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First Edition


Published By:
General Secretary
All India Overseas Bank Employees Union
763,Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002













































































































































































The Indian Subcontinent rosary or set of mantra counting has 108 beads. 108 has
been a sacred number in the Indian Subcontinent for a very long time. This
number is explained in many different ways.
We must agree that all measuring systems are merely reference frames. They give
us a starting point. It doesnt really matter if you call them farenheits or cycles. All
science is based on fundamental assumptions of the mechanics of this universe.
Yet, these assumptions, if correct, connect like building blocks.
Much in the same way, the number 108 is just a reference frame. It is symbolic of
a bigger picture: that of humility. When devotees recite 108 Hanuman Chalisas,
Gayatri mantras in their minds they believe, they are proving their love for God,

and that there is in fact a need to prove their love. When devotees assign a 108
names to Shri Ganesh, they are once again gauging their devotion through
numbers. This, of course, may be considered unreasonable, since it suggests that
108 chants are more effective than 109 chants. How do they know this? Have they
proved it? Is 108 the magic number of the universe? No, it is not! It is a reference
frame. What is important is that a system is imposed to guide us through the
fundamental struggles encountered in any evolutional process. Otherwise, chaos
and anarchy follow and nothing gets done.
In the Hindu-Buddhist civilizational sphere, the number 108 is among the most
sacred and appears as the true or fictitious cardinal number of all manner of
philosophical sets and religious series. What makes this number so special?
We will try to position ourselves as best as possible into the minds of
profundity-oriented symbolists in order to extract their kind of meaning from
this unusual number.
In present times, we can find many rationales for the proliferation of 108
throughout our scriptures. In fact, this number seems to garner its unfair share
of attention from myriad cults and faith systems around the world. I will give
you a few justifications that have been brought to my attention.
Like wise IOB ( Indian Overseas Bank) which has a unique distinction of
isomorphic resemblances of the spirit of the holistic number 108 in form and
content India's ninth-largest bank, provides banking and financial services
throughout the country and abroad. . Established in 1937 with a focus on
foreign exchange and overseas banking.. IOB provides various banking
services, including saving bank, term deposit, lending, mortgage, currency
transfer, agri-business consultation, and credit card services. Specialized
branches address commercial and industrial credit, industrial finance, and hightech agricultural, among others. Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) provides
consumer and commercial banking services current accounts, credit facilities
and other services. IOB also provides non-residential Indian (NRI) services,
personal banking, foreign exchange reserves (FOREX) collections services,
agri business consultancy, credit cards and e-banking services. It also provides
automated teller machine (ATM) services. As of March 31, 2006, IOB had five
full-fledged branches overseas: two in Hong Kong, and one each in Singapore,
Seoul and Sri Lanka. The Bank also had an extension counter in Sri Lanka and
a remittance center in Singapore. At March 31, 2006, IOB had a network of
1,513 branches and 253 extension counters in India.
Bharat Overseas Bank, a fast growing Chennai-based Indian private sector
bank has a unique history behind it.Established to take over from Indian

Overseas Bank's Bangkok branch, in Thailand in 1973, it is the only private

bank permitted by the Reserve Bank of India to have a branch outside India.
Bharat Overseas Bank has been promoted by seven banks, and is the only bank
to represent India in Thailand, serving the Indian ethnic business community
for over 3 decades
IOB has moved to acquire 100%stakes in Bharat Overseas Bank ltd a bank
earlier owned by seven Banks viz. IOB, , Karur Vysya Bank, Bank of
Rajasthan, Federal Bank, ING Vysya Bank, South Indian Bank, and Karnataka
Bank in 2006. Accordingly Bharat Overseas bank is in the process of getting
merged with IOB .
With a nation-wide branch network, a variety of innovative schemes and a
focus on efficiency through computerisation, Indian Overseas Bank has
established the right balance, offering both customer-friendly and technologydriven service.
Ever since its inception INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK has created a name for
itself for being as Customers Bank of GOOD PEOPLE TO GROW WITH.
Having said that, we will show you justificationsof 108 (IOB) from a few
subcultures in India. Obviously, we consider the rationale to be the most consistent
with the fundamental laws of this universe..

1)Jyotish shastra {vedic system} This universe was created by the five elements:
space, air, fire, water and earth. From these elements came the three attributes: Raj
{birth}, Sat {protection} and Tam {destruction or death.}
The mathematical or geographical evidence proves that one circle has 360 degrees
in space. Why is this circle or wheel of life considered to be of 360 degrees only?
If we take a circle and start dividing it using the four elements and three attributes,
all the logic can be observed.
The circle itself, is considered the first element of space, since we must consume
space in drawing a circle. In this space {or circle}, the four remaining elements
and three attributes create the idea of time. The circle is divisible by the product of
four elements multiplied by three attributes. This involves the belief that the three
attributes exist in the circle. By moving three times, each element completes its
So now we have the number 12 {3 x 4}. This division gave birth to our 12 months,
and also to the 12 horas {1/2 of the day or Ahoratri}. We now have 360 degrees as
well as 12 divisions. We can now further divide the wheel of time: there are 27

fixed stars (nakshatras) along with three attributes that divide the time in smaller
portions. So this 27 + 3 = 30 is interpreted as 30 degrees or days of one part of the
wheel (circle) or month. All of this is only half of a day. The night is yet
unaccounted for. Therefore, we multiply these 30 degrees by 2. This gives us our
reference of 60 seconds in a minute.
Thus the 360 x 30 = 10,800. Zero {0} is considered Purna or complete. So we
take out the last zeros and are left with 108. The idea of our total universe is
represented by this number of 108. Offering 108, devotees believe that they are
showing ultimate or complete respect to the Supreme
There are many other justifications but all can be traced back to this system. A few
are explained below:
2) 1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Numerologically, nine is a very special number, it always
returns to itself. Look how it behaves with other numbers:
9 x 2 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
9 x 3 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9
9 x 4 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9
9 x 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9
9 x 6 = 54, 5 + 4 = 9
9 x 7 = 63, 6 + 3 = 9
9 x 8 = 72, 7 + 2 = 9
9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9
9 x 10=90, 9 + 0 = 9
9 x 11=99, 9 + 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
9 x 12 = 108
Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many
traditions. 9 times 12 is 108.

Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108. The number 9 represents
wholeness and 108 when added together equals 9. 1+0+8 = 9. Interestingly, if you
multiply 9 times ANYTHING, the answer is always 9 when you add the numbers
together. Try it! 1x9= 9. 2x9=18 1+8=9. 285x9=2565 2+5+6+5=18 1+8=9.
8543x9=76887 7+6+8+8+7=36 3+6=9 The logic behind this is that 9 represents
wholeness or God and God times anything is always God since God is all there is!
The 9 planets travelling through the 12 signs constitutes the whole of existence. 9
x 12 = 108
3) Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: Consider the powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1
to 1st power = 1; 2 to 2nd power = 4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power = 27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27 =
108. The logic behind this is that 1 represents 1 dimensional reality, 2 represents 2
dimensional reality, 3 represents 3 dimensional reality. When you multiply their
powers together then you encompass the whole of existence.
4) In numerology, 108 breaks down to 1+0+8=9. Nine is a mystically charged
number, and the sum of the digits resulting from any number multiplied by 9
always returns to 9. The numerological explanation, 108=1*2*2*3*3*3, and
hence that it is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 12 is much more plausible. Ancient
Indians and others often used the structure of enumerated lists and divisions in
scriptures for aesthetic/poetic reasons, as an aid to memorization, and as check
on the accuracy of transmission, as well as mystical use. See for example the
"Numerical Discourses" in the Pali (Buddhist) canon. The number 108, being
highly factorable and constructable in other interesting ways, is well suited to
this purpose. Having found such a use it was natural to build mystical
interpretations around it. In particular, a mala with 108 beads would be useful
for reciting prayers and such with numerical structure.
Another example of a highly factorable number being selected for a seemingly
arbitrary base is the number 60, used by the Babylonians. This is divisible by 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. It is the reason minutes have 60 seconds,
hours have 60 minutes, and circles have 360degrees

5) It is the hyperfactorial of 3 since it is of the form

6) 108 is a number that is divisible by the value of its function, which is 36. 108
is also divisible by the total number of its divisors (12), hence it is a refactorable
7) In normal space, the interior angles of an equilateral pentagon measure 108
degrees each.
8) There are 108 free polyominoes of order 7.

9) In base 10, it is a Harshad number and a self number 108 is a Harshad number,
which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits (Harshad is from Sanskrit, and
means "great joy") .
10) In mathematicsOne hundred [and] eight is an abundant number, a tetranacci

11) The number 18 (18 Hands of the Lohan for instance) is

considered sacred and the root of the number 108 and 1008, another
sacred number
*( see note 1 for further explanations)
12) Desires: There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.
13) Lies: There are said to be 108 lies that humans tell.
14) Delusions: There are said to be 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.
15) Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there
are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One
of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Selfrealization.
16) Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has
masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.
17) Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108
breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.
18) Upanishads: Some say there are 108 Upanishads, texts of the wisdom of the
ancient sages.
19) Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect,
and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine,
shiva and shakti qualities. 54 times 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that
define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.
20) Pentagon: The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals
108 degrees. The angle between legs of a pentagon is 108 degrees. The golden
section (phi, the ratio 1 : 1.618) can be derived from a pentagon or 5 pointed
star, the spiral generated using this ratio is the spira mirabilis, seen throughout
nature. (eg in a snail shell, a sunflower,etc.)
21) Marmas: Marmas or marmasthanas are like energy intersections called
chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. Marmas are
Power zone on the human body. There are said to be 108 of them. On the Shri
Yantra , as related to the human body, a marma is said to exist where 3 lines
intersect Ayurveda tells us that there are 108 marmas, points in the body, where

consciousness and flesh intersect to give life to the livng being. Similarly, the lines
of the mystical, mesmerizing Sri Chakra Yantra intersect in 54 points, each with a
masculine and feminine quality, totalling 108.
When we say 108 mantras it acts as a Kavach (protection) to each point. There
are 108 spokes coming from the Hridaya (heart center) energizing the body.
And when we do our mantras 108 times it allows the mantra to flow through
each of these channels (as well as each of the 108 navamsas that a planet could
be placed in).
When the ocean of milk was churned in the beginning of time, it could only be
done with the working unity of the devas (gods) and asuras (demons). They
used a great snake to churn the ocean of milk (the milky way) there were 54
devas on the side of the tail and 54 asuras on the side of the heads. They
churned the ocean searching for the amrita (the nectar of immortality). Before it
arose from the ocean many poisons and blessing arose. These represent our 54
negative qualities that churn with the 54 positive qualities in the spiritual work
of looking for the amrita within. This churning allows the kundalini to rise on
the mountain axis of our spine with the turtle of the root chakra below.

The 108 navamsa/padas are permanently charted into the zodiac. The Sun
traverses these through out the year. The 54 demons are the Sun's Southern Course
(Dakshina Ayana) where there is more darkness on the northern hemisphere. The
54 devas are the Northern Course of the Sun (Uttara Ayana). It is the time of the
devas, where light is more prevelant.
The chain of 108 links is held together by 107 joints, the number of
marmas, or weak spots, in the body according to the Ayurvedic way.
The 108 sacred meridians points on the human body in Traditional
Chinese Medicine.
22) Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related
to the present, and 36 related to the future.
23) 8 extra beads: In doing a practice of counting the number of repetitions of the
mala, 100 are counted as completed. The remaining are said to cover errors or
omissions. The 8 are also said to be an offering to God and Guru.
Smaller divisions: The number 108 is divided, such as in half, third, quarter, or
twelfth, so that some malas have 54, 36, 27, or 9 beads.
24) Chemistry: Interestingly, there are about 115 elements known on the periodic
table of the elements. Most of those, around or higher than the number 100 only

exist in the laboratory, and some for only thousandths of a second. The number
that naturally exist on Earth is around 100.
25) Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or
chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions
within a whole.Astronomically, there are 27 constellations in our galaxy, and each
one them has 4 directions, and 27 * 4 = 108, In other words he number 108 covers
the whole galaxy. Vedic astrology divides the heavens into 27 moon signs, called
nakshatras, each with 4 padas, making 108 padas in all, giving 108 basic kinds of
human nature. The pada occupied by the moon at the time of birth indicates the
nature of one's career, pleasures, family, and path to liberation.
26) Chandrakalas. The 108 Navamshas. See Navamshas. Navamshas. 200' of
arc in Sidereal Astrology. Each constellation has 1800' of arc. Therefore, there
are 9 (nava) navamshas in a sidereal constellation. Since there are 12
constellations in the Sidereal zodiac there are 9 times 12 or 108 navamshas .
Rishis There are 12 rasi (sun signs) of 30 degrees each in the zodiac. These rasi
are connected to the Adityas (12 Sun gods) and the rasi are said to give the
results of the Sun. The Sun is karaka (significator) for the 1st and the houses
9th houses. When you take each rasi and divide it into nine amsas (divisions) it
creates the Navamsa (9th divisional chart). 30 degrees divided by nine gives 9
signs of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. With each of the 12 signs containing 9
amsas there is 108 amsas. This Navamsa shows the inherent qualities of the
soul, a natives dharma (purpose), bhagya (luck), and ones spouse. The
Navamsa is the 108 sign chart held in high esteem in Vedic astrology and a
Vedic astrologer doesnt read a birth chart without the navamsa sitting next to
27) The Moon goes through the zodiac in approximately 27 days which creates
the lunar zodiac called the nakshatras. The Moon is karaka (significator) for the
4th house. Each of these 27 lunar signs are divided into 4 amsas (divisions)
called padas (feet/footsteps). The nakshatras (lunar signs) are 13-20 degrees
and divided by four become 3-20 degrees. 27 nakshatras multiplied by 4 padas
is 108. The four pada relate to the four ayana: karma (career), artha
(sustenance), kama (pleasure/family), moksa (spirituality/liberation). Each pada
has a toneusing which can activate a planet within the tone. The Moon has a
108 padas and 108 tones.
The 3-20 division reveals itself as the most crucial division. The Moon signs
padas and the Sun signs navamsas line up with the number 108. 108 is the
number where the Moon (manas) and Sun (atman/ahamkar) line up. It is where

the Moons cycle can be aligned with the Suns cycle. 108 is a number that
aligns the mind and the soul.
The 3-20 division aligns the Sun and the Moon, which also shows the
alignment of Shiva and Parvati or the Purusha and Prakritti. The 108 division is
the coming together of Purusha and Prakritti, it is the creation of the world.
The Sun and the Moon are connected to the earth by approximately 108 times
their own diameters. When you look at the Sun and the Moon from earth they
are perceived as the same size, this same size appears because of their distance.
In the zodiac the large solar signs (rasis) find the same size as the smaller lunar
signs (nakshatras) with the number 108. Even though the Sun (1,392,000 km )
is 400 times smaller than the Moon (3,474.8 km), they are perceived the same
by their division of 108 times their own diameter.
28) This just physically reveals that the Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon) are
using the vibration of 108 to create and maintain life as it is on this earth. 108 is
not sacred because of this distance, this distance (of a 108 the luminaries own
diameter) are existing because it is the vibration in which all life as we know it
is brought into existence.
It is the vibration of the Purusha and Prakritti that has put us into existence and
it is the secret key that will allow us to awaken in our existence, manipulate our
existence, or transcend our existence. It is a powerful force that can do
anything, tantra (both positive and negative) taps into this force. There are a
108 beads upon a mala to tap into this vibration of the supreme creative force
of the god and goddess, Purusha and Prakritti.
All other lists of 108 unfold from Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon). For
example, in Ayurveda there are a 108 marmas in the body. They are points that
can heal or kill a living being. They are considered the points where
consciousness connects to the body, where Purusha (consciousness) is brought
into Prakritti (body) to give life to the living being (both humans and animals
have these points). The 108 intersections on the Sri Chakra again relate to this
numbers ability invoke the balance of Purusha and Prakritti and the primordial
ability of the rishi to see both clearly.
In linear time Prakritti (manifest creation) came forth from the Purusha (the
absolute beyond anything created). It is a point from which all came into being. In
non-linear time, this point is always present where the nothing and the
something connect beyond words. This space is 108.

