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2 Assignment

AP Statistics

Question 1:
A medical study of heart surgery investigates the effect of a drug called a beta-blocker on the pulse
rate of the patient during surgery. The pulse rate will be measured at a specific point during the
operation. The investigators will use 20 patients facing heart surgery as subjects. You have a list of
these patients, numbered 1 to 20, in alphabetical order.
1. Outline as an algorithm (paragraph form) or in diagram form a randomized experimental design
for this study.

2. Use the random digit table starting at line 125 to carry out the randomization required by your
design and report the result.

Question 2:
Is the right hand generally stronger than the left in right-handed
people? You can crudely measure hand strength by placing a
bathroom scale on a shelf with the end protruding and then squeezing
the scale between the thumb below and the four fingers above. The
reading of the scale shows the force exerted.
1. What is/are the explanatory variable(s)?

2. What is the response variable?

3. You have recruited 10 right-handed people to serve as subjects. In paragraph (or algorithm)
form, carefully describe the design of a matched-pairs experiment to compare the strength of the
right and left hands, using these subjects.

4. Use line 139 in the Random Digit Table to do the required randomization and report your

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