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Kurt Cobain

Somewhere in heaven
you rushed on by
holding a flower
you caught my eye

Somewhere in hell
we swam passed
no time to stop
we were burning fast

Sometime on earth
you sang a song
it sounded so sweet
that I sang along.


What should appear when

I awoke from my dream
but a note that you wrote
your final sad scream.

Land’s Safety Sweetly Melody

A melody so sweet only a dream could suffice

When I spoke through my stutter I broke through the ice.
Alone in a river- drown or should I shiver?
Grasp for the land or swim till I’m ready?
Hold to my breath, or breathe slow and steady?
What will come of this death, am I ready?
I spoke through my eyes, a cry for the land.
A hope through horizon, for a soul on command
Decay did my drown consumed quickly--unfound.
Lost in the ice, to my dearest departure,
Never found my way.

Like a tigress in an ocean

Searching for the jungle paradise of lore
But now she is lost in endless remorse
Nor can she understand
The safety of land.
New Paltz Nightlife

Gutter punks and prissy bitches

Jocks drunk scratching itchy hippies
Clawing a dance across the street
Dropping each other from their feet
Cops on speed yelling move along
I sit thinking you’re all fucking wrong
Please take your hate and leave

slender bones point

to endless windows
dreaming above the stars
bronze colored flesh
prints gold on the mind
and at best
you are a diamond
and I am a blind man
a blind man who reads
your swagger and step
by the sway of your walk
and rhythm in your breath
so breathe with me
and color me blessed
come lay down
its time to rest
Thousand Stitches

I’ve seen a thousand stitches strewn

Across a sweater spread
Seen her swells and ebbs
Shriek with sounds of ecstasy
Sing the sounds she saw in company
Sing the sounds she saw secretly
Her shrieking soothed in sanctuary
A thousand stitches strewn abreast.

I’ve seen a thousand stitches strewn

Stretched her sweater spreads abreast
Seen her surge and smell of sex
Her sassy step I start to sweat
When I see a seat I stop to sit
She’s sweet and stares then steps with it
A thousand stitches a sunset
The moon appeared I mourn.

Recollection of a Past Place

Where were I last night,

Nowhere, I was not
With her, I saw her hair
Not last night I was not there.

Quiet seductive and dense

Joining her to rest on the floor
Dead in my house
But alive I am sure
Lying with her on the floor

I can’t quite recall her face

Now filled by time it’s a generic waste
These memories of when I was not
But still I feel her silent embrace

Listening to my soul I called her lover

Only when she spoke she made me shudder
As the dog stirred in the room I awoke
To find myself without another

I lie here now awake

Taken from that dreamy place
To think that last night I was not
Although I’m sure I saw her there

To what do these memories compare

But to all recollections of who and where
Where were I last night
Where ever was I not?

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