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Cassandra Kelser

October 11, 2015

Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

A comprehension technology plan is an essential part of the 21st century classroom. It is
used to promote digital learning for students. It allows teachers, parents and students to
communicate support and enhance the achievement of students. Technology offers teachers a
new way of educating students. It offers students a new way of learning and it offers parents a
new way of communicating and supporting teachers and students in the academic process.
Technology to Enhance Communication
Classroom Website: Teachers will use the classroom based website to inform parents of
homework, activities and important dates related to the classroom and school. Teachers with
higher sense of importance of family involvement create classroom environments that provide
substantial opportunities for families involvement created classroom enviromentent (Olmstead,
2013). The website will provide a calendar and a way for parents to leave comments concerning
classroom related activities and assignments. The classroom room website will provide students
with resource links that will aid in the enhancement of education. A classroom website gives
opportunity for global communication in relation to Skype and classroom blogging. It allows
safe, secure shared access among students and teachers around the world.

Blogs: A classroom based blog is sometimes created by the teacher as a resource tool to enhance
education, typing skills, writing and communication skills of the student. Creating a class page
or group allows our students to check class information and communicate informally with
peers( Coombs, Leite & Grierson, 2010). The blog will be used by the teacher to collaborate
with the parent as well as the student. Parents will be able to offer comments, ask questions and
give feedback to users. Through blogs teachers may offer support to parents in the way of
posting assignments, and information relating to special school or classroom events. Teachers
may use blogging to communicate and collaborate with teachers globally to enhance learning
and offer educational related insight, ideas and shared learning.
Resources: Resources are a great way for to keep current on new technology and technology
classroom related resources. Resources are teacher gather educational links that will assist and
inform the parent, student and global community of updated classroom related information.
Teachers will post resources, such as educational links to offer a fun and educational way for
students to learn and improve skills. Parents may become proactive involvement in childrens
learning includes activities such as helping with homework, staying informed about school
events, and following childs progress(Olmstead, 2013). Parents may be given resources that
will aid in assistances with students educational success. Parent related links offers easy access
to interesting topics that support students education and course content. Within the secure global
community users will be able to explore classroom related material as well as cultural related
resources. The resource tool will provide users with weekly updated links that student may
explore for education, fun or project related subjects.

Email: Communicating with parents electronically should be done through a school related site.
Emails are a fast and effective way to communicate with parents and administrators in an
individually or mass way of communication. Teachers will utilize school provided classroom
email to communicate personally with parents in relation to meetings, activities, homework or
important information relating to students conduct or academic performance. Effective studentteacher communication is critical for success in any class( Bobbitt, Inman,& Bertrand, 2013.)
Emails are used by teachers to enhance communication between the parent and the teacher in an
efficient and effective way. Teachers use emails to send educational related files and collaborated
electronically with their peers and administrators. Global Community emails allow ways for
teachers to gain k knowledge of content related materials that may be used for the classroom.
Communication Internet Security and Safety
Internet safety is top concern for school systems. Teachers should address the concern of
internet safety, security and privacy with their students throughout the school year. Teachers
should stress to students the importance of keeping their personal information private. Such
things as passwords, social security numbers and date of birth should be kept private, and safe.
Teachers should practice and encourage students to change passwords often to aid with safety
and privacy of personal information. School has strict policies, internet filter that protect against
internet security and safety. Teachers should offer information to parents through open house,
parent visitation and classroom website links to help inform parents on internet safety. Students
should also be informed on cyber bullying and given materials relating to this important subject.
Teachers should advise students to avoid suspicious emails and opening unrelated materials that
may contain a computer virus. Teachers can help educated student through computer safety
related videos.

Concluding Paragraph
Digital technology is a new way of leaning and educating students. Students are being
introduced to technology at an earlier age than before. Parents are becoming more involved with
their childs education through digital communication. Teachers have provided a way for parents,
students and teacher to stay connected with the use of blogs, emails and classroom websites.
With the fast changing of technology, teachers need to stay updated on the latest technology and
ways to integrate it into the curriculum. Technology is enhancing the way students are learning
new concepts and ideas and communicating with their peers as well as becoming distant learners.
The classroom is more than just a way of learning, but it has become a way of exploring, creating
and learning in a fun and exciting way.

Olmstead, C. (2013). Using Technology to Increase Parent Involvement in
Schools. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve
Learning, 57(6), 28-37. doi:10.1007/s11528-013-0699-0

Coombs, D., Leite, J., & Grierson, S. (2010). Opening Pandora's Box: Social
Networks in the Classroom of 2010. Kentucky English Bulletin,59(2),

Bobbitt, R., Inman, R., & Bertrand, E. (2013). Using Remind 101 as a
Classroom : Communication Tool. NACTA Journal, 57(4), 77-78.

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