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The Creative Burnout Experiences Of Arts And Design Students In A

Philippine University

A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to the Senior High School Research Department
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA - Molino
Brgy. Molino 3, Bacoor City, Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in


Submitted by:

AD 11-01
Group 9

Ellana, France Maxine, N.

Kuramoto, Luki Ann, M.
Pantoni, Victor, E.
Tolentino, Enzo Maranello, Y.
Valencia, Enrico, R.

Submitted to:
Mr. Jene-Paul O. Gedang

July 2023


This qualitative research entitled:

“The Creative Burnout Experiences Of Arts And Design Students In A Philippine


Prepared and submitted by:

Ellana, F. M. E., Kuramoto, L. A. M., Pantoni, V. E., Tolentino, E. M., Valencia, E.

in partial fulfilment of the requirements in

Practical Research 1: Qualitative

Was APPROVED by the research adviser, panel chair and member with a grade of PASSED
on JULY 2023.

Ms. Cyril Anne C. Tulalian, LPT


Mr. Jene-Paul O. Gedang, LPT


Ms. Marianne L. Cuarto, LPT, MAELED

Senior High School


We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who have contributed to the
completion of this research paper.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our subject teacher, Mr. Jene-Paul Gedang, for his
guidance, expertise, and valuable insights throughout the entire research process. His
unwavering support and encouragement were instrumental in shaping this study.

We are deeply grateful to the participants of this research, Ellana, France Maxine N.,
Kuramoto, Luki Ann M., Pantoni, Victor E., Tolentino, Enzo Maranello Y., Valencia, Luis
Enrico R. Whose willingness to share their experiences and insights enabled us to gather the
necessary data. Their contributions were vital in ensuring the validity and reliability of this
study’s findings.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our colleagues and friends who provided assistance during
the data collection and analysis phases. Their constructive feedback and suggestions greatly
enhanced the quality of our research.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the University of Perpetual Help System
DALTA for providing the necessary resources and facilities that facilitated the smooth
execution of this study. Their support played a crucial role in the successful completion of our

We are sincerely grateful to all those who have contributed to this research paper in any
capacity. Your support has been invaluable, and we acknowledge your efforts with utmost


Creative burnout is a phenomenon that has garnered increased attention within the field of arts
and design education. This research aims to investigate the experiences of arts and design
students in relation to creative burnout, exploring its causes, manifestations, and implications.
By understanding the factors contributing to creative burnout, educators and institutions can
develop effective strategies to support students' well-being and enhance their creative
endeavors. This qualitative study employs an exploratory approach, and utilizing in-depth
interviews with arts and design students inside the university. The research collects data on
students' lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms associated with creative
burnout. Additionally, the study examines the role of academic demands, personal
expectations, and the broader socio-cultural context in contributing to burnout symptoms
among students. Six (6) Respondents ranging from section of AD 11-01 up to AD 12-02 of the
Arts and Design strand from the University of Perpetual Help Molino shared their experiences
of being affected and challenged by Creative Burnout. Based on our framework, there were 3
main factors that influenced the experiences of Arts and Design students from Creative
Burnout. (1) Emotional exhaustion, (2) Inefficacy and, (3) Cynicism. Emotional Exhaustion
refers to the state of feeling emotionally depleted and drained as a result of persistent stress
and the accumulation of negative or challenging life events over an extended period of time.
While inefficacy is an absence of efficacy, which is a condition of not being active. Lastly,
cynicism entails emotionally distancing oneself from those being assisted, perceiving them
more as objects or cases rather than as unique individuals with their own needs and emotions.
This study investigates the coping strategies employed by arts and design students when facing
burnout. It seeks to identify both adaptive and maladaptive coping mechanisms, offering
insights into effective interventions that can be integrated into arts education to mitigate the
risk of burnout.


TITLE PAGE ………..……………………………………………………………….…....………1

APPROVAL SHEET ………..…………………………………………………………......…..... 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………..………………………………………………………………...……....... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………..…………………………………………….…………...…..... 6
………..……………………………………………………………………………………...………..... 7
DISCLAIMER ………..………………………………………………………………………………...…..... 8


Background of the Study
………..……………………………………………………………………………………...…..... 10
Research Objectives ………..………………………………………………………………...…..... 13
Review of Related Literature ………..………………………………………………………………...…..... 10-12
Theoretical Framework ………..…………………………………………………………...…..... 14-15
Conceptual Framework
………..……………………………………………………………………….…………………...…..... 15
Significance of the Study
………..…………………………………………………………………………….……………...…..... 16-17
Scope and Limitation
………..………………………………………………………………………………….………...…..... 18

Research Site ………..……………………………………………………………………...…...... 19
Respondents of the Study ………..……………………………………………………..…...…..... 19
Research Design and Data Collection ………..…………………………………………….…………....…..... 19
Data Analysis ………..……………………………………………………………………...…..... 19
Research Instrument ………..………………………………………………………………….………...…..... 19


DISCUSSION….………………………………………………….……….. 20-26


Summary ………..……………………………………………………………………...…..... 26-27
Conclusion ………..……………………………………...………………………………...…..... 27
Recommendation ………..………………………………………………………………….……...…..... 27-28
References ………..………………………………………………………..……………...…..... 29
Appendix A: Research Instrument……………………………………………………………31-35
Appendix B: Coding……………………………………………………………………..……36-86


Figure 1………………………………………………………………………………….………………………...16


This study is a product of hard work of the researchers. It has been approved and accepted by
the panel of reviewers. Hence, no part of this paper may be used without proper citation or
approval from the authors.


While it is common for one to experience creative burnout when you’re in the art field,
many would still find it frustrating. With the fact that they cannot continue to develop their
skills as they do not have the motivation nor the will to do so. Mental health is a big factor to
arts and design students as it may affect the quality of their works. A good mental health is
advised when creating artworks, as it can also be a form or motivation for people to continue
on doing what they love, and to not give up easily. “Burnout” is an effect of many causes,
while it is mainly known to experience burnout through a series of repeated actions, it can also
come from other factors. As stated by Anne Groggel, Jenny L. Davis, and Tony P. Love (2022),
it may be caused by exposure to trauma, violence, abuse, victimization, etc. Additionally, it
may also be a cause of constant self pressure and expectations. Young art aspirants, especially
teenagers and adolescents, have a higher percentage of population who experience this
phenomenon, abusing their coping mechanisms vigorously that it damages their mental health
increasing the risk of burnout.

Creative burnout —— a type of burnout for creatives. It is one of the major hindrances
amongst arts and design students’ performance values. It is an obstacle that occurs naturally.
“Burnout is a psychological syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, feelings of
cynicism and reduced personal accomplishment.” as per: Koutsimani, P., Montgomery, A., &
Georganta, K. (2019). Creative burnout and burnout are closely related —— creative burnout
is actually just burnout but for creatives, which limits their creative capacities as an artist. As
it is normal, it is still quite difficult to get through as each person’s creative burnout is different
from one another, therefore, solutions also vary.

Background of the Study


The study focuses on investigating the topic of creative burnout experienced by arts and design
students at a Philippine university. The term "creative burnout" describes a condition of
emotional, mental, and physical tiredness in anything that takes up creative effort in a person,
brought on by extended intervals of demanding creative effort. The purpose of this research is
to provide insight into the elements that contribute to creative burnout, its impact on students'
well-being and artistic productivity, and potential coping techniques to reduce its impacts.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section of paper shall focus on different themes. The first theme: Creative burnout,
shall provide necessary information to understand the topic better as a whole; the second
theme: The effects/influence of a creative burnout to a person; the third theme: How certain
people deal with burnout. To provide some additional information about how different people
handle the topic in their own unique ways and to serve as a reference for our research answers;
the fourth theme: Causes of creative burnout; and the fifth theme: process of burnout.

Creative burnout
Creative burnout is burnout for the creatives, people who use their creativity far more often
than others (Wisetwong, P., Thienthaworn, A., Jamieson, I. A., & Pasupa, S., 2022) People
who rely on their creativity on doing works such as: Photography and filming; traditional and
digital art; Animations; sculpture and pottery; etc.
Therefore, to define creative burnout, we must first define burnout as its general term.
Burnout is the result of chronic work stress, which will result in lasting damages
to a person. Burnout has 3 dimensions: Emotional exhaustion; cynicism or depersonalization;
and Reduced personal achievement. (Edú-Valsania, S., Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A., 2022)
Burnout comes and goes, it is natural in each person. However, in times where work or
productivity is affected , it is necessary to know what is the cause for these barriers and know
how to take immediate action in dealing with such.

The effects/influence of creative burnout to a person

Creative burnout can inspire creativity if it can be mastered and reflected upon, even though
it often has a negative impact on creative performance due to psychological disorder and
mental instability. Many mentally ill artists often had emotionally traumatic childhoods, which
they later expressed in their creative activities. (Forgeard, Ludwig, 2020).
Additionally, this is compatible with research on post-traumatic growth (PTG), which
shows after circumstances test a person's toughness, good mental change may result in flexible
tools. Also, these conceptualizations fit with historical associations. "Creative burnout" is the
result of a relationship between physical stress and creativity. (Zausner,Tedeschi & Calhoun,

How certain people deal with creative burnout

Personal preventative strategies such as strength management, stress management,
intellectual exercises and self-monitoring decreased burnout levels. (Ju 2021; Pueschal et al.
2018) People stated that they felt a feeling of comparative, toxic, overworked and overstressed.
To cope with burnout people in particular do physical activity, spend time with family/friends,
and play/listen to tunes to relieve stress.

Causes of creative burnout

Working in a toxic environment can cause creative burnout Jennifer, H. (2023) because this
may manifest negativity, stress, and conflict Marijana, S. (2023). Many creators turn to social
media to follow the work of their peers, as they may be more productive Anne, C. (2022), so
you compare yourself to others can lead to feelings of self-doubt, as the productivity levels of
others may fluctuate, causing negative comparisons to one’s own output. Ward, A. (2020)
points out that procrastination can be a significant sign of burnout, with those affected
struggling to complete even the most important projects on time.

Process of burnout
This States how burnout occurred, the particular reason for this circumstance is (1) having
the motivation to seek prosperity, and high expectations (2) having negative experiences
mentally and physically (3) discouragement, losing motivation, and disappointment. Edú-
Valsania, S., Laguia, A., & Moriano, J. A., (2022)

Regarding the themes used, all seemed to connect in each of their own ways. Some studies
have been cited multiple times. To conclude, creative burnout differs in a person’s experience,
factors may include: environmental factors, past experiences, current life difficulties, etc.

Statement of the Problem

The proposed study aims to answer the following questions.
1. What are the causes of creative burnout amongst arts and design students?
2. How does creative burnout affect the artwork of arts and design students?
3. How do arts and design students deal with creative burnout?
4. How does creative burnout affect Arts and Design students’ daily lives?

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to gather necessary data about creative burnout amongst artists’, and inform
creatives about the experiences of respondents and their views regarding the topic.
We should be able to:
1. Identify the causes of creative burnout amongst arts and design students.
2. Enumerate the reasons on how the creative burnout affect the arts and design students’
3. Describe how Arts and Design students deal with creative burnout and their perspective
towards the topic.
4. Describe how Creative Burnout affects Arts and Design students' daily lives.

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework


The multidimensional theory of burnout, in contrast to unidimensional models of stress,

conceptualizes burnout in terms of its three main manifestations: emotional weariness,
depersonalization or cynicism, and reduced personal accomplishment, commonly known as
inefficacy. This theory holds that burnout is a stress-related personal experience that affects a
person's self- and other-concepts within a setting of intricate social interactions. Maslach
(1993); Jackson and Maslach (1981, 1986).
The main causes of emotional exhaustion are work overload and interpersonal conflict at
work. Employees experience feelings of being emotionally overextended and depleted of their
emotional resources, and they lack the energy to face another day or another person in need.
The emotional exhaustion component of burnout represents the fundamental individual stress
Depersonalization or cynicism refers to a negative, cynical, or excessively detached
response to other people, which often includes a loss of idealism. It usually develops in
response to the overload of emotional exhaustion, and is self-protective at first an emotional
buffer of detached concern. But the risk is that the detachment can turn into dehumanization.
The depersonalization component represents the interpersonal dimension of burnout. Reduced
personal accomplishment refers to a decline in feelings of competence and productivity at
work. This lowered sense of self-efficacy has been linked to depression and an inability to cope
with the demands of the job, and it can be exacerbated by a lack of social support and of
opportunities to develop professionally. Workers may self-impose a verdict of failure as a
result of their rising sense of inadequacy regarding their capacity to assist clients. The personal
accomplishment component represents the self-evaluation factor of burnout.
This three-dimensional approach is significant because it amplifies the social context of
each person's experience of stress. The interpersonal structure of the condition has been what
makes burnout stand out from other types of stress reactions. Relationships in work, whether

they be with clients, coworkers, or superiors, have long been fundamental to descriptions of
burnout. These connections can be a source of both emotional challenges and rewards. They
can also be a way to deal with the stress of the job, and they frequently take the brunt of
burnout's bad effects. Therefore, if one were to view burnout in isolation and only pay attention
to the component of personal tiredness, they would completely miss the phenomenon.
The multidimensional theory incorporates the one dimension of exhaustion and extends it
by adding two additional dimensions: response toward others (depersonalization) and response
toward self (reduced personal accomplishment). In this way, it differs significantly from earlier
unidimensional models of burnout. The addition of these two dimensions expands burnout
beyond preconceived notions of occupational stress and adds something to the idea of an
individual stress response. (For instance, Pines et al., 1981; Freudenberger and Richelson,
Even if they have not been specifically taken into account within a multidimensional
framework, it is interesting to note that these three factors have in fact been mentioned in the
majority of the many discussions on burnout. Depersonalization has been characterized as
having unfavorable attitudes toward clients, losing one's sense of purpose, and becoming
irritable. Similarly, reduced personal accomplishment has been characterized as having low
productivity or capability, low morale, withdrawal, and an inability to cope.
figure 1

Significance of the Study

The data in this study may be of huge help to arts and design students, additionally, it will
serve as a foundation to do further research on the topic. furthermore, this paper may be of
importance to the following people:

ARTS AND DESIGN STUDENTS. It can give the students more ideas on the reasons why
they get creative burnout as well as how it can negatively affect their work and different ways
how to deal with it, by letting them know about creative burnout and how they can help and
assist the students suffering from it. For example, students get creative burnout due to many
stress triggers. Self-doubt, perfectionism, rigid deadlines, and overambition. Our research will
help them to overcome these reasons and help them to avoid these stress triggers. By avoiding
it, it can help them make a better piece of art.