29 )River Ganga: The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to
91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.
30 )Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times
9 equals 108.
31) Goddess names: There are said to be 108 Indian goddess names.
32)Gopis of Krishna: In the Krishna tradition, there were said to be 108 gopis or
maid servants of Krishna.
33) 1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for
emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or
34) *Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the
Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
35) *Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108
times the diameter of the Moon.
* See note 2 for further explanations

36 )Silver and the moon: In astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the
moon. The atomic weight of silver is 108.
37)Asrronomy: In astronomy, Vedic seers calculated that the distance between the
Earth and the Moon is 108 times the diameter of the Moon, the distance between
the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the diamter of the Sun, and the diameter of the
Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. These numbers are remarkably close to
the results of calculations based on modern scientific measurements using the
average distances between Earth and the Moon and Earth and the Sun.
38 )Numerical scale: The 1 of 108, and the 8 of 108, when added together equals
9, which is the number of the numerical scale, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 10, etc., where 0 is not
a number.
39) Meditations: Some say there are 108 styles of meditation
40) Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and
coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of
41) Upanishads :We list below 108 Upanishads as per the list contained in the
Muktikopanishad . We have arranged them in four categories according to the
particular Veda to which each of them belong.

Rigveda(10): Aitareya , Atmabodha, Kaushitaki, Mudgala, Nirvana, Nadabindu,

Akshamaya, Tripura, Bahvruka, Saubhagyalakshmi.
Yajurveda(50): Katha, Taittiriya , Isavasya , Brihadaranyaka, Akshi, Ekakshara,
Garbha, Prnagnihotra, Svetasvatara, Sariraka, Sukarahasya, Skanda, Sarvasara,
Adhyatma, Niralamba, Paingala, Mantrika, Muktika, Subala, Avadhuta,
Katharudra, Brahma, Jabala, Turiyatita, Paramahamsa, Bhikshuka, Yajnavalkya,
Satyayani, Amrtanada, Amrtabindu, Kshurika, Tejobindu, Dhyanabindu,
Brahmavidya, YogakundalinI, Yogatattva, Yogasikha, Varaha, Advayataraka,
Trisikhibrahmana, mandalabrahmana, Hamsa, Kalisantaraaa, Narayana, Tarasara,
Kalagnirudra, Dakshinamurti, Pancabrahma, Rudrahrdaya, SarasvatIrahasya.
SamaVeda(16): Kena, Chandogya, Mahat, Maitrayani, Vajrasuci, Savitri, Aruneya,
Kundika, Maitreyi, Samnyasa, Jabaladarsana, Yogacudaman, Avyakta, Vasudevai,
Jabali, Rudrakshajabala.
Atharvaveda(32): Prasna , Mandukya, Mundaka, Atma, Surya, NaradaParivrajakas, Parabrahma, Paramahamsa-Parivrajakas, Pasupatha-Brahma,
Mahavakya, Sandilya, Krishna, Garuda, Gopalatapani, Tripadavibhutimahnarayana, Dattatreya, Kaivalya, NrsimhatapanI, Ramatapani, Ramarahasya,
HayagrIva, Atharvasikha, Atharvasira, Ganapati, Brhajjabala, Bhasmajabala,
Sarabha, Annapurna, TripuratapanI, Devi, Bhavana, SIta.
42) Breath: Tantra estimates the average number of breaths per day at 21,600, of
which 10,800 are solar energy, and 10,800 are lunar energy. Multiplying 108 by
100 is 10,800. Multiplying 2 x 10,800 equals 21,600.In "Mantra Mahavigyan".it is
stated as below. ) In one minute, we breathe in approximately 15 times, in 1 hour
900 times, and in 12 hours 10800 times, and in a day 10800 * 2 times. A day
consists of 24 hours, and if we set aside half the day for our day to day routines,
then one can spend 12 hours for recitation of one's idol. Therefore, the maximum
number of times that one can recite "mantra", or perform "Jap" are10800. If one
wants to obtain 100% benefit of its jap, then performing jap 108 times will give
you the benefit of 100%. That's why in a "Mala", there are 108 beads. It is written
in Vedas, that 1 Jap corresponds to 1 mala (which has 108 beads), therefore
performing jap of 108 malas will result in 100% benefit. It has been established
that man takes 10 800 breaths during a period of twelve hours. Therefore, in a
period of 24 hours, one takes 21 600 breaths. One half of this time may be allowed
for sleeping, eating or other essential activities. The remainder of the time should
be spent in the thought of God. The merit of taking Gods name is multiplied 100
times when done on a Mala. Therefore, 108 Mantras done on a Mala is equivalent
to the taking of Gods name 10 800 times.
43) Paths to God: Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God. The 108
stations a candidate had to go through to leave the temple, the 108
steps through danger and death, which also signifies the level of the
spiritual adept who must overcome on the spiritual planes the 108
intermediate regions of danger and trial.

44)Hinduism: In Hindu cosmology, any Brahma lives for 108 Brahma


108 is said to refer to the number of Hindu deities.

Some say that each of the deities has 108 names..
108 names of Vishnu in then Mahabharata
108 names for Shiva And Ganpati
108 Gopis {consorts} of Lord Krishna
108 Holy places for Vaishnavas;
108 beads on the Japa maalaa {rosary}
108 Upanishads ;.
108 Divyadeshes - Divine or Sacred Tirtha throughout India and Nepal
108 sacred water taps in Muktinath Nepal
45) Tantra Shastra: 108 Pitha {Sacred Places}
The story goes that Lord Shiva was in deep and incessant meditation. His
asceticism was creating great heat in the universe. All existence was in peril and
Lord Brahma was deeply concerned. Lord Brahma asked the Mother of the
Universe, Maa Shakti, to use Her strength and wile to seduce Lord Shiva. Maa
Shakti agreed and was born as Sati, daughter of Shri Daksha. Lord Shiva was so
entranced by Satis asceticism and extraordinary beauty that he took human form
and they were married. Years later, at a feast, Satis father insulted Lord Shiva. Sati
was so humiliated that she began a deep meditation which led to her immolation.
Lord Shiva was completely heart broken. He reached into the sacrificial fire and
pulled out as much of His beloveds body as he could grab. As He ascended to
heaven, bits of Satis body fell to earth. 108 bits to be precise! In time, these places
were acknowledged and worshipped.
46) Sanatana Dharma:
In a book by Khurana, the explanation closely mirrors the original Vedic
A circle has 360 degrees, which when multiplied by 60 gives us 21,600 minutes in
a circle. 60 comes from the 60 'ghatis' which Sanatana Dharmiks believe in. One
ghati is equal to 24 minutes and 60 ghatis come to 24 hours. One ghati is divided
into 60 parts or 'palas'. So the 60 ghatis multiplied by 60 palasa comes to 3,600.
This is further multiplied by 60 (becase a pala contains 60 vipalas) which gives us
21,600. Half of this is for the day, and the other half for the night. So, 21,600
divided by 2 gives us 10,800. For practical purposes, we use 108. Using the

number 108 helps us coordinate the rhythm of time and space & we remain in
harmony with the spiritual powers of nature.
1)For Hindus, the Gregorian calendar is a new meaning of time introduced and
instituted by the British in India. While the Gregorian calendar is still used by the
people and government of India, the Panchang has always been the spiritual
expression of time fo HIndus and a guide to a life close to God and religion. The
panchang measures time in lunar months whose names reveal the secret path of
stars and constellations. The face of the new moon (Aamvasya) ushers in a new
month. The first fortnight of the full moon is known as Shuklapaksha, ' the bright
half ', as the moon waxes. Full moon, Poornima marks the end of Shuklapaksha.
Krishnapaksha is the dark half fortnight
108 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 2 * 2 (five factors)
47) The Rig-Vedic verses are conventionally counted as very approximately
10800, the Purna-s as 18, the Bhagavad-Gt has 18 chapters, and many Hindu
monks carry titles like Swmi 1008 Padmnanda.
48) Islam: The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God.
49) Jain: In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of
holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.
50) Sikh: The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather
than beads.
51) Buddhism: 108 is said to be the number of auspicious signs by which
Buddha is known: Some Buddhists carve 108 small Buddhas on a walnut for
good luck. Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year. There are said to
be 108 virtues to cultivate and 108 defilements to avoid . There are 108 Arhats
or Holy Ones ..
52) . The origin of the use of this number is that there are 108 "passions"
or "defilements" (jap. bonno) which obstruct the path to the attainmentof
enlightenment. Some people believe there are 108 boddhisattvas on earth.
53) Soon after the birth of the Buddha, 108 Brahmans were invited to
the name-giving ceremony

54) Shoshu Buddhist :Followers use 108 beads in their malas. They implement
6 x 3 x 2 x3 = 108
6 senses [sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought]

3 aspects of time [past, present, future]

2 condition of heart [pure or impure]
3 possibilties of sentiment [like, dislike, indifference]
In Tibetan Buddhism, 108 lotsawas [translators of dharma teachings]
were predicte

55) Buddhas Footprint: All Buddhists accept the Buddha Footprint with its 108
Auspicious Illustrations. These areas are considered to have been marked on the
Buddhas left foot when his body was discovered. Therefore Some people believe
there are 108 boddhisattvas on earth.
56) Christianity : Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a
sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the
LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
1 Samuel 17:45
The phrase upon his name occurs 5 times in Bible
The phrase name of the lord occurs in 108 verses in the KJV Bible
57) Christian writers point out that form all Souls day (November 2) to Christmas
(December 25) there are 54 days and 54 nights , that is to say 54 positive units and
54 negative units :54 +54=108.In this sense 108 symbolizes the progress of
darkness to light .
58) The epistle of Saint James , whose central message is that there is no authentic
faith without charitable works , contains on the whole 108 verses .
59) It is also written in some esoteric Christian texts that Jesus-Christ would have
had 108 disciples ,not including apostles.
60 )According to the information furnished in the narration of Maria Valtorra ,
Lazarus would have remained 4 days and half in his grave , that is to say 108
hours , before he was resuscitated by Jesus Christ
61) Chinese: The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is
called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three
parts of 36 each. Chinese astrology says that there are 108 sacred stars. In
Chinese tradition there are said to be 108 bones in the human body. .
The Chinese, very aware of the esoteric and the use of this same symbolism
employed it also in their various systems, Taoist and Buddhist. The Yang style
form with 108 moves is an example

62) Stages of the soul: Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through
108 stages on the journey some say that 108 are the number of steps a soul
takes to reach the Divine within himself. With this sacred number appearing in
so many intersections between the Divine and the human, it is no wonder that
Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and Taoists find that offering of 108 help us
remain in harmony with God's perfect universe.
When the soul takes birth it brings with it certain planetary positions according
to its karmas. It gets a chance to free itself from them and move towards
"mukti" (salvation). Accordingly, we are here at a particular time and space. In
a horoscope there are 9 planets, which are in motion, there are 27 nakshtras,
which are divided into 12 rashis. There are 2 & 1/2 nakshatras in one rashi.
When we multiply the 12 houses (rashis) of the horoscope with the number 9 of
the planets we get the number 12 x 9 = 108.

This number is strung in the form of a mala. This mala along with the prescribed
quantity of a Mantra is used to purify the horoscope and reduce the effect to some
degree of the malafic planets if any. It also used to keep the count of the mantra
that is being recited
Praiseworthy souls: There are 108 qualities of praiseworthy souls.
63) Dance and Music
There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions. The 108 Karanas of
dance, with 108 movements. Siva Nataraja dances his cosmic dance in 108
There are 108 talams (beats)
64)The composition of Saint Tyagarja lists 108 names of Rama
65) If we divide circle into 5 equal parts, each pentagon angle is
equal to 108 degrees. Furthermore, the central angles are 72 degrees
while the circle has 360 degrees. When the circle is dividing into 10
sections, you get the number 36. The circle was used to represent
perfection or the whole. Therefore heaven was associated with the
circle and the number 36, the number 108 represented man and the
number 72 represented Earth .
fundamental/parental ragams (melakartha ragams).



66) First man in space: The first manned space flight lasted 108 minutes, and
was on April 12, 1961 by Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut.
67)Sundari :Sundari, or Tripurasundari is the flower of consciousness graceful, harmonizing, joyous, peaceful, bountiful, protective, knowing and
powerful - symbolized by lotus of lotuses.
She is The Most Beautiful who manifests divine knowledge and love; She
knows best how to lift a man from the illusion of bondage to eternal cosmic
love and power of the all pervasive.
She is dishakti, the mother of mothers - Lakshmi, Saraswati and Gowri. They
are three emanations from the Adishakti. She is the upward thrust of evolution;
not merely of an individual liberation, but for a whole class of classless human
She is the great vehicle of vajryana of Buddhism in Tibetian mandals. She
plays with such things as the moon, rainbows, space, the sun. Three is Her
abstract symbol, She is Three Pura Sundari, the beautiful girl in all three
aspects of creation, nourishment and destruction. Sundari is the primal power of
God, dishakti, to see Himself in various forms.
The first desire of the Supreme to manifest caused a division in the Being.
Sundari is this first desire (KAmakala or Ichcha Shakti).
Desire is the secret of creation; it is the root of manifestation; it is the mainstay
of existence. The Desire first takes the form of fragmentation and then a
seeking to unite all the fragmented parts in the whole. The Divine desires to
sacrifice Himself in creation and then desires to receive back the creation into
Himself. This two-fold desire is the basis of Love, the vivifying bond that ties
the creator and the created. Love exists by itself, independent of the objects
through which it manifests. Love has no clinging, no desire, no hunger for
possession, no attachment. It is simply the craving for union of the self with the
Sundari is Hrim, the combination of Hari, Hara, and Virinchi; She is called
Vishnu Maya, the great illusion; She is the greatest seductress there is,
continuously assuming new forms, and highly procreative and blissful like a
sixteen year old girl.

