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Lacie, 1

Individual Report of Building Excellence (Rundle and Dunn, 1996) Learning

Strengths and Preferences Inventory
Lacie Salas
Tarleton State University

Lacie, 1

Summary of Strong Preferences:

According to my results of the BE survey, I have a preference for learning when I
am alone snacking in the evening with informal seating. I am a more auditory
verbal and kinesthetic learner. I prefer more mobility to help me in my learning
process. In order to be the most productive, I prefer to not work in large groups in
order to keep my concentration.
Summary of My Learning Strategies:
When I study this year, I will remember to take breaks by going to walk around for
a little while in order to keep my creative juices flowing. If I am learning
something new, I will try and do a hands on activity for the concept I am learning.
This will increase my mobility which will in turn help me learn much better. I will
snack on food when I am hungry throughout my study process so I will really be
focused on the material instead of my stomach. If I get the choice to work in a
group or by myself, I should choose by myself in order to be the most efficient and
productive on my assignments.

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