PARENTS. This research can help the parents recognize the warning signs and early indicators
of burnout in their artistically inclined children. Parents can gain an understanding pressures
and stressors that artists experience. Parents can learn about the significance of self care
practices,time management,and stress reduction techniques for artists .By familiarizing
themselves with these challenges, parents can encourage their children to prioritize their mental
and physical health with appropriate support and guidance.

TEACHERS. This research can help the teachers to further understand the student's situation
when it comes to them experiencing creative burnout. This research can give them more
knowledge about what their students are going through and how they can help them to
overcome creative burnout.

WORKING ARTISTS. This research is supposed to guide working artists on how to

overcome creative burnout and be aware of their future career. Students may also learn about
this and be ready to fight against this major phenomenon. Art is a highly competitive field, and
working artists must take proactive steps to build their reputation, connect with other artists
and professionals in the industry, and market their work effectively. They must also be
adaptable and open to new opportunities, such as taking on commissions or exploring new
mediums or subjects.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. Research on creative burnout among arts students has

significant implications for future researchers. It can deepen our understanding of the unique
challenges faced by arts students, inform interventions and support systems, and explore the
consequences of burnout. Future researchers studying creative burnout may contribute to the
understanding of the prevalence, causes, consequences, coping mechanisms, and interventions
related to the topic.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on exploring the creative burnout specifically among Arts and Design
students enrolled in a Philippine University. It aims to investigate the factors contributing to
creative burnout, its impact on students' academic and artistic performance, and potential
coping strategies employed by the students.
The study will be conducted only in a specific Philippine university, limiting the
generalizability of the findings to other institutions or contexts. The research will primarily
focus on Arts and Design students, the research will primarily rely on qualitative interviews,
which may be subject to participant biases and limitations in capturing the full range of

Definition of Terms
• Creative burnout - Creative burnout is a state of overwhelming exhaustion that affects
physical, emotional, and creative aspects of life. It combines anxiety, stress, and guilt
and can take a long time to overcome.
• Emotional exhaustion - Emotional exhaustion is the state of feeling emotionally
depleted and drained as a result of persistent stress and the accumulation of negative or
challenging life events over an extended period of time.
• Depersonalization/cynicism - Entails emotionally distancing oneself from those being
assisted, perceiving them more as objects or cases rather than as unique individuals
with their own needs and emotions.
• Inefficacy - an absence of efficacy, which is a condition of not being active.


Research Site: This study was conducted in the University of Perpetual Help Dalta, located in
Molino 3 Bacoor, Cavite. Founded by Antonio Laperal Tamayo and Daisy Moran Tamayo on
the 5th of February 1975.
Participants Characteristics. The researchers gathered all necessary data amongst Arts and
Design students. The researchers selected their respondents using a purposive sampling
method. 2 respondents were picked in each section to participate (1 female and 1 male) , AD
11-02, AD 12-01, and AD 12-02, which in total makes it 6 respondents.
Research Instrument. The researchers did a one-on-one interview with a structured set of
questions, these questions are formulated based on the research objectives, three questions
were formulated for each objectives,
Data Gathering Procedure. The researchers did a one-on-one interview for 6 respondents.
During the data collection, the respondents’ answers were recorded through an audio recorder
and the important details were noted. Responses were transcribed, translated, and coded using
the open, axial, and selective coding.
Data Analysis. Collected data through a structured form of one-on-one interview. The
responses of the respondents were coded using the open, axial, and selective coding. Themes
were generated from the selective coding. Results were discussed per objective and per the
generated themes from the codes. Each theme was discussed and a respondent was cited to
provide further support for the discussion.


This chapter presents the results and discussions that the researchers have gathered and the
implications of the findings. The participants of this study are all students from the University
of Perpetual Help System DALTA. A total of 6 participants were engaged to participate in this
research, allowing for an in-depth exploration of the phenomenon. Here, the researchers should
be able to answer the paper’s objectives and provide the necessary data to prove the
multidimensional theory of Maslach.

1. Identify the causes of creative burnout amongst arts and design students.

1.1. Self-sabotaging behavior

Many Artists who have self-sabotaging behaviors tend to also suffer from Creative Burnout.
Self-sabotaging traits such as self-criticism, insecurity, lack of self esteem, overworking, too
high expectations on oneself, and many more are one of the main causes on why Artists
experience Creative Burnout. According to respondent #1 “It’s mostly reliant on my
emotions.” An Artist expresses themselves through art, and when different kinds of negative
emotions take over, it’ll disrupt the creative thinking of the artist. Respondent #3 mentioned,
“When I look around other artists’ artworks, it always makes me feel insecure about my works,
and that causes me to lose motivation.” They also mentioned having little to no confidence in
their work and feeling anxious about going out of their comfort zone, which all equivalents to
1.2. Factors resulting in inefficacy
Based on Maslach’s multidimensional theory in burnout, inefficacy is one of the variables in
having a burnout. Being inefficient may be caused by: lack of motivation, lack of clear goals,
feelings of laziness, clashing or overwhelming imaginations, creative block, tiredness, and etc.
As stated by respondent #2 “Usually, I don’t do anything about it (creative burnout), but it took

me a while to get the creative back.” The amount of time wasted in this timeframe is important
as every second is an opportunity to improve yourself to be a better artist.
1.3. Factors leading to emotional and mental exhaustion
These factors are; Feeling stressed out, fear of failure, anxiety, lack of motivation and
inspiration, and etc. Respondent #4 stated, “It (Creative Burnout) often comes from the anxiety
that I feel whenever I see someone else who’s really good at art, and it often leads to me
comparing myself.”
1.4. Directly facing creative burnout
As the only respondent who has an entirely different answer, respondent #3 stated “I keep
thinking of new art to create, but my limitless imagination is also the reason why I finished the
manga that I was creating.” They saw creative burnout as a challenge to pursue and keep on
pushing no matter what.

2. Enumerate the reasons on how the Creative Burnout affects the Arts and Design
Students’ artworks.

2.1. Self-sabotaging behaviors

Self-sabotaging behaviors not only affect the artists’, but also the artists’ artworks. As
mentioned earlier, artists’ express themselves through art, an artist's mental, emotional, and
physical state contributes to having a creative burnout. Respondent #1 stated their experiences,
“ I mostly feel restrained by expectations, my expectations are often too high.” Additionally,
“Which hinders my ability to project my ideas into reality.” This state may cause an artist to
feel burnt as it hinders their ability to express themselves through creative works.

2.2 Factors resulting in inefficacy

One of the main reasons for creative burnout is inefficacy. Some factors of inefficacy are that
they can't produce satisfactory artwork and hinder improvement. One of the main reasons for

burnout is inefficacy. Some factors of inefficacy are, can't produce satisfactory artwork and
hinder improvement. As stated by respondent #2 "It can affect the quality of artwork cause if
you're not interested in your drawings, how will you be able to be satisfied with the results".

2.3. Positive view towards creative burnout. Can actually help the artist
Creative burnout can benefit artists by providing a fresh perspective, promoting self-reflection
and growth, reigniting passion, building resilience, fostering empathy, and encouraging a
balanced approach to work and well-being. It serves as a catalyst for personal and artistic
development, leading to innovative and meaningful creations. As stated by the respondent no.
4, "They'll draw what they feel, so like they'll express their feelings and what they feel at that
time,in a way that they can be original because it comes from the artists themselves."

2.4. Factors leading to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

These factors include; insecurity, fear of failure, lack of motivation/inspiration, laziness,
avoiding criticism, losing muscle memory, and self-doubt. These factors are the cause of
comparing themselves to others. As stated by respondent no. 4, "Yes, as I said before, for me
it often comes from the anxiety that I feel whenever I see someone else who’s really good at
art and it often leads to me comparing myself to them."

3. Describe how Arts and Design students deal with creative burnout and their
perspective towards the topic.

3.1. Factors resulting in inefficacy

Inefficacy is one of the main reasons for creative burnout. Some factors that lead to inefficacy
are not being able to do anything, self doubt, boredom, lack of creativity, hindering
improvement, loss of enthusiasm and distrust of oneself. As stated by respondent #1 "I've
become extremely prone to procrastination, never finishing everything, never reaching my own
expectations''. They always think of new art to create and set expectations but never reach it.

3.2. Factors leading to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

These factors are laziness, self-insecurities, Self Doubt, inability to be creative and avoid
criticism, losing muscle memory and motivation, an unwell mental state, loss of enthusiasm
and distrust of oneself. As stated by respondent #1 "I couldn't bring myself to act up, I just
stayed in bed. My physical being was in conjunction with my mental being, like I wasn’t taking
any action, I wasn’t doing anything, my body wasn’t practicing drawing because I just kept
thinking, “Oh! I can’t handle this!” I excessively doubted myself, thinking that I couldn’t do

3.3. Self-sabotaging behaviors

Self-sabotaging behaviors affect the artwork of the artist and also the artist themselves, some
factors for self sabotaging are too high expectations set on oneself and thinking negatively. As
stated by respondent #5 "it’s my expectation, my own expectation, like I didn't meet it, of
course it also disappointed me, and that's what I blame on myself and the burnout.".

3.4. Positive view towards creative burnout. Can actually help the artist
Respondents said that some factors of creative burnout are positive, these factors don't really
affect on a daily basis and are facing the problem. As stated by respondent #6 "Creative
burnout doesn't affect me daily". This means that not everyone is affected by creative burnout

4. Describe how Creative Burnout affects Arts and Design students' daily lives.

4.1. Directly facing Creative Burnout

“My best coping mechanism is being at peace with yourself.” As per respondent #6’s words.
Directly facing Creative Burnout. Facing the problem and not running away is a great trait
especially when dealing with a problem in which many are struggling to deal with.

4.2. Use of indirect ways to avoid handling Creative Burnout

Using indirect methods such as focusing on different things such as: other hobbies, academics,
work, and etc. As per respondent #6 “I usually focus much more on different things and not
just only on creating artwork.” Respondent #5 also stated, “To handle Creative Burnout, I take
a break from art” additionally, “I still have many hobbies and interests, not just drawing.” And
to top it off, “So, in the meantime, I’m gonna indulge in my other hobbies then.”

4.3. Just go with the flow

Going with the flow, a mindset that many of the population have. Respondent #1 having a very
unique answer. “I’ve learned not to be a perfectionist when it comes to art. I just need to go
with the flow.”

4.4. Both positive and negative views towards Creative Burnout

Of course, there are people who can’t pick between the two, which is a very neutral point of
view. Respondent #1 stated that it is both positive and negative, because Creative burnout
results in overall emotional exhaustion, however, it can become a positive learning experience
as Creative Burnout can help identify areas that need further improvement. As per respondent
#1, both the negative and positive balances each other out, and it depends on the capability of
an artist to navigate through it.

4.5. Positive views towards Creative Burnout

It’s amazing at how many respondents had a positive view towards Creative Burnout, it is one
of the many good signs to witness. It is honestly nice to see people learning to navigate through
their hardships no matter how hard it is. Respondent #6 saw it as a “positive learning
experience”, while respondent #3 saw it as an opportunity to improve.

4.6. Negative views towards Creative Burnout

Few respondents had negative views towards Creative Burnout. According to respondent #2
its “A bit of both but more on the negative side” as one of the very few respondents who had

a negative view towards burnout, their view isn’t purely negative. To continue, “ It’s (burnout)
like you really want to draw but you don’t have the passion, ideas, inspirations, and

Data analysis using the multidimensional theory by Maslach

This section of the paper shall provide further evidence on Maslach’s multidimensional theory
on burnout. The researchers have gathered and analyzed data based on the 3 factors on
Maslach’s theory, the factors are: Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization/cynicism, and

Emotional Exhaustion
This state of exhaustion goes beyond physical tiredness and extends to emotional and
psychological depletion. Many of the respondents have experienced emotional exhaustion, and
not only that, but also physical and mental exhaustion.

This dissociative state can be distressing and disruptive to daily life, causing difficulties in
forming and maintaining relationships, performing daily tasks, and experiencing a sense of
self. Self-sabotaging behaviors have led to depersonalization/cynicism. Many of the
respondents have started to “lose motivation” to continue to finish their work, and a few have
also lost their confidence in themselves.

This feeling can be particularly frustrating and demotivating, as it hampers individuals'
willingness to engage in goal-directed behaviors and pursue meaningful endeavors. Creative
Burnout resulted in inefficacy, as per the respondents’ answers, it greatly hindered their


This study aimed to explore the effects of Creative Burnout, a condition experienced by
Arts and Design students in creative fields. This research aims to provide a thorough
understanding of the challenges faced by arts and design students, highlighting the implications
for their well-being, academic performance, overall artistic development and study on the
experiences of arts and design students with Creative Burnout delves into a comprehensive
exploration of various factors contributing to burnout in this particular population.