She is described in 108 letters in the three vedas, in a triad each consisting
of four lines in anushtup metre as follows:- Tat Savitur varenyam bhargo
devasya dhimahi dhiyoyonah prachodayat parorajase savadom (32)
68) 9 in Hinduism :According to Indian scriptures, letter 9 corresponds to Lord
Brahma (the creator of universe). Mathematically, the interesting property of 9 is
9X 1=9
9 X 2 = 18 (8+1 = 9)
9 X 3 = 27 (7+2 = 9)
9 X 12 = 108 (1+0+8 = 9)
In Hindu religion, number 9 is very important. Keeping the importance of number
9, Rishi Vyas has created 9 Purans, 108 MahaPuran (Upnishads). Mahabharat has
18 chapters, Geeta has 18 chapters, Bhagavat has 108000 Shloks (verses).
The addition of digits of number 108 is 9, and number 9 is related with Brahma,
that's why 108 is very important, and came into lot of Indian scriptures. ) Indian
Vedas, treats the Sun as God, and Sun has 12 signs (Zodiac signs). In Yajurved,
Sun is related with Lord Brahma (the number 9), remember - 12 * 9 = 108;
therefore for Gods Prayer, the number 108 is very sacred.
69) Yugas:According to Indian mythology, there are 4 Yugs
The different stages of creation are all linked to the figure 9 as will be seen by
adding up each of the following figures:
A Kaliyuga consists of 432 000 human years.
A Dwaparyuga consists of 864 000 human years
A Tretayuga consists of 1 296 000 human years
A Satayuga consists of 1 728 000 human years
A Mahayuga consists of 4 320 000 human years
A celestial year in Brahmas life consists of 3 110 400 000 000 human years
Brahmas lifespan consists of 311 040 000 000 000 human years.
The digits of each of the above figures when added up or the digits of those
answers when added up will produce the figure 9. The figure nine has therefore
been taken by Hindus to represent Brahman or Infinity.
For e.g:
Satyug - consists of 172,800 years (1+7+2+8 = 18 == (1+8 = 9)

TretaYug consists of 1296000 years (1+2+9+6 = 18 = (1+8 = 9)

DwaparYug consists of 864000 years (8+4+6) = 18 = (1+8 = 9)
Kaliyug consists of 432000 years (4+3+2) = 9

70) Nakshtras :There are 27 Nakshatras or Heavenly Bodies that regulate our
destinies. Each Nakshatra enters 4 phases or Charans in the course of an
astrological day or Tithi. Therefore all the Nakshatras pass through 108 Charans
(27 x 4 = 108) during any Tithi. The 27 nakshatras or lunar constellations spread
over the 4 elements - fire, earth, air, water or the 4 directions - north, south, east,
and west. This also constitutes the whole of existence. 27 x 4 = 108

71) Shastras : The Shastras (scriptures) say that the Brahman (God) is
symbolically represented by the figure 9. The three figures in the number 108
add up to nine (1 + 0 + 8 = 9). The figure 9 itself when multiplied by any other
figure and the digits of the answer when added up will provide the answer as
exactly 9.
9 x 28 = 252 (2 + 5+ 2 = 9)
9 x 1855 = 16 695 (1 + 6+ 6 + 9 + 5 = 27) (2 + 7 = 9)
9 x 1368 = 12 312 (1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 =9)
72)Bhagvat gita
The number 18 is holy because there are 18 Puranas and 18 chapters
in the Bhagavad Gita. By adding a zero we get 108, and 2 zeros
gives us 1,008. There are other correspondences from a
numerological standpoint where 1 plus 8 equals 9 which is a wholly
different subject.
73)Salutations to sun
The 108 Salutations to the Sun is very popular and represents another use of this

74) Karate: There are 108 movements in Wu and Yang style tai chi forms.
A kata is a pattern of movements which contains a series of logical and
practical attacking and blocking techniques. In each kata there are certain set or
predetermined movements which the karate-student can practice alone, without

a partner. These kata have been created by previous masters after many years of
research, training, and actual combat experience.
The true meaning and spirit of karate are embedded in the kata and only by the
practice of kata can we come to understand them. For this reason, if we change or
simplify the kata either to accomodate the beginner of for tournament purposes,
then we also will have lost the true meaning and spirit of karate!
In karate there is no first attack. Every kata begins with a defensive movement,
which exemplifies this spirit. Not only is there no first attack, but the best defense
is to avoid the fight altogether. That is why it is said that karate is the art of a wise
Almost all of the Okinawa Goju Ryu kata were handed down from Higaonna
Kanryo Sensei (teacher of Goju Ryu founder Chojun Myagi Sensei). Higaonna
Sensei had studied and trained for many years under Ryu Ryuko Sensei in Fukien
Province, China. The following kata were handed down by Higaonna Sensei from
Ryu Ryuko Sensei: Sanchin, Saifa, Seinchin, Shisochin, Sanseiru, Seipai,
Kururunfa, Seisan, and Suparinpei. The original creators of these kata are
Many of the kata names are Chinese numbers symbolizing certain Buddhist
concepts. For example, Suparinpei (the number 108 in Chinese) has a special
significance in Buddhism. It is believed that man has 108 evil passions, and so in
Buddhist temples on December 31st, at the stroke of midnight, a bell is rung 108
times to drive away those spirits. The number 108 in Suparinpei is calculated from
36x3. The symbolism of the number 36 is given in the explanation of Sanseru
which follows. The number 3 symbolizes past, present, and future.
Bunkai is the application of the kata. It is practised with two persons. One of
them is the attacker and the other one the defender, which uses the techniques
of the kata to defend him/her-self.
75)century Chinese novel called the walter margin. many marital arts as
explained above are patterns constructed of 108 movements . for eg: there is
108 movement tai chi sequence , 108 movement wooden hoop and there are
108 points used for hitting .
76) There are 6 directional factors. The front, the rear, the left, the right, the top
and the bottom. Your hand, arm, elbow, shoulder, waist, hip, knee, leg and step
may go in the 6 directions. You have the right and left hand. So your hands may
move in 6X6=36 combinations.

For example, you right hand moves upward and your left hand moves in 6
directions in turn. 6 combo. and so on.
If you have the upper, mid and lower levels of the body or postures, or Shang,
Zhong, Xia Pan, then you have 36+36+36=108 scenarios.
There are many more ways to derive 108.
If your forms or Tao Lu has 108 postures or Shi, then it probably cover
36+36+36 ways of moving your hands. Or you may also kick with your feet in
36+36+36 directions. And so on and so forth.
77) There were 108 boxers on Liang Shan. It is in the "legend of the water
margin" or Shui Hu Zhuang. The story was in Song Dynasty.
78)There were also 108 styles of fighting.
79)108 signifies the number of weak points on a male where female is 107
12 deadly points (also called shaolin points in shaolin system) +96 touch points
= 108
80) there are 108 Wooden Men hall Techniques of Shaolin Temple. The solid
lines are called "nines", and describe the dragon. The broken lines are called
"sixes" and describe the mare. 9 X 6 = 54 or half of 108.
There are eight directions or ba fang. Apparently, at the end of the chinese year,
preists and monks ring the bell 108 times to rid all the evil spirits of man.
When Buddhism reached Okinawa, it played quite a part in the creation of
Tode (Karate). In Naha-Te Karate Do, some of the traditional Katas (forms) are
based around the numbers 36 = Seisan & 108 Suparinpei (them number of
81) 108 - it is related to Isis in Egyptian numerology.. These Katas were
adopted in to Chojun Miyagi's Goju Ryu KarateDo style.
108 vital points on the human body (according to bamboo school philosophy)

82)The 9 comes from the last part of the name, "ku". That's why it's 9 places or
directions, not 8 or 10.
The number 9 does seem to have some significance, in Budhism. A few of the
kata we do are "number" kata, and for a lot of them, they are factors of 9.
Seipai = 18
Nipaipo = 27
Gojushiho = 54
Supraempi = 108
the numbers eight and nine have significance for many. one being that they
sound similar (in chinese) to fourtune and luck. another is that they represent
the completion of a cycle and in the case of nine the last single digit number.
also when looking at the tai chi symbol (yin/yang surrounded by the eight
trigrams) you have the eight general directions with the ninth being center.
Sanseru (also spelled Sanseiru, Sanseiryu and Sanseryu) means 36. Some
people suggest that this has religious significant, as 36 is a divisor of the
number 108, a number with great spiritual significance to the Chinese
Buddhists from whom the kata may have originated. Other people suggest that
the number 36 indicates the number of defensive principles in the kata.
*See note 3 for further explanations

Mirror number: Also 108 = 9 x 12 nine is the "mirror" number. add any
number to 9 and reduce that to a single digit. It will be 9. 9 is also the number of
completion of cycles. 9 x 12 = bringing all expressions to completion through
mirroring Indian/Buddhist thought states that the outer universe is
mirrored in the inner man. He is the microcosm and the objective
universe is the macrocosm. The number 108 represents the distance
between the devotee and the God within.
Ripples: 12 is said to be the number of variations of energy forms on Earth.

85) Tribes :12 tribes of Israel, 12 rays of vibratory energy combining to form
the myriad expressions within manifestation..
86) Yogic number :The number 108 could be called a yogic number. The holy
trinity is buried in it: 1^1*2^2*3^3 The sum of the digits, 9, is the number of
"gates" of the body.
Dividing 108 by 2, (54) the sum of digits still is 9 and dividing another time by
2, (27) it still yields a sum of 9. Then dividing by 3, the sum of the digits of the
quotient is 9. It isn't too difficult to see the number 108 as a kind of symbol for
the entire "course" of Kundalini in the human body, a course "through" 1,
"ending" at 0. If the sum of the digits of an even number is 9, after division by
2, the sum of the digits still is 9 and 108 is the first 3-digit occurrence. If the
sum of the digits in a number is 9, dividing by 3 yields an integer. Another
interesting occurrence in the series is 144.
87) New year :In Japan the Zen temple bells ring 108 times to bring in the New
In other fields
One hundred [and] eight is also:
88) The atomic number of hassium.
89) In Homer's Odyssey, the number of suitors coveting Penelope, wife of
90)Chinese astrology and Tao philosophy holds that there are 108 sacred stars.
(This legend is the basis of the Suikoden series of video games : each of the 108
playable characters represents a star in Chinese astrology).
108 Stars is also the name of a group of space pirates who use Tao magic in the
anime Outlaw Star.
Several different Taijiquan long forms consist of 108 moves. .
91) In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times to finish the old
year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly
temptations a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.

92) Apart from Hinduism, it is also held sacred or otherwise significant by

various Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain traditionsThe number of surat al-Kawthar in the
Qur'an, the smallest one of the Book.
93) The number of stitches on a baseball.
94) The number of sins in Tibetan Buddhism.
95) A central number in the television drama Lost.
96) The number of "missing" episodes of the BBC television program Doctor
Who, destroyed in the 1970s. D
97) The number of Mbit/s of a non-standard extension of IEEE 802.11g wireless
network using channel bonding.
98) 108 is a community of and for open source developers, created by Red Hat.

See Note 4 For Red Hat :

99) Nepalese parliament has 108 seats.

10O) Big bang and supernova explosion :The main difference between the big
bang and a supernova explosion: as in the big bang, fusion reactions occur in stars
when they burn and finally explode as a supernova. But a supernova produces
many heavy elements, such as oxygen, iron, and uranium, while the big bang
produces only hydrogen and helium, plus traces of deuterium and lithium. Why
are the results of these explosions so different?
The reason is that the physical conditions are very different during the two
explosions. When the temperature of an exploding star is a billion degrees, the
density is roughly 108 g/cm3. At such densities and temperatures, nuclear reactions
can create all the known elements. But when the temperature of the universe is a
billion degrees, the density is only about ten times that of air. At such low
densities, the triple-alpha reaction that is required to convert helium into carbon
and other heavy elements is too slow to be effective. The buildup of heavy
elements stops at helium. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,
saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
(King James Bible: Revelations 1:8)
A exploding star is billion deg the density is 108g/cm 3

101) 108 beads on a Mala string ...

This is the most recommended and the most common way of doing Japa when a
Mala (or Rosary) made of beads threaded together is used. The beads used are of
various types. Malas are made of Rudraksh seeds, stems of the Tulasi (Basil)
plant, shells, lotus plants, gold, precious stones, pearls, crystals etc.
Different types of Malas are used for different purposes. A Lotus-Mala is used to
destroy enemies. A Kusa-Mala is used to destroy sins. A Silver-Mala is used to
fulfil desires etc.
Different sects tend to use different types of Malas. The Shaktas, Shaivites and
Smartas use the Rudraksha-Mala. The Vaishnavites use the Tulasi-Mala. The
Ganapatis may use the ivory-Mala.
One complete Mala of any of the above three categories involves the repetition of
the Mantra 108 times. The 109th bead called the Meru or summit acts as the guide.
An important rule is not to cross over the Meru on completion of a Mala but
retract and do the next Mala commencing at the point of finishing the previous
Mala. Thus we work back and forth from the Meru. An important interpretation of
this rule is that the Meru represents the Guru or Preceptor whose importance in
any spiritual discipline is unsurpassed, and he should not be crossed in any
circumstance. Meru: This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the
sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the
beginning and end of the mala.
102) Need Of Rosary With 108 Beads ?
Our ancient sages and hermits have regarded a rosary with 108 beads as highly
beneficial. They have also shed ample light on their reasoning behind this
In a year, the Sun has 216000 phases in all. It remains southward and
northwards for a period of six months alternatively. Thus, it has two kinds of
movements in a year. To find out the number of phases, the Sun can have total
number of its phases i.e. 216000 is divided by 2.
216000/2= 108000
Thus in one kind of motion, the Sun has 108000 phases. Removing all the
trailing zeroes from this number, we find 108. This number has great religious
as well as astrological significance. Hence use of rosary with 108 beads is
Entire path of the constellations is spread in all the four directions. There are 27

different constellations that according to astrology mostly influence human life.

Our sages multiplied this number of constellations (27) by four and fixed the
resultant number (108) as the required number of beads in a rosary. Thus with
108 beads, a rosary depicts the entire path of 27 constellations and all the four
directions. Apart from it, each constellation has four segments. Thus, all the 27
constellations have 108 segments in all. This combination is also reflected in
108 beads of a rosary.
According to another hypothesis, a human being breathes 21600 times in an
Ahoratra (day and night taken together).

103) Enlightenment

There is a triangle made by three points in the head. The path of Sushumna (the
main sublte nerve channel) goes from Mula, in Sahasrara Chakra, to Ajna Chakra
in the forehead to Mastaka Granthi (head knot) at the base of the skull.

We generally inhale 21,600 times daily. If, by Yoga methods, we can reduce that
number to 108 breaths, the prana (lifeforce) stays within that triangle. At this stage
one is totally Enlightened..
vishnu temples

Like how, India is surrounded by Oceans and sea, the bhakti is also spread
throughout our country. Emperumaan Sriman Narayanan who is the Paramathma
is found in all of the minds and heart of the Jeevathmas, is found from
Kanyakumari to Himalayas in various Thirukkolams (posture or position) in
various Sthalams.
Out of these Sthalams, Alwars, who are said to be the Hamsam of Sriman
Narayanan, have sung Mangalasasanam (praising of the Perumal) on the Perumal
and there are totally 108 Sthalams where Alwars have done Mangalasasanam on
the Perumal. These 108 Vishnu Sthalams are called as "Divyadesams"
Their Pasurams are referred as "Mangalasasanams". Those 108 Temples are
classified by groups according to that locations. They are as follows

Chola Nattu Tirupatigal ..............................

Nadu Nattu Tirupatigal ...............................
Thondai Nattu Tirupatigal ..........................
Vada Nattu Tirupatigal ...............................
Malai Nattu Tirupatigal ..............................
Pandiya Nattu Tirupatigal ..........................
Tiru Nattu Tirupatigal (Out of World) ..........


105) Sites of Shakti

The puranas, have listed 108 sites where Shakti (the goddess of power) is manifested.
Amongst these, the Karveer area (the area where the present town of Kolhapur is
located), is of special significance. This is one of the six abodes of Shakti, where one can
achieve both fulfillment of desires as well as salvation from them. It is therefore
considered to be of greater significance than Uttar Kashi. Shri Mahalakshmi is the
consort of Shri Vishnu and it is said that they both reside in the Karveer area.

106) Traits of human being

Human nature is very fickle indeed. Many of us harbour good intentions but fail to
follow through in practice. The baser tendencies of laziness, indecision,
procrastination, impatience and superficial thinking are characteristic traits of
many of us. From a suitable hairstyle to choosing a career, students dither over
decision making. It would appear that even straightforward issues attract
unsupportable arguments as to when Ravana's calumny is debated many credit
him for his forward looking qualities instead of examining the issue at large. Many
men fail to follow basic norms when chanting the Gayatri Mantra while the
subject of one's depression dominates women' kitty parties. Children cram a week
prior to examination while relaxing through the academic year. At the slightest
provocation couples talk of divorce. Every one claims a share of stress as their
current legacy, behaving as though people in earlier times did not have problems
of any kind. Such a state of affairs is due to preponderance of certain behavioural
trails, which can be overcome.

