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2 Reading and Writing

Read the article and complete Activity A and Activity B.

How the Color of our Walls Affects Us

Emily Lawson

Bruce Fieldson

Pamela Geer

Interior Decorator


Ofce Manager

Blue is one of my favorite colors.

I tell all my clients to avoid

I always paint the walls in

It can really change how a room

painting their rooms yellow.

the ofce where I work

feels. Light blue walls make

This color seems to stimulate

light green. It helps people

people feel calm. However, dark

the nervous system. Babies

feel relaxed and at ease.

blue has a very different effect.

cry more in a yellow room,

Researchers have also found

It often makes people feel sad

and people are more likely to

that green helps people read

and depressed. Most decorators

lose their temper there than

better. If you put a transparent

love light blue, but others cant

in blue or green rooms. Some

green paper over the page of

stand it.

scientists also think that it

a book, you will read faster.

causes the eyes to get tired

Thats good in an ofce, too.

faster when reading.

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