This study identifies various factors influencing Creative Burnout among arts and design
students, aiming to provide recommendations and enhance the understanding of their
experiences. The research identified multiple contributing factors to Creative Burnout,
including high academic demands, time pressure, perfectionism, and self-criticism These
factors often result in emotional exhaustion, decreased motivation, and a decline in creative
This study recommends implementing interventions at both individual and institutional
levels. At an individual level, students can benefit from stress management techniques, such
as mindfulness and self-care practices. Encouraging a healthy work-life balance and promoting
open discussions about mental health can also help students cope with burnout.

Based on the data provided and the findings of the study, it can be concluded that creative
burnout is a significant phenomenon affecting Arts and Design students. The research sheds
light on the various factors contributing to Creative Burnout, such as excessive workload, high
expectations, self-criticism, and limited resources.

The research sheds light on the various factors contributing to creative burnout, such as
excessive workload, high expectations, self-criticism, and limited resources. It underscores the
need for educational institutions to implement supportive measures, such as providing mental
health resources, promoting a balanced workload, and fostering a nurturing environment that
encourages self-expression and self-care.

Furthermore, the study highlights the potential long-term consequences of Creative

Burnout, including decreased motivation, reduced artistic engagement, and compromised
overall development. By recognizing and addressing the challenges associated with creative
burnout, educators, parents, and stakeholders can work together to create a conducive
environment that supports students' creativity, resilience, and holistic growth.


Establish Partnerships. Partnerships with arts organizations, academic institutions, and

professional associations to foster a collaborative approach to data collection. These
partnerships can provide access to a diverse range of artists and valuable expertise to design
comprehensive studies on creative burnout.

Literature Review. Conduct a thorough literature review on creative burnout in artists. They
should explore academic journals, books, and reputable online sources to gather existing
knowledge on the topic. This will provide a solid foundation and help identify any research
gaps that can be addressed in their own study.

Recruit Diverse Participants. Ensure the inclusion of a diverse range of artists across
different disciplines, backgrounds, and career stages. This diversity will provide a more
comprehensive understanding of creative burnout and its unique manifestations in various
artistic contexts. In this way,it contributes to a deeper understanding of creative burnout in

artists, informs the development of interventions and support systems, and ultimately helps
improve the well-being and sustainability of artists in various creative domains.
Artistic Outputs. Consider analyzing the artistic outputs of artists who have experienced
burnout. Examine changes in their artwork, themes, and styles over time to identify potential
correlations with burnout. This approach can provide valuable insights into the impact of
burnout on artistic expression.

Collaboration with Artists. Involve artists in the research process by collaborating with them
as co-researchers or advisors. Their expertise and insights can contribute to developing relevant
research questions, ensuring the research design aligns with artistic practices, and enhancing
the credibility of the study.


Andrews, W. (2020) How to Know if You’re Suffering from Creative Burnout (And What To
Do About It)

Cunff, A. (2022) Creative burnout: When the Creativity Tap Runs Dry.
symptoms%20of%20 creative%20 burnout.

Edú-Valsania, S., Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A. (2022). Burnout: A review of theory and
measurement. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(3),

Jennifer, H. (2023) 9 Causes of Burnout (With Helpful Ways To Manage It)

Ju, Y. (2021), Pueschal, A. (2018), creative burnout: suffocating the future of


Koutsimani, P., Montgomery, A., & Georganta, K. (2019). The relationship between burnout,
depression, and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in

Marijana, S. (2023) Toxic Work Environment: red flags and tips.

Maslach, Christina; Jackson, Susan E.; Leiter, P. Michael; Schaufeli, Wilmar B., 1996.
Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)

Maslach, C., & Zimbardo, P. (2021). Burnout.

Maslach, 1993; Maslach and Jackson, 1981, 1986

Schonfeld, I. S., Bianchi, R., & Palazzi, S. (2018). What is the difference between depression
and burnout? An ongoing debate.

Appendix A:
Research Instrument


The Creative Burnout Experiences Of Arts And Design Students In A Philippine

Ellana, F. M., Kuramoto, L. A., , Pantoni, V. A., Tolentino, E. M., Valencia, E.

Date of Interview: June 2023

Group/Person Interviewed: Respondent no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

Place of Interview: University of Perpetual Help DALTA - Molino

Interview Completed by: Ellana, France Maxine N., Kuramoto, Luki Ann M., Pantoni,
Victor Alexander E., Tolentino, Enzo Maranello Y., Valencia, Enrico R.

Instruction/Opening Statement:

I am Kuramoto, Luki Ann M., a researcher in the University of Perpetual Help – Molino. I am
conducting a study about The Creative Burnout Experiences Of Arts And Design Students
In A Philippine University

The purpose of meeting with you today is to know your thoughts, feelings, experiences toward
the duration of creative burnout. You are chosen as one of the respondents because first: you
are an artist and second: you have experienced creative burnout.

Any information that you will share will remain confidential. Nothing you say will be
personally attributed to you in any reports that result from this interview. All of the reports will
be written in a manner that no individual comment can be attributed to a particular person.

Your participation in this interview is totally voluntary. Are you willing to answer some

Do you have any questions before we begin?

(If none): Okay, let us start!

Please tell me something about yourself/introduce yourself.

(Proceed with the actual questions)

Objectives Interview Questions Interviewer’s Reflective

Comments Notes

#1: identify the causes 1a. What are your experiences

of Creative Burnout with dealing with creative
amongst Arts and burnout? Please narrate your
Design students. experience.

1b. What do you think are the

causes on why you experienced
creative burnout?
Probe: What do you think are the
reasons behind those causes?
(What are the possible factors)

1c. Among these causes, which of

these causes has the biggest
impact on you? and why?
#2: Enumerate the 2a. Why do you think creative
reasons on how the burnout can affect the quality of
Creative Burnout your artwork?
affects the Arts and
Design students’ 2b. In what ways does creative
artworks. burnout hinder the artistic
expression and originality of arts
and design students' works?

2c. From your own experiences,

what do you think are the long-
term effects of creative burnout
on the overall artistic

improvement in the arts and

design students artworks?

#3: Describe how 3a. How did creative burnout

Creative Burnout affect your daily routine and
affects Arts and Design productivity?
students’ daily lives.
3b. What is your most difficult
experience of creative burnout?

3c. Did creative burnout resulted

in exhaustion physically,
emotionally, or mentally? Which
one and how so?

#4: Describe how Arts 4a. What are the things you do to
and Design students handle creative burnout?
deal with Creative
Burnout. 4b. What is your best coping
mechanism to deal with creative

4c. Did you view creative burnout

as a negative factor or as a
positive learning experience?


In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Presented to:

Mr. Jene-Paul O. Gedang

Subject Teacher, Practical Research 1: Qualitative

Presented by:

Ellana, France Maxine, N.

Kuramoto, Luki Ann, M.

Pantoni, Victor, E.

Tolentino, Enzo Maranello, Y.

Valencia, Enrico, R.

AD 11-01




TOPIC: Data gathering

Goal: To document and show how the researchers gather data.
Role: Students will be the researchers of their chosen field of specialization.
Audience: Teacher and students will serve as the audience for these researchers.
Situation: Data Collection
Product: Documentation of data gathering

STANDAR Ratin Weigh Scor

4 3 2 1
DS g t e
Content The content The content The content Content is
is clear. It is generally may be unclear or
maintains clear, vague. It confusing. X3

focus on though it may lose or It may fail

topic/subject may or may may exhibit to establish
throughout not be major lapses focus on
the paper. explicitly in focus on topic/subje
stated. It topic/subjec ct.
may exhibit t.
lapses in
focus on
Personal All Most of the Some of the Few of the X2
Reflection reflections reflections reflections reflections

include include include include

personal personal personal personal
reactions reactions reactions reactions
that are that are that are that are
descriptive descriptive descriptive descriptive
and and and and
insightful insightful insightful insightful
and relate to and relate and relate to and relate
the state to the state the state to the state
principle. principle. principle. principle.
Required The All Only few Several X2
Elements documentati required required required
on includes elements elements are elements
all required are missing. are
elements as included. missing.
well as
Mechanics The Information Information Information
and information is is not that is not
Organizatio is very organized. organized. organized
n organized. Almost no There are and there is x3

No grammatica few an
grammatical, l, spelling, grammatical unacceptabl
spelling, or or , spelling, or e number
punctuation punctuation punctuation of
errors errors. errors. grammar,

TOTAL: 40 points


Before the interview initiates, we prepared the following things we will be needing for the interview;
interview area, phones for documentation, food, questions, and any additional required materials.

We also ensured the the interview equipment and recording devices were properly set up and tested
for smooth proceedings.

We bought some food as a token of gratitude for giving their time for the interview.

Then the group members collectively reimbursed the individual who had initially covered the
expenses, ensuring fairness.5

As part of our professional approach, we crafted a concise and polite speech to formally excuse our
respondents for the interview protocol.

This allowed us to maintain professionalism and show respect for their time and commitments.

The questions are carefully crafted to obtain specific information and capture diverse
perspectives from the respondents.

We considered the research objectives and tailored the questions to ensure they were clear,
concise, and relevant to the topic at hand.

We also incorporated open-ended and probing question to encourage participants to share

their insights, experiences, and opinions freely.


The interview proceeded with a brief introduction about the research objectives and the
significance of the respondent’s input in contributing to the study.

This helped create a conductive and informed environment for the participants to share their
perspectives and provide meaningful responses.

During the interview, one of our research team members diligently took notes, capturing key
points, important insights, and any additional comments said by the respondents.

This ensured that no valuable information was missed and provided a reliable reference for
further analysis and interpretation of the data.

We made sure to emphasize the importance and value of their insights by expressing our
gratitude for their participation and acknowledging their contribution they were making to
our research.


After obtaining the responses from the respondents, the research team meticulously reviewed and
analyse the data.

This involved organizing the information, identifying patterns, themes, and extracting key insights.

After the data collection, the leader assigned each research team member with specific respondents’
responses to analyse and evaluate.

This division of tasks allowed for a thorough examination of the data, ensuring comprehensive insight
were derived from the interviews.

Each team member carefully reviewed and interpreted the responses assigned to them, considering
the research objectives and seeking patterns, themes, and meaningful connections within the data.

The team members collaborated and discussed their individual findings by sharing insights and
observations to gain a broader perspective and ensure a comprehensive analysis of the collected data.

Instructions: Kindly, answer each of the following questions below in at least five sentences.

1. How did you gather your data? (Explain the step-by-step process)
The researchers made objectives and research questions to be answered by the
respondents. The respondents will answer four questions and one follow up question.
The researchers will ask six respondents to be interviewed. The researchers then
interviewed the respondents in a one-on-one interview. The researchers then
transcribed the data collected, after transcribing the audio or video from the interview.

The researchers then encoded the data collected and used those data to answer the
research objectives and research questions.

2. What are the initial general findings from your data? Have you answered all the
research objectives through your data collection?
The researchers found necessary data and it lines up to our research objectives and
questions. The researchers answered the objectives and data through encoding the
data collected from the interview. The researchers identified the causes of creative
burnout among arts and design students. Respondents said that creative burnout
affected them positively and negatively and said that creative burnout made their
artworks better. The respondents stated that they deal with creative burnout by
improving their artworks. Respondents said that their daily life was affected because
they feel lazy, tired and exhausted.

3. What are the challenges that you have encountered during the data collection?
Background noises, location comfortability and time management. The researchers
had a problem with background noises as it can affect the video or audio of the data
collection. Location comfortability, the researchers had problems with finding a
comfortable location to interview the respondents, because some rooms were already
taken by other researchers. Time management, because the researchers already have
other tasks to finish and are having a hard time to schedule an interview.

4. How did you overcome the challenges?

For the background noise problems the researchers put the cellphone or microphone
close to the respondents. The researchers just accepted those challenges because they
had no choice. The researchers thought of ways to navigate through instead of

ignoring the challenges. The researchers overcame the challenges by looking for a
more quiet and peaceful place to do an interview.

5. What have you learned from your experience?

The researchers learned that creative burnout has positive and negative effects based
on how a person will deal with it, some used it as a way to improve their art. The
researchers learned from the research study that creative burnout is a more common
mental occurrence amongst senior high school students under the Arts and Design
strand. From my experience, as with the documentation of the interview, it is quite
hard for me to get an angle considering I'm not an experienced photographer, it took
several amounts of clicking to get a perfect image for the documentation paper. The
researchers learned to listen to the different views of people and not to judge them
quickly and that people have different situations but at the end of the day they have
the same view on one thing. During the interview with an individual who has an
experience with creative burnout, the researcher learned valuable insights into the
challenges and lessons associated with this phenomenon. They explained how
creative burnout stemmed from a combination of self-imposed pressure, external
expectations, and the constant need to produce original and innovative work. This
interview shed light on the necessity of pacing oneself, embracing imperfection, and
prioritizing self-care to sustain creativity and prevent burnout in the long run.