The Chandokya Upanishad talks of the quest for true knowledge undertaken by
Indra and Virochana. While the latter came away after a short stint with Brahma
with the belief that worldly pleasures are the ultimate in life, Indra gained full
wisdom by spending 108 years with his Guru, which were spent in study and
introspection. To date Virochana continues to command more followers. None has
made us to sit down and given us training. All learning is by trial and error. Is
there a better way? Treading the paths of knowledge and action as enunciated by
Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita will help a devotee attain Supreme Bliss.
Fearlessness born out of righteous thinking and the capacity to sustain ourselves
with the help of such a vision will help devotees attain true happiness.
To know one's duty and what is not, to understand what to do and when, to bring a sense
of proportion, to discriminate and carry out things at the right time, to avoid the pitfall of
ego and instead cultivating patience, developing fortitude and perseverance are all
desirable qualities leading to a better state of living. There is the story of a postman who
while delivering mail always took a shortcut through a range dominated by a raging bull,
which chased him he chose to live dangerously rather than change his approach.
Where the critical faculty is lacking there can be no true joy.

107) 108 Japanese Temples

One hundred and eight is a significant number in Buddhism.

One hundred and eight is the number of passions,
which delude humans and bind to the Wheel of Samsara.
Therefore, one hundred and eight
is the number of times temple bells are rung at the end of the old year,
so that the heavy resonation symbolically cleanses from all false bonds.
Therefore too, one hundred and eight
is the number of beads on Buddhist rosaries,
so that one prayer will be said for release from each empty attachment.
And often one hundred and eight is the number of temples in a pilgrimage,
so that with each visit ties and allurements are left further behind.
There are 108 private pilgrimage, after peace and solitude, the beauty of art
and nature,
the solace of incense and candles
108 maxims
Sayings to be practiced in daily life ( by Sathya Saibaba)
1. Arise and awake to establish the Divine Attributes based on the foundation of
Truth, Right conduct, Peace and Love.
2. All is one; be alike to everyone. The world is one; be good to everyone.

3. Be good, see good and do good. That is the way to God.

4. Our life becomes one of fulfillment when we live in morality.
5. Money comes and goes; but morality comes and grows!
6. Time consumes everyone..So do not waste time. Time wasted is life wasted.
7. The past is beyond recovery. We are not sure of the future. The given moment is the
right time. Do not delay; do right action.
8. Silence is the only language of the realized. It is only in the depth of silence that
the voice of God can be heard. Silence stills the waves of one's heart.
9. Life is lost in dreaming and being is lost in becoming.
10. Do not be misled by this illusory world. Realize the permanent Divine Spirit - the
ultimate and absolute Reality, unchanged and eternal, without end or beginning.
11. One who understands the supreme being or God will himself/herself become the
supreme being.
12. A person is born not to go in quest of material prosperity. He is born to go in quest of
their Divinity.
13. Man without God is not a man. God without man is always God.
14. Realize that the Divine is present in every living thing as the indwelling Divine Spirit.
15. There is bliss and happiness in realizing the unity inherent in diversity.
16. All religions are roads leading to the one and the only goal, that is God. So regard
them all with equal respect (All religions teach that you should purify your mind,
know your own self and develop Love).
17. The truth is only yourself, what you see during the day is a day dream, what you see
during sleep is a night dream.
18. God is present in your own heart and functions as the witnessing consciousness all
through. So we cannot hide anything thinking God is elsewhere.
19. Since God is the indwelling Divine Spirit of all living beings, doing service or good
to a person is in reality worshiping God. Similarly talking ill or doing anything bad
to a person is in reality doing bad to God Himself or talking ill of Him.
20. Good and bad, peace and agony, pain and pleasure, all these originate within man and
not outside him.
21. Turn your mind inwards to your innate Divinity and enjoy peace and equanimity. Be
immersed in that bliss.
22. Good and bad, happiness and sorrow, which appear to be different and opposite, are
in reality two faces of the same coin.

23. The mind is the sole cause for happiness as well as for misery, for bondage or for
24. If there are no two periods of pain there will be no experience of pleasure, for
pleasure is only an interval between two pains.
25. We must try to do good to others and keep the loss or suffering if any to ourselves.
Then only do we deserve to assert that God is with us.
26. True spiritual life is that which teaches unity or oneness and makes us selfless and full
of love.
27. Philosophy is the butter churned out of the milk of knowledge. Divine Knowledge is
the higher knowledge, by knowing which we know everything and the ultimate
28. Every action of ours and every thought of ours causes a reflection and a reaction and
a resound.
29. All that we do, either good or bad, knowingly or unknowingly produces a result
always and so it is necessary for us to do good, so that the consequences will also be
30. Life is not a one-way traffic. We should be prepared to give and take.
31. Love lives by giving and forgiving. Self lives by getting and forgetting.
32. The thought that comes from your mind should be pure; the words you utter should
be true and sweet and the work you do should be sacred.
33. The Good life is a journey from the position of 'I' to the position of We.
34. When you wear the glasses of Divine Love, you will see everywhere prema and can
realize the God within you.
35. Whatever you may do, if you do it with the feeling that you are doing the same thing
to yourself, you will never do anything bad.
36. Without first becoming a servant, you cannot become a leader.
37. Recognizing one's error is the beginning of Wisdom.
38. When you point one finger at others note the three fingers that point towards you.
That is, when you point out one fault in others, you must examine thrice whether
there is any fault in you.
39. Practice before you preach, do not yourself do the mistake which you find in others.
40. If anyone points out any fault in you, you must thank him, because by yourself you
will not be able to find out your own fault. As your eyes are directed outwards, you
can find the faults only in others.
41. Association with good company is important; it helps to cultivate good qualities.

42. God gives you a garland made of all the good and bad that you have done in previous
lives. You have been born with that garland round your neck.
43. A bad act cannot give you good results; a good act cannot give you evil results. You
plant the seed; it grows into the tree the seed contains.
44. We are born not to be reborn again. We have to go back to the place from which we
have come, that is God. Attaining that source is our ultimate goal of life.
45. God is not something which is external or outside you. It is present in you and is in
your own self. Realize this.
46. It does not matter if you live in this world, but do not let the world live in you.
47. Install God in your heart and offer Him the fruits of your good feelings, the tears of
joy on the leaf of your sacrificed body.
48. Worship the Lord in mind and offer Him something that is yours, which is clean and
fragrant, with the perfume of virtues and innocence, and washed in the tears of
49. Implicit faith in the Divine is the road to spiritual success.
50. The Lord loves not the Devotee, but their devotion - remember this.
51. Surrender - Leaving everything to God's will is the highest form of devotion.
Whether we lose or gain, have pain or pleasure, our faith must be unshaken. Whatever
happens, accept it as His gift.
52. God is an ocean of mercy. Devotion is the easiest way to win His Grace. God's
Grace is like sunshine, available to all.
53. Faith and Devotion are the two oars with which you can row the boat of life across
the sea of our spiritual journey.
54. It is not possible for us to enter God's abode without sense control and mind control.
55. We can attain liberation even while performing worldly duties, if our mind always
remains immersed in Divinity. Whatever work we may do, do it as offering to God.
56. Having got this sacred chance of life as a human being (which is very difficult to get)
if we conduct ourselves like animals, we will be wasting our lives and not justifying
this gift of God.
57. When the mind is turned inwards, it looks only at the Divine Spirit and enjoys the
bliss. Therefore you will not notice any difference between pleasure and pain, bad or
good. You will only realize the oneness of everything and become one with God. This
is real bliss, meaning equanimity.
58. With the fear of sin, love for God, we must try to lead our lives in a disciplined way
in order to get real happiness.

59. Whatever strength we have, if we do not have the strength of Righteousness, all is
futile. Real Righteousness comes from God and from right conduct.
60. Speak the truth.
61. Where Righteousness is, God is, there is victory. Without God's Grace, it is
impossible to gain success.
62. When God's Grace is there, no other influence can do us harm. Try to earn that grace
by sincere prayer and devotion with Love.
63. Just as the Mother comes running as soon as she hears her baby cry, similarly, if a
person cries to the Lord from the depth of their heart, He will help his devotee
wherever they are.
64. God never does things which do not have good reasons behind them. He never utters
words which have no meaning. Whatever He does, sees and says, carries with it an
inner deeper spiritual meaning.
65. You may worship a picture as God, but not God as picture. You can elevate
everything to the level of God, but you should not bring God down to the level of a
66. Only God's name can win Him, and only by sincere Love and Devotion one can get
round God - not by money or otherwise.
67. To seek peace and happiness from outside us is a great mistake. We should look
within ourselves for peace and we can enjoy real happiness if we do so with a clean
68. Watch - your Words, Action, Thoughts, Character and Heart. The mind is mad
monkey. You should not surrender to it. You should watch it carefully as above and
should have control over it.
69. Ignorance is false identification of self with one's own body. No one is isolated from
the full stream of life. Each one is a part and parcel of society.
70. Friendship should not be based on consideration of fear and favor. The only friend
who will continue to be with you for all time is the Divine friend - God.
71. Live close and sit close by God. The benefit of both is that the Highest Bliss of God
will then flow to us.
72. As close as you are to God, so close is God to you. One who realizes that God is
omnipresent will recognize that God as closest to him and that he is nothing but God
73. Unless God's Grace and human efforts come together the desired result cannot be
achieved. So try to win God's Grace by your Faith and Devotion.
74. Pour out all the water of desire from the vessel of you heart and fill it with the oil of
God. Take the wick of your higher self and dry it in the sunshine of detachment.
Then the immortal light of wisdom, will burn straight and bright.

75. Laziness is equivalent to 'Dust' and 'Rust' whereas selfless active work is like 'Rest'
and 'Best'.
76. Haste makes waste. Waste makes worry. So do not be in a hurry. 'Slow and steady'
wins the race.
77. One's anger is one's greatest enemy and one's calmness is one's strongest armor. One's
Joy is one's best heaven and one's sorrow is one's worst hell.
78. Even the Divine Forms subjects Himself to discipline for elders, and leaders must
first practice discipline and then only preach to others. God does not violate the
regulations and the principles that He has laid down.
79. Realize the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. By your selfless service
and Love, serve all, and try to realize the unity in all.
80. It is possible we may commit some wrong; but we must not commit it after knowing
it is wrong.
81. In your words, thoughts and deeds, there should be unity.
82. The real marks in school and college and in life we should aim at are not getting any
83. Regard your country as the Mother. We should serve this Divine Mother. Follow our
own sacred culture that the Mother has preserved for us. Imitation is weakness.
84. Those eager to rectify the world and put it on the proper path, have first to rectify
themselves and their own conduct by controlling their senses and desires.
85. Truth is God. To attain Truth, we have to hold on to Truth.
86. All rivers merge with the ocean. Similarly all creation and all streams of life merge
with the Source, namely God. Aspire for that happy consummation.
87. We come into the world with a cry but we should not end our life with a cry. We
should end our life with a smile.
88. Life is granted to us by God to enable us to seek and attain God.
89. Eyes are given to us in order to help us to see the Supreme One, the Omnipotent
90. Legs are provided for us in order to visit the temple of God.
91. Hands are given to us so that we may perform good acts and offer worship for the
92. Intelligence is granted to us so that we may realize that all that we see in the world is
temporary and that God ALONE is the permanent reality.
93. The tongue is given to us so that we might sing the glory of the Lord and do recite the
names of God.

94. Ears are given to us so that we may listen to songs praising the glory of the Lord.
95. We have been given this body so that with its help, we may do good to other beings.
96. The basis for the entire world is the Love of the Lord. However intelligent and
scholarly a person may be, if that person does not have love in his heart, he is a
useless person.
97. God is love - Live in love. Start the day with love. Fill the day with love. End the
day with love. That is the way to God.
98. Love and regard your mother and father as God and serve them - then God's Grace
will fall on you unasked.
99. There is no use filling your head with mere information and knowledge; instead fill
your heart with Love. Learning derived from the scriptures is of no avail if it does
not help you to reach the feet of the Lord.
100. The essence of all scriptures is: Do good to others and keep away from doing
harm to others. Doing harm to others is great sin.
101. If you are not able to do good to others, at least do not harm others and hurt their
102. Do not forget God and do not fear death. Wait for the happy moment of union
with God. That is immortality.

Knowledge is enriched by discipline and humility. Be humble and noble.


If we do not gather information, it is not possible to achieve transformation.

105. The guideposts or books will only tell you the road or the direction for the
destination. You must make the journey and experience the joy and the victory.
106. Wisdom is acquired by experience - Try to spread the joy you have experienced to
others and make them also happy.
107. Only through acting according to His guidance, you can have the vital presence of
the spiritual teacher deep in your heart. Then He will be living presence within you

install God, in your heart and be happy and peaceful forever..

108 Pieces Of Advice From Kriya Yoga ([Lahiri Mahasay'steachings )
1. Kriya is Truth, and the rest is false.
2. Practicing Kriya is the study of the Vedas. Kriya is jagya [performance of
Vedic rituals]. All should perform this jagya.
3. All Devatas, gods, practice these Kriyas. One who practices Kriya is a

4. One should practice Pranayam very seriously and sincerely.

5. Kriya practice opens the Eye of Wisdom.
6. The Knowledge of Brahma, the ultimate Self, is attained by the practice
of Pranayam.
7. Ignorance is removed automatically when the Kriya practice is perfect.
8. By the practice of Pranayam, ignorance is dispelled and Knowledge of
the Self reveals.
9. One who does not see Kutastha [the inner Self between the eyebrows]
with the help of Guru's advice in this physical body is a blind person.
10. That which saves one from the mind [restless breath], or manasa, is
called Mantra; that which saves one from the attachment of body is called
11. The transcendence of inhaling and exhaling is called Kebala Kumbhaka.
12. The practice of Khecharimudra brings victory over the senses.
13. When the tongue is raised, the senses are subdued.
14. If one attains the stabilized state in Khecharimudra, then he attains the
state of samadhi.
15. One whose Khechari is successful is fortunate.
16. OM is radiant Light. When this Light is spread throughout the body, all
is seen; then, there is no desire to speak and to look.
17. Air [Breath] is Lord.
18. When one continues to refine brown sugar, finally it becomes white.
Similarly, continued Kriya practice brings Pranayam to perfection.
19. If one moves the breath [practices Pranayam] always, breath ceases and
becomes tranquil, sthira.
20. The state of Sthirattva, Tranquility, is called Yoga.
21. Practice Kriya as long as possible sitting in one asana at least once a
22. If one strikes the door with the reverse air then it will open. This is
called reverse japam.

[That is, tranquilizing apana, the restless breath of the lower centers, and
bringing up at the dorsal center and then if one strikes (makes thokar)
according to the advice, then the inner Door will open].
23. Having practiced Kriya, one should hold onto the After-effect-poise of
24. You will receive results according to your Kriya practice.
25. If you feel pain [during the Kriya practice] in the body, then understand
that the practice is not going well.
26. The real work is to tune to meditation in Voidness [on the fifth element,
ether] leaving three nerves: ida, pingala, susumna and four elements: khiti.
apa, teja, and marut, respectively, earth, water, fire, and air.
27. When the mind is tranquil, it does not desire unnecessarily. At the state
of beyond desire, one does not perform unnecessary works.
28. When one has attained the tranquil Breath, then, for him, the only work
which remains is to hold onto the state of tranquility always.
29. It is difficult to express the state when the breath becomes tranquil,
30. When the breath is tranquil day and night, then, one realizes the real
state of Rama Mantra.
31. When the breath is tranquil, it is the state of Kumbhaka. When one sees
Oneself, it is called Brahmajnana, "the Knowledge of Brahma, the ultimate
32. There is no need to breath in or out. It is a much happier state;
tranquility is there; this is Brahma.
33. One becomes Brahma when one becomes desireless
[Lahiri Mahasay's meditative life with Kriya was from 1861 to 1873. The
following dates are found in his notebook:
34. May 13, 1873 - Whatever one wants to do, he can do.
35. June 29, 1873 - I entered inside [the Spinal Cord] a little bit.
36. July 16, 1873 - The senses disturb today. I must renounce all desires and
dissolve myself.
37. The senses are obstructions; Transcending them by the practice of
Prayanam and Omkar Kriyas, today, I have to dissolve perfectly. This is the
only work for me.

