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Tips to Reduce

Stress and
Live a Better
To begin with, we should know that lifestyle can be defined as the set of behavioral patterns that characterize the general
way of living of a person or a group. Nowadays we have different lifestyles, but some of them cause problems such as
stress, depression, muscular or intestinal pains. People's habits cause the new social styles of modern man to be transformed
into an isolated individual, desperate in search of immediate satisfaction and acting compulsively, with the feeling of loss of
control, lack of clear rules and an increased dependence on electronic devices, fast food that does not provide the necessary
nutrients to meet the needs of the person.
These problems are caused because we
have a very hurried and unorganized
lifestyle, which means that we have no
free time and our basic needs such as
eating are affected and we have to
resort to fast food. Another problem is
that we use our free time to continue
working or to check our social
networks, which in the long or medium
term will give us stress; for these
problems we will present tips to lead a
better life and reduce the stress we
carry day by day. There is nothing
better to calm the nerves, to relax
properly, than to do any activity that we
find entertaining and relaxing enough
to make us forget absolutely
1.- Writing a diary is one of the best strategies to be able to
see everything that happens to you with a totally different
perspective; it allows you to capture on paper what
happens. It is not necessary to write every day, but two or
three times a week.

You can write about anything so that your nerves will

disappear as you put your ideas, feelings or desires on
paper. Because it will be almost like telling someone,
although you will be the one reflecting on the subject.
2.- You can draw if your thing is to capture it in drawings
instead of words dedicate yourself about ten or fifteen minutes
a day. Many psychologists recommend that you opt for
painting if you feel anxiety, stress, as it is not only a creative
activity but also cathartic.
3.- Playing sports, because, of all the possible hobbies, there is not
one more satisfying than sports. No matter what kind of sport,
physical activity will make your body generate endorphins, make
you feel better and help you eliminate absolutely all stress. You can
try running, weight training, bike rides, dancing at home, and so on.
There is nothing better for relaxation than physical activity and in
turn your health will improve.
4.- Enjoying the scenery can be useful for when you feel sad,
dull, or just don't feel like doing anything, the best activity you
can opt for is one that requires being in nature. All this will
help you to eliminate the stress of the city and the daily
5.- Reading can be especially useful to relax, there are so
many types of books, so many different genres, so many
stories to read that you will never be overwhelmed by not
finding a book because there will always be a book for you.
You can have it online or if you want to disconnect from
technology you can have it in physical.
One of the questions that people frequently ask themselves is "How long should I use my devices?” For
this question there are several factors, as some people need to do work, communicate with family and
friends, but here you must put a stop when this affects the rest of the person. We must put a stop to our
devices so that our brain rests from the routine and we do not suffer from stress.
With the free time we have we can practice some sport, organize outings, we can help at home, play,
organize parties, we can propose to do new things, the goal for this is to get rid of the stressful routine and
live our life, disconnect from work and the difficulties of life to learn, live and do things that we want to
do. We must take risks in order to enjoy the life we were given and not live for others to live our dreams.

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