Appendix B

1. Identify the causes of Creative Burnout amongst Arts and Design students.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #1 Coding Coding
1a. for my 1a. for my Stressful. Self Self Self-
experiences, it has experiences, it has criticism. criticism sabotaging
been stressful for been stressful for behavior
me especially me especially
when I have an when I have an
idea in my mind idea in my mind
but I don't plan on but I don't plan on
projecting it into projecting it into
reality which reality which
causes me to self causes me to sel
criticize or criticize criticize or criticize
myself a lot due to myself a lot due to
that reason, and I that reason, and I
think ayun lang think so that's all I
ang masasabi ko. can say.
1b. I think it's 1b. I think it's Stressed out, Comparing Factors
mostly ano, because I usually Comparing oneself oneself to leading to
because I usually get stressed out to others, which others, emotional
get stressed out whether it will be causes insecurity. which and mental
then whether it will emotionally, and causes exhaustion
be emotionally and another thing is insecurity.
another thing is yung insecurity,

yung insecurity, um, I usually

um, I usually compare my
compare my myself to other
myself to other artists which
artists which causes me to feel
causes me to feel insecure and then I
insecure and then I don't finish my
don't finish my artwork after
artwork after feeling envious of
feeling envious of afterwards
lang afterwards.
PROBE: PROBE: Reliant on Lack of Self-
mmmmm, I think mmmmm, I think, emotions. Feeling self esteem sabotaging
just like I said it's just like I said it's of envy. behavior
more on, it's mostly reliant on
mostly reliant on my emotions, for
my emotions, para example, I got
ano umm, depende, envious on that
kung example na- thing, more like "I
envious ako sa don't want to do
bagay na yun more this anymore" so I
like parang naiisip get creative
ko na "ahhhh di ko burnout which
na to kayang causes me not to
gawin!" So finalize some of
nagkakaroon ako my artwork.
ng creative burnout
which causes me to

not finish some of

my artworks.
1c. Ano, uhm… I 1c. I think the Bad impact Impacts Both
think ung pinaka biggest impact I've because of were both positive
malaking impact experienced is pocrastination, good and and
na naranasan ko is procrastination. I self- bad. negative
procrastination. have realized that insecurities and impact.
Narealize ko na the reason that self-criticism.
yung reason na doesn't start Good
hindi ano nag sstart projects or finish for improvement.
ng projects or them is because it's
nakakatapos kasi… the effect of
yun nga creative creative burnout.
burnout. And it’s And it's mostly
mostly ano… caused by self-
caused by self insecurities. It
insecurities, seems I'm prone to
parang… prone self-criticizing and
ako sa self then comparing
criticizing and then myself to other
comparing myself people, but I know
to other people, it's normal, but, at
pero I know it’s the same time
normal, pero at the there's also a
same time may positive side
positive side din because burnout is
naman, kasi yung what pushes me,
burnout yun yung especially envy, to

nagpupush sakin finish my artwork

especially yung or what else I need
envy, pinupush ako to improve on, so
na like, tapusin at the same time,
yung artwork ko or both impacts on
ano pa yung me were good and
kailangan kong i bad.
improve, kaya at
the same time, both
impacts on me
were good and bad,
parang ganun.

Actual Responses Translation Open Axial Coding Selective

Respondent #2 Codes Coding

1a. Yung 1a. My experience Struggle for Lack of Factors

experience ko pag when I have creative getting motivation resulting
may create burnout, usually I don't creativity in
burnout ako, do anything about it, back. Doing inefficacy
usually wala but it took me a while to nothing
akong ginagawa get the creativity back, until the
about it, pero ang actually, ive been motivation
tagal ko makuha experiencing it this comes
yung creativeness school year, I think in back.
back, actually ive the second semester it
been experiencing suddenly

it this school disappeared..suddenly I

year, i think nung got burnout in the arts I.
second semester Like, I didn't draw
biglang nawala anything at all! I don't
yung..bigla akong want just one line.
nagka burnout sa That's the bag, but what
arts ko. Like, did I talk about drawing
wala talaga akong this month and it was
naddrawing man! also satisfying. But
Isang line palang that's why I usually
ayoko na. Yun tas don't do anything, until
pero ano may creativity returns to me.
nakwento akong Creative burnout is just
drawing this a boomerang you
month and it was know?
satisfying din.
Pero yun nga
usually wala
akong ginagawa,
until bumalik
sakin yung
Creative burnout
is just a
boomerang you

1b. Causes? 1b. Causes? Maybe it's Lack of Exhaustion and

Siguro ano lack lack of motivation and motivation lack of clear
of motivation and lack of inspiration like and lack of goals
lack of inspiration that, it's like I'm lazy inspiration.
parang ganon, because I have no idea No idea on
parang tinatamad what I'm going to draw what to
na ko kasi wala or if I've drawn but it's draw.
na kong ideya not up to my standard,
kung anong it's ugly, it's not what I
iddrawing ko or if think like that. There is
nadrawing ko also a part of envy
pero di pasok sa towards other artists
standard ko, that makes you want to
parang ampangit, give up, because they
di ito yung iniisip seem to be better than
ko parang ganon. you, then suddenly you
Tas ano din may give up because you
isang part na envy think your art is not
sa ibang artist na enough.
parang gusto mo
nang mag give
up, kasi parang
mas better sila
sayo, bigla ka na
lang mag gigive
up kasi you think
your art is not

PROBE : PROBE: Reasons? Lack of Lack of Factors

Reasons? Siguro Maybe lack of confidence confidence resulting
lack of confidence in your own in your own and experiences in
confidence in art and yourself. That's art. Lack of resulting in inefficacy
your own art and all I can say aside from experiences boredom.
yourself. Yun experiences, maybe in art
lang masasabi ko lack of experiences in resulting in
aside from art, like you only boredom.
experiences explore a little so you
siguro lack of get bored right away.
experiences sa
art, like konti
lang yung
ineexplore mo
kaya nabored ka

1c. Yung envy 1c. The envy among Envy Lack of self Self-
among other artist other artist like because among esteem sabotaging
like kasi di talaga I'm not really confident other behavior
ako confident in in my own art, not artists. Lack
my own art, di because mostly I just of
kasi mostly I just use bases, you know confidence
use bases, alam what's on pinterest. in oneself.
mo yung sa ano That's all I can imagine,
pinterest. Yun so I don't have
lang inaano ko, confidence because the

kaya wala akong concept doesn't come

confidence kasi di from me. I'm the only
galing sakin yung owner of the designs as
concept. Ako lang well as the color, but
may ari nung the anatomy itself is not
designs saka mine so I'm not really
color, pero yung proud of it.
anatomy mismo
di sakin so di ko
siya masiyado

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Respondent #3 Coding
1a. Ano po ang na The experience that Feeling fatigue Feeling lazy Factors
experience ko diyan I had in creative and sometimes resulting
is nag start ako burnout was when I laziness. in
gumawa ng isang was making my inefficacy
original manga ko original manga and
and everytime na everytime that I'm
gumagawa ako non, working on it, there
may times na are times that I feel
napapagod ako and lazy. I kept
times na tinatamad thinking that
ako, parang iniisip maybe I should
ko na wag ko stop on making it
nalang muna ituloy because I feel lazy
kase nakakatamad and it's also hard to

na and think of new scenes

nakakapagod sa for the manga.
kamay and
nakakapagod sa isip
mag isip ng mga
pwedeng gawing
scenes sa ginagawa
kong manga.
1b. Siguro dahil na Maybe that's also Overwhelming Overwhelming
din yun sa dami ng because of the imaginations. imaginations.
tumatakbo sa isip amount of different
mo na iba't ibang imaginations
imaginations kaya running through
hanggang habang your mind, so
nangyayari yon while that happens,
naiipon siya nang it accumulates and
naiipon hanggang accumulates until
sa parang tatamarin you feel like you're
ka nalang din and going to stop and
mapapagod kana get tired because
kasi meron ka pang you still have
sisimulan na isang something to do,
art meron ka ulit yet you're already
maiisip, hanggang thinking of
sa ma-aart block ka something else,
and hindi mo na then you'll
maisip kung experience an art
itutuloy mo pa ba block and you can't

siya o magsisimula decide whether to

ka ng bago ulit. continue doing
what you want to
do or start a new
PROBE: siguro It's also because of Feeling fatigue Fatigue
ano, dahil na din the fatigue of an mostly because because of
nga sa pagod ng artist because as an of overwhelming
isang artist kasi artist it's inevitable overwhelming imaginations.
bilang artist di that you'll get tired, imaginations.
naman maiiwasan it's especially tiring
na mapagod ka, to make art even if
nakakapagod lalo it's traditional or
talaga gumawa ng digital, you'll get
art kahit traditional tired and tired
man yan or digital, because the things
mapapagod at running through
mapapagod ka kasi your mind are
yung mga bagay na limitless, there is
tumatakbo sa isip no end and until
mo is limitless, you see art that you
wala yang can make, you will
katapusan and accumulate it
hanggang because you will be
nakakakita ka ng inspired to do it.
mga pwedeng
gawin mong art
maiipon ng maiipon

yan kasi
maiinspired kang
gawing yan.
1c. Siguro yung ano I think the reason is Imagination. Ambitious Directly
yung yun nga yung my imagination, it's Trying to think facing
malikot imagination because I keep of new art to creative
ko, kasi nga diba thinking of new art create. burnout
mabuburnout ka din to create, but my
dun kapag ang limitless
imagination mo imagination is also
madami, limitless the reason why I
yung imagination finished the manga
mo mabuburnout ka that I was creating.
din. Pero yun That was another
siguro yung naging reason for me to
impact sakin kasi finish my manga,
dun ko parang because in the past
natapos yung while making my
manga ko eh, dun manga I was
ko siya na yun yung getting tired and I
parang isang way just wanted to tear
para natapos ko it apart also one
yung manga ko kasi more hard thing is
noon talaga that the other
napapagod na ako characters in the
eh, parang gusto ko manga are hard to
na kasi noon draw.
punitin yung

ginagawa ko, yun

nga nakakainis
parang yung iba
ang hirap din nila

Actual Responses Transl Open Axial Selecti

Respondent #4 ation Codes Codin ve
g Coding

1a. Uhh, back in junior high school I was very Back Compa
motivated in drawing and sketching and everything, in ring
but when I look around at other artists' artworks, it junior oneself
Self sabota
always makes me feel insecure about my works, and high to
critici ging
that causes me to lose motivation and it also makes school others
sm behavi
me feel bad, I don't know… I was which
I lose motivation and I feel like I'm not good enough very results
and that I should do better and because of that motiva in
hmm… it often, uhh, it brings me to what you call ted in insecuri
an artist block, it also stops me from drawin ty and
uh.., improving my self because of g and loss of
anxiety and because, and like, takot akong mag try sketchi motivat
ng bago kase feel ko I don't have enough time to do ng and ion.
it and, I don't have the confidence to improve everyt Losing
myself, that's my experience in art hing, the
block. but confide
when I nce to
look improv
around e.
ks, it
me feel
e about

me to
and I
I'm not
that I
e of
that it
me to

call an
it also
ing my
e of
e, I'm
to try
e I feel
like I

time to
do it
and, I
ence to
e my
nce in

PROBE: Yes as I said before for me it often comes Yes, as Comes Fear Factors
from the anxiety that I feel whenever i see someone I said from of leading
else who’s really good at art and it often leads to me before, anxiety. judg to
comparing myself to them and so, that makes me for me Losing ment emotio
lose my self confidence and that leads me to what it often self and nal and
you call an artist block. comes confide fear mental
from nce. of exhaus
the failur tion
anxiety e
that I
ver I
ne else
good at
art and
it often
to me

and so,
my self
me to
call an
1b. Like kunware nakita ko yung sarili kong Like, Compa Lack Factors
artwork, and then I feel like "ohhh this is not good for ring of resultin
enough compared sa gawa ng iba" so that causes me exampl oneself self g in
anxiety and feel ko never akong magiging good e I saw to estee ineffic
enough or like kumpara don sa gawa nila or like may my others, m acy
mas better out there compared sakin, so feel ko ang own
irrelevant ng gawa ko compared sa kanila. artwor
k and
then I

this is
red to
so that
I feel I
red to
or like

red to
me so I
k is
1c. The cause uhmmm.. yung comparing myself like Its Compa Lack Factors
it had a huge impact like it has, its good side and bad compa ring of resultin
side, for the bad side it really uhh it really wasted a ring oneself self g in
lot of my time doing nothing kase, ayun nga sa myself, to estee ineffic
anxiety like feel ko wala akong enough motivation it had a others. m acy
para mag move forward, so that causes like huge
nakatambay lang sa bahay nood nood lang and impact
whenever na ipipick up ko yung time ko feel ko wala like it
akong masulat o madrawing and yung good side has a
naman non uhhh with time, I guess medyo ano good
naman siya like uhh nabigyan ko yung sarili ko ng side
time to think, to rest yung mind ko and slowly and
picking myself up back until like uhh.. tatry ko na bad

ulit like,what if try ko ngayon like paunti unti lang, side,

tas like step by step hanggang ayun tuloy tuloy ko for the
nang matuloy ang aking pag pursue ng art. bad
side it
a lot of
e it's
, like I
like I
tion to
d, so

g out,
ver I
pick up
time, I
like I
ng, and

side is,
I guess
like I
time to
to rest
like I'll
if I try
step by

until I
ue to

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Respondent #5 Coding
1a. Ano, uhmm, 1a. Burnout is like, Creative Creative
burnout, yung, tsk. when you still want juices juices Factors
Yung wala ka nang to draw but you can't running out. running out. resulting
maisip na drawing think of anything to in
ganon pero… draw, it's as if your inefficacy
Siyempre gusto mo creative juices have
parin mag drawing run out.
pero Wala kang
maisip parang naubos
na yung creative
juices mo so, yun.

1b. Ano, siguro 1b. When you always Tiredness. Tiredness

kapag palagi kang draw. When it seems
nagddrawing ganon, like you're drawing
tapos parang sunod one after the other,
sunod yung ginagawa that's what causes
mo na pag d drawing, burnout. When you
ano. Yun, nakaka draw too much, it can
burnout kasi kapag be tiring.
yun nga pag sobra
sobra yung ginagawa,
na, nakakapagod, so

PROBE: PROBE: Because Mental Exhaustion

Uhmm… siguro ano you can't think of block. and high Self-
yung causes ng anything, I think you Expectations expectations sabotaging
creative burnout… feel like you're on oneself. behavior
uhh, kung bakit na mentally blocked,
buburnout, ano and it's like you
uhmm… yun nga, expect is, that your
kase… wala ka nang next artwork is going
maisip, ay ano, to be your
satingin ko parang masterpiece, which is
namemental block ka not true. I think the
tas parang yung main reason is my
nieexpect mo na next expectations of
artwork mo,parang myself.
like, masterpiece mo
ganon, so which is

hindi naman totoo,

parang… yun then I
think yung
expectations mo sa
sarili mo ganon.
1c. Biggest impact on 1c. The biggest Expectations High
me, tsk, siguro yun impact on me, is on oneself. expectations
nga yung pag ito probably my
yung expectations. So expectations. So, for
halimbawa pag example, when
nakagawa ka na ng you've done an
artwork, ay, artwork, well, you've
nakagawa ka ng done a drawing that's
drawing tas maganda beautiful, so beautiful
sobrang ganda, in fact that you
ineexpect mo yung expect the next one to
next maganda so be beautiful, so it's
parang iniisip ko like, what’s in my
yung mga ano mga mind is like “my next
para, uy kelangan artwork needs to be
yung next artwork ko so perfect, even more
like sobrang perfect perfect than the
mas perfect pa sa previous one.” there's
previous eh wala nothing like that, so
namang ganon so it's like, I feel burnt
parang… yun out to think about the
nakakaburnout yung next one, it's like a
mag isip ng next “masterpiece”. So I

parang quote on think that's the

quote masterpiece, biggest impact, the
so… I think yun yung expectations on
pinaka malaking yourself, that’s all.
impact dun yung
expectations talaga sa
sarili mo, yun.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #6 Coding Coding
1a. Uhh.. for me For me when dealing Lack of Lack of Factors
when uhhh.. with with creative burnout creativity. motivation, leading to
dealing with an example will be, that lack of emotional
creative burnout there are times that I inspiration and mental
uhh.. feel the lack of exhaustion
an example will be creativity when it
uhh there are times comes to creating
when uhh there are works through visual
uhh moments that I art or even in
feel lack of uhh performing, there are
creativity when it times with those
comes to creating burnout situations that
works na uhhh.. can heavily impact my
through visuals or performance as an
even in performing artist.
there are times with
the uhhh.. uhhh..
those uhh burnout

situation can uhh

impact my
performance as an
1b. Uhhh.. for me For me, the causes of Negative Exhaustion Factors
the causes of uhh experiencing this impact on resulting in
experiencing this creative burnout is that mental inefficacy
creative burnout is maybe it usually health.
that maybe it depends on the
usually depends on situation there are times
the situation there that, a creative burnout
are times that can be experienced
uhhh.. a creative through the feelings
burnout can be and emotions that I
experienced feel, there are times my
through uhh.. the mental health can be
feelings and sometimes unstable and
emotions that I feel with that it can really
there are times that negatively or critically
uhh.., creative impact my performance
burnout uhh.., it's as an artist.
because of uh..,
uhhhmm, there are
times that uhh.. my
mental health can
be, sometimes
unstable and with

that uhh it can

really negatively
impact uhh..
hmm.. ahh.. ahh.,
and will critically
impact my
performance as an
1c. Uhh..Maybe the Maybe, for me the Lack of Lack of Factors
possible causes of possible causes of motivation. inspiration leading to
this uhh..creative this creative burnout is Lack of and lack of emotional
burnout is that uhh.. that the lack of inspiration. motivation and mental
the lack of motivation there are exhaustion
motivation, there times that I don't really
are times that uhh.. feel doing that, it
I don't really feel results into creative
doing that uhh it burnout and not just the
results into creative lack of motivation but
burnout and uh.. as well as the lack of
not just the lack of inspiration from the
motivation but as people or from other
well as the uhh the works from artist,
lack of inspiration different artist that
uhh from uhh the causes creative burnout
people or from .
other works from
uhh.. artist,
different artist that

causes the uhh

creative burnout .

1d. I think ehhh.., I think for me, the Affects Toll on Factors
the cause uhh.. the biggest impact of overall mental leading to
biggest uhh.. uhh.. creative burnout mental health. mental
cause uhh… affected my mental health. exhaustion.
impact with me is health because it really
the uhmm.., my affected me, not just
mental health through physical but
because uhh.. first through my mental
it really affects me health as well. My
overall not just mental health can be a
through physical great help to me as an
but this uhh.. artist when it comes to
through my mental creating artworks and
health uhh.. my as well as performing.
mental health can
be a great impact
uhh to me as a
artist, when it
comes to creating
artworks, and as
well as uhh

2. Enumerate the reasons on how the Creative Burnout affects the Arts and Design students’

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #1 Coding Coding
2a. Creative 2a. Creative Procrastination. Self Self
burnout, I think burnout, I think criticism. criticism.
mostly related to mostly related to
sa procrastination, procrastination,
especially especially you
nawalan ka ng lost motivation,
motivation, yung your artwork will
artwork mo be a bit like, bitsy
medyo magiging or it can look
ano, bitsy or like... it's like you
pwedeng criticize the
magmukhang... artwork so that
parang ano you feel like "oh
iccriticise mo it's not enough,
yung artwork para it's not enough" as
feeling mo na "oh if your
it's not enough, perfectionistic
it's not enough" tendencies will
parang yung trigger. And then
perfectionistic because you're so
tendencies mo weird, you're so
magtitrigger. And sneaky about the
then sa sobrang details, the
kaka- ano mo, artwork you're
kakaniptic ng doing is even
details, uglier even

maspumangit pa though you're

ang artwork mo asking for
na ginagawa mo validation, "is it
kahit like nagaask okay?" It's like
ka ng validation, you think to
"okay lang ba to?" yourself, "oh! It's
Parang naiisip mo not what it is, it's
sa sarili mo na, still not a detail,
"oh! Di pa ano, di it's ugly, I need to
parin tong detail change it" that's
na to, pangit to how it is to me,
kailangan ko pang my point of view
baguhin" parang when it comes to
ganon yung ano what it is.
sakin, yung point
of view ko
pagdating dun sa
ano na yun
2b. umm, 2b. Um, I mostly My expectations are Too high
pinipigilan ako feel restrained by often to high. expectations
mostly sa ano expectations, my Learning not to be set on
expectation, expectations are overly perfectionist oneself.
masyado mataas often too high to
ang expectation the point where I
ko to the point na delay planning the
hindi ko na muna improvements I
pinaplano yung need to make,
mga kailangan which hinders my

kong improve ability to project

which it cause me my artworks or
to hinder my ideas into reality.
ability to project It's like, I'm trying
my artworks into to learn not to be
reality or my overly
ideas into reality, perfectionistic
parang, I'm trying about the details.
to learn na not to That's what's
be incredibly frustrating, I can't
perfectionistic (?) seem to finish
about sa details. anything, I can't
Kasi yun talaga accomplish
ang nakakainis eh, anything. It's like
di talaga ako my body becomes
nakakatapos eh, a ghost when it
wala akong comes to my self-
nagagawa, parang insecurities
yung katawan ko regarding artwork
ghost na or anything like
pagdating like... that. I just don't
sa self-insecurities finish it. It's not
ko pagdating like because of my
sa artwork or laziness, although
anything na laziness
ganon. Di ko lang sometimes plays a
tinatapos, it's not part that mostly
mostly ano siguro caused by making

may times na lazy me think, "Oh, I

pero yung can't do it, I can't
laziness nayun do it." That kind
mostly cause by of thinking
ano the ano hinders my ability
parang iniisip mo to express my
na, "oh di ko kaya ideas.
yan, di ko kaya
yan" yung parang
ganon, ayun yung
nagccause ng ano,
naghihinder sa
ability to express
my ideas
2c. then you're not 2c. then you're not Insecurity and self Self
gonna be able to gonna be able to criticism. criticism.
learn, you're not learn, you're not
gonna be able to gonna be able to
overcome your overcome your
creative burnout creative burnout
kasi I think it's because I think it's
more of a lesson, more of a lesson,
fighting back your fighting back your
insecurities, kaya insecurities. So, I
parang siguro pag suppose the long-
long term effects term effects of
nito is mas this are that your
maaano mas insecurities and

lalakas yung self-criticism will

insecurity mo and become stronger.
yung self- I mean, you'll
criticism I mean criticize yourself
yung pagccriticise more, and of
mo sa sarili mo course, if you just
and syempre pag let that issue
hinayaan lang linger, I think it
yan, um, hinayaan will cause you to
yung issue nayan, not be able to, I
I think magccause mean, you might
yan na hindi ka- I not be able to
mean, pwede ata finish artworks,
nyu- is hindi kana experience
makatapos ng extreme
artwork, extreme procrastination,
procrastination, extreme low self-
extreme low self- esteem, and
esteem, and sobra become
magiging nitpicky excessively
sa details, ayun, nitpicky about
parang you need details. So, you
to take account need to take
for your ano din, account of your
you need to plan situation, you
them or sort, need to plan and
parang ganun sort things out,

something like

Actual Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Responses Coding
Respondent #2
2a. Uhm, it can 2a. Uhm, it can Making
affect the quality affect the quality artworks Can’t produce
of artwork kasi of artwork cause unsatisfactory. satisfactory artwork.
if you're not if you're not
interested with interested in
your drawings, your drawings,
how will you be how will you be
able to satisfied able to be
with the results. satisfied with the
Diba like parang results? Right?
ginawa mo lang like you just did
siya for the sake it for the sake of
of doing things doing things not
di para sa for for your own
your own satisfaction.
2b. Uhm I think 2b. Uhm I think Creative
ano, parang bin- what, it's like it’s block.
block niya yung blocking the Feelings of
ideas na nag e- ideas that excel laziness.
excel sa skills your skills like

mo ganon. that. Example, I

Kunwari ako I have coloring
have coloring skills and
skills and sometimes in art
minsan sa block I want to
artblock gusto explore coloring
ko kasi mag stuff. So
explore ng sometimes when
coloring stuff. I have no idea
So minsan kapag what I'm doing. I
wala akong idea won't do my
kung ano yung artworks
inaano ko. Ano, anymore. Like
wala na di na ko I'm lazy. It's like
gagawa ng the passion
artworks ko. inside me is
Like tinatamad gone.
na ko. Like wala
na yung passion
inside me
2c. Di ka mag g- 2c. You won't You won’t Hindering
grow as an artist. grow as an artist. grow as an improvement/growth.
Kasi if you ano, Because if you artist.
give up from the give up from the
first try, kunwari first try, suppose
you failed to you failed to
achieve what achieve what

you wanted as you wanted as

an artist tas mag an artist, then
gi-give up ka you'll give up
agad, hindi ka right away, you
mag g-grow. won't grow. If
Hanggang dun you can't deal
lang talaga ikaw with burnout,
if di mo kayang overcome it.
i-ano yung Like there's a lot
burnout, i- of burnout.
overcome. Like Every artist has
marami kasing burnout every
burnout eh. now and then.
Every artists has So if you can't
burnout every overcome that,
now and then. how will you
So if di mo grow as an
kayang i- artist?
overcome yun,
how will you
grow as an

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Respondent #3 Coding
2a. Maapektuhan It will affect Losing
niya yung ano your artwork creative Can’t produce
isang artwork mo because you juices. satisfactory artwork.

kasi hindi mo don't know how Factors

alam kung paano to finish it and resulting
mo siya tatapusin that's why you'll in
and yun nga get tired, your Inefficacy
mapapagod ka, brain will get
mapapagod yung tired, you'll start
utak mo dun ka telling yourself
magsisimulang that I don't want
sabihin sa sarili to finish it, let it
mo na ayoko go, I'll just
nang tapusin to, continue it when
hayaan mo na, I want to do it
parang itutuloy ko again, when I
nalang to kapag can.
gusto ko na ulit
pag kaya ko na
2b. Para sakin pag For me, when Having a hard
gumawa ka kasi you make an art time making
ng isang art work work and it's an art.
and original siya original artwork,
hindi mo siya you don't copy it
parang ginaya sa from others,
iba, nakaka you'll get
burnout siya, kasi burnout, because
ang hirap na nga it's really hard to
niya tapusin and finish it and
kapag once na once you've had

nahirapan ka na a hard time with

dun sa original na the original
ginawa mo artwork you
napipilitan ka na made, you're
kumopya sa iba, forced to copy it
parang kumuha from others, like
ng idea getting an idea.
2c. Para sakin pag For me, when a Loses room Hindering
nabuburnout ang person burns for mprovement/growth.
isang tao out, he loses improvement.
nawawalan siya room for
lng room for improvement, it
improvement seems because
parang kasi pag when you get
napagod ka mag tired of doing
art titigil ka, art, you stop,
tatamarin ka, you stop, when
kapag tinamad ka you are lazy in
sa isang bagay something,
lalo na sa arts especially in
hinding hindi ka making an
mag iimprove artwork, you
hanggat kaya ko will never
pa hanggat improve, until
makakatapos ako my artwork isn't
ng isang artwork finished I can
kaya ko pa tong still improve my
iimprove and artwork and I

kailangan ko pang still need to

sipagan, kasi ang work hard,
improvement sa because the
arts walang improvement in
katapusan yan the arts has no
lahat naman ng end, all of a
arts ng isang tao person's arts will
magiimprove, improve, there is
walang perfect na no perfect art
art and walang and no perfect
perfect na artist artist, no matter
kahit sinong artist who the artist is,
yan magiimprove they will
at magiimprove. improve and

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Respondent #4 Coding
2a. The quality The quality Lack of Hindering Factors
because if you lack because if you motivation. mprovement/growth. resulting
motivation like the lack motivation in
quality of your then the quality Inefficacy
artwork will of your artwork
decrease, kase, ayon will decrease,
nagsulat ka like because you'll
feeling mo mali feel like you
yung lahat ng did all your
ginagawa mo so, I artwork wrong,

guess it can affect I guess it can

the ahhmm.., the affect the minds
minds of artists like of artists like
I said before sa what I said
motivation it can before
affect you mafu- motivation can
frustrate ka ng affect you
mafu-frustrate through
hanggang hinde mo frustration until
na matuloy yung you can't
ginagawa mo like, continue to do
marami yung mga your work like,
work and progress you have a lot
mo, until hindi mo of work and
na siya matapos. progress, until
you can't finish
2b. Hmmm.. I don't I don't think it's Doesn’t Doesn’t really Positive
think na hinder a hindrance, I really hinders much. view
naman sya I guess guess its hinders towards
na stop sya, pero, stopped, but, much. creative
like saan like where's the burnout.
originality? i don't originality? I Can
think it hinders don't think it actually
naman, like in some hinders, like in help the
artists kase kunyare some artists, artist.
sa artists block nya because of
yung iba yung artists block,

frustrations nila, others are

instead na gumawa having
sila ng something frustrations,
they like, they'll instead of doing
instead draw what something,
they feel, so like they'll draw
naeexpress nila yun what they feel,
nailalabas na din so like they'll
yung ahmm.., yung express their
feelings nila yung feelings and
nararamdaman nila what they feel
at that time, hmm.. at that time,in a
in a way pwede siya way that they
maging originality can be original
kase galing yun sa because it
artists mismo, so comes from the
yun. artists
2c. In a way like In a way like,it Can be a
pwede siyang can be a lesson lesson for Can actually help the
maging lesson sa to an artist the artist. artist grow.
artist kase,once na because, if an Experience
maexperience yun artist once to
ng isang artist tapos experienced, it, overcome.
na over come nya in they can Improve for
the future atleast overcome it in the better.
mas madali na the future,at
sakanya na, kung least its much

pano yun easy for them to

maovercome ulit in overcome it in
the future like yung the future like
mga self thought, the self taught,
uhhh, lessons lessons on
na,natutunan niya, himself on how
on himself kung to overcome it
pano yun iovercome and to pick
tapos kung pano nya themselves up,
mapipick yung self they can pursue
niya pabalik like, again their love
mapupursue niya on arts,and in a
ulit yung love nya way, they could
for arts,and in a way improve
maiimprove nya themselves,
yung sarili niya because they
kase,naovercome overcome it, so
niya na nga yun so they will start
mas ma wawant to do better,
niyang mag do since, they lost
better since dati, their confidence
ayun, like na lost in the past so is
nya yung self they pick
confidence niya so themselves up,
para mapick niya they will
yung sarili niya, improve their
iimprove niya na self to do
lang yung self nya better.

para, to do better

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Respondent #5 Coding’s
2a. Ayun, 1a. Well, of Can’t do Can’t produce
siyempre, kapag- course when something satisfactory artwork.
kapag pagod ka you're tired, you properly.
isang bagay diba, can't do
di mo magagawa something
nng maayos kaya I properly, so I
think ganun din sa, think it's the
sa, uhm.. sa pag d same with
drawing. Siyempre drawing. Of
kapag burnout ka course, when
di ka makaka you're burnt out,
function well, di you can't
yung uhm…yung function well.
mga alam mo The ones you
previously parang knew previously
di gumagana don't seem to
ganon, yung mga work like, your
techniques mo techniques aren't
hindi or… sharp or sharp or on
on points so yun. points, so that's
2b. So… wait. 2b. When Mental Can’t produce
Ano, siyempre, you’re burnt block. Can’t satisfactory artwork.

ano, it revolves out, it's like you express

on… yun nga have a mental properly.
uhm… kasi parang block. You can't
nameme- yung express yourself
kasing burnout properly
parang… kapag because you're
naburnout kana not on point,
parang namemental that's it.
block ka na rin
eh,,, So parang
yun, wala ngang,..
hindi mo
maexpress nang
maayos yung sarili
mo kasi… ayun,
hindi ka, hindi
ka… on point, yun.
2c. Ayun… 2c. your Progress Hindering
bumabagal yung progress as an slows down. mprovement/growth.
progress mo as an artist slows Hindering
artist, so parang, di down, so it's the
ka nakakadevelop like, you can't development
agad kasi develop right of skills.
nabuburnout ka away because
ganon… so yun you feel
yung development burnout. So it's
ng mga uhm… the development
techniques, yung of the

basic skills ng mga techniques, the

artist ganon, yun basic skills of
yung nakakahinder artists like that's
what hindering

Actual Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Responses Coding
Respondent #6
2a. Uhh for For me, creative Helps create Can actually help the Positive
me,uhh the burnout can unexpected artist grow. view
creative burnout affect the quality results. towards
can affect the of my artwork creative
quality of my because it can burnout.
artwork because result into Can
of uhh.. it can designs or actually
result into uhh.. visuals that I help the
designs or would not expect artist.
visuals that uhh.. and with that it is
i would not the cause of
expect and with creative burnout
that it is the and it affects my
cause of creative quality, because
burnout and as it depends on the
well as, it affects mindset as well
my quality uhh as the thought
because, process and
uhh,because it creating the
depends on the

uhhh.. the artwork that I'm

mindset as well making.
as the thought
process and
creating the
artwork that I'm
2b. Uhhh.. i I think for me Can help, Can actually help the
think for me creative burnout because you artist grow.
creative burnout can help me as just go with
can help me as an artist because the flow.
an artist because with creative
with the creative burnout there are
burnout there are times that you
times that uhh just go with
you just go with whatever you're
whatever you're thinking about in
thinking about in that moment,
that moment, because you
because uhh.. don't think too
you don't think much about what
too much about do you want to
what do you do or what do
want to do or you want the
what do you process that will
want, uhhh.. the be, that's why I
process that will think, that
be that's why i creative burnout

think, that can also a great

creative burnout impact in
can be uhh can creating art
be uhh can be, works and as
also a great well as
impact in expressing once
creating uhh.. art artistic thoughts.
works and as
well as
expressing once
artistic thoughts.
2c. Uhh base on Based on my Feeling Hindering Factors
my experiences I experiences I unmotivated. mprovement/growth. resulting
think that the think that the in
experience of experience of Inefficacy
having a burnout having a burnout
in creativity can in creativity can
affect uhh an affect an
individual individual
because if you because if you
constantly have constantly have
those situations it those situations it
can result into can result in
uhh.. feeling feeling
unmotivated or unmotivated or
not passionate not passionate
about what about what
things you love things you love

or what the or what the

things you're things you're
most uhh.. happy most happy
about and thats about and that's
why I think that why I think that
uhh motivating motivating
yourself and uhh yourself and
constantly being constantly being
inspired by the inspired by the
people uhh that people that
surrounds you surrounds you
can help you by can help you by
avoiding avoiding
situations like situations like
creative burnout. creative burnout.

3.Describe how Creative Burnout affects Arts and Design students’ daily lives.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #1 Coding Coding
3a. I think mas 3a. I think I can Procrastination. Not Able to
naaano ko na siya, project it not only Not reaching Do Factors
mas na project ko na in my artworks but expectations. Anything resulting in
di lang sa ano ko, also in my routines and Self Inefficacy
artworks, pero na and behavior. I've Doubt
project ko na rin siya become extremely
like, ayun nga prone to
routines and yung procrastination,

behavior ko. Mas never finishing

naging ako, extremely everything, never
ano, prone sa reaching my own
procrastination talaga, expectations, or
never ko nafifinish always having
lahat, never kong rules like, "I need
narereach yung to do this, I need
expectations ko sa to do that." And I
sarili ko, or lagi ako think it's not just
may rules, parang influenced by, it's
may rules na, "oh not just projected
parang kailangan ko onto art-related
ganito ganito, things that I want,
kailangan ganito but also in other
ganito" and I think di aspects, in my
lang siya naiinfluence routines, how my
ng ano, hindi siya family perceives
galing sa- I mean di me, like, "Oh,
ko napoproject sa art you're not
related things na accomplishing
gusto ko, pero like sa anything." So, I'm
iba na rin, na iba na kind of going off-
rin ang routine, yung topic there.
tingin sakin ng family
ko, parang, "oh wala
kang inaano" ayun,
medyo nagiging out
of topic na ako dun.

3b. Ano lang, yung 3b. Well, during Demotivation. Not Able to
time na yun medyo that time, I was Self insecurity. Do
ano talaga ako, really down Anything
sobrang down dahil, because I had this and Self
nag ano na ako thought, like, I Doubt
parang, hindi- meron- didn't want to
iniisip ko na eh- pursue arts
ayoko na ipursue anymore. I just
yung arts, parang thought that I don't
naisip ko lang na ano think I have the
I don't think na ability, like that, I
kakayanan ko, parang don't think I can
ganun, I don't think handle this
na kakayanin ko sa situation, can I still
situation na to, pursue this? I
kakayanan ko pa ba won't mention the
ipursue yung ganito? reason, but that's
Di ko sabihin yung the one thing I
reason na yon, pero can't forget in my
ayun lang yung mind. And when
pinaka ano di ko the creative
maforget sa utak ko, burnout worsened,
tas nung creative it affected not only
burnout nagpalala di my creativity but
sa ano ko, emotional also my emotional
being kasi ayun nga well-being because
nagself-insecurity, it triggered self-
lagi kong- lagi akong insecurity. I was

pessimistic in terms always pessimistic

of creating my own about creating my
art, di- parang ano na, own art, and I
ang tagal- 4 months couldn't start
na ako hindi na drawing for about
nagstart mag drawing four months, I
na hindi ko tinatapos, didn't even color
di ako nagcocolor because I was
kasi parang advance already thinking in
yung iniisip ko na advance that I
hindi ko magagawa couldn't do it. That
to, ayun yun ang was the biggest
pinakamalaking impact I
impact na naranasan experienced.
3c. both physical, 3c. Both Both physically, Laziness Factors
emotional, and physically, because of and self- leading to
mentally; for emotionally, and laziness and insecurities. physical
physical, hindi ko mentally; emotionally, and
madala yung sarili ko physically, i because of self- emotional
na mag act up like couldn't bring insecurities. exhaustion
nakastay lang ako sa myself to act up, I
bed, siguro inconjunct just stayed in bed,
to sa mental ano, maybe in
mentality ba yun? conjunction with
Ano, yung physical my mental state,
being ko inconjunct my mentality
din sa mental being right? My physical

ko, parang yung hindi being was in

na ako nagaact upon, conjunction with
wala na akong my mental being,
ginagawa, yung body like I wasn’t
ko di napapractice sa taking any action,
magddrawing, kasi I wasn’t doing
iniisip ko lang na, anything, my body
"ay! Di ko to wasn’t practicing
kakayanin!" masyado drawing because I
akong excessive just kept thinking,
isipin sa sarili ko na “Oh! I can’t
di ko kaya to gawin, handle this!” I
yung parang ganon, excessively
yung lagi kong doubted myself,
kinocompare, lagi thinking that I
akong- e-envious couldn’t do it, that
naman di naman like kind of mindset. I
ano, envious in a was constantly
normal way pero di comparing myself,
naman yung always feeling
extremely bad way, envious, but not in
ano lang yung an extremely bad
emotional ano kalang way, just in a
talaga, besides normal way. But
physical being and emotionally, that’s
mental well being, I where the impact
think ang was the strongest
pinakamasnaaffect is for me. Anything

yung emotional well that would affect

being ko, kasi my emotional
anything na magpear well-being would
sa emotional being ko immediately
deretsyo di na talaga hinder me from
ako gagawa eh, doing anything. I
parang hyper became hyper-
sensitive pagdating sensitive to it, and
dun kay- it would influence
maiinfluence din my art, leading to
yung art, automatic creative
magkakaroon- burnout, even if it
automatic creative didn’t stem
burnout kahit like directly from self-
hindi lang sa ano insecurities, but
kahit hindi nagstep sa from different
self-insecurities but problems
different problems na unrelated to the
di related dun sa burnout.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #2 Coding Coding

3a. Wala feeling ko 3a. I feel like I'm Feeling of Boredom.

na-bobored ako bored, I feel like I'm boredom. Factors
feeling ko di ako not an artist. I'm Unproductive. resulting in
artist. Uhm, usually unproductive Inefficacy
unproductive ako especially in art
usually lalo na sa art because I only draw
kasi like once a month like once a month.
lang ako nag That's all!
ddrawing. Yun lang!
3b. May project na 3b. There is a project Creative Lack of
pinapagawa, ano being worked on, block. Creativity
relating arts? Yun! what about arts? and Self
Bro! like this is for my That! Bro! like this Doubt
grade tas wala akong is for my grade so I
maisip like minsan, can't think of
minsan kasi pagdating anything like
sa mga art subjects sometimes,
creativity is a must, so sometimes because
parang you want that when it comes to art
creativity back pero subjects creativity is
nga burnout ka so a must, so it seems
pano mo yun like you want that
magagawa diba? Like creativity back but
yun yung you're burnout so
pinakamahirap sakin, how can you do that
pag project siya and right? Like that's the
its needed talaga na hardest thing for me,
ipasa. Kaya, kaya nag when the projects

reregret ako sa strand and it’s really

ko kasi what if may needed to pass. So,
deadline at wala that's why I regretted
akong maisip na my strand because
ibibigay. what if there was a
deadline and I
couldn't think of
anything to give.
3c.Mentally para sakin 3c. Mentally for me Mentally. Self Self Factors
kasi like, yun nga, i because like, that's doubt. Doubt leading to
call myself an artist right, I call myself mental
pero minsan lang ako an artist but I only exhaustion.
nag ddrawing dahil sa draw once because
burnout ko! Hahaha! of my burnout!
Parang i don't deserve Hahahaha! It's like I
that title anymore if don't deserve that
ganun lang ginagawa title anymore if that's
ko. Kasi definition for all I do. Because the
me as an artist yung definition for me as
gusto mo talaga mag an artist is that you
drawing, e ako hobby really want to draw,
ko lang yun, yun nga I that's just my hobby,
can't call myself an that's why I can't call
artist. myself an artist.

Actual Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Responses Coding
Respondent #3

3a. Yung pag na When I get Affects everyday Unable to be Factors

buburnout kasi a burnout life. Not being Creative and Avoids leading to
ako sa araw every day, productive. Afraid Criticism emotional
araw it affects of getting judged. and mental
nakakaapekto my exhaustion.
kasi yun sa araw everyday
araw ko lalo na life,
pag naburnout especially
ako sa arts kasi when I get
mahsisimula burnout in
kanang tamarin the arts
and nawawala because it
ako don sa starts right
hobby ko na away and I
pagdodrawing lose my
kaya hanggang hobby of
tumatagal siya drawing,
parang hindi na so until it
ako nagiging lasts, it
productive sa seems like
arts and parang I'm not
pag nagstart ako being
gumawa ng productive
isang arts in the arts
papasok sa isip anymore
ko na tatamarin and it's like
at tatamarin ako when I
kasi nag simula start and

na yung burnout make an

ko, aapektuhan art, it
na ako na araw comes to
araw ako my mind
tatamarin. that I will
be judged
my burnout
has started,
it has
me, I will
be judged
every day.
3b. Siguro yung Maybe Got lazy. No time to Hindering Factors
tinigil ko yung when I continue work. mprovement/growth. resulting in
manga ko for 2 stopped my Losing creativity. Inefficacy
or 3 months kasi manga for
sobrang tamad 2 or 3
na tamad na ako months
and wala na rin because
akong time para I'm got
gawin yun, then lazy and I
nung sinimulan don't have
ko na ulit siya time to do
idrawing nawala continue it
yung pagka anymore,
creative ko, then when

nawala yung I started

type ko sa drawing
artwork kasi again I lost
yun nga bura my
ako ng bura and creativity, I
parang nakikita lost my
ko hindi ako type in
nasatisfied dun artwork
sa ginagawa ko. because I
kept on
erasing my
work and I
can see
that I'm not
with what
I'm doing.
3c. Sakin ano For me it's Physically, because Losing muscle Factors
physically and physically of losing muscle memory and leading to
emotionally kasi and memory and motivation. physical
una parang emotionall emotionally, becaus and
hindi sanay y because e of losing emotional
yung kamay ko at first my motivation. exhaustion.
ulit humawak hand didn't
ng pencil, seem to be
parang iba na used on
yung holding a
pakiramdam pencil

nung tumigil again, it

ako then felt
sinimulan ko different
ulit, and when I
emotionally stopped
naman kasi then I
parang naisip ko started
nawala na ko again, and
dun sa pinaka emotionall
hobby ko and y because I
pinaka thought I
maipagmamalak had lost
i ko na talent. my talent,
the one I
was most
proud of.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #4 Coding Coding
3a. Ayon, for me it For me, it was the Losing Lost of Factors
was really worst when worst when I had motivation. Enthusiasm resulting in
I had artists blog an artist blog and Inefficacy
during my junior high during my junior Distrust to
school because, it's highschool because Oneself
really the worst one its really the worst
because not only did I one, because not
lose motivation i also only did I lose my
lost, a bit of motivation motivation, I also

to my studies to do lost a bit of

other things like being motivation to
the anxiety is like nag study, to do other
aano,naaaffect yung things, the anxiety
other things kong is affecting the
ginagawa, so instead other things I'm
na mag gawa ako ng doing so instead of
something productive doing something
like naka lock nalang productive, I'm just
ako sa kwarto, nag locked in my room,
iisip kung kaya ko pa wondering if i can
ba to, kung itutuloy ko still do it, if I
pa ba toh, yun nag should continue
lolose ako ng that was when I
motivation para felt like I lost my
gumawa ng kahit ano motivation to do
instead na mag gawa anything instead of
ako ng chores, house doing chores and
work,natutulog nalang housework, I just
ako. sleep.

3b. And as I said As I've said before, Anxiety. Not Unwell Factors
before the anxiety is anxiety did not only affected Mental leading to
like it also not only only affect my the daily life, State emotional
affected my daily life, daily life, it also but also and mental
it also affected my affected my social social life. exhaustion.
social life kase, well, I life because I have
do have some people some people to talk

to talk to, like napaka to, I rarely talk to

bihira ko nalang silang them and because
kausapin dahil don, so of that I lost the
medyo nawala yung people around me
mga tao around me at that time.
that time.
3c. Pwede ba lahat? Yes, all of this Physically, Lost of Factors
HAHHHAHA!, ayon, resulted in emotionally, Enthusiasm leading to
yon exhaustion, all of and mentally. and Distrust emotional
lahat it resulted the above, Overall to Oneself and mental
exhaustion in all of the physically, exhaustion. exhaustion.
above kase, physically emotionally and
emotionally, and mentally because if
mentally because, you’ve been doing
hmmm pano ba.. arts your whole life
like if you've been like you’ll really
doing arts your whole think about it,
life like iisipin mo “is this really for
talaga, me?” Once you hit
“ito ba talaga yung that block, you're
para sakin?” once na going to question
mahit mo yung block yourself, like
na yun like ku- should I continue?
questionin mo kase and because of
yung sarili mo like that, my mind is
itutuloy ko pa ba toh? getting tired of
and dahil “am I always going
don,napapagod na to be like this?”,

yung isip ko na “ganito ”can I continue?”

na lang ba ko lagi?” so it resulted in
like, “tuloy ko pa ba?” exhaustion and was
yung ganon, so it very negative.
resulted in exhaustion
and was very negative.

Actual Translation Open Codes Axial Coding Selective

Responses Coding
Respondent #5
3a. Ah, to me, 3a. Ah, to me, Doesn’t really
uhm.. di naman creative affect daily life. Hindrance in Factors
masiyado burnout doesn't Unable to improvement/growth. resulting
nakaka affect really affect regenerate in
yung creative everyday life, creative ideas. Inefficacy
burnout sa does it? But
everyday life when it comes
ba, di naman. to drawing, of
Pero kapag course it
dating sa affects, but in
pagddrawing, everyday life,
siyempre it's doesn’t for
makakaapekto me.
yun, pero sa
everyday life,
hindi naman
masiyado for

3b. Ah yun, 3b. Ah that, Expectation on Too high expectations

uh… actually, actually, it’s oneself. Feeling set on oneself.
yung my of
expectation ko, expectation, disappointment.
yung sarili kong my own
expectation, like expectation,
hindi ko like I didn't
namemeet, meet it, of
siyempre course it also
nakaka disappointed
disappoint din me, and that's
sa sarili ko, and what I blame
yun, yung on myself and
sinisisi ko yung the burnout.
sarili ko and
yung burnout.
3c. Uh… I 3c. I think Emotionally. Too high expectations
think, I think emotionally, Expectations on set on oneself.
emotionally, you know. oneself. Feeling
you know. Yun That's because, of
nga kasi, again, again, I have disappointment.
expectations expectations
nanaman sa for myself
sarili ko kasi… because, well,
ayun parang I feel like I'm
nadidisappoint disappointed
ako kasi hindi because I
ko nagawa nang didn't do the

maayos yung technique

technique na to properly or I
or hindi ko na, didn't do it the
hindi ko same, the
nagawang likeness of my
maging preference
kamuka, yung doesn't match.
likeness ng So it's
preference ko disappointing
hindi kuha, that it is
ganun, so damaging to
nakaka my emotional
disappoint yun health.
and nakaka
damage yun sa
health ko.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #6 Coding Coding
3a. Uhh for me uhh.. Creative burnout Doesn’t Doesn’t
creative burnout uhh doesn't affect me really affect really Positive
not really affects me daily but it can affect on a daily affect on a view
uhh on the daily basis me in some basis. daily basis. towards
but can affect me on situations when creative
some situations that creating art, although burnout.
uhh when creating it sometimes hinders Can actually
uhh.. when creating me from being much

arts, but although it more out of the box help the

uhh.. sometimes or thinking more out artist.
hinder uhh it of the box, with that
sometimes hinders I do think that
me on being much creative burnout can
more out of the box affect me as an artist,
or thinking out more it doesn't affect me
of the box, with that I that much on the
do think that uhh daily basis.
creative burnout can
affect me uhh as an
artist, it doesn't affect
me that much on the
daily basis.
3b. For me uhh the For me the most Creating an Facing the
most difficult that I difficult experience artwork that problem
experience in terms that I had in terms of represents
of creative burnout is creative burnout is oneself.
uhh.. creating art that creating art that is an
is an artwork that artwork that
represents me as a represents me as a
whole, not an artwork whole, not an
that mostly inspired artwork that mostly
by others and an inspired by others
artwork that inspired and an artwork that
by the situation but inspired by the
rather an artwork uhh situation but rather
are piece that uhh is an artwork that's a

only base on who i piece that is only

am as an artist, and base on who I am as
what is the type of the an artist, and what is
artwork that i really the type of the
want to make. artwork that I really
want to make.
3c. Uhh for me For me creative Emotionally. Thinking Self-
creative burnout uhh burnout resulted Thinking negatively. sabotaging
resulted in mostly in mostly emotional, negatively. behaviors
emotionally uhh there there are times that
are times that you you will think
will think negatively negatively and that's
and thats you can when you can
experience in such experience those
those thoughts that thoughts that you
you won't be able to won't be able to do
do something, with something with that
that uhh it can really can really affect me
affect me and as well and as well as others
as others uhh.. their there mental health
mental health depends on creating
depends on creating such art or pieces.
such uhh.. art, or

4. Describe how Arts and Design students deal with Creative Burnout.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #1 Coding Coding

4a. ang hirap nito ah, 4a. This is difficult, Just go with the Just going Go with
kasi hindi pa ako you know, because flow. with the the flow.
umaabot sa point na I haven't reached flow.
ano eh narerealise ko, the point where I
siguro paunti-unti. I fully realize it yet,
usually ano nalang, just maybe little by
go with the flow, little. Usually, I just
natutunan ko na di ako go with the flow,
maging perfectionistic I've learned not to
and pagdating sa art be perfectionistic
kailangan ko lang just when it comes to
go with the flow, like art. I just need to go
let life be? Parang with the flow, like
ganon, like wag letting life be?
kanang- wag mo nang Something like that,
pakialaman yung like not
details, wag mo nang overthinking the
pakialman like kung details, not caring
ano ang iniisip ng ano, about what others
just express yourself, think, just
ikaw ang may hawak expressing yourself.
sa buhay mo, ikaw lang You're in control of
magaano niyan, just go your life, you're the
with the flow. one who will
handle it, just go
with the flow.
4b. distraction, looking 4b. Distraction, Distraction. Use of
for inspiration kaso looking for Looking for indirect

minsan may times din inspiration, but inspiration. Distracting ways to

na inaavoid ko nalang sometimes there are Trying other oneself. avoid
yun eh. Distraction, not also times when I things. handling
doing anything, trying just avoid it. creative
other things pero kung Distraction, not burnout.
emotionally exhausted doing anything,
talaga ako, hindi ako trying other things,
will magtry ng bagong but when I'm
things, feeling emotionally
pessimistic ako, pero exhausted, I don't
ano umm. Mostly have the will to try
distraction lang talaga, new things, I feel
like dinidistract ko pessimistic, but
sarili ko na wag umm. Mostly it's
masyadong iano yung, just distraction, like
na iavoid yung I distract myself
negative feelings from delving too
pagdating sa drawing, much into, avoiding
o minsan inaavoid ko negative feelings
ko nalang takaga when it comes to
magdrawing, siguro drawing, or
yung pinagusapan ko sometimes I just
mostly yung past self, avoid drawing
pero ano nalang, altogether. Maybe
inaavoid ko I've mostly talked
magdrawing, or about my past self,
perhaps iba yung but now I just avoid
ginagawa ko unrelated drawing, or perhaps

like sa arts and design I do something

chuchu something. unrelated to arts
and design,
something else.
4c. both positive and 4c. Both positive Both positive Both Both
negative. Negative, ano and negative. and negative. positive positive
lang yun negative Negative impacts of Negative and and
impacts ng creative creative burnout resulting in negative negative
burnout is yung di ka include being emotional views views
makakapagstart, umm unable to start, exhaustion. towards towards
maslalo kang magiging becoming more Positive creative creative
emotionally exhausted, emotionally resulting in burnout. burnout.
maslalo ka kang exhausted, and improvement
magiging self-insecure, growing more self- and overall
pero ang positive insecure. However, growth to
impacts nito is the positive impacts overcome
mistakes can help you are that mistakes creative
point out what you can help identify burnout.
need to improve, areas for
parang ano, parang improvement. It's a
looking for ano, it's a part of life to
part of life naman experience setbacks
talaga to experience because they
downfall kasi nireready prepare you for a
ka nila sa future para stronger future, to
masmalakas ka diba, overcome
para masmaovercome, challenges, similar
parang same applies to to how senior high

ano senior highschool, school students

laging frequently
nakakaexperience ng experience practice
PTs para ready sa tests to prepare for
collage, parang ganon, college. So, I think
so parang naiisip ko na that both positive
both naman, life is fair and negative effects
both have negative exist because life is
effects, yun nga lang fair. However, the
mostly ang negative negative effects are
effects impacted sa mostly felt in the
present moment present moment
whether yung tao when a person is
mismo at the present experiencing
naeexperience ang creative burnout,
creative burnout, pero while the positive
yung positive impact impact is mostly
nun is mostly reliant sa reliant on the
future, future kung future. If you have
naovercome mo and hints of optimism,
malaman mo yung use them as the key
value, yung may to solve and open
optimism, kung may the gates towards
hints ka ng optimism, overcoming
use that as the key to creative burnout
solve to open the gates and moving
pagdating like sa ano, towards a new
unlocking creative chapter.

burnout and leaning

towards the new

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #2 Coding Coding
4a. Usually I don't do 4a. Usually I don't do Going to Looking for Directly
anything, pero if anything, but if I Pinterest for ways to get facing
gusto ko talaga really want to inspire inspiration. inspiration. creative
mainspire sarili ko, myself, I go to burnout.

pupunta ako sa pinterest! But I can't

pinterest! Pero di ako find it on Pinterest

nakakahanap sa when I go to
Pinterest, I end up
pinterest pag
not doing anything.
pumunta akong
But maybe if I really
pinterest, i end up not
want to draw this
doing anything. Pero
thing, like oh my god
siguro if I really want
I want this now, I'll
to draw this thing,
go straight to Ibis
like oh my god i want
paint. That! Find
this now, diretso ako
inspiration in short.
sa Ibis paint. Yun!
Find inspiration in
4b. Coloring books! 4b. Coloring books! I Skipping the Looking for Use of
Gusto ko kasi mag want to color okay? process of ways to indirect

color okay? Yun yung That's my favorite making an avoid the ways to
favorite ko pag ano e thing to do when I'm artwork by process. avoid
pag mag ddrawing pag drawing when I pass going straight handling
pass line art pag pass line art when I pass to coloring creative
sketching, pag sketching, when I'm using burnout.
coloring dun ko talaga coloring I really coloring
naeenjoy yung ano ko, enjoy what I do, books.
actually gusto ko lang actually I just want to
magdrawing to color draw in color so
so usually sa pinterest usually on pinterest
nanaman hehehe, hehehe, I'll look for a
maghahanap ako ng colored picture to
colored picture na color.
kukulayan ko.
4c. Medyo a bit of 4c. A bit of both but A bit of both A bit more Negative
both pero more on the more on the negative but more on on the views
negative side. Kasi side. Because, the negative negative towards
mga, burnout bro! burnout bro! Who side. side. creative
Who likes burnout? likes burnout? burnout.
Kasi diba like gusto Because it's like you
mo talaga mag really want to draw
drawing pero yung but you don't have
passion, and ideas, the passion, and
inspirations, ideas, inspirations,
motivations wala. motivations. The
Yung positive side nun positive side of that is
is kung na-experience if you've experienced
mo siya and you know it and you know how

how to overcome it, to overcome it, it's

ano wala lang parang like nothing but the
ang satisfying lang ng satisfying feeling of
feeling pag na- overcoming burnout.
overcome yung

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #3 Coding Coding
4a. Sakin ano parang For me, this is a tip Look for Looking for
tip na din kapag when I get burned out inspiration ways to get Directly
nabuburnout lalo na especially in the arts, online to make inspiration. facing
sa arts, pag ako kasi When I get burned out an artwork. creative
nabuburnout sa arts in the arts, I look for burnout.
nag hahanap ako ng videos on Facebook, I
mga video sa watch anime clips
Facebook nanonood again on Facebook or
ulit ako ng mga clips whatever platform it
ng anime sa is, as long as you can
Facebook or kahit watch anime, I feel
saang platform yan like when I watch it
basta nakakakita ka again, I will work
ng anime, manonood hard again because
talaga ako parang pag their work is beautiful
nanood ulit ako and I think that I can
sisipagin ulit ako kasi do it too, That's my
nagagandahan ako sa tip when you feel
nakikita ko and lazy, try again to go

nakakainspire kasi back to the things that

siya kasi ang ganda inspire you to make
ng gawa nila and an artwork.
parang naiisip mo rin
na parang kaya ko rin
to, kaya ko rin gawin
to. Yun na yung tip
ko kapag tinatamad
ka try mo ulit balikan
yung mga
nakakainspire sayo
na gumawa ng isang
4b. Akin siguro For me I think you Practice and Facing the
practice ka lang ulit should just keep on practice until problem.
kung nabuburnout ka practicing. When you you get back
lang naman, hindi ka stopped making an into arts
na gumagawa ng arts artwork, then you again.
then naisipan mong thought that you
parang bumalik ulit should make an
kasi yun nga dun ka artwork again, just
naman nag simula na practice until you get
magstastart ka pa back to your past self
lang maging isang that was engaged in
artist, practice ka arts.
lang ng practice
hanggang sa
makabalik ka dun sa

dati mong self na

engaged sa arts.
4c. Sakin siguro ano, For me, it is positive, Positive Positive Positive
positive siya kaso when you get burned learning learning views
kapag nabuburnout out, you try to make experience. An experience. toward
ka tas sinubukan mo an artwork again, you opportunity creative
ulit gumawa ng will improve, it's like for burnout.
artwork you will do something improvement.
magimprovee ka again, to make an
niyan eh parang dun artwork, you will do it
ka ulit gaganahan na again to return to your
ano, na gumawa ng hobby, and as time
isang artwork, dun ka goes on, you will see
ulit gaganahan na your improvements,
bumalik sa hobby even I myself is
mo, and habang happy that it
tumatagal makikita happened because
mo yung now when I make an
improvements mo artwork I think to
noon kaysa ngayon, myself that I am
kahit ako sa sarili ko improving in what I
masaya na nangyari am doing and I will
yon kasi ngayon pag have a hard time to
gumagawa ako ng stop making art again,
artwork naiisip ko sa especially when there
sarili ko na are improvements to
nagiimprove ako sa what you do.
ginagawa ko and

nahihirapan akong
itigil ulit siya kasi
nakakasipag siyang
gawin lalo na pag
may improvements
yung ginagawa mo.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #4 Coding Coding
4a. hmmm.. for back then 4a. Back then, Focusing on Distracting
since, it was really my first since it was my other things oneself. Use of
time ahmm ano experiencing first time like indirect
the burnout, i just rested my experiencing academics. ways to
mind,like,stop muna akong burnout, I just Distracting avoid
mag isip about jan like rested my mind, oneself. handling
tungkol sa block na tohh like, I stopped creative
“gusto ko pa ba ituloy?” thinking about burnout.
instead mag focus nalang the burnout,
muna ako sa ibang bagay focused on other
tulad ng sa studies like focus things like acads,
ko muna yung acads ko na instead of
instead na isipin ko muna thinking about
yung arts,hayaan ko muna arts, i'll ignore it
siya diyan kase di naman yan for a little time,
mawawala eh. because I won't
lose it.

4b.matulog WAHAHA! To sleep, yes Distracting Distracting

yes, kase, ayun yung number because that's oneself to oneself.
1 like, ano ba gateway ko my number one cope with
para mag ano ayon para mag gateway to rest. I creative
rest talaga like matulog kase like to sleep in a burnout.
in a way para ren siyang way because it
escape to reality as other feels like it's my
side,kase,makakalimutan mo escape to reality,
talaga yung mga iniisip because you”ll
mo,like mapahinga lang yung forget the things
utak mo, ayon. you're thinking
about,like you
will have a brain
4c. Pwede ba? okay sige 4c. For negative, Negative, Both Both
go,uhh for negative muna it yes it affects for the part negative negative
yes, it really affects your your mind if you where and and
mind eh like pag hinde mo can't overcome you’re stuck positive positive
sya naovercome ma stock ka it, without views views
diyan forever mahihirapan you’ll be going progress. toward toward
kana bumalik sa track mo, to stay in that Positive if creative creative
once na nalaman mo kung situation forever, you learn burnout. burnout.
pano iovercome its a really it's difficult to go how to
great experience kase uhh, back to your overcome
para siyang in a way, track, but, once creative
achievement, kase maiisip mo you learn how to burnout.
“ay kaya ko naman pala toh” overcome it, it's
ahmm pano ba, alam mo

yung say nilang theres always a great

a storm before a rainbow yon, experience,
so like down fall ka muna because, it's like
bago ka mag achieve ng an achievement
something great so once because you will
namaovercome mo yun, in a realize “ohh I
way like mag tutuloy tuloy can do it”, like,
yung motivation mo non mag you know how
iimprove ng mag improve they say
kase na hit mo na yung rock sometimes that
bottom mo eh so i guess is to there’s always a
hmm fly high HAHAHA. storm before a
rainbow like you
will have a
downfall before
something great,
once you
overcome it, in a
way like it will
continue your
motivation to
improve because
you’ve hit rock
bottom, so I
guess it's time to
fly high.

Actual Responses Translation Open Axial Selective

Respondent #5 Codes Coding Coding
4a. Uhm… handle 4a. To handle creative Take a Use of
creative burnout, ano. burnout, I take a break from Distracting indirect
Uhm… I take a break break from art. I still art, indulge oneself. ways to
from art ganon, so have many hobbies in other avoid
parang there’s more and interests, not just hobbies. handling
hobby naman. Marami art, and not just creative
pa naman akong drawing. So, in the burnout.
hobbies and interest, meantime, I'm gonna
hindi lang art, and hindi indulge in my other
lang pag ddrawing, so hobbies, then, when
yun, dun muna ako sa eventually, my
kanila, tapos kapag creative fire comes
eventually, kapag back, then I'll start
bumalik na yung parang drawing again. So
creative uhm… fire ko that's just my cycle.
ganon, saka ako nag
ddrawing ulit. So ganun
lang yung cycle ko.
4b. Uhm… ayun, yun, 4b. Well, that's it, Going back
yung pag balik doon sa going back to my to other
mga hobby kong iba other hobbies and hobbies.
and pag tingin ng mga looking for
inspirations sa… ibang inspirations in other
artist, like, yun, yung artists, like the artists
mga artist that you look that I look up to, also,
up to, tsaka yung pag searching on pinterest

search sa pinterest like that, and those on

ganon, and yung sa google like that .
google ganun.
4c. I think, ano, 4c. I think, yes. Positive. Positive Positive
positive, for me. Kasi… Positive, for me. Learning to learning views
dun mo matututunan na Because, that's when identify experience. toward
may mga limits ka and you learn that you your limits creative
pag na identify mo yung have limits and when to burnout.
limits na yun, its uhm… you identify those overcome
parang nagiging uh, fuel limits, it's like it it.
yun para malagpasan becomes the fuel to
yung limits na yun so, overcome those limits
parang maging better so, it's like you
artist ka, yun. become a better artist,
that's all.

Actual Responses Translation Open Codes Axial Selective

Respondent #6 Coding Coding
4a. Uhh for me uhh.. For me, the things that Focus on Focusing on Use of
the things that I do on I do on different different indirect
handling creative handling creative things, not things, ways to
burnout is that burnout is that I only on avoid
usually focus on, usually focus on, creating art. handling
uhhh.. much more on creative
much more on different things not burnout.
different things not just only on creating
just only on creating an artwork but as
artwork but as well as well as other mediums

other mediums that I that I enjoy a lot, like

enjoy a lot like performing, that is my
performing with that coping mechanism in
basically is my coping handling creative
mechanism in burnout and there are
handling creative times that I do a lot of
burnout and there are things that will not
times that I do a lot of make me uneasy
things that will not rather will make me
make me uneasy more ease and
rather will make me eventually get past to
more ease and creative burnout.
eventually get past to
creative burnout.

4b. Uhh just like my Just like my answer to Being at Facing the Directly
answer in uhh the last the last question, my peace with problem. facing
question, my best best coping yourself, creative
coping mechanism is mechanism is being at understand burnout.
being at peace with peace with yourself the situation
yourself and that, and that, you need to to solve
uhhh.. you need to understand the creative
uhmm.. understand situation much more burnout,
the situation much and that you will be
more and that uhh you able to find a solution

will be able to find a that will eventually

solution that,uhh, that solve the creative
will eventually that burnout that you are
will solve the creative facing.
burnout, that uhh you
are facing.
4c. Uhh.. for me I see, For me, I see creative Taking Positive Positive
uhh creative burnout burnout as a positive creative learning views
as a positive learning learning experience burnout as a experience. toward
experience, because because for me, there positive creative
uhh for me uhh, there are times that people learning burnout.
are times that people would see creative experience
would see uhh burnout negatively, and a way to
creative burnout but for me I see it as a keep moving
negatively but for me positive experience, forward,
i see it as a positive because it motivates
experience because, it me and it can make a
motivates me and as lesson to me as an
well as it can be a artist. It provides me
uhh, it can uhh.., it much more
can make, me uhhh.. inspiration to keep
like a lesson to me as moving forward and
an artist it provides do your best and that
me, much more uhh, be creative and be
inspiration to keep who you are as an
moving forward and artist and create an
uhh, do your best and artworks that
that be creative and be represents me as

who you are as an whole and as an artist

artist and create a and lastly I see
artworks that creative burnout as a
represents me as sign not to stop on the
whole and as an artist things that you're
and uhh.., lastly I see most passionate
creative burnout as, about.
ahmm.. a sign to not
stop on what are the
things that you are
passionate the most.


Born on March 7, 2005, France Maxine N.

Ellana, an artistic student hailing from University
of Perpetual Help System DALTA. Max has a
deep passion for creating art. Whether it's
painting, drawing, or any other form of artistic
expression Max finds joy and fulfillment in the
process of bringing her imagination to life. Max's
artistic journey began at a young age, and over
the years, she has honed her skills and developed
a unique artistic style.

Born on the 28th of December, 2005. Luki Ann

M. Kuramoto, a student in the University of
Perpetual Help DALTA - Molino. A very
ambitious student with big dreams for the future.
An aspiring fashion designer/freelance artist
from AD 11-01. Their hobbies are a variety of
artistic elements, namely: Drawing, creative
writing, singing, and reading any kind of book
that is definitely far from reality.

Aspiring artist Victor E. Pantoni has a strong

enthusiasm for artistic expression. Victor, who is
currently studying in the University of Perpetual Help
DALTA - Molino, AD 11-01 strand and section, is
dedicated to honing his artistic abilities. His interests
include drawing, painting, and playing online games
that spark his imagination.

Born on June 23, 2006, this individual is a student at

the University of Perpetual Help - Molino Campus.
Despite having an average academic record, they are
dedicated to their studies. They channel their self-
expression through art and aspire to be an artist. Their
artwork reflects their skills, emotions, and personal

Luis Enrico R. Valencia Jr. is a talented individual

who is passionate about dancing and performing.
Currently enrolled in the University of Perpetual Help
DALTA - Molino, AD 11-01 strand and section, Luis
is dedicated to honing his skills as a dancer. His
hobbies revolve around dancing and performing,
showcasing his love for artistic expression.

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