38. It does not matter, if life departs from the physical body. I must practice
Kriya with all my heart.
39. Kriya practice brings divine wealth, that is, Sthirattva, the state of
40. Aug 13, 1873 - Now, always remain in Kumbhak. This is the form of
Mahadev, Lord Siva; head was always heavy, the eyes were drawn above;
this state does not break when inhaling is done; at that time, silence is very
41. One can see all the deities if one withdraws the restless mind and makes
inward himself in the Kutastha.
42. I saw Radhaji [consort of Krisna] at the base of the inner Sound.
43. The sun is Kali (Goddess Kali), I myself am Kali. Thinking about Kali I
become Kali. Now I will be father of Kali, Brahma, the ultimate Self.
44. The sun is Kali [Goddess Kali], and I am what I am.
45. Aug 13, 1873 - Today, I became Mahapurusa, "the great man."
46. Aug 17, 1873 - I am Mahapurusa. In the sun I saw that I myself am
Brahma, the ultimate Self.
47. Aug 18, 1873 - The world is revealed from my form. I myself am the
only Purusa, the supreme Being.
48. Aug 18, 1873 - The world is revealed from my form. I myself am the
only Purusa, the Self; there is nobody else.
49. Aug 22, 1873 - I myself am Adi Purusa Bhagavan, the first Lord.
50. Aug 23, 1873 - Whatever I say is Veda. Know it for certain.
51. I saw four Vedas, Brahma, Visnu, and Maheswar (Lord Siva) inside the
Yoni [between the eyebrows].
52. I saw a blue color in the light; in the blue, I saw a white Spot (Bindu);
and in the white Spot, I saw a man who manifested himself as a Hindu,
English man, etc.
53. I saw thousands of Krisnas.
54. I saw the greater Krisna.
55. Aug 24, 1873 - I myself am Lord Krisna.
56. Aug 25, 1873 - I myself am the Aksara Purusa, the eternal Being.

[It may be mentioned here that each rhythm of Consciousness of the seeker
in the process of merging with the ultimate Self is a state of deity, or devata
till he merges completely in Oneness with Brahma.]
57. Oct 3, 1873 - I am the sun, the Mahadev, the first cause.
58. Nov 12, 1873 - I myself am Mahapurusa Purusottam, "the great Self,
the supreme Being."
59. Aug 15, 1874 - It is not possible to achieve Abhaya pada, "the state of
fearlessness" without the help of Guru. One must hold onto Oneself at the
house of Tranquility, without which, one cannot achieve the Abhaya pada,
the eternal Realization of the ultimate Self.
60. My form is everywhere; there is nobody except me, and that form is in
Void. There is no day and night there.
61. If you take shelter in me with true faith, then, I have to come to you.
How can I stay far away?
62. I remain present near one who practices Kriya.
63. If you write in reverse order and see it in the mirror, it looks straight.
Similarly, if you make reverse the breath of the body, then you will see
Swarupa, the form of your self.
64. Dualism is the root of all suffering.
65. Restless is manifestation, and Sthirattva, Tranquility, is Lord Siva.
66. You yourself do not know what will render you good.
67. If the strain is generated on the lips, throat, and teeth by the practice of
Pranayam, then the knowledge is called Bhakti, or devotion.
68. Whatever one thinks at the time of death, accordingly one becomes that;
likewise, if you become Satchidananda at the time of leaving the body,
then, you become yourself, the ultimate Self.
69. Who is Kabir? He is sun, and he is Brahma, myself.
[These names are found from his notebook].
70. In Satyayuga Lahiri Mahasay was born as Satyasukrita, in tretayuga he
was Munindra; in dwaparayuga Karunamaya; and in kaliyuga he was Kabir.
Later, he became Shyama Charan.
71. If one meditates always on the Lord, all his other works are taken care
of by the Lord Himself.

72. If people want to go away, let them go away; but you should remain
firm in your practice. Then, at the end, you will go into the house of
Sthirattva, Tranquility.
73. The movement is called world.
74. Applying body, mind, and speech in action is called Ahingsa [Nonviolence].
75. Animals are enchanted by music; if man is not attracted by the sound of
OM, then he is an ass.
76. Beyond the five senses there is mind, that is breath; beyond the mind
there is buddhi, that is bindu, or spot [in between the eyebrows]; beyond the
bindu, Brahma, the ultimate Self, is the Pure Void, and Formless.
77. Woman is the destroyer of man. Do not look at her, at any cost.
[The sun of the self, that is, sound, is referred to here as man; and the jyoti,
light of the self, is referred to as woman. In other words, do not be
interested in the play of jyoti, or develop attachment to the inner visions;
after all, visions are secondary and are not inner Realization.
[It is sound, Om, or Nada, which helps the seeker to go beyond bindu and
merge into Oneness with Brahma, the ultimate Self].
78. I saw a pure Void, that is Brahma, the ultimate Self. The mind must be
dissolved in It.
79. Mind should not be made outward. What's the benefit if the mind and
the eyes are tranquil and not the body? Today, the breath does not come out,
and a lot of addictions are generated.
80. Merging in pure Voidness is called Samadhi.
81. Beyond Purusottam, the supreme Being, there is Brahma, the ultimate
82. Without being niskama, that is, totally detached, there is no possibility
to be merged in Brahma.
[When the seer destroys his character as seer and becomes one with the
ultimate Self, then dualism is dissolved].
83. Voidness which is inside voidness is called great Voidness, Brahma.
84. Satyayuga is the After-effect-poise of Kriya; tretayuga is the temporary
After-effect-poise of Kriya; dwaparayuga is to practice Kriya; and when
one does not practice I, it is kaliyuga for him.

85. When one transcends Basu, desires, he becomes Dev, the Lord; that is,
he becomes Basudev, or Lord Krisna.
86. One becomes Basudev when the basanas, the desires, are transcended.
He is the Lord.
87. A liar who cannot keep his word is not a good man; his father, that is,
his Lord is also no good.
88. The essence of Rama-mantra is to place the tongue into Talabya Kriya
and continue to listen the sound of Om.
89. Inside this body there is another body which is somewhat black.
90. Knowledge of the ultimate Self is to know Oneself by oneself.
91. Looking at the middle of the forehead, which is above the nose and
eyebrows, is a bit difficult; if one stabilizes on this, he attains the state of
92. Till Bhisma [grandfather of Kaurava and Pandava], that is, fear [in the
light of Kriya Bhisma means fear of practicing Kriya], receives three
arrows, that is, ida, pingala and susumna in his head [unite in the Kutastha],
never becomes Sthira, tranquil; One should practice Kriya courageously.
93. Nobody is a sinner; no one is holy either; if the mind is put into the
Kutastha, then, there is no sin; otherwise, if the mind is outward, there is
sin; in other words, when the mind is not in the Kutastha, it is in sin.
94. The old father [Babaji] is Lord Krisna.
95. I saw Saptarsi, seven Yogis (Bhrigu, Atri, Angira, Marichi, Pulastya,
Pulaha, and Kratu; and four Manus (Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatan, and Sanat
96. All sins are destroyed at the After-effect-poise of Kriya.
97. Abidya, ignorance, is the outward state of mind; Bidya, Knowledge, is
the After-effect-poise of Kriya.
98. One who practices Pranayam, truly loves all beings.
99. Slowly, slowly, all works are being done.
100. Worldly beautiful things are poisonous. If you see them outwardly,
they attract you; but if you see them inwardly, then, they are renounced.
This is maya, or restlessness.
101. Let others go as they please, but you continue to practice Kriya; It will
render you good; You will achieve the state of Tranquility, Sthirattva.

102. One can say everything when the Kriya practice continues
spontaneously at the six centers.
103. Nobody is a sinner; the mind itself is the sinner when it becomes
outward away from the Kutastha.
104. Tranquil Moment beyond breath is Allah, that is, the House of
105. Brahma is Pure; It has not come out from anything; in other words,
Brahma is ever Pure and Brahma is never tasted before by anyone.
[Tasting something is possible from the the state of dualism. But if one
becomes one with Brahma, one becomes Brahma himself. So there is no
possibility to taste Brahma. As a result, Brahma remains ever untasted,
106. Do not be idle. Practice Kriya. Do not wait for advice to practice
107. Exhaust your breath in practicing Kriya. Eventually breath will be
Sthira, Tranquil.
108. All realization is possible by the practice of the First Kriya. One is
required to practice strictly according to the instructions received from
one's Guru personally.

1937: Shri.M.Ct.M. Chidambaram Chettyar establishes the Indian

Overseas Bank (IOB) to encourage overseas banking and foreign
exchange operations. IOB started up simultaneously at three branches,
one each in Karaikudi, Madras (Chennai) and Rangoon ( Yangon). It then
quickly opened a branch in Penang and another in Singapore. The bank
served the Nattukottai Chettiars, who were a mercantile class that at the
time had spread from Chettinad in Tamil Nadu state to Ceylon (Sri Lanka),
Burma (Myanmar), Malaya , Singapore, Java, Sumatra, and Saigon. As a
result, from the beginning IOB specialized in foreign exchange and
overseas banking.
1960s: The banking sector in India was consolidating by the merger of
weak private sector banks with the stronger ones; IOB absorbed five
banks, including Kulitali Bank (est. 1933).
1969: The Government of India nationalized IOB. At one point, probably
before nationalization, IOB had twenty of its eighty branches located
overseas. After nationalization it, like all the nationalized banks, turned
inward, emphasizing the opening of branches in rural India.

1988-89: IOB acquired Bank of Tamil Nadu in a rescue.

2000: IOB engaged in an initial public offering (IPO) that brought the

government's share in the bank's equity down to 75%.

International expansion

1937-38: As mentioned above, IOB was international from its inception

with branches in Rangoon, Penang, and Singapore.
1941: IOB opened a branch in Malaya that presumably closed almost
immediately because of the war.
1946: IOB opened a branch in Ceylon.
1947: IOB opened a branch in Bangkok and re-opened others.
1948: United Commercial Bank (see below) opened a branch in Malaya.
1949: IOB opened a branch in Bangkok .
1963: The Burmese government nationalized IOBs branch in Rangoon.
1973: IOB, Indian Bank and United Commercial Bank established United
Asian Bank Berhad. (Indian Bank had been operating in Malaysia since
1941 and United Commercial Bank Limited had been operating there
since 1948.) The banks set up United Asian to comply with the Banking
Law in Malaysia, which prohibited foreign government banks from
operating in the country. Also, IOB and six Indian private banks
established Bharat Overseas Bank as a Chennai-based private bank to take
over IOB's Bangkok branch.
1977: IOB opened a branch in Seoul.
1992: Bank of Commerce (BOC), a Malaysian bank, acquired United
Asian Bank (UAB).
1999: Bank of Commerce (BOC) merged with Bank Bumiputra Malaysia
to form Bumiputra-Commerce Bank (BCB) Berhad.
2005: BCB integrates with CIMB which the company is own by the
Datuk Seri Nazir Razak who is the youngest son of Malaysia's second
(former) Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak from 1970 - 1976 and
youngest brother of today's (2005) deputy prime minister Dato Seri
Najib Tun Razak.

Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), India's ninth-largest bank, provides banking and
financial services throughout the country. Established in 1937 with a focus on
foreign exchange and overseas banking.. The Company provides various
banking services, including saving bank, term deposit, lending, mortgage,
currency transfer, agri-business consultation, and credit card services.

Specialized branches address commercial and industrial credit, industrial

finance, and high-tech agricultural, among others. Indian Overseas Bank (IOB)
provides consumer and commercial banking services current accounts, credit
facilities and other services. IOB also provides non-residential Indian (NRI)
services, personal banking, foreign exchange reserves (FOREX) collections
services, agri business consultancy, credit cards and e-banking services. It also
provides automated teller machine (ATM) services. As of March 31, 2006, IOB
had five full-fledged branches overseas: two in Hong Kong, and one each in
Singapore, Seoul and Sri Lanka. The Bank also had an extension counter in Sri
Lanka and a remittance center in Singapore. At March 31, 2006, IOB had a
network of 1,513 branches and 253 extension counters in India.
Bharat Overseas Bank, a fast growing Chennai-based Indian private sector
bank has a unique history behind it.Established to take over from Indian
Overseas Bank's Bangkok branch, in Thailand in 1973, it is the only private
bank permitted by the Reserve Bank of India to have a branch outside India.
Bharat Overseas Bank has been promoted by seven banks, and is the only bank
to represent India in Thailand, serving the Indian ethnic business community
for over 3 decades
IOB moved to acquire 100%stakes in Bharat Overseas Bank ltd a bank earlier
owned by seven Banks viz. IOB, , Karur Vysya Bank, Bank of Rajasthan,
Federal Bank, ING Vysya Bank, South Indian Bank, and Karnataka Bank in
2006. Accordingly Bharat Overseas bank is in the process of getting merged
with IOB
With a nation-wide branch network, a variety of innovative schemes and a
focus on efficiency through computerisation, Indian Overseas Bank has
established the right balance, offering both customer-friendly and technologydriven service.
Ever since its inception INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK has created a name for
itself for being as Customers Bank of GOOD PEOPLE TO GROW WITH .

1. IOB To Focus On Building Quality Asset Base. Asia Africa Intelligence

Wire, March 11, 2004

2. IOB: 9 Month Profit Surpasses Full Year Profit (Posts Net Profit Of
Rs435.42 Crores) Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, February 28, 2004
3. IOB Plans Major Expansion Overseas To Set Up Presence In China ,
Malaysia ,Canada UAE, Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, February 14,

4. Credit Offtake Lifts IOB Net Profit 57% (The Indian Overseas Bank Recorded
A Net Profit Of Rs435.41 Crore During Apr-Dec 2003). Asia Africa
Intelligence Wire, January 29, 2004
5. IOB To Raise Rs200-Crore Tier-Ii Capital, Hike Capital Adequacy Ratio (To
12.5% By The End Of Mar 2004). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, January
19, 2004
6. IOB Looking To Set Up Branches In Malaysia, Canada, Russia (Business
From Overseas To Form An Integral Part Of IOB's Growth Strategy). Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, January 15, 2004
7. IOB Aims 45% Jump In Profit In Fy04; Plans Branch In Singapore. PTI - The
Press Trust Of India Ltd., October 21, 2003
8. IOB To Come Out With Second Public Issue Before Sept. PTI - The Press
Trust Of India Ltd., July 18, 2003
9. Tamil Movie Gets Rs 20 Million Loan From IOB. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., August 08, 2004
10. IOB Net Rises 26% To Rs174.6 Crore (During First Quarter Ended Jun 2004).
Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, August 03, 2004
11. IOB Hopes To Retain Bharat Overseas Stake, Net Profit Up 26% (To Rs174.60
Crore During Apr-Jun 2004 From Rs138.78 Crore During Apr-Jun 2003). Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, July 31, 2004
12. IOB Net Profit Up 26%, Mulls Information Technology Arm (The Net Profit
Rose To Rs174.59 Crore During Apr-Jun 2004 From Rs138.78 Crore During
Apr-Jun 2003). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, July 31, 2004

13. IOB Yet To Decide On Trimming Bhob Stake (IOB Holds A 30 Percent Stake

In Bhob). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, July 21, 2004

14. IOB To Expand With 2 New Foreign Branches (In Shanghai And Kuala
Lumpur In 2004). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, July 21, 2004
15. IOB Chalks Out New Strategy To Boost Farm Credit. Asia Africa
Intelligence Wire, July 21, 2004
16. IOB Offers Remittances Via Internet From Us (Times Online Money Ltd Will
Provide The Software And Maintenance Support). Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, June 10, 2004
17. IOB Ties Up With Times Of Money (Indian Overseas Bank Ties Up With
Times Of Money To Launch E-Cash Home, An Internet-Based Remittance
Product). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, June 10, 2004

