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An open letter to the Republic of the Philippines Presidential and

Vice-Presidential Aspirants for 2016 Election

Dear Aspirants,
We cannot deny the fact that 2016 Election is fast approaching. Most of you
are busy doing and planning for your campaign. Most of you are actively
doing sweet works, activities, donating and so many good deeds.
Im just one of the thousands Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) working in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I was so dishearten of the so many problems that
our country is facing today.
I am writing this letter not to address my personal apprehension or that of
Balikbayan Box issue. Rather, I wrote this letter to challenge each aspirant to
focus not on their campaign but rather on the issue on West Philippine Sea.
I was so dismay that it seems everyone yearns for higher position. Each
aspirant is seems active announcing their intentions of what they can do for
the country in the future. Even our present administration is eventful
campaigning for their pambato to continue their so called Tuwid na Daan.
Now, I bravely challenge each aspirant to show us what they can do today;
focus on the issue on West Philippines Sea.
In behalf of million Filipinos around the world, I want to congratulate you in
advance. It is in your hands the future of our country relies on.

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