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(Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Perceiver)

ISTPs represent between 4 and 6% of the U.S.


Typically quiet, Realistic, Independent, and

Highly pragmatic
ISTPs, while often people of few words, they do enjoy joking
around with people they know fairly well. Direct, honest, and downto-earth, ISTPs typically prefer to skip a lot of theoretical analysis
or future predictions in favor of getting right to the bottom line and
the relevant facts and figures.

Veritable storehouses of information on things

they know well and understand
They are realists, they are able to capitalize well on available
resources, which make them practical, with a good sense of timing.
ISTPs have an innate understanding of how mechanical things work
and are usually skilled at using tools. They tend to make logical
and private decisions, stating things clearly and directly, just as
they see them.

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