18. IOB Receives RBI Nod To Open Rep Office In China (Indian Overseas Bank
To Open Its First Representative Office Abroad). Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, June 04, 2004
19. IOB Profit Zooms 23% To Rs513 Crore (Final Dividend Of Eight Percent,
Subject To Reserve Bank Permission). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, May
10, 2004
20. IOB's Operating Profit Zooms By 67 Per Cent. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., May 08, 2004
21. Good People On The Growth Path (Human Resource Potential Fully
Utilised At IOB). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, May 03, 2004
22. IOB Doubles Biz In Last 5 Years. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, April 23,
23. IOB On A High Growth Trajectory (Founded In 1937, Has Been Growing
Rapidly From 2000 Onwards). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, April 11,
24. IOB Scales Lifetime High (The Stock Price Of Indian Overseas Bank Has
Increased Greatly Between 2002-2004). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
March 19, 2004
25. IOB To Cut Net Npas To 1%. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, March 11,
26. IOB To Raise $250 M Equity In Singapore (Funds Will Help It Achieve Better
Capital Adequacy Ratios). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, March 04, 2005

27. IOB To Use 'Instaremit'. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, February 25, 2005
28. Sundaram Mutual Signs Distribution Pact With IOB. Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, February 25, 2005
29. IOB To Use `Instaremit' (To Deploy The System In 170 Branches By End-Feb
2005). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, February 25, 2005
30. IOB-Roshni Scheme. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, February 10, 2005
31. IOB Third Quarter Net Profit Up At Rs161 Crore (During Oct-Dec 2004 From
Rs142.01 Crore During Oct-Dec 2003). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
January 25, 2005
32. IOB Net Profit Up 13.5 Pc In Q3 (Total Income Of The Bank Has Gone Up By
Rs12.60 Crore During Oct-Dec 2004). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
January 25, 2005
33. IOB Looking For Inorganic Growth (Considers Mergers And Acquisitions For
Expanding Capital Base). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, December 04,
34. IOB Mulls M And A OPTIon For Growth (Inorganic Growth Will Help IOB
Face The Challenges Of Tighter Prudential Norms Issued By RBI). Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, December 02, 2004
35. IOB To Raise Rs 150 Cr As Tier-Ii Capital. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
December 01, 2004
36. IOB Looking At Acquisitions For Growth. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
November 30, 2004
37. IOB Posts Rise In Net Profit (To Rs332.93 Crore In Apr-Sep 2004). Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, November 29, 2004
38. IOB Net Up At Rs 158 Cr; To Pay 14 Pc Interim. Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, October 31, 2004
39. IOB's E-Cash Home. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 03, 2004
40. IOB Plays Down Impact Of Cash Reserve Ratio Hike (Has Increased Its Net
Interest Margin To 3.62 Percent). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, September
18, 2004
41. IOB Rules Out Fresh Equity Infusion (A Capital Adequacy Ratio Of 12.49
Percent In 2004). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, September 14, 2004

42. More Overseas Operations Planned By IOB (Bank's Five Overseas Branches
Registered A Gross Profit Of Rs15.18 Crore During 2003-2004). Asia Africa
Intelligence Wire, August 29, 2004
43. IOB Changes Tack; Eyes Rs 1 Lakh Cr Biz. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
August 27, 2004
44. IOB Gold Card For Exporters. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, August 19,
45. IOB Keen To Finance Self-Help Groups. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
August 12, 2004
46. IOB Launches Multi-City Cheque Facility. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
September 02, 2005
47. Restriction On Holding Stakes In Other Banks: IOB Seeks ExemPTIon From
RBI Norm. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, September 01, 2005
48. IOB's Sme Lending May Grow By Rs 800 Cr This Year. Asia Africa
Intelligence Wire, August 28, 2005
49. Chola Mf In Marketing Pact With IOB, Plans To Launch 3 New Funds (To
Introduce Two Equity Funds And One Debt Fund). Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, August 20, 2005
50. Good Response To 'IOB Healthcare' .Text. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
August 19, 2005
51. IOB Launches Health Cover For Clients .Text. Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, August 18, 2005
52. IOB, Indian Bank Ready To Step On Gas In S'pore. Economic Times (New
Delhi, India), August 18, 2005
53. Depreciation In G-Secs Value : IOB Posts 5 Pc Growth In Q1 Profit At Rs 183
Crore .Text. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, August 11, 2005
54. Indian Overseas Bank Launches `IOB Jeevan' (Offering Life Insurance Cover
To All Account Holders In The Age Group Of 18-55 Years). Asia Africa
Intelligence Wire, August 04, 2005
55. IOB Gives Rs 1 Cr To TN CM RELIEF FUND . Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, July 30, 2005
56. IOB Posts 5% Growth In First Quarter Profit At Rs183 Crore (Over Rs175

Crore During Apr-Jun 2004). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, July 30, 2005

57. IOB Gets Nod For Office In China .Text. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
July 28, 2005
58. IOB Thrust On Education Loans (For Augmenting Its Retail Portfolio). Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, July 06, 2005
59. IOB Chief Raises Target Growth (Growth Target Set At Rs85,000 Crore For
2005-2006). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, June 21, 2005
60. Narayanasami Sees Brand Image, Branch Network As IOB Strengths. Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, June 10, 2005
61. IOB Hikes Interest Rates On Nre Deposits. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
June 05, 2005
62. IOB Told To Accept Best's Loose Coins. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, June
04, 2005
63. IOB Bucks Slowdown In Psu Banks, Net Up 27% (Net Profit Has Risen To
Rs651.36 Crore In 2004-2005). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, April 28,
64. IOB Records Highest Ever Credit Growth. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
April 25, 2005
65. IOB Advances Cross Rs 4,300-Crore Mark. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
March 15, 2005
66. India's IOB Plans To Tap Overseas Capital Market. Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, March 11, 2005
67. IOB Looking At Singapore Listing (After Going In For A Global Depository
Receipt Issue). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, March 04, 2005
68. IOB To Raise Rs 250 Cr Tier-Ii Capital. PTI - The Press Trust Of India Ltd.,
December 27, 2005
69. IOB Revises Interest Rates Of Nre, Fcnr Deposits. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., December 02, 2005
70. Kotak Mahindra, IOB In Distribution Agreement. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., November 08, 2005
71. IOB Ties Up With Visa To Offer Debit Cards. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire,
November 02, 2005

72. IOB Unwilling To Sell Bhob Stake To Federal Bank. Asia Africa Intelligence
Wire, October 31, 2005
73. Chidambaram Asks Bank Employees To Co-Operate With Reforms:
Inaugurates IOB's 1503rd Branch. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October
31, 2005
74. Chidambaram Asks Bank Employees To Co-Operate With Reforms:
Inaugurates IOB's 1503rd Branch. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October
31, 2005
75. IOB Mulls Foray Into Non-Life Insurance With Allahabad Bank (Considers
Bringing In A Foreign Partner). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 29,
76. IOB Mulls Foray Into Non-Life Insurance With Allahabad Bank (Considers
Bringing In A Foreign Partner). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 29,
77. Kolkata, Oct 27 (PTI) Post-Tax Profit Of Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) Has
Risen 25.3 Per Cent At Rs 198.49 Crore During The Second Quarter Of
Current Financial Year As Compared To Rs 158.34 Crore In The Same Period
Last Fiscal. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 27, 2005

78. IOB Stake In Bharat Overseas Bank To Come Down (To Dilute To 18% To
Facilitate Initial Public Offering Of Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd By Mar 2006).

Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 27, 2005

79. IOB Posts Highest Ever Business Expansion (Business During The First Six
Months Of 2005-2006 Increased By Rs6,206 Crore To Rs76,721 Crore). Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, October 27, 2005
80. IOB Net Rises 25% In Q2 As Provisioning Drops 43%. Asia Africa
Intelligence Wire, October 27, 2005
81. Mumbai, Oct 26 (PTI) Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), In Line With The RBI
Stipulation, Will Reduce Its Stake In The Chennai-Based Bharat Overseas
Bank (Bob) To Five Per Cent In Three Years From The Current Level Of 30
Per Cent. Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 26, 2005

82. IOB Rolls Out New Schemes (Offers Group Mediclaim Insurance For Account
Holders). Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, October 20, 2005
83. A Sharper Focus On Branches (IOB To Focus On Branches' Potential In Their
Territory). Asia

84. IOB Acquires Bharat Overseas Bank. PTI - The Press Trust Of India
Ltd., September 13, 2006
85. Sib Sells Stake In Bharat Oversaes Bank To IOB. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., September 12, 2006
86. Hyundai Motor (IOB) - Price Monitoring Extension. Europe Intelligence
Wire, August 17, 2006
87. Ranbaxy Lab. (IOB) - Price Monitoring Extension. Europe Intelligence
Wire, August 03, 2006
88. IOB To Raise Usd 200 Mn Through 5-Year Syndicated Loans. PTI - The
Press Trust Of India Ltd., July 27, 2006
89. ICRA Assigns 'Laa+' Rating To IOB's Subordinated Debt Prog. PTI - The
Press Trust Of India Ltd., July 26, 2006
90. Standard Chartered Amc, IOB In Distribution Tie-Up. PTI - The Press Trust
Of India Ltd., June 23, 2006
91. ICRA Assigns 'Laa' Rating To Rs 200 Cr IOB Debt. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., May 15, 2006
92. IOB To Raise Rs 1,200 Cr Through Bonds This Fiscal. PTI - The Press Trust
Of India Ltd., May 02, 2006
93. IOB To Raise Rs 500 Crore As Tier-Ii, Expects Nim Of 3.6 Pc. PTI - The
Press Trust Of India Ltd., April 28, 2006
94. IOB Posts 30.05 Per Cent Profit In Q-4. PTI - The Press Trust Of India Ltd.,
April 27, 2006
95. IOB Launches Retail Sales Of Pure Gold Coins. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., April 19, 2006
96. IOB Recovers Rs 350 Cr In '06, Upgrades Rs 110-Cr Of Bad Debt Too.
Economic Times (New Delhi, India), April 13, 2006
97. IOB-United India Launches Insurance Scheme For Nris. PTI - The Press
Trust Of India Ltd., April 11, 2006
98. IOB Ties-Up With Visa To Launch International Credit Card. PTI - The Press
Trust Of India Ltd., March 29, 2006
99. ICRA Asssigns 'Laa+' Rating To IOB's Rs 300 Cr Debt. PTI - The Press
Trust Of India Ltd., March 07, 2006

IOB Board Nod For Bhob Buyout. The Times Of India (New Delhi,
India) (Via Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News), February 15, 2006
IOB To Acquire Bharat Overseas Bank For Rs 170 Cr. PTI - The Press
Trust Of India Ltd., February 14, 2006
S&P Says Outlook On IOB Stable. PTI - The Press Trust Of
India Ltd., January 16, 2006
Uti Mf Ties-Up With IOB For Distribution Of Schemes. PTI - The
Press Trust Of India Ltd., January 04, 2006
IOB Proposes To Buy Out Shares Of Other Banks In Bhob. PTI - The
Press Trust Of India Ltd., January 03, 2006
IOB Introduces No Frills Account. PTI - The Press Trust Of India
Ltd., December 30, 2005
IOB Opens Representative Office In Malaysia. PTI - The Press Trust
Of India Ltd., December 29, 2005
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) ranks 58th in Dalal Street
Investment Journal's 2005 Golden 400 listing of India's top listed
companies. The ranking is based on four parameters-sales, net
profit, market capitalisation and dividend (adjusted for face value).
Each parameter carried an equal weightage of 25...-Asia Africa
intelligence Wire ,31-March-05

IOB to open branch in New Zealand. Indian Overseas Bank (IOB),

based in Chennai has been eyeing the burgeoning Indian and Sri Lankan
population on both sides of the Tasman but is testing the waters with its first
Australasian operation in Auckland. With total business including deposits and
advances at US$ 17 billion, IOB is the sixth largest bank in India.The bank is
planning to open branches in New Zealand, initially in Auckland, in April next
year.- Indian Newslink (October 1, 2005)



Note 1:
Advanced mathematical explanations
Since matters of religious symbolism typically attract self-styled esotericists
who have a dislike for serious logical ratiocination, the usual explanations of
the sacred status of the number 108 dont amount to much. Just as those people
explain the status of the number 12 by merely enumerating the 12 months,
the 12 apostles etc., they will merely enumerate a number of instances where
the number 108 is in evidence.

Thus, I have seen it claimed by Western esotericists that 108 = 6 + 6 + 6, the

sum of the squares of the three equal numerals making up the BiblicalApocalyptic number of the Beast, 666. The calculation isnt incorrect, but it
remains unclear why squares should be counted, or why 666 should be of any
importance. This number has some strange numerical properties in its own
right, but they are not the reason for its popularity among the mystery-minded.
The real reason is that through a numerical-alphabetical manipulation best
known by its kabbalistic name gematria, the number refers to a Roman
emperor disliked by the first Christians who called him the Beast. Emperor
or Caesar seems to be the meaning of the component 60, this being the
numerical value of the Greek letter Ksi, shorthand for its Greek rendering
Kaisar. This probably doesnt refer to Nero, as has been assumed for long, but
to Divus Claudius, the 6th emperor, who came after Julius Caesar, Octavian
August, Tiberius, Germanicus (who received the imperium maius but was
murdered; his caesarian status is shown by the fact that the succession devolved
to his son:), Caligula. Even Claudius mother considered Claudius ugly like a
beast, and his initials DC were read in Latin as the number 500 + 100 = 600.
So, probably 666 means the 6 th Caesar/60, named D.C./600.
Admittedly, there are other explanations, but whatever the details, the reference
to the number of the Beast is merely an expression of the abysmal hatred of
Rome by some early Christians, a mere footnote in history. At any rate, the
abusive religio-political slogan 666 is totally irrelevant to any serious
philosophy. It is equally irrelevant to Hindu-Buddhist culture, and relating it to
the status of 108 is anachronistic since it appeared on the scene centuries after
the number 108 gained its aura of sacredness.
Even where the explainers try to prove their point with proper Hindu-Buddhist
examples, they fail to get to the bottom of the matter. Thus, the Upanishads
(philosophical texts completing the Vedic corpus) are classically counted as
108, eventhough their actual number, depending on which ones you include,
can range from 13 to more than 200. Rosaries east of the Indus have 108
beads, the Nepalese parliament has 108 seats. The poses of Bhrata Natyam
dancing, the number of gop-s (cowgirls) enamoured of Krishna, the number of
sacred sites in the tradition of Vishnu worship, the number of Buddhist arhat-s
(realized saints), and many other sacred sets are all conventionally counted as
108. Likewise with derived numbers, e.g. the Rg-Vedic verses are
conventionally counted as very approximately 10800, the Purna-s as 18, the
Bhagavad-Gt has 18 chapters, and many Hindu monks carry titles like
Swmi 1008 Padmnanda.

All very fine, but that list doesnt explain anything. The number 108 has been
chosen in these instances, and often forced upon rather unwilling sets as their
cardinal number, because it was already a sacred number to begin with. We
need something more objective as a basis for the special status of this number.
It claimed that 108 x 20 = 2160, the number of years spent by the equinox in
each Zodiac sector, on the assumption that the total precessional cycle takes
2160 x 12 years, i.e. 25,920 years or neatly 1 per 72 years (and the extra
assumption that the Vedic seers knew and cared about the precessional cycle).
But in reality, the cycle takes 25,791 years, which is close to the assumption of
the Vedic priests
It is already better to note that 108 lurks in a corner of the Hindu (or actually
Indo-European) number 432 with any number of zeroes added. Thus, 432,000,
the number of years sometimes attributed to a Yuga, a world age, which
happens to be equal to the number of guardians of the Germanic Walhalla or
heaven (viz. 800 for every one of its 540 gates), can be analysed as 108 x
4000. Or as 18 x 24000, for that matter
So, we will try to do better than that and give correct data which underlie the
special status of our sacred number in a more compelling manner. We will
distinguish between a pair of contingent astronomical facts singling out the
number 108 and four mathematical properties of the number 108, two of these
conditional and two unconditional.
Solar and lunar distances
It could have been otherwise, but it so happens that the distance between the
earth and the sun equals about 108 (actually 107-odd) times the suns diameter.
Likewise, it so happens that the distance between the earth and the moon
equals about 108 (actually 109-odd) times the moons diameter. That sun and
moon look equally big in the earthly sky is the immediate result of their having
the same ratio between distance and diameter. Moreover, it so happens that the
suns diameter approximately equals 108 times the earths diameter.
These are contingent data, which means that they could have been different.
And they are subject to change, meaning that if you look deep enough into the
past or the future, you find values considerably different from the present ones
of ca. 108. While the distance between the sun and its planets is fairly stable,
the distance between the earth and the moon is subject to steady and ultimately
very sizable changes. In the times of the dinosaurs, the moon was so close to

the earth that a lunar revolution (i.e. a month) took only a few earthly days,
with the days themselves also being shorter than today. In the future, the lunar
revolution will take thirty days, forty days, etc. Its distance from the earth will
then equal 110 lunar diameters, 120 etc.
It is a cosmic stroke of luck that the solar and lunar distances happen to match
the number 108, a remarkable number for non-contingent reasons we will
discuss below, right at the time when life on earth was reaching a level of
intelligence sufficient to start astronomical observations and wonder at this
coincidence. Just as it is a cosmic stroke of luck that in this same age, the
moon is at such a distance from the earth that its annual number of revolutions
is approximately 12, another number with unique non-contingent properties.
Can we be sure that this remarkable astronomical state of affairs has played a
role in the selection of 108 as a sacred number? Did the ancient Indians know
about the moons diameter or its distance from the earth? According to Richard
L. Thompson (Mysteries of the Sacred Universe, Govardhan Hill Publ. 2000,
p.16, p.76), the medieval Srya-Siddhnta gives an unrealistically small
estimate for the distance earth-sun, but the estimate for the distance earth-moon
and the lunar diameter differs less than 10% from the modern value. The ratio
between distance and diameter of the moon is implicitly given there as 107.5,
admittedly a very good approximation.
on the other hand, the estimation of the relative distance of sun or moon isnt
that difficult to calculate even without any instruments: Take a pole, mark its
height, and then remove it to a place 108 times its height. The pole will look
exactly of the same angular size as the moon or the sun. (Subhash Kak: Shri
108 and Other Mysteries,, 27 Nov. 2001) Also, in some respects
the Vedic-age astronomers were more advanced than their medieval successors,
who had jettisoned part of their own tradition in favour of Hellenistic import.
So, it remains speculative but quite possible that the solar and lunar data were
estimated with a good degree of accuracy at the time when 108 was selected as
a sacred number

Big 1, little 8
One of the arithmetical properties of 108 is dependent on the choice of counting
system. In the near-universally used decimal counting system, the quantity 108

is expressed as 108, meaning 1 hundred, 0 tens, 8 units. In other counting

systems, it would look different, e.g. in a duodecimal (12-based) system, it
would be written as 90, and in the binary system, it is written as 1101100.
Assuming the conventional decimal system, what is remarkable about 1-0-8?
Like 18, it brings together the numerals 1 and 8, with the former in the leading
and the latter in the lowly position. The main difference (valid even more in
subsequent numbers like 1008) is merely that an abyss of worshipful distance is
created between the regal 1 and the servile 8. So, let us briefly focus on this
symbolism of 1 and 8. It is chiefly remarkable as a reference to yet other
important symbols.
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
In the magic square of 9, there is 1 little square in the middle and 8 on the
periphery. Also, the 1 central number is 5, the sum of the 8 peripheral numbers
is 40, yielding a ratio of 1:8. The magic square itself, with equal sums of the
three numerals on every line, is an important symbol of cosmic order, balance
and integration. Painted on walls or wrought into little metal plates it is used as
a luck-charm.
Moreover, consider the sums in the magic square, adding the central number
and a number in the middle of the sides, yielding the number in an adjoining
corner (counting only the units): 5 + 1 = 6; 5 + 7 = 2 (12 modulo 10, as it
were); 5 + 9 = 4 (14 modulo 10); 5 + 3 = 8. If you draw lines following the
numerals in these sums, you get the Swastika, yet another lucky symbol in
Hindu-Buddhist culture.
The nine planets of Hindu astronomy are also often depicted in a square
arrangement for ritual purposes such as the Navagraha Agnihotra (nine-planet
fire ceremony), with the sun in the middle and the 8 others around it: moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rhu (northward intersection of lunar
orbit and ecliptic, Dragons head) and Ketu (southward intersection,
Dragons tail). So, 18 or 108 may add some detail to the symbolism of 9 as
representing the planets. .
The Golden Section and 108

A conditional geometrical property of 108 is dependent on the conventional

division of the circle into 360. This division is arithmetically very practical, it
also alludes to the division of the year in ca. 365 days, it is now universally
accepted, yet it is contingent and essentially only the result of a human
convention. At least one alternative division is known, viz. the division into
400 introduced during the French Revolution on the assumption that the
division into religion-tainted numbers like 7 and 360 was less rational than
the division into 10 or 100 or their multiples. Hence also the Revolutionary
replacement of the 7-day week by a 10-day week and the definitional choice of
the meter as one hundred-thousandth of one decimal degree measured on the
earths equator of 40,000 km.
But for now, we may settle for the division in 360. In that case, the angle of
108 has a unique property: the ratio between the straight line uniting two
points at 108 from each other on a circles circumference (in effect one of the
sides of a 10-pointed star) and the radius of that circle equals the Golden
Section. Likewise, the inside of every angle of a pentagon measures 108, and
the pentagon is a veritable embodiment of the Golden Section, e.g. the ratio
between a side of the 5-pointed star and a side of the pentagon is the Golden
Section. So, there is an intimate link between the number 108 and the Golden
The Golden Section means a proportion between two magnitudes, the major
and the minor, such that the minor is to the major as the major is to the whole,
i.e. to the sum of minor and major. The general equation yielding the Golden
Section is A/B = (A + B)/A, or alternatively but equivalently, X = 1 + 1/X. In
numbers, X = (1 + square root 5)/2; or decimally, X = 1, 618 This infinite
series of decimals can be replaced with a more predictable infinite series of
numbers, viz. X equals the limit of the series G/F in which F is any member
and G is the very next member of the Fibonacci series, i.e. the series in which
every member equals the sum of the two preceding members: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, This means that every next fraction G/F, i.e. 1/1, 2/1,
3/2, 5/3, 8/5 etc. forms a better approximation of the Golden Section, whose
value can be approximated to any desired degree of precision if fractions of
sufficiently highly-placed members of the Fibonacci series are considered.

In art and architecture, it is found that the Golden Proportion is naturally

pleasing to our inborn tastes. In living nature, there are plenty of sequences
where every member stands to the preceding member in a Golden Proportion or

its derivatives (square root etc.), e.g. the distances between or the sizes of the
successive twigs growing on a branch, the layers of petals on a flower, the rings
of a conch, the generations of a multiplying rabbit population, etc. What this
symbolizes is the law of invariance: in every stage of a development, the same
pattern repeats itself. The son is to the father as the father was to the
grandfather. Wheels within wheels: every whole consisting of parts is itself
likewise part of a larger whole. And the principle of order: the underling obeys
the orders of his master to the same extent that the master obeys the
requirements of the whole. Or with a pre-feminist maxim: he for God alone,
she for God in him, i.e. the wife serves the husband because (and to the extent
that) the husband serves the cosmic order defining his duties. As Confucius
said, the authority of the ruler, his capability of making the people willingly
obey him, is that he himself obeys the Laws of Heaven.
So, the Golden Section is a meaningful symbol in the cosmological, aesthetical
and ethical realms. And somewhere in a corner of Golden Section lore, in the
pentagon and decagon, we see the number 108 participating. This is
meritorious though perhaps a bit too indirect to count as sensational.
Sacred 9 times sacred 12
An intrinsic and ever-unchangeable property of 108 is that it equals 9 times 12,
the product of two smaller sacred numbers. It is the number of divisions in the
Zodiac in the so-called Navamsha horoscope, a horoscope which Hindu
astrologers always calculate along with the basic horoscope, and in which all
original positions expressed in angular distance from the beginning point of the
Zodiac are multiplied by 9. This implies, for example, that a planet at 8 Aries
is projected to 72, meaning 12 Gemini. In effect, the whole sector between
640 and 10 Aries is projected onto Gemini (i.e. between 60 and 90) and
given a Gemini colouring, just as the sector between 10 and 1320 Aries is
navamsha-projected onto Cancer, etc. This way, every one of the 12 signs is
subdivided into 9 sectors, or 108 in total. But of course, this doesnt explain
the status of 108, as the idea of subdividing the Zodiac this way apparently
results from the awe in which 108 or 9 x 12 was already held.
As we have seen, 9 is the Hindu number of planets, and 12 is the Zodiac, so
108 is the total number of planet-in-Zodiacal-sign combinations. This makes it
into the total set of all possible planetary influences taken separately, or in a
more generalized symbolism, the matrix containing all possibilities. However,
to purists, 9 as the number of planets isnt good enough. For one thing, the
Hindu definition of a planet is pre-heliocentric, counting sun and moon and

their two eclipse points as planets all while failing to count the earth as a planet
(though it so happens that planets by the modern astronomical definition are
again counted as 9, from Mercury to Pluto including the earth). Also, planets
may be added through empirical discovery, as some have indeed been in
astronomy and in Western astrology; and in some rare but not-impossible
catastrophe, a planet may disappear. They are only creatures, born from dust
and returning to dust. If were looking for intrinsic properties of numbers, we
should not settle for contingent data such as the present number of Hindu
To the unique properties of 12, revealing it to be a logical symbol of cosmic
order, we have devoted a separate paper, Why Twelve?, where we have focused
on its unconditional properties, both arithmetical and geometrical. We may add
that, conditional upon the choice of the decimal system, 12 is structured as 1
tenfold plus 2 units: 1 big, 2 small. Which to a freely-associating symbolist
mind can mean: 1 precedes 2 (as indeed it does, in fact it is the most elementary
observation to be made in the number series, e.g. long preceding the realization
that there must be a zero), unity is superior to division, oneness precedes and
underlies polarity, the odd/yang dominates the even/yin. Note however that for
all their inequality, the numbers 1 and 2 and all that they symbolize are at any
rate united and synthesized in the number 12 and in whatever the latter
symbolizes. Meanwhile, this conditional arithmetical property of 12 must
remain inferior to the unconditional properties of 12, especially those of 12
conceived geometrically as the regular dodecagon, e.g. the fact that its
construction uniquely flows automatically from the construction of the circle,
keeping the same compass width; and the fact that it bridges the gap between
straight/radius and round/circumference by dividing both rationally in a single
move (the radius into 2, the quarter-circumference into 3).
Like 12, the number 9 has its unusual properties. Once more, we cannot be
satisfied with simply enumerating instances where 9 has been used in a sacred
context: the 9 worlds of Germanic cosmology, the 9 Muses, etc. We want
objective properties, and when looking for these, we must again distinguish
between conditional and unconditional properties. Thus, it is often remarked
that 9 is the highest among the decimal numerals, and hence symbolizes
anything that is highest, including God, who, in comparison with anything you
may propose, is always Greater. However, this property is conditional upon our
choice of numeral system, i.c. decimal rather than binary or any other: in the
binary system, the number 1 would have this property, and in the duodecimal
one, the number eleven would. Likewise, 9s property of equalling the sum of

the numerals in its own multiples (e.g. in 9 x 8 = 72, we find that 7 + 2 = 9) is

again dependent on our choice of the decimal system.
For unconditional properties, we might look at some characteristics of the
enneagon (9 x 40). This is the first polygon with a non-prime base (as distinct
from the heptagon, 7 being a prime number) that eludes construction with ruler
and compass. This contrasts sharply with the division of the circle into 4 or 6
or 12, which is so simple and natural, or with its division into 5 or 10, which is
more complicated but very rewarding (yielding the Golden Section) and at any
rate possible. So, 9, though analysable as 3 x 3, is elusive. Does anyone care
to read some symbolism into this property? If 7 represents the mystical eluding
the rational, what should be represented by 9, which is more structured yet
equally eludes rational construction? Lets see: how about God, who always
eludes our concepts? Allahu Akbar, God is greater!
But we need not look that far. Whatever else 9 may be, its most immediate
arithmetical property is certainly that it equals 3, or 3 x 3. Unlike the neat
balance of even numbers like 2 or 4, suggesting stability and a waiting matrix
of potentialities, the number 3 expresses motion, as even the most vulgar book
on number symbolism will tell you. The number 9, therefore, is a movement
affecting the movement, i.e. acceleration. It is dynamic par excellence, Shakti
as the dynamic expression of static Shiva. The primal form of acceleration is
the change from rest to motion, i.e. setting things in motion, starting the whole
process from zero. This, of course, is the doing of the Creator who is Greater.
Or as the Scholastics used to say: God is not Potency, God is pure Act.
So, whereas 12 represents synthesis of opposites within an ordered cosmos (3 x
4, time-space, motion-structure) and harmonization of self and non-self, 9
represents unfettered dynamism, pure self-expression riding roughshod over the
non-self, the joy of being entirely oneself. It transcends and leaves behind all
compromise in favour of purity and absorption. Its structure as 3 x 3 actually
explains its elusiveness: whereas divisions of any angle into 2 and its multiples
are always feasible and simple, the division into 3 is impossible, though very
good approximative techniques have been developed. Even folding a letter
into three requires a manual jump, an approximation rather than a slow but sure
technique guaranteeing an exact division into equal parts. The enneagon is the
first regular polygon which requires for its construction the trisection of a
known angle (120, itself easily constructed though not by trisecting the
angle of 360), an impossible operation with ruler and compass. Likewise,

according to poets, the Absolute cannot be caught in a conceptual net but can
only be approximated, hinted at, spoken of in parables and metaphors.
Lets put ourselves into the mood of god-seekers in order to understand this.
As 9 x 12, the number 108 infuses the cosmic order represented by 12 with the
god-drunkenness, the enthusiasm free of all doubts, the pure dedication
represented by 9. That makes it an excellent number for the prayer-wheel or
rosary, which is used in a disciplined and systematic manner in order to lift up
the spirit towards god-absorption.
Square times cube
Among other intrinsic and ever-unchangeable properties, it may be hard to
choose which one is sufficiently relevant. Thus, 108 equals the sum of the first
9 multiples of 3, viz. 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24. This reconfirms its
intimate relation with the richly symbolic number 9, but then, so what?
Slightly more remarkable is that 108 equals the product of the second power of 2
and the third power of 3, i.e. the first non-trivial even and odd numbers multiplied
by themselves as many times as themselves. In figures: 108 = 2 x 3, or 108 = 2 x
2 x 3 x 3 x 3. This way, it unites on their own terms the polar opposites of even
and odd, the numerical counterparts of female and male, yin and yang, etc. If
nothing else, at least its cute, is it not? That may well be the most we can expect
of number symbolism.

Note 2
Day of Brahma
Early Indian astronomy divides a 'DAY OF BRAHMA ', the time
between a period of universal pralaya (sleep), activity (manifestation
into an objective universe) and back to.
**1 . Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter The diameter
of the Sun has not been easy for scientists to measure. These are the numbers I
-1,392,000 km ("Sun" Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 6th ed. Columbia
University Press, 2003) - 1,400,000 km (Namowitz, Samuel N. and Spaulding,
Nancy E. Earth Science. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Company, 1999) 1,390,000 km (The Amazing Structure of the Sun. National Aeronautics and

- 1,380,000 km (Namowitz, Samuel N., and Nancy E. Spaulding. Heath Earth
Science. Lexington, MA: Heath, 1994: 398.)
The distance between the earth and the Sun is called an Astrological Unit (AU).
1 AU = 149,597,870.691 kilometers. Even though this is the number given
there are multiple places where variability gets into the numbers. One way is
the elliptical orbit of the earth around the Sun.
Perihelion: 147.5 million km, about January 4 th
Aphelion 152.6 million km, about July 4 th
Taking the mean distance between the earth and the Sun ( 149,597,870.691 km)
and dividing it by the most commonly used diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km)
the result is 107.46973469181034482758620689655.
2. Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter
Moons diameter is: 3,474.8 km (
Distance from earth to the Moon: Again the Moons rotation is elliptical and
not an exact circle. But Apollo 11 astronauts put mirrors on the Moon and
lasers measure the amount of time it takes for the light to reflect, this gives
measurements with accuracy up to a few inches at any given time.
Perigree 363,300 km
Apogee 405,500 km



Taking the mean distance from the Moon to the Earth (384,400 km) and
dividing it by the Moons diameter (3,474.8 km) results in

3. Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter The diameter of the
Equatorial diameter 12,756.28 km
Polar diameter 12,713.56 km
Mean diameter 12,742.02 km (
Note: The Bhagavad Purana Canto 5, verse 2 says The sun globe, which is a
source of heat, has a width (vistaratah) of 10,000 yojanas. The moon has a
Sun 10,000 yojanas = 72,000 km, actual diameter 1,392,000 km
Moon 20,000 yojanas = 144,000 km, actual diameter 3,474.8 km
So even though the eclipse information that followed is correct the basic
diameter is not correct in Purana. Brahmagupta in the 7 th century calculated
the earth to be 5,000 yojanas which is 36,000 km (@7.2km per yojana). It was
close; the actual circumference at the equator is 40,076km. which is 36,000 km
(@7.2km per yojana). It was close; the actual circumference at the equator is

Taking the most used diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km) divided by the mean

It is nice to see the relative closeness to the number 108 in these measurements,
but the numbers really cannot stand out too much under scientific scrutiny. One
would not look back and calculate the number 108 as sacred from such
computations. Stating this factual information also doesnt really give any
deeper understanding of 108. But understanding why 108 is sacred reveals why
these numbers and distances are very important.
Additional points: 1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Nine is the number of completion. As zero is
the first number and after 9 the numbers start to repeat themselves. The 9
substantial numbers are representing the 9 archetypes of human existence (the
navagraha). Nine is sometimes connected to Ketu, the moksa Karaka
(significator of liberation), the planet that brings higher awareness, expanded

vision and moksha (liberation). Ketu is connected to the deity Ganesh who
guards the door to the Mother Kundalini who gives us Moksha.
In the Durga Saptasati, the goddess Durga has nine forms known as the
Navadurga. The number 9 is connected to the goddess Durga whose yantra
(geometric symbol) contains the 9 pointed yantra (geometric symbol) contains
the 9 pointed star and who is celebrated on Navratri (the nine nights of the
goddess). In Hindu Kalachakra astrology it is Durga who guards the prana of
the body, she guards our core vitality.
1 + 0 + 8 = 9. Numerologically, nine is a very special number, it always returns
to itself. Look how it behaves with other numbers:
9 x 2 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
9 x 3 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9
9 x 4 = 36, 3 + 6 = 9
9 x 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9
9 x 6 = 54, 5 + 4 = 9
9 x 7 = 63, 6 + 3 = 9
9 x 8 = 72, 7 + 2 = 9
9 x 9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9
9 x 10=90, 9 + 0 = 9
9 x 11=99, 9 + 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
9 x 12 = 108
There are 108 Marmas in the body, junction points where Consciousness is tied
into the the flesh. When we say 108 mantras it acts as a Kavach (protection) to
each point. There are 108 spokes coming from the Hridaya (heart center)
energizing the body. And when we do our mantras 108 times it allows the
mantra to flow through each of these channels (as well as each of the 108
navamsas that a planet could be placed in). When the ocean of milk was

churned in the beginning of time, it could only be done with the working unity
of the devas (gods) and asuras (demons). They used a great snake to churn the
ocean of milk (the milky way) there were 54 devas on the side of the tail and 54
asuras on the side of the heads. They churned the ocean searching for the amrita
(the nectar of immortality). Before it arose from the ocean many poisons and
blessing arose. These represent our 54 negative qualities that churn with the 54
positive qualities in the spiritual work of looking for the amrita within. This
churning allows the kundalini to rise on the mountain axis of our spine with the
turtle of the root chakra below.
The 108 navamsa/padas are permanently charted into the zodiac. The Sun
traverses these through out the year. The 54 demons are the Sun's Southern Course
(Dakshina Ayana) where there is more darkness on the northern hemisphere. The
54 devas are the Northern Course of the Sun (Uttara Ayana). It is the time of the
devas, where light is more prevelant.

NOTE 3 :
A kata is a pattern of movements which contains a series of logical and
practical attacking and blocking techniques. In each kata there are certain set or
predetermined movements which the karate-student can practice alone, without
a partner. These kata have been created by previous masters after many years of
research, training, and actual combat experience.
The true meaning and spirit of karate are embedded in the kata and only by the
practice of kata can we come to understand them. For this reason, if we change or
simplify the kata either to accomodate the beginner of for tournament purposes,
then we also will have lost the true meaning and spirit of karate!
In karate there is no first attack. Every kata begins with a defensive movement,
which exemplifies this spirit. Not only is there no first attack, but the best defense
is to avoid the fight altogether. That is why it is said that karate is the art of a wise
Almost all of the Okinawa Goju Ryu kata were handed down from Higaonna
Kanryo Sensei (teacher of Goju Ryu founder Chojun Myagi Sensei). Higaonna
Sensei had studied and trained for many years under Ryu Ryuko Sensei in Fukien
Province, China. The following kata were handed down by Higaonna Sensei from
Ryu Ryuko Sensei: Sanchin, Saifa, Seinchin, Shisochin, Sanseiru, Seipai,
Kururunfa, Seisan, and Suparinpei. The original creators of these kata are
Many of the kata names are Chinese numbers symbolizing certain Buddhist
concepts. For example, Suparinpei (the number 108 in Chinese) has a special
significance in Buddhism. It is believed that man has 108 evil passions, and so in

Buddhist temples on December 31st, at the stroke of midnight, a bell is rung 108
times to drive away those spirits. The number 108 in Suparinpei is calculated from
36x3. The symbolism of the number 36 is given in the explanation of Sanseru
which follows. The number 3 symbolizes past, present, and future.
Bunkai is the application of the kata. It is practised with two persons. One of
them is the attacker and the other one the defender, which uses the techniques
of the kata to defend him/her-self.
Taikyoku Kata Taikyoku literally means first course. It means also, according
to a translator of the Karate do Kyohan: "... a philosophical term for the
macrocosmos, for it's differentiation in heaven and earth (energy and matter):
so, it's the chaos of emptiness."
Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of the Shotokan Karate do style, created the
original Taikyoku katas. The Goju-Ryu versions have been adapted to certain
aspects of the Goju style, like Shiko and Sanchin Dachi. They all follow the
basic "H"-pattern
Gekisai Kata Gekisai" literally means to destroy, "Di Ichi (Ni)" means number
one (two). This Kata was created by the founder of Okinawa Goju Ryu, Miyagi
Chojun Sensei.
It consists of basic techniques which facilitate the later learning of difficult
ones in the classic Kata starting from Saifa.
Sanchin Sanchin means "three battles". It does not refer to actual physical
battles, but the internal battle of harnessing body, mind, and spirit through will.
It is a classically "hard" Kata, involving continuous muscular tension
throughout the body, as well as hard "ibuki" breathing. It is characterized by
loud, focused and intense breathing, as well as the sanchin pigeon-toed stance
which is characteristic of Goju-Ryu.
Tensho Was created by Miyagi Chojun Sensei. It means flowing hands.
It's a combination of the hard dynamic tension with "ibuki" breathing (go) and
soft flowing hand movements (ju), while the power comes from the Tandem.
This Kata is very characteristic for the Goju-Ryu style and finds it's roots in a
Chinese 'soft'-Sanchin version.

Literally means tear apart and destroy/smash and tear.
It is the first classic Kata in the Goju-Ryu repertoire of Kata. Classic in the
sense that is was handed down by Ryu Ryuko Sensei to Higaonna Kanryo
Sensei. Its origins are most likely to be found in the white crane boxing-style in
Probably means silently marching far or to pull depending on the interpretation.
It's a very old Chinese Kata, of which the roots probably can be found in the
Hsing-I system. This Kata consists, unlike most other Kata, only out of hand
techniques. It belongs to the tiger series of the Kata.
Written in Chinese characters, is the number 36. Symbolically it is calculated
from the formula 6x6. The first 6 represents eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and
spirit. The second six symbolizes colour, voice, smell, taste, touch, and justice.
Similarly, is the number 18. It is calculated from 6x3. The 6 is the same as the
second 6 of Sanseiru. The 3 represents good, bad, and peace.
This Kata truly exemplifies the true spirit of Okinawa Goju-Ryu: a mixture of
soft, round techniques (the ju-principle) with hard ones (the go-principle). Yagi
Meitoku often said it is based upon crane techniques which can be seen in the
leaning stances, whipping style of striking, and evasive footwork
Literally means fight in four directions.
One reason for this is that this Kata typically includes a combination of
techniques executed in four directions. It is of Chinese origin, taught to Kanryo
Higaonna by Ryu Ryuku. It is said to be one of Chojun Miyagi's favourite Kata
in his later years, and that it was well suited to his body.
Seisan It literally means thirteen hands. It contains 8 defensive and 5 attacking
techniques, with which there is a change of direction. Thirteen is a prime
number and in China is a number representing good luck and prosperity.
Traditional Goju-Ryu falls back upon techniques which involve the grabbing
and the controlling of the opponent while a weak spot of the body is hit. This
Kata is a perfect example of this principle. It emphasizes close range fighting
using short punching and low kicking techniques to break through the defence
of the opponent. Seisan is an extremely important Kata in Goju-Ryu and it

should be practiced for many hours for it contains a wealth of information and
It literally means thirteen hands. It contains 8 defensive and 5 attacking
techniques, with which there is a change of direction. Thirteen is a prime
number and in China is a number representing good luck and prosperity
It means forever peacefulness, stops tearing.
This was handed down from the Chinese master, Ryu Ryuku to Higaonna
Kanryo Sensei but the original creator of this Kata is unknown. Kururunfa
contains a wide variety of open-hand techniques and especially hand/hip coordination techniques. Like Seisan, Kururunfa has soft movements followed by
hard movements, however in Kururunfa the difference between hard and soft
are much more marked with slow drawn out movements followed by a pause
with devastating explosive techniques to follow, then the cycle repeats again.

Pechurin), One hundred and eight (3x36=108). This Kata has special
significance in Buddhism. It is believed that man has 108 evil passions and so
in Buddhist temples on December 31st, at the stroke of midnight, a bell is rung
108 times to drive away those spirits. The number 108 is calculated from 3x36.
The symbolism of the number 36 is the same as in Sanseiru (eyes, ears, nose,
tongue, body and spirit; colour, voice, taste, smell, touch and justice).

It means forever peacefulness, stops tearing.

This was handed down from the Chinese master, Ryu Ryuku to Higaonna
Kanryo Sensei but the original creator of this Kata is unknown. Kururunfa
contains a wide variety of open-hand techniques and especially hand/hip coordination techniques. Like Seisan, Kururunfa has soft movements followed by
hard movements, however in Kururunfa the difference between hard and soft
are much more marked with slow drawn out movements followed by a pause
with devastating explosive techniques to follow, then the cycle repeats again.
Suparinpei is Goju-Ryu's longest Kata. It utilises a large number of techniques,
including breath control, and it contains the greatest number of applications and
depth of meaning. It is said the mastery of Suparinpei is the mastery of the
Goju-Ryu system

Genkaku Gen means "deep, profound, dark, black, mysterious, obscure" en

Kaku means "crane"; Gen-kaku can thus be translated as Mysterious Crane or

Black Crane
Chi means "ground, earth" and Kaku means "crane" and thus Chi-kaku can be
translated as Crane on the ground.
Kou means "yellow" and Ryu means "dragon" and thus Kou-ryu can be
translated as Yellow Dragon

Ten means "air, heavenly, celestial, god" and Ryu means "dragon"; Ten-ryu can
thus be translated as Heavenly Dragon, Divine Dragon or Dragon from the sky
There are 6 directional factors. The front, the rear, the left, the right, the top and
the bottom. Your hand, arm, elbow, shoulder, waist, hip, knee, leg and step may
go in the 6 directions. You have the right and left hand. So your hands may
move in 6X6=36 combinations.
For example, you right hand moves upward and your left hand moves in 6
directions in turn. 6 combo. and so on.
If you have the upper, mid and lower levels of the body or postures, or Shang,
Zhong, Xia Pan, then you have 36+36+36=108 scenarios.
There are many more ways to derive 108.
If your forms or Tao Lu has 108 postures or Shi, then it probably cover
36+36+36 ways of moving your hands. Or you may also kick with your feet in
36+36+36 directions. And so on and so forth.
There were 108 boxers on Liang Shan.
It is in the "legend of the water margin" or Shui Hu Zhuang.
The story was in Song Dynasty.

There were also 108 styles of fighting.

108 signifies the no: of weak points on a male where female is 107
12 deadily points (also called shaolin points in shaolin system) +96 touch
points = 108
there are 108 Wooden Men hall Techniques of Shaolin Temple
the solid lines are called "nines", and describe the dragon. The broken lines are
called "sixes" and describe the mare.
9 X 6 = 54 or half of 108.
I recall a Double Exposure skit where they did a numerological analysis of the
dimensions of a hot dog cart and found proof of an ancient Masonic plot. The
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 and most of their combinations all divide into 108,
so you can get a lot of combinations.
Also, the Yi Jing is considered a Confucian classic, not Daoist. There is also
historical evidence of martial arts at the monastery on Emei Shan in the late
Ming dynasty, although I haven't seen any for it having its own unique style.
That mostly comes from legends.
I always thought there were eight directions or ba fang.
Apparently, at the end of the chinese year, preists and monks ring the bell
108 times to rid all the evil spirits of man. When Buddhism reached
Okinawa, it played quite a part in the creation of Tode (Karate). In NahaTe Karate Do, some of the traditional Katas (forms) are based around the
numbers 36 = Seisan & 108 Suparinpei (them number of movements).
108 - it is related to Isis in Egyptian numerology.. These Katas were
adopted in to Chojun Miyagi's Goju Ryu KarateDo style.
108 vital points on the human body (according to bamboo school philosophy)
Pranayama Yoga states that humans take 21,600 breaths every 24-hours, in 60
periods of 360 breaths. A 12-hour "day" cycle yields 10,800 breaths...

, the 9 comes from the last part of the name, "ku". That's why it's 9 places or
directions, not 8 or 10.
The number 9 does seem to have some significance, in Budhism. A few of the
kata we do are "number" kata, and for a lot of them, they are factors of 9.
Seipai = 18
Nipaipo = 27
Gojushiho = 54
Supraempi = 108
the numbers eight and nine have significance for many reasons only a few of
which i can remember. one being that they sound similar (in chinese) to
fourtune and luck. another is that they represent the completion of a cycle and
in the case of nine the last single digit number. also when looking at the tai chi
symbol (yin/yang surrounded by the eight trigrams) you have the eight general
directions with the ninth being center.

Sanseru (also spelled Sanseiru, Sanseiryu and Sanseryu) means 36. Some
people suggest that this has religious significant, as 36 is a divisor of the
number 108, a number with great spiritual significance to the Chinese
Buddhists from whom the kata may have originated. Other people suggest that
the number 36 indicates the number of defensive principles in the kata.
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