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03 Manage Your Stress

When you have completed your research and have tried each activity, write a five-
paragraph essay. Your essay should contain the following information:

 In the introductory paragraph, you should introduce the three stress management
techniques that you chose.
 In the body, describe each of the activities you chose and your experience with each.
 In the summary, determine which of the three methods you would consider using in times
of stress.

Your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior can all be impacted by stress
symptoms. Being able to identify typical signs of stress can help you take control of them earlier.
Uncontrolled stress can contribute to many health issues. Stress can also cause you to lose focus
on important things like work or school which will result in bad performance. So, it is important
to try to find a way to get rid of stress such as reading, mountain biking, or guided imagery.

Novel reading has been shown to enhance brain function on several levels by neuroscientists.
A recent Emory University study on the advantages of fiction reading on the brain was carried
out. Immersion in a book has been shown by researchers to improve brain function and increase
brain connectivity. Meaning that this is a healthy way to avoid and diminish stress.

Using guided imagery is quite useful. It can help you relax, which helps lower blood
pressure and lessen other stress-related issues. It can also be used to manage pain and encourage
healing; or it could also help you focus better on work or school. Which makes this another way
to alleviate stress and focus on relaxation.

Mountain biking is a high-intensity physical activity. While mountain bikes are comparable to
regular bikes, they have added features that improve their performance and durability on tough
terrain. Exercise improves your general health and well-being, which makes you feel better about
yourself every day. Yet physical activity also directly reduces stress in some ways. It increases
endorphin production. Which helps your mind relax and helps you forget about stress.
Reading is the best method to relax, and studies have shown that even six minutes of reading can
lower stress levels by more than two thirds. It also works faster and better than other methods for
relieving tension, such as putting on some music, going on a stroll, or cuddling up with a cup of
tea. But if I had to choose one tactic, I would go mountain biking. This is because I don't enjoy
reading much and think mountain biking would be more fun for me. Though reading is the best
way to ease tension and relax the nerves, there are other methods you can use such as mountain
biking or imagery.

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