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(Nature Smart)
Choose an artist whose art represents your favorite part of nature. Fulfill the outline below as
evidence of researching the artist of your choice. Then create a piece of art in the style of this
artist. Your artwork will be inspired by the art the artist, but must be an original concept- not a
reproduction. When finished, you will create a button on your home page and link your notes and
artwork to the button. Label the button with the full name of the artist or art period.
Extra Credit Option: Present your art to the class and describe why you chose this artist.


Artist & Artwork

a. Name Doug Lindstrand
b. How did this artist become interested in art? He was always love to do art.
c. How did this artist get started? Took a college art class and a biology class too.
d. Self-taught or formal education in art? Formally educated in art.
e. Was the artist accepted as a true artist during his/her lifetime? Yes he has many
books about drawing.
f. Materials used? Pencils, papers, razor Blade
g. What subjects did your artist focus on? Drawings and photography.
h. How does this work of art make you feel? The artwork that he did on animal is so
cute and adorable and I hope I could do that too.
i. What is this work of art about? Is there a message that goes beyond the subject
j. animals
a. List each website visited of which information was found and or used.
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________
iii. ____________________________________________
iv. ____________________________________________

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