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RCLS 445, Processes and Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation

Kaileigh Wendt, Caroling Mager, Guadalupe Castro
June 1, 2015
PAVE Program

PAVE Program

Appendices 11A-11D
1. Select one group of clients who meet one or more of the criteria from Step 1a-d in text.
Client Group: Clients who lack social initiation skills for community re-entry
2. Select one category of social skills for the above group of clients that meet the criteria
from Step 2 in text. (These will be task-analyzed in the next step.)
Client Group: Clients who lack social initiation skills for community re-entry=
Development of lasting social relationships
3. Task-analyze the above category of behavior, including criterion levels.
Task Analysis of Developing Lasting
Criterion Level
Social Relationships
1. Greets the individual
2. Enters into the conversation

Is able to determine appropriate greeting

Is able to use appropriate conversation

3.Continues the conversation

starters and questions

Is able to sustain appropriate eye contact
and body language throughout the

4.Apprpriately terminates the

Is able to use social cues to appropriately

5.Initates a follow up statement

end the conversation

Is able to use appropriate questions to
engage the individual at a later time.

PAVE Program

4. Assess whether Person Possesses Skill to Criterion Level

Target Behavior: Development of lasting social relationship
Plan to assess:
Assess participants skills while in collaboration with other group members while planning
geocache sites to visit. (Contrived)
Assess participants skills while imitating conversation with other participants. (Natural)
Assess using Promising Social Skills Instruction Strategies for Children with Autism Spectrum
Outing #1
Planning a Geocaching Game
Location: A participants house
Transportation: For transportation, the participants can either ride the bus, have a
parent/guardian take them by vehicle, or carpool with other participants.
Cost: For this outing, there is no cost. Unless the participant needs to purchase a bus pass to get
to the location.
Equipment: For equipment, the participants will need a computer to locate the coordinates, and
paper and pencil to record the coordinates for their caches.
Skills: For this outing, the participants will need to have positive communication skills to
interact with their peers, and decision making skills to decide what caches they want to find.

PAVE Program

Avedon (1974) Interaction Patterns: For Avedon (1974) Interaction Pattern, this outing will use
intragroup. This will allow the participants to have to work together to reach their overall goal.
Rationale for Selection: The objective for this group is in order for the participants to form
lasting social relationships they will need to use communication skills and collaborate in order to
pick the caches they want to search for. The participants will start by using their computer and go
to, they will sign up for an account individually, at no cost. Once they
have signed up, they will gather as two separate groups and use the search bar and type in
Tacoma, Washington. They will then decide, in their group which caches they want to search for.
Once each group has decided their caches, they will write down the coordinates for each cache.
Through this process the participants will have to use communication skills and collaborate to
make a decision on the caches they wish to search for.
Outing #2
Let the Geocaching Begin!
Location: Caches around the Tacoma area
Transportation: For transportation, the participants can either ride the bus, have a
parent/guardian take them by vehicle, or carpool with other participants
Cost: For this outing, the only cost is transportation. Either by acquiring a bus pass, having a
parent/guardian(s) take them by vehicle to each site.
Equipment: For equipment, the participants will need a map of their choosing (g.p.s, cell
phone, standard map), and their paper coordinates.

PAVE Program

Skills: For this outing, the participants will need to have positive communication skills to
interact with their peers, and decision making skills to locate the coordinates at the different sites.
The participants will also need, self-efficacy skills in order to work with others in a competitive
Avedon (1974) Interaction Patterns: For Avedon (1974) Interaction Pattern, this outing will use
intergroup. This will allow the participants to work together in a heightened environment,
allowing them to come together as a group.
Rationale for Selection: The objective for this group is in order for the participants to form
lasting social relationships they will need to use communication skills and collaborate in order to
use the coordinates to fine the caches. They will also need to use self-efficacy skill in order to
work through issues while searching for the cache. The participants will start by splitting into
their two group from the first outing. Each group will search for their caches and the winning
group will reach the home destination first. Through this process the participants will use selfefficacy skills, communication skills and collaborate to find the caches and win the game.

PAVE Program

Stumbo, N. J. & Wardlaw, B. (2011). Facilitation of Therapeutic Recreation Services. An
Evidence-Based and Best Practice Approach to Techniques and Processes. State College,
PA: Venture Publishing, Inc.

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