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Tala Tabrizi

Professor Amber Ward

Art 133 Pm (85420)
22 October 2015
Unit paper 4
Pinks (2006) chapter on play gave me an understanding of the three contributors to play
which are games, humor, and joyfulness. The big idea of Pinks chapter was to give readers an
idea on how to incorporate play, and laughter in everyday life. During the bridge activities from
class last Thursday, I was able to incorporate play in my art. Pink states in his reading that,
people rarely succeed at anything if they have no fun doing it (p. 187). This quote stood out to
me in many ways because we as busy humans do not always find joy in our routines, but if we
put a some play and more humor in our work life, in our academics we will have more
enjoyment in doing so. I was able to develop a new understanding of play & humor and just by
reading pinks chapter and looking at the images of the people from India laughing, and reading
how they incorporated laughter into a group exercise made me want to do the same.
During the play/choice studio, I was able to be creative and let my mind expand with
options to create an artwork. Sometimes, when having little direction for a task makes it much
more enjoyable and you find yourself making an artwork that is close to your heart. My art
reminded me of something I used to do in school, and with my mom. When I created the
necklace of different paper and formed each of the papers into a heart, it was fun and brought me
joy and humor as well because I would laugh and smile about the different heart shapes and
shared my joy with my classmates. I plan to use play/humor when I am a counselor.

Pink, D. (2006). A Whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York,
NY: The Berkeley Group.

Pink, D. (2006). A Whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York,
NY: The Berkeley Group.

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