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leisure is the time for doing something useful

Leisure is the time when you are not working or doing other
tasks. Often there are moments of boredom or a feeling of apathy
in these moments.It’s encouraging to know you don’t have to stay
stuck long. Even if you look at old photos or videos of happy
days, doing a specific activity that made you smile will make you
smile again. Leisure can be a gift. These moments of boredom
can be used for our favorite hobbies.
Most of the time, when I feel bored, I start reading a book. This
occupation is a useful one because it has many benefits. Reading
books benefits both your physical and mental health, and those
benefits can last a lifetime. They begin in early childhood and
continue through the senior years. When you read every day, you
stimulate your mental activity. Numerous studies have been
conducted to understand the benefits of reading.

According to a study, one of the main benefits of reading books is

slowing down mental disorders like Alzheimer's and dementia. It
happens because reading stimulates the brain and keeps it
active, which allows it to retain its strength and capacity.
In conclusion, every part of our body needs exercise, the same
goes for our brain. Reading gives him regular exercise and keeps
him healthy.

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