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Tutankhamen Biography

Tutankhamen was the twelfth king of

the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty
13611352 B.C.E. ).
Although his reign was relatively
unimportant, Tutankhamen became
the most famous of the pharaohs
(Egyptian kings) when his treasurefilled tomb was discovered in the
early twentieth century. The vast and
untouched contents of his tomb
offered historians great insight into
the ancient Egyptian culture.

Early life
The identity of his parents is a
mystery. Historian believe
Tutankhamen was the son of
either Amenophis III or Akhenaten.
Tutankhamen was only a child
when he became king, he reigned
eight full years, examination of his
body has shown that he was little
more than eighteen years old at
the time of his death.

The tomb of Tutankhamen

Tutankhamen is probably the best-known of the pharaohs, owing to the fortunate
discovery of his treasure-filled tomb virtually intact. His burial place in the Valley of
the Kings had escaped the fate of the tombs of other ancient Egyptian kings.
The tomb room contained more than five thousand objects, many of which were
covered with gold and beautifully carved. The most famous of these objects is
probably the lifelike gold mask that covered the face of Tutankhamen's mummy.
Carter also uncovered military items, clothing, jewelry, and many statues of
Tutankhamen and Egyptian gods.

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