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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: greetings my child, this is god

You: Daddy?! OMG, I finally found you! It's me, Jesus!
You: I was raped by the Pedobear :'( It was so traumatic!
You: But now I'm all over it. And how are you, dad?
Stranger: Pedobear, oh me...oh no, me. I am so sorry son. SO SORRY.
Stranger: But otherwise, i've been okay, just...making life.
Stranger: Blessing these children with their pokemon games.
You: Awesome
Stranger: Yes. I win.
You: Oh, daddy, I missed you so much!
Stranger: I missed you too son! This is blessing from....oh yeah, me. Hahahaha.
You: Hahaha
You: It were hard times without you...
Stranger: I'm sorry, tell me everything son.
You: Well, first I finished my college. But then Pedobear came. He took me away from all the awesome stuff.
He locked me up for six years in his bathroom.
You: It was awful
Stranger: OH MY. That is horrible, I shall cast my rath upon him. Sending him to a home with only lonely old
You: But now I found you, and my whole life is complete! I can forget all the terrible things that happened.
You: Thank you daddy!
Stranger: You're welcome my son!
Stranger: I am happy to have found you, now, join me in my kingdom of heaven?
Stranger: And unicorns?
You: Well...
You: Are there waffles? And pancakes? And rainbows?
Stranger: Many waffles, and pancakes. And rainbows, they're everywhere, as far as I can see.
Stranger: All your dreams may come true.
You: I'm coming, daddy!
You: But I have to go now, I will come to you in 7 days, I swear!
Stranger: Alright! I SHALL SEE YOU SON, BE SAFE.
Stranger: GOODBYEEEE /disperses into light
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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