectric factor Beteettonn For more information see Reference 27. Schlumberger